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+# FSFW Example Application
+This repository features a demo application. The example has been run successfully on the following
+ - Linux host machine with the Linux OSAL or the Host OSAL
+ - Windows with the Host OSAL
+ - STM32H743ZI-Nucleo with the FreeRTOS OSAL
+ - Raspberry Pi with the Linux OSAL
+ - STM32H743ZI-Nucleo with the RTEMS OSAL
+The purpose of this example is to provide a demo of the FSFW capabilities.
+However, it can also be used as a starting point to set up a repository for
+new flight software. It also aims to provide developers with practical examples
+of how the FSFW is inteded to be used and how project using the FSFW should or can be
+set up and it might serve as a basic test platform for the FSFW as well to ensure all OSALs
+are compiling and running as expected.
+The repository contains a Python TMTC program which can be used to showcase
+the TMTC capabilities of the FSFW (currently, using the ECSS PUS packet standard).
+# Configuring the Example
+The build system will copy three configuration files into the build directory:
+1. `commonConfig.h` which contains common configuration parameters
+2. `OBSWConfig.h` which can contain machine and architecture specific configuration options
+3. `FSFWConfig.h` which contains the configuration for the flight software framework
+These files can be edited manually after `CMake` build generation.
+# Index
+[Getting started with Eclipse for C/C++](https://egit.irs.uni-stuttgart.de/fsfw/fsfw-example-common/src/branch/master/doc/README-eclipse.md)
+[Getting started with CMake](https://egit.irs.uni-stuttgart.de/fsfw/fsfw-example-common/src/branch/master/doc/README-cmake.md)
+[Getting started with the Hosted OSAL](#this)
+[Getting started with the FreeRTOS OSAL on a STM32](https://egit.irs.uni-stuttgart.de/fsfw/fsfw-example-stm32h7-freertos)
+[Getting started with the RTEMS OSAL on a STM32](https://egit.irs.uni-stuttgart.de/fsfw/fsfw-example-stm32h7-rtems)
+[Getting started with the Raspberry Pi](https://egit.irs.uni-stuttgart.de/fsfw/fsfw-example-linux-mcu)
+[Getting started with the Beagle Bone Black](https://egit.irs.uni-stuttgart.de/fsfw/fsfw-example-linux-mcu)
+# FSFW demo with FreeRTOS OSAL on the STM32H743ZI
+This demo can be run on a STM32H743ZI-Nucleo board with the FreeRTOS OSAL.
+## General Information
+The board is flashed and debugged with OpenOCD and this README specifies on how
+to make this work with the Eclipse IDE. Other IDEs or the command line can be used as well as long
+as long as OpenOCD integration is given. The example demo uses newlib nano (glibc).
+Some system calls were overriden so the C and C++ stdio functions work. IO is sent via the HUART3,
+so debug output can be read directly from the USB connection to the board.
+## Prerequisite
+1. [MinGW64](https://www.msys2.org/) or [Ninja Build](https://ninja-build.org/) installed on Windows.
+ Not required on Linux.
+2. [GNU ARM Toolchain](https://xpack.github.io/arm-none-eabi-gcc/install/) installed, recommended
+ to add binaries to system path.
+3. Recommended for application code development:
+ [Eclipse for C/C++](https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/) installed with the Eclipse MCU
+ plugin
+4. [OpenOCD](https://xpack.github.io/openocd/) installed for Eclipse debugging
+5. STM32 USB drivers installed, separate steps for
+ [Windows](https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stsw-link009.html) or
+ [Linux](https://fishpepper.de/2016/09/16/installing-using-st-link-v2-to-flash-stm32-on-linux/)
+## Building the software with CMake
+On Windows, the following steps should be performed inside the MinGW64 console
+after installing MSYS2 or inside another Unix shell like `git bash`.
+1. Clone this repository
+ ```sh
+ git clone https://egit.irs.uni-stuttgart.de/fsfw/fsfw_example.git
+ ```
+2. Set up submodules
+ ```sh
+ git submodule init
+ git submodule update
+ ```
+3. Navigate into the cloned repository and create a folder for the build. We will create a
+ Debug build folder.
+ ```sh
+ mkdir build-Debug
+ cd build-Debug
+ ```
+4. Ensure that the ARM compiler has been added to the path and can be called from
+ the command line. For example, the following command should work:
+ ```sh
+ arm-none-eabi-gcc --version
+ ```
+ Now we will create the build configuration for cross-compilation of an ARM target.
+ On Linux, the following build will create a debug build configuration with
+ the Unix Makefile generator
+ ```sh
+ cmake ..
