""" @file mib_subservice_parser.py @brief Parses the Subservice definitions for the Mission Information Base. @details Used by the MIB Exporter, inherits generic File Parser @author R. Mueller @date 14.11.2019 Example Stringset to scan for: enum Subservice: uint8_t { //!< [EXPORT] : [COMMAND] Perform connection test CONNECTION_TEST = 1, //!< [EXPORT] : [REPLY] Connection test reply CONNECTION_TEST_REPORT = 2, EVENT_TRIGGER_TEST = 128, //!< [EXPORT] : [COMMAND] Trigger test reply and test event MULTIPLE_EVENT_TRIGGER_TEST = 129, //!< [EXPORT] : [COMMAND] Trigger multiple events (5) MULTIPLE_CONNECTION_TEST = 130 //!< [EXPORT] : [COMMAND] Trigger multiple connection tests }; """ import re from enum import Enum from parserbase.mib_file_list_parser import FileListParser from parserbase.mib_parser import FileParser from utility.mib_csv_writer import CsvWriter from utility.mib_printer import Printer SUBSERVICE_DEFINITION_DESTINATION = ["../../mission/", "../../fsfw/pus/"] SUBSERVICE_CSV_NAME = "mib_subservices.csv" SUBSERVICE_COLUMN_HEADER = ["Service", "Subservice Name", "Subservice Number", "Type", "Comment"] SQL_DELETE_SUBSVC_CMD = """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Subservice; """ SQL_CREATE_SUBSVC_CMD = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Subservice( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, service INTEGER, subsvcName TEXT, subsvcNumber INTEGER, type TEXT CHECK( type IN ('TC','TM')), comment TEXT ) """ SQL_INSERT_INTO_SUBSVC_CMD = """ INSERT INTO Subservice(service,subsvcName,subsvcNumber,type,comment) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?) """ class SubserviceColumns(Enum): """ Specifies order of MIB columns """ SERVICE = 0 NAME = 1 NUMBER = 2 TYPE = 3 COMMENT = 4 Clmns = SubserviceColumns def main(): """ If this file is run separately, this main will be run. :return: """ header_parser = FileListParser(SUBSERVICE_DEFINITION_DESTINATION) header_file_list = header_parser.parse_header_files(False, "Parsing subservice header files: ") packet_subservice_parser = SubserviceParser(header_file_list) subservice_table = packet_subservice_parser.parse_files() Printer.print_content(subservice_table, "Printing subservice table:") print("Found " + str(len(subservice_table)) + " subservice entries.") subservice_writer = CsvWriter(SUBSERVICE_CSV_NAME, subservice_table, SUBSERVICE_COLUMN_HEADER) subservice_writer.write_to_csv() subservice_writer.move_csv("..") # TODO: Not really happy with the multi-line implementation, but this is not trivial.. # Right not, we are not using the last lines stored, we just store the string # of the last line (if its only a comment). It propably would be better to always # scan 3 or 4 lines at once. However, this is not easy too.. # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods class SubserviceParser(FileParser): """ This parser class can parse the subservice definitions. """ def __init__(self, file_list: list): super().__init__(file_list) # Column System allows reshuffling of table columns in constructor self.clmns_len = SubserviceColumns.__len__() # this table includes the current new table entry, # which will be updated for target parameter self.dict_entry_list = list(range(self.clmns_len)) self.dict_entry_list[Clmns.COMMENT.value] = "" self.subservice_enum_found = False # This list will store the last three lines for longer comments. self.last_line_list = ["", "", ""] # If an export command was found, cache the possibility of a match. self.possible_match_on_next_lines = False # This is called for every file def _handle_file_parsing(self, file_name: str, *args: any, **kwargs): self_print_parsing_info = False if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], bool): self_print_parsing_info = args[0] # Read service from file name service_match = re.search('Service[^0-9]*([0-9]{1,3})', file_name) if service_match: self.dict_entry_list[Clmns.SERVICE.value] = service_match.group(1) self.dict_entry_list[Clmns.NAME.value] = " " file = open(file_name, "r") if self_print_parsing_info: print("Parsing " + file_name + " ...") # Scans each line for possible variables for line in file.readlines(): self.