#include "../returnvalues/HasReturnvaluesIF.h"
#include "../serialize/SerializeAdapter.h"
#include "../serialize/SerializeIF.h"

 * @brief 	A List that stores its values in an array.
 * @details
 * The underlying storage is an array that can be allocated by the class
 * itself or supplied via ctor.
 * @ingroup container
template<typename T, typename count_t = uint8_t>
class ArrayList {
	template<typename U, typename count> friend class SerialArrayListAdapter;
	static const uint8_t INTERFACE_ID = CLASS_ID::ARRAY_LIST;
	static const ReturnValue_t FULL = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0x01);

     * Copying is forbiden by declaring copy ctor and copy assignment deleted
     * It is too ambigous in this case.
     * (Allocate a new backend? Use the same? What to do in an modifying call?)
	ArrayList(const ArrayList& other) = delete;
	const ArrayList& operator=(const ArrayList& other) = delete;

	 * Number of Elements stored in this List
	count_t size;

	 * This is the allocating constructor;
	 * It allocates an array of the specified size.
	 * @param maxSize
	ArrayList(count_t maxSize) :
			size(0), maxSize_(maxSize), allocated(true) {
		entries = new T[maxSize];

	 * This is the non-allocating constructor
	 * It expects a pointer to an array of a certain size and initializes itself to it.
	 * @param storage the array to use as backend
	 * @param maxSize size of storage
	 * @param size size of data already present in storage
	ArrayList(T *storage, count_t maxSize, count_t size = 0) :
			size(size), entries(storage), maxSize_(maxSize), allocated(false) {

	 * Destructor, if the allocating constructor was used, it deletes the array.
	virtual ~ArrayList() {
		if (allocated) {
			delete[] entries;

     * An Iterator to go trough an ArrayList
     * It stores a pointer to an element and increments the
     * pointer when incremented itself.
    class Iterator {
         * Empty ctor, points to NULL
        Iterator(): value(0) {}

         * Initializes the Iterator to point to an element
         * @param initialize
        Iterator(T *initialize) {
            value = initialize;

         * The current element the iterator points to
        T *value;

        Iterator& operator++() {
            return *this;

        Iterator operator++(int) {
            Iterator tmp(*this);
            return tmp;

        Iterator& operator--() {
            return *this;

        Iterator operator--(int) {
            Iterator tmp(*this);
            return tmp;

        T operator*() {
            return *value;

        T *operator->() {
            return value;

        const T *operator->() const{
            return value;

        //SHOULDDO this should be implemented as non-member
        bool operator==(const typename ArrayList<T, count_t>::Iterator& other) const{
            return (value == other.value);

        //SHOULDDO this should be implemented as non-member
        bool operator!=(const typename ArrayList<T, count_t>::Iterator& other) const {
            return !(*this == other);

	 * Iterator pointing to the first stored elmement
	 * @return Iterator to the first element
	Iterator begin() const {
		return Iterator(&entries[0]);

	 * returns an Iterator pointing to the element after the last stored entry
	 * @return Iterator to the element after the last entry
	Iterator end() const {
		return Iterator(&entries[size]);

	T & operator[](count_t i) const {
		return entries[i];

	 * The first element
	 * @return pointer to the first stored element
	T *front() {
		return entries;

	 * The last element
	 * does not return a valid pointer if called on an empty list.
	 * @return pointer to the last stored element
	T *back() {
		return &entries[size - 1];
		//Alternative solution
		//return const_cast<T*>(static_cast<const T*>(*this).back());

	const T* back() const{
		return &entries[size-1];

	 * The maximum number of elements this List can contain
	 * @return maximum number of elements
	uint32_t maxSize() const {
		return this->maxSize_;

	 * Insert a new element into the list.
	 * The new element is inserted after the last stored element.
	 * @param entry
	 * @return
	 *          -@c FULL if the List is full
	 *          -@c RETURN_OK else
	ReturnValue_t insert(T entry) {
		if (size >= maxSize_) {
			return FULL;
		entries[size] = entry;
		return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;

	 * clear the List
	 * This does not actually clear all entries, it only sets the size to 0.
	void clear() {
		size = 0;

	count_t remaining() {
		return (maxSize_ - size);

	 * pointer to the array in which the entries are stored
	T *entries;
	 * remembering the maximum size
	uint32_t maxSize_;

	 * true if the array was allocated and needs to be deleted in the destructor.
	bool allocated;

#endif /* ARRAYLIST_H_ */