#include "ObjectFactory.h" #include "OBSWConfig.h" #include "bsp_hosted/fsfwconfig/objects/systemObjectList.h" #include "common/definitions.h" #include "commonConfig.h" #include "example/core/GenericFactory.h" #include "example/test/FsfwTestTask.h" #include "example/utility/TmFunnel.h" #include "fsfw/cfdp.h" #include "fsfw/storagemanager/PoolManager.h" #include "fsfw/tcdistribution/CcsdsDistributor.h" #include "fsfw/tcdistribution/CcsdsDistributorIF.h" #include "fsfw/tmtcservices/CommandingServiceBase.h" #include "fsfw_hal/host/HostFilesystem.h" #if OBSW_USE_TCP_SERVER == 0 #include #include #else #include "fsfw/osal/common/TcpTmTcBridge.h" #include "fsfw/osal/common/TcpTmTcServer.h" #endif class CfdpExampleUserHandler : public cfdp::UserBase { public: explicit CfdpExampleUserHandler(HasFileSystemIF& vfs) : cfdp::UserBase(vfs) {} void transactionIndication(const cfdp::TransactionId& id) override {} void eofSentIndication(const cfdp::TransactionId& id) override {} void transactionFinishedIndication(const cfdp::TransactionFinishedParams& params) override { sif::info << "File transaction finished for transaction with " << params.id << std::endl; } void metadataRecvdIndication(const cfdp::MetadataRecvdParams& params) override { sif::info << "Metadata received for transaction with " << params.id << std::endl; } void fileSegmentRecvdIndication(const cfdp::FileSegmentRecvdParams& params) override {} void reportIndication(const cfdp::TransactionId& id, cfdp::StatusReportIF& report) override {} void suspendedIndication(const cfdp::TransactionId& id, cfdp::ConditionCodes code) override {} void resumedIndication(const cfdp::TransactionId& id, size_t progress) override {} void faultIndication(const cfdp::TransactionId& id, cfdp::ConditionCodes code, size_t progress) override {} void abandonedIndication(const cfdp::TransactionId& id, cfdp::ConditionCodes code, size_t progress) override {} void eofRecvIndication(const cfdp::TransactionId& id) override { sif::info << "EOF PDU received for transaction with " << id << std::endl; } }; class CfdpExampleFaultHandler : public cfdp::FaultHandlerBase { public: void noticeOfSuspensionCb(cfdp::TransactionId& id, cfdp::ConditionCodes code) override { sif::warning << "Notice of suspension detected for transaction " << id << " with condition code: " << cfdp::getConditionCodeString(code) << std::endl; } void noticeOfCancellationCb(cfdp::TransactionId& id, cfdp::ConditionCodes code) override { sif::warning << "Notice of suspension detected for transaction " << id << " with condition code: " << cfdp::getConditionCodeString(code) << std::endl; } void abandonCb(cfdp::TransactionId& id, cfdp::ConditionCodes code) override { sif::warning << "Transaction " << id << " was abandoned, condition code : " << cfdp::getConditionCodeString(code) << std::endl; } void ignoreCb(cfdp::TransactionId& id, cfdp::ConditionCodes code) override { sif::warning << "Fault ignored for transaction " << id << ", condition code: " << cfdp::getConditionCodeString(code) << std::endl; } }; void ObjectFactory::produce(void* args) { Factory::setStaticFrameworkObjectIds(); StorageManagerIF* tcStore = nullptr; StorageManagerIF* tmStore = nullptr; #if OBSW_ADD_CORE_COMPONENTS == 1 { LocalPool::LocalPoolConfig poolCfg = {{100, 16}, {50, 32}, {40, 64}, {30, 128}, {20, 1024}, {10, 2048}}; tcStore = new PoolManager(objects::TC_STORE, poolCfg); } { LocalPool::LocalPoolConfig poolCfg = {{100, 16}, {50, 32}, {40, 64}, {30, 128}, {20, 1024}, {10, 2048}}; tmStore = new PoolManager(objects::TM_STORE, poolCfg); } { LocalPool::LocalPoolConfig poolCfg = {{100, 16}, {50, 32}, {40, 64}, {30, 128}, {20, 1024}, {10, 2048}}; new PoolManager(objects::IPC_STORE, poolCfg); } TmFunnel* funnel; CcsdsDistributor* ccsdsDistrib; ObjectFactory::produceGenericObjects(&funnel, &ccsdsDistrib, *tcStore); // TMTC Reception via TCP/IP socket #if OBSW_USE_TCP_SERVER == 0 auto tmtcBridge = new UdpTmTcBridge(objects::TCPIP_TMTC_BRIDGE, objects::CCSDS_DISTRIBUTOR); tmtcBridge->setMaxNumberOfPacketsStored(50); sif::info << "Opening UDP TMTC server on port " << tmtcBridge->getUdpPort() << std::endl; new UdpTcPollingTask(objects::TCPIP_TMTC_POLLING_TASK, objects::TCPIP_TMTC_BRIDGE); #else auto tmtcBridge = new TcpTmTcBridge(objects::TCPIP_TMTC_BRIDGE, objects::CCSDS_DISTRIBUTOR); tmtcBridge->setMaxNumberOfPacketsStored(50); auto tmtcServer = new TcpTmTcServer(objects::TCPIP_TMTC_POLLING_TASK, objects::TCPIP_TMTC_BRIDGE); sif::info << "Opening TCP TMTC server on port " << tmtcServer->getTcpPort() << std::endl; #endif #endif /* OBSW_ADD_CORE_COMPONENTS == 1 */ bool periodicEvent = false; #if OBSW_TASK_PERIODIC_EVENT == 1 periodicEvent = true; #endif new FsfwTestTask(objects::TEST_TASK, periodicEvent); #if OBSW_ADD_CFDP_COMPONENTS == 1 auto* hostFs = new HostFilesystem(); FsfwHandlerParams params(objects::CFDP_HANDLER, *hostFs, *funnel, *tcStore, *tmStore); cfdp::IndicationCfg indicationCfg; UnsignedByteField apid(common::COMMON_CFDP_APID); cfdp::EntityId localId(apid); UnsignedByteField remoteEntityId(common::COMMON_CFDP_CLIENT_ENTITY_ID); cfdp::EntityId remoteId(remoteEntityId); cfdp::RemoteEntityCfg remoteCfg(remoteId); remoteCfg.defaultChecksum = cfdp::ChecksumTypes::CRC_32; auto* remoteCfgProvider = new cfdp::OneRemoteConfigProvider(remoteCfg); auto* cfdpUserHandler = new CfdpExampleUserHandler(*hostFs); auto* cfdpFaultHandler = new CfdpExampleFaultHandler(); cfdp::PacketInfoList<64> packetList; cfdp::LostSegmentsList<128> lostSegments; CfdpHandlerCfg cfg(localId, indicationCfg, *cfdpUserHandler, *cfdpFaultHandler, packetList, lostSegments, *remoteCfgProvider); auto* cfdpHandler = new CfdpHandler(params, cfg); CcsdsDistributorIF::DestInfo info("CFDP Destination", common::COMMON_CFDP_APID, cfdpHandler->getRequestQueue(), true); ccsdsDistrib->registerApplication(info); #endif }