Robin Mueller 40ae81c4ff unfortunate api change
should improve include robustness
2021-01-12 19:58:29 +01:00

227 lines
7.9 KiB

#include <fsfw/datapoollocal/localPoolDefinitions.h>
#include "MarkChangedIF.h"
#include "../datapool/DataSetIF.h"
#include "../datapool/PoolDataSetBase.h"
#include <vector>
class LocalDataPoolManager;
class HasLocalDataPoolIF;
class PeriodicHousekeepingHelper;
* @brief The LocalDataSet class manages a set of locally checked out
* variables for local data pools
* @details
* Extends the PoolDataSetBase class for local data pools by introducing
* a validity state, a flag to mark the set as changed, and various other
* functions to make it usable by the LocalDataPoolManager class.
* This class manages a list, where a set of local variables (or pool variables)
* are registered. They are checked-out (i.e. their values are looked
* up and copied) with the read call. After the user finishes working with the
* pool variables, he can write back all variable values to the pool with
* the commit call. The data set manages locking and freeing the local data
* pools, to ensure thread-safety.
* Pool variables can be added to the dataset by using the constructor
* argument of the pool variable or using the #registerVariable member function.
* An internal state manages usage of this class. Variables may only be
* registered before any read call is made, and the commit call can only happen
* after the read call.
* If pool variables are writable and not committed until destruction
* of the set, the DataSet class automatically sets the valid flag in the
* data pool to invalid (without) changing the variable's value.
* @ingroup data_pool
class LocalPoolDataSetBase: public PoolDataSetBase,
public MarkChangedIF {
friend class LocalPoolDataSetAttorney;
friend class PeriodicHousekeepingHelper;
* @brief Constructor for the creator of local pool data.
* @details
* This constructor also initializes the components required for
* periodic handling.
LocalPoolDataSetBase(HasLocalDataPoolIF *hkOwner,
uint32_t setId, PoolVariableIF** registeredVariablesArray,
const size_t maxNumberOfVariables, bool periodicHandling = true);
* @brief Constructor for users of the local pool data, which need
* to access data created by one (!) HK manager.
* @details
* Unlike the first constructor, no component for periodic handling
* will be initiated.
* @param sid Unique identifier of dataset consisting of object ID and
* set ID.
* @param registeredVariablesArray
* @param maxNumberOfVariables
LocalPoolDataSetBase(sid_t sid, PoolVariableIF** registeredVariablesArray,
const size_t maxNumberOfVariables);
* @brief Simple constructor, if the dataset is not the owner by
* a class with a HK manager.
* @details
* This constructor won't create components required for periodic handling
* and it also won't try to deduce the HK manager because no SID is
* supplied. This function should therefore be called by classes which need
* to access pool variables from different creators.
* If the class is intended to access pool variables from different
* creators, the third argument should be set to true. The mutex
* properties can be set with #setReadCommitProtectionBehaviour .
* @param registeredVariablesArray
* @param maxNumberOfVariables
* @param protectEveryReadCommitCall If the pool variables are created by
* multiple creators, this flag can be set to protect all read and
* commit calls separately.
LocalPoolDataSetBase(PoolVariableIF** registeredVariablesArray,
const size_t maxNumberOfVariables,
bool protectEveryReadCommitCall = true);
* @brief The destructor automatically manages writing the valid
* information of variables.
* @details
* In case the data set was read out, but not committed(indicated by state),
* the destructor parses all variables that are still registered to the set.
* For each, the valid flag in the data pool is set to "invalid".
void setValidityBufferGeneration(bool withValidityBuffer);
sid_t getSid() const;
/** SerializeIF overrides */
ReturnValue_t serialize(uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size, size_t maxSize,
SerializeIF::Endianness streamEndianness) const override;
ReturnValue_t deSerialize(const uint8_t** buffer, size_t *size,
SerializeIF::Endianness streamEndianness) override;
size_t getSerializedSize() const override;
* Special version of the serilization function which appends a
* validity buffer at the end. Each bit of this validity buffer
* denotes whether the container data set entries are valid from left
* to right, MSB first. (length = ceil(N/8), N = number of pool variables)
* @param buffer
* @param size
* @param maxSize
* @param bigEndian
* @param withValidityBuffer
* @return
ReturnValue_t serializeWithValidityBuffer(uint8_t** buffer,
size_t* size, size_t maxSize,
SerializeIF::Endianness streamEndianness) const;
ReturnValue_t deSerializeWithValidityBuffer(const uint8_t** buffer,
size_t *size, SerializeIF::Endianness streamEndianness);
ReturnValue_t serializeLocalPoolIds(uint8_t** buffer,
size_t* size, size_t maxSize,
SerializeIF::Endianness streamEndianness,
bool serializeFillCount = true) const;
uint8_t getLocalPoolIdsSerializedSize(bool serializeFillCount = true) const;
* Set the dataset valid or invalid. These calls are mutex protected.
* @param setEntriesRecursively
* If this is true, all contained datasets will also be set recursively.
void setValidity(bool valid, bool setEntriesRecursively);
bool isValid() const override;
* These calls are mutex protected.
* @param changed
void setChanged(bool changed) override;
bool hasChanged() const override;
object_id_t getCreatorObjectId();
sid_t sid;
//! This mutex is used if the data is created by one object only.
MutexIF* mutexIfSingleDataCreator = nullptr;
bool diagnostic = false;
void setDiagnostic(bool diagnostics);
bool isDiagnostics() const;
* Used for periodic generation.
bool reportingEnabled = false;
void setReportingEnabled(bool enabled);
bool getReportingEnabled() const;
void initializePeriodicHelper(float collectionInterval,
dur_millis_t minimumPeriodicInterval,
bool isDiagnostics, uint8_t nonDiagIntervalFactor = 5);
* If the valid state of a dataset is always relevant to the whole
* data set we can use this flag.
bool valid = false;
* Can be used to mark the dataset as changed, which is used
* by the LocalDataPoolManager to send out update messages.
bool changed = false;
* Specify whether the validity buffer is serialized too when serializing
* or deserializing the packet. Each bit of the validity buffer will
* contain the validity state of the pool variables from left to right.
* The size of validity buffer thus will be ceil(N / 8) with N = number of
* pool variables.
bool withValidityBuffer = true;
* @brief This is a small helper function to facilitate locking
* the global data pool.
* @details
* It makes use of the lockDataPool method offered by the DataPool class.
ReturnValue_t lockDataPool(MutexIF::TimeoutType timeoutType,
uint32_t timeoutMs) override;
* @brief This is a small helper function to facilitate
* unlocking the global data pool
* @details
* It makes use of the freeDataPoolLock method offered by the DataPool class.
ReturnValue_t unlockDataPool() override;
* Set n-th bit of a byte, with n being the position from 0
* (most significant bit) to 7 (least significant bit)
void bitSetter(uint8_t* byte, uint8_t position) const;
bool bitGetter(const uint8_t* byte, uint8_t position) const;
PeriodicHousekeepingHelper* periodicHelper = nullptr;
LocalDataPoolManager* poolManager = nullptr;