+ ```
+ On Windows, use the following command to build with the `MinGW Makefiles` build system
+ ```sh
+ cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" ..
+ ```
+ The build configuration can also be performed with the shell scripts located inside
+ `cmake/scripts`.
+5. Build the application with the following command
+ ```sh
+ cmake --build . -j
+ ```
+ The application will be located inside the Debug folder and has been compiled for
+ the flash memory.
+6. You can test the application by first connecting the STM32H743ZI-Nucleo via USB.
+ The device should now show up in the list of connected devices (make sure the USB drivers are
+ installed as well). Drag and drop the binary file into the connected device to flash it.
+ The debug output is also sent via the connected USB port and a blink pattern (1 second interval)
+ can be used to verify the software is running properly.
+## Setting up the prerequisites
+### Windows
+It is recommended to install [MSYS2](https://www.msys2.org/) first.
+Open MinGW64 and run the following commands to update it and install make and cmake
+(replace x86_64 if compiling on different architecture):
+pacman -Syu
+pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-make mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake
+The code needs to be compiled for the ARM target system and we will use the
+[GNU ARM Toolchain](https://xpack.github.io/arm-none-eabi-gcc/install/).
+1. Install NodeJS LTS. Add nodejs folder (e.g. "C:\Program Files\nodejs\")
+ to system variables. Test by running `npm --version` in command line
+2. Install [XPM](https://www.npmjs.com/package/xpm)
+ ```sh
+ npm install --global xpm
+ ```
+3. Install gnu-arm Toolchain for Eclipse (version can be specified)
+ ```sh
+ xpm install --global @xpack-dev-tools/arm-none-eabi-gcc@latest
+ ```
+ `xpm` will display where the package was installed. Search in that path for
+ the hidden `.content` folder, which will contain a `bin` folder and store
+ the full path to that `bin` folder for later.
+ Install OpenOCD for STM32 debugging
+ ```sh
+ xpm install --global @xpack-dev-tools/openocd@latest
+ ```
+4. If you want to build from the command line, you need to add the `arm-none-eabi-gcc`
+ binary location in the xPack folder to system variables. You can do this in a Unix
+ shell like `git bash` or `MinGW64` with the following command
+ ```sh
+ export PATH=$PATH:""
+ ```
+ You can also add these lines to a shell script like `path_setter.sh` and then source
+ the script with `. path_setter.sh` to do this conveniently.
+5. Install the [STM32 USB drivers](https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stsw-link009.html)
+If you don't want to install nodejs you may go with the
+[four-command manual installation](https://xpack.github.io/arm-none-eabi-gcc/install/#manual-install).
+### Linux
+Install the [GNU ARM toolchain](https://xpack.github.io/arm-none-eabi-gcc/install/)
+like explained above.
+To install general buildtools for the linux binary, run:
+sudo apt-get install build-essential
+Install the USB drivers on Linux by
+[following these instructions](https://fishpepper.de/2016/09/16/installing-using-st-link-v2-to-flash-stm32-on-linux/).
+## Setting up Eclipse for OpenOCD debugging
+The separate [Eclipse README](README-eclipse#top) specifies how to set up Eclipse.
+The STM32 configuration uses the xPacks OpenOCD and the xPacks ARM Toolchain, so those should be
+installed as well. OpenOCD should be configured correctly in the STM32 launch configurations.
+## Troubleshooting
+### OpenOCD errors
+If you get the following error in OpenOCD: "Error: auto_probe failed", this could be related from
+switching between FreeRTOS and RTEMS. You can try the following steps:
+1. First way: Flash the binary manually by drag & droping the binary into the USB drive manually
+ once
+2. Second way: Add -c "gdb_memory_map disable" to the OpenOCD arguments (in Eclipse) and run once.
+ Debugging might not be possible, so remove it for subsequent runs.
+3. Third way: Add the following lines to the `stm32h7x.cfg` file located inside the OpenOCD folder
+ inside the `scripts/target` folder:
+ ```sh
+ $_CHIPNAME.cpu configure -event gdb-attach {
+ halt
+ }
+ $_CHIPNAME.cpu configure -event gdb-attach {
+ reset init
+ }
+ ```
diff --git a/example_common b/example_common
index 0901604..ff6025d 160000
--- a/example_common
+++ b/example_common
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-Subproject commit 090160485498a92fdf896ad74ffd97f768a4a269
+Subproject commit ff6025d04d2b3abd278d909c2844bd808bee06b4