#ifndef MISSION_PUS_SERVICE11TELECOMMANDSCHEDULING_H_ #define MISSION_PUS_SERVICE11TELECOMMANDSCHEDULING_H_ #include #include #include #include "fsfw/FSFW.h" #include "fsfw/returnvalues/FwClassIds.h" /** * @brief: PUS-Service 11 - Telecommand scheduling. * @details: * PUS-Service 11 - Telecommand scheduling. * Full documentation: ECSS-E-ST-70-41C, p. 168: * ST[11] time-based scheduling * * This service provides the capability to command pre-loaded * application processes (telecommands) by releasing them at their * due-time. * References to telecommands are stored together with their due-timepoints * and are released at their corresponding due-time. * * Necessary subservice functionalities are implemented. * Those are: * TC[11,4] activity insertion * TC[11,5] activity deletion * TC[11,6] filter-based activity deletion * TC[11,7] activity time-shift * TC[11,8] filter-based activity time-shift * * Groups are not supported. * This service remains always enabled. Sending a disable-request has no effect. */ template class Service11TelecommandScheduling final : public PusServiceBase { public: static constexpr uint8_t CLASS_ID = CLASS_ID::PUS_SERVICE_11; static constexpr ReturnValue_t INVALID_TYPE_TIME_WINDOW = returnvalue::makeCode(CLASS_ID, 1); static constexpr ReturnValue_t INVALID_TIME_WINDOW = returnvalue::makeCode(CLASS_ID, 2); static constexpr ReturnValue_t TIMESHIFTING_NOT_POSSIBLE = returnvalue::makeCode(CLASS_ID, 3); static constexpr ReturnValue_t INVALID_RELATIVE_TIME = returnvalue::makeCode(CLASS_ID, 4); static constexpr ReturnValue_t CONTAINED_TC_TOO_SMALL = returnvalue::makeCode(CLASS_ID, 5); static constexpr ReturnValue_t CONTAINED_TC_CRC_MISSMATCH = returnvalue::makeCode(CLASS_ID, 6); static constexpr uint8_t SUBSYSTEM_ID = SUBSYSTEM_ID::PUS_SERVICE_11; //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Deletion of a TC from the map failed. //! P1: First 32 bit of request ID, P2. Last 32 bit of Request ID static constexpr Event TC_DELETION_FAILED = event::makeEvent(SUBSYSTEM_ID, 0, severity::MEDIUM); // The types of PUS-11 subservices enum Subservice : uint8_t { ENABLE_SCHEDULING = 1, DISABLE_SCHEDULING = 2, RESET_SCHEDULING = 3, INSERT_ACTIVITY = 4, DELETE_ACTIVITY = 5, FILTER_DELETE_ACTIVITY = 6, TIMESHIFT_ACTIVITY = 7, FILTER_TIMESHIFT_ACTIVITY = 8, DETAIL_REPORT = 9, TIMEBASE_SCHEDULE_DETAIL_REPORT = 10, TIMESHIFT_ALL_SCHEDULE_ACTIVITIES = 15 }; // The types of time windows for TC[11,6] and TC[11,8], as defined in ECSS-E-ST-70-41C, // requirement 8.11.3c (p. 507) enum TypeOfTimeWindow : uint32_t { SELECT_ALL = 0, FROM_TIMETAG_TO_TIMETAG = 1, FROM_TIMETAG = 2, TO_TIMETAG = 3 }; Service11TelecommandScheduling(PsbParams params, AcceptsTelecommandsIF* tcRecipient, uint16_t releaseTimeMarginSeconds = DEFAULT_RELEASE_TIME_MARGIN, bool debugMode = false); ~Service11TelecommandScheduling() override; void enableExpiredTcDeletion(); void disableExpiredTcDeletion(); /** PusServiceBase overrides */ ReturnValue_t handleRequest(uint8_t subservice) override; ReturnValue_t performService() override; ReturnValue_t initialize() override; private: struct TelecommandStruct { uint64_t requestId{}; store_address_t storeAddr; // uint16 }; static constexpr uint16_t DEFAULT_RELEASE_TIME_MARGIN = 5; // minimum release time offset to insert into schedule const uint16_t RELEASE_TIME_MARGIN_SECONDS = 5; /** * By default, the scheduling will be disabled. This is a standard requirement */ bool schedulingEnabled = false; bool deleteExpiredTcWhenDisabled = true; bool debugMode = false; StorageManagerIF* tcStore = nullptr; AcceptsTelecommandsIF* tcRecipient = nullptr; MessageQueueId_t recipientMsgQueueId = 0; /** * The telecommand map uses the exectution time as a Unix time stamp as * the key. This is mapped to a generic telecommand struct. */ using TelecommandMap = etl::multimap; using TcMapIter = typename TelecommandMap::iterator; TelecommandMap telecommandMap; ReturnValue_t handleResetCommand(); /** * @brief Logic to be performed on an incoming TC[11,4]. * @return returnvalue::OK if successful */ ReturnValue_t doInsertActivity(const uint8_t* data, size_t size); /** * @brief Logic to be performed on an incoming TC[11,5]. * @return returnvalue::OK if successful */ ReturnValue_t doDeleteActivity(const uint8_t* data, size_t size); /** * @brief Logic to be performed on an incoming TC[11,6]. * @return returnvalue::OK if successful */ ReturnValue_t doFilterDeleteActivity(const uint8_t* data, size_t size); /** * @brief Logic to be performed on an incoming TC[11,7]. * @return returnvalue::OK if successful */ ReturnValue_t doTimeshiftActivity(const uint8_t* data, size_t size); /** * @brief Logic to be performed on an incoming TC[11,8]. * @return returnvalue::OK if successful */ ReturnValue_t doFilterTimeshiftActivity(const uint8_t* data, size_t size); /** * @brief Extracts the Request ID from the Application Data of a TC by utilizing a ctor of the * class TcPacketPus. * NOTE: This only works if the payload data is a TC (e.g. not for TC[11,5] which does not * send a TC as payload)! * @param data The Application data of the TC (get via getApplicationData()). * @return requestId */ [[nodiscard]] uint64_t getRequestIdFromTc() const; /** * @brief Extracts the Request ID from the Application Data directly, assuming it is packed * as follows (acc. to ECSS): | source ID (uint32) | apid (uint32) | ssc (uint32) |. * @param data Pointer to first byte described data * @param dataSize Remaining size of data NOTE: non-const, this is modified by the function * @param [out] requestId Request ID * @return returnvalue::OK if successful */ ReturnValue_t getRequestIdFromData(const uint8_t*& data, size_t& dataSize, uint64_t& requestId); /** * @brief Builds the Request ID from its three elements. * @param sourceId Source ID * @param apid Application Process ID (APID) * @param ssc Source Sequence Count * @return Request ID */ [[nodiscard]] uint64_t buildRequestId(uint32_t sourceId, uint16_t apid, uint16_t ssc) const; /** * @brief Gets the filter range for filter TCs from a data packet * @param data TC data * @param dataSize TC data size * @param [out] itBegin Begin of filter range * @param [out] itEnd End of filter range * @return returnvalue::OK if successful */ ReturnValue_t getMapFilterFromData(const uint8_t*& data, size_t& size, TcMapIter& itBegin, TcMapIter& itEnd); ReturnValue_t handleInvalidData(const char* ctx); /** * @brief Prints content of multimap. Use for simple debugging only. */ void debugPrintMultimapContent() const; }; #include "Service11TelecommandScheduling.tpp" #endif /* MISSION_PUS_SERVICE11TELECOMMANDSCHEDULING_H_ */