#include "LocalPool.h"
#include "StorageAccessor.h"
#include "../ipc/MutexGuard.h"

 * @brief	The PoolManager class provides an intermediate data storage with
 * 			a fixed pool size policy for inter-process communication.
 * @details
 * Uses local pool calls but is thread safe by protecting most calls
 * with a lock. The developer can lock the pool with the provided API
 * if the lock needs to persists beyond the function call.
 * Other than that, the class provides the same interface as the LocalPool
 * class. The class is always registered as a system object as it is assumed
 * it will always be used concurrently (if this is not the case, it is
 * recommended to use the LocalPool class instead).
 * @author 	Bastian Baetz
class PoolManager: public LocalPool {
	PoolManager(object_id_t setObjectId, const LocalPoolConfig& poolConfig);

	 * @brief	In the PoolManager's destructor all allocated memory
	 * 			is freed.
	virtual ~PoolManager();

	 * Set the default mutex timeout for internal calls.
	 * @param mutexTimeoutMs
	void setMutexTimeout(uint32_t mutexTimeoutMs);

	 * @brief 	LocalPool overrides for thread-safety. Decorator function
	 * 			which wraps LocalPool calls with a mutex protection.
	ReturnValue_t deleteData(store_address_t) override;
	ReturnValue_t deleteData(uint8_t* buffer, size_t size,
			store_address_t* storeId = nullptr) override;

	 * The developer is allowed to lock the mutex in case the lock needs
	 * to persist beyond the function calls which are not protected by the
	 * class.
	 * @param timeoutType
	 * @param timeoutMs
	 * @return
	ReturnValue_t lockMutex(MutexIF::TimeoutType timeoutType,
			uint32_t timeoutMs);
	ReturnValue_t unlockMutex();

	//! Default mutex timeout value to prevent permanent blocking.
	uint32_t mutexTimeoutMs = 20;

	ReturnValue_t reserveSpace(const size_t size, store_address_t* address,
			bool ignoreFault) override;

	 * @brief	The mutex is created in the constructor and makes
	 * 			access mutual exclusive.
	 * @details	Locking and unlocking is done during searching for free slots
	 * 			and deleting existing slots.
	MutexIF* mutex;