#include <framework/tmtcservices/CommandingServiceBase.h>

 * @brief Functional commanding.
 * Full Documentation: ECSS-E-ST-70-41C p.64, p. 451
 * Dissertation Baetz p. 115, 116, 165-167
 * This service provides the capability to perform functions of an
 * application process and provides high-level commanding as opposed to the
 * Raw Access provided by Service 2. Examples for these functions can include
 * control and operation of payload or the AOCS subsystem.
 * This service will be the primary means to control the spacecraft as it is
 * considered safer than the Raw Access provided
 * by Service 2 and is generally sufficient for most tasks.
 * This is a gateway service. It relays device commands using the software bus.
 * This service is very closely tied to the Commanding Service Base template
 * class. There is constant interaction between this Service Base und a
 * subclass like this service.
 * Service Capability:
 * 	 - TC[8,128]: Direct Commanding
 *   - TM[8,130]: Direct Commanding Data Reply
 * @ingroup pus_services
class Service8FunctionManagement : public CommandingServiceBase
	Service8FunctionManagement(object_id_t objectId, uint16_t apid,
			uint8_t serviceId, uint8_t numParallelCommands = 4,
			uint16_t commandTimeoutSeconds = 60);
	virtual ~Service8FunctionManagement();

	/* CSB abstract functions implementation . See CSB documentation. */
	ReturnValue_t isValidSubservice(uint8_t subservice) override;
	ReturnValue_t getMessageQueueAndObject(uint8_t subservice,
			const uint8_t *tcData, size_t tcDataLen, MessageQueueId_t *id,
			object_id_t *objectId) override;
	ReturnValue_t prepareCommand(CommandMessage* message,
				uint8_t subservice, const uint8_t *tcData, size_t tcDataLen,
				uint32_t *state, object_id_t objectId) override;
	ReturnValue_t handleReply(const CommandMessage* reply,
				Command_t previousCommand, uint32_t *state,
				CommandMessage* optionalNextCommand, object_id_t objectId,
				bool *isStep) override;

	enum class Subservice {
		DIRECT_COMMANDING = 128, //!< [EXPORT] : [COMMAND] Functional commanding

	ReturnValue_t checkInterfaceAndAcquireMessageQueue(
	        MessageQueueId_t* messageQueueToSet, object_id_t* objectId);
	ReturnValue_t prepareDirectCommand(CommandMessage* message,
			const uint8_t* tcData, size_t tcDataLen);