Currently, adding new objects/components to the FixedSlotSequence PST is not being checked, meaning that it is possible to add NULL objects here without any warning. This causes NULL-pointer errors when non-existent components are added, which can be hard to debug. To solve this, add a check for the object existence before adding it to PST and emit an error message. Signed-off-by: Maximilian Luz <luzmaximilian@gmail.com>
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92 lines
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#include <framework/serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <framework/osal/linux/FixedTimeslotTask.h>
uint32_t FixedTimeslotTask::deadlineMissedCount = 0;
FixedTimeslotTask::FixedTimeslotTask(const char* name_, int priority_, size_t stackSize_, uint32_t periodMs_):PosixThread(name_,priority_,stackSize_),pst(periodMs_),started(false) {
FixedTimeslotTask::~FixedTimeslotTask() {
void* FixedTimeslotTask::taskEntryPoint(void* arg) {
//The argument is re-interpreted as PollingTask.
FixedTimeslotTask *originalTask(reinterpret_cast<FixedTimeslotTask*>(arg));
//The task's functionality is called.
return NULL;
ReturnValue_t FixedTimeslotTask::startTask() {
started = true;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
ReturnValue_t FixedTimeslotTask::sleepFor(uint32_t ms) {
return PosixThread::sleep((uint64_t)ms*1000000);
uint32_t FixedTimeslotTask::getPeriodMs() const {
return pst.getLengthMs();
ReturnValue_t FixedTimeslotTask::addSlot(object_id_t componentId,
uint32_t slotTimeMs, int8_t executionStep) {
if (!objectManager->get<ExecutableObjectIF>(componentId)) {
error << "Component " << std::hex << componentId << " not found, not adding it to pst" << std::endl;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
pst.addSlot(componentId, slotTimeMs, executionStep, this);
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
ReturnValue_t FixedTimeslotTask::checkSequence() const {
return pst.checkSequence();
void FixedTimeslotTask::taskFunctionality() {
//Like FreeRTOS pthreads are running as soon as they are created
if (!started) {
//The start time for the first entry is read.
uint64_t lastWakeTime = getCurrentMonotonicTimeMs();
uint64_t interval = pst.getIntervalToNextSlotMs();
//The task's "infinite" inner loop is entered.
while (1) {
if (pst.slotFollowsImmediately()) {
//Do nothing
} else {
//The interval for the next polling slot is selected.
interval = this->pst.getIntervalToPreviousSlotMs();
//The period is checked and restarted with the new interval.
//If the deadline was missed, the deadlineMissedFunc is called.
if(!PosixThread::delayUntil(&lastWakeTime,interval)) {
//No time left on timer -> we missed the deadline
//The device handler for this slot is executed and the next one is chosen.
void FixedTimeslotTask::missedDeadlineCounter() {
if (FixedTimeslotTask::deadlineMissedCount % 10 == 0) {
error << "PST missed " << FixedTimeslotTask::deadlineMissedCount
<< " deadlines." << std::endl;