#include #include #include BinarySemaphore::BinarySemaphore() { handle = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); if(handle == nullptr) { sif::error << "Semaphore: Binary semaph creation failure" << std::endl; } // Initiated semaphore must be given before it can be taken. xSemaphoreGive(handle); } BinarySemaphore::~BinarySemaphore() { vSemaphoreDelete(handle); } BinarySemaphore::BinarySemaphore(BinarySemaphore&& s) { handle = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); if(handle == nullptr) { sif::error << "Binary semaphore creation failure" << std::endl; } xSemaphoreGive(handle); } BinarySemaphore& BinarySemaphore::operator =( BinarySemaphore&& s) { if(&s != this) { handle = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); if(handle == nullptr) { sif::error << "Binary semaphore creation failure" << std::endl; } xSemaphoreGive(handle); } return *this; } ReturnValue_t BinarySemaphore::acquire(uint32_t timeoutMs) { if(handle == nullptr) { return SEMAPHORE_NULLPOINTER; } TickType_t timeout = SemaphoreIF::NO_TIMEOUT; if(timeoutMs == SemaphoreIF::MAX_TIMEOUT) { timeout = SemaphoreIF::MAX_TIMEOUT; } else if(timeoutMs > BinarySemaphore::NO_TIMEOUT){ timeout = pdMS_TO_TICKS(timeoutMs); } BaseType_t returncode = xSemaphoreTake(handle, timeout); if (returncode == pdPASS) { return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK; } else { return SemaphoreIF::SEMAPHORE_TIMEOUT; } } ReturnValue_t BinarySemaphore::acquireWithTickTimeout( TickType_t timeoutTicks) { if(handle == nullptr) { return SEMAPHORE_NULLPOINTER; } BaseType_t returncode = xSemaphoreTake(handle, timeoutTicks); if (returncode == pdPASS) { return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK; } else { return SEMAPHORE_TIMEOUT; } } ReturnValue_t BinarySemaphore::release() { if (handle == nullptr) { return SEMAPHORE_NULLPOINTER; } BaseType_t returncode = xSemaphoreGive(handle); if (returncode == pdPASS) { return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK; } else { return SEMAPHORE_NOT_OWNED; } } SemaphoreHandle_t BinarySemaphore::getSemaphore() { return handle; } ReturnValue_t BinarySemaphore::giveBinarySemaphore(SemaphoreHandle_t semaphore) { if (semaphore == nullptr) { return SEMAPHORE_NULLPOINTER; } BaseType_t returncode = xSemaphoreGive(semaphore); if (returncode == pdPASS) { return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK; } else { return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED; } } uint8_t BinarySemaphore::getSemaphoreCounter() { return uxSemaphoreGetCount(handle); } // Be careful with the stack size here. This is called from an ISR! ReturnValue_t BinarySemaphore::giveBinarySemaphoreFromISR( SemaphoreHandle_t semaphore, BaseType_t * higherPriorityTaskWoken) { if (semaphore == nullptr) { return SEMAPHORE_NULLPOINTER; } BaseType_t returncode = xSemaphoreGiveFromISR(semaphore, higherPriorityTaskWoken); if (returncode == pdPASS) { if(*higherPriorityTaskWoken == pdPASS) { // Request context switch because unblocking the semaphore // caused a high priority task unblock. TaskManagement::requestContextSwitch(CallContext::isr); } return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK; } else { return SEMAPHORE_NOT_OWNED; } }