#include #include #include #include #include TcDistributor::TcDistributor(object_id_t set_object_id) : SystemObject(set_object_id), tcQueue(DISTRIBUTER_MAX_PACKETS) { } TcDistributor::~TcDistributor() { //Nothing to do in the destructor, MQ's are destroyed elsewhere. } ReturnValue_t TcDistributor::performOperation(void) { ReturnValue_t status = RETURN_OK; // debug << "TcDistributor: performing Operation." << std::endl; for (status = tcQueue.receiveMessage(¤tMessage); status == RETURN_OK; status = tcQueue.receiveMessage(¤tMessage)) { status = handlePacket(); } if (status == OSAL::QUEUE_EMPTY) { return RETURN_OK; } else { return status; } } ReturnValue_t TcDistributor::handlePacket() { iterator_t queueMapIt = this->selectDestination(); ReturnValue_t returnValue = RETURN_FAILED; if (queueMapIt != this->queueMap.end()) { returnValue = this->tcQueue.sendMessage(queueMapIt->second, &this->currentMessage); } return this->callbackAfterSending(returnValue); } void TcDistributor::print() { debug << "Distributor content is: " << std::endl << "ID\t| message queue id" << std::endl; for (iterator_t it = this->queueMap.begin(); it != this->queueMap.end(); it++) { debug << it->first << "\t| 0x" << std::hex << it->second << std::dec << std::endl; } debug << std::dec; } ReturnValue_t TcDistributor::callbackAfterSending(ReturnValue_t queueStatus) { return RETURN_OK; }