#include "../health/HasHealthIF.h"
#include "../health/HealthHelper.h"
#include "../objectmanager/SystemObject.h"
#include "../tasks/ExecutableObjectIF.h"
#include "../parameters/ParameterHelper.h"
#include "../ipc/MessageQueueIF.h"
#include "ThermalModuleIF.h"
#include "tcsDefinitions.h"

 * @defgroup thermal Thermal Components
 * @brief Contains all components related to thermal tasks (sensors, heaters)

 * @brief Base class for Temperature Sensor, implements all important interfaces.
 *        Please use the TemperatureSensor class to implement the actual sensors.
 * @ingroup thermal
class AbstractTemperatureSensor: public HasHealthIF,
		public SystemObject,
		public ExecutableObjectIF,
		public ReceivesParameterMessagesIF {

	static const uint8_t SUBSYSTEM_ID = SUBSYSTEM_ID::T_SENSORS;
	static const Event TEMP_SENSOR_HIGH = MAKE_EVENT(0, severity::LOW);
	static const Event TEMP_SENSOR_LOW = MAKE_EVENT(1, severity::LOW);
	static const Event TEMP_SENSOR_GRADIENT = MAKE_EVENT(2, severity::LOW);

	static constexpr float ZERO_KELVIN_C = -273.15;
	AbstractTemperatureSensor(object_id_t setObjectid,
			ThermalModuleIF *thermalModule);
	virtual ~AbstractTemperatureSensor();

	virtual MessageQueueId_t getCommandQueue() const;

	ReturnValue_t initialize();

	ReturnValue_t performHealthOp();

	ReturnValue_t performOperation(uint8_t opCode);

	virtual float getTemperature() = 0;
	virtual bool isValid() = 0;

	virtual void resetOldState() = 0;

	ReturnValue_t setHealth(HealthState health);
	HasHealthIF::HealthState getHealth();
	MessageQueueIF* commandQueue;
	HealthHelper healthHelper;
	ParameterHelper parameterHelper;

	virtual void doChildOperation() = 0;

	void handleCommandQueue();

#endif /* ABSTRACTSENSOR_H_ */