__handle_line_reading(line) def __handle_line_reading(self, line): """ Handles the reading of single lines. :param line: :return: """ # Case insensitive matching enum_match = re.search(r'[\s]*enum[\s]*Subservice([^\n]*)', line, re.IGNORECASE) if enum_match: self.subservice_enum_found = True if self.subservice_enum_found: self.__handle_enum_scanning(line) self.last_line_list[2] = self.last_line_list[1] self.last_line_list[1] = self.last_line_list[0] self.last_line_list[0] = line def __handle_enum_scanning(self, line: str): """ Two-line reading. First check last line. For export command. """ self.__scan_for_export_command(self.last_line_list[0]) subservice_match = self.__scan_subservices(line) if subservice_match: self.index = self.index + 1 dict_entry_tuple = tuple(self.dict_entry_list[:self.clmns_len]) self.mib_table.update({self.index: dict_entry_tuple}) self.__clear_tuple() def __clear_tuple(self): self.dict_entry_list[Clmns.NAME.value] = "" self.dict_entry_list[Clmns.TYPE.value] = "" self.dict_entry_list[Clmns.NUMBER.value] = "" self.dict_entry_list[Clmns.COMMENT.value] = "" self.possible_match_on_next_lines = False def __scan_for_export_command(self, line: str) -> bool: command_string = re.search(r"([^\[]*)\[export\][: ]*\[([\w]*)\][\s]*([^\n]*)", line, re.IGNORECASE) if command_string: # Check whether there is a separated export command # (export command is not on same line as subservice definition) # ugly solution but has worked so far. string = command_string.group(1).lstrip() if len(string) <= 8: self.possible_match_on_next_lines = True if self.__scan_for_type(line): self.__scan_for_comment(line) return True self.__add_possible_comment_string(line) return False def __add_possible_comment_string(self, line): """ If no command was found, the line might be a continuation of a comment. Strip whitespaces and comment symbols and add to comment buffer. """ possible_multiline_comment = line.lstrip() possible_multiline_comment = possible_multiline_comment.lstrip('/') possible_multiline_comment = possible_multiline_comment.lstrip('<') possible_multiline_comment = possible_multiline_comment.lstrip('!') possible_multiline_comment = possible_multiline_comment.rstrip() if len(possible_multiline_comment) > 0: self.dict_entry_list[Clmns.COMMENT.value] += possible_multiline_comment def __scan_subservices(self, line): """ Scan for subservice match. :param line: :return: """ subservice_match = \ re.search(r"[\s]*([\w]*)[\s]*=[\s]*([0-9]{1,3})(?:,)?(?:[ /!<>]*([^\n]*))?", line) if subservice_match: self.dict_entry_list[Clmns.NAME.value] = subservice_match.group(1) self.dict_entry_list[Clmns.NUMBER.value] = subservice_match.group(2) # I am assuming that an export string is longer than 7 chars. if len(subservice_match.group(3)) > 7: # Export command on same line overrides old commands. Read for comment. if self.__process_comment_string(subservice_match.group(3)): return True # Check whether exporting was commanded on last lines return bool(self.possible_match_on_next_lines) if re.search(r'}[\s]*;', line): self.subservice_enum_found = False return subservice_match def __process_comment_string(self, comment_string) -> bool: # look for packet type specifier export_command_found = self.__scan_for_type(comment_string) # Look for everything after [EXPORT] : [TYPESPECIFIER] as comment if export_command_found: self.__scan_for_comment(comment_string) return export_command_found def __scan_for_type(self, string) -> bool: type_match = re.search(r'\[reply\]|\[tm\]', string, re.IGNORECASE) if type_match: self.dict_entry_list[Clmns.TYPE.value] = 'TM' return True type_match = re.search(r'\[command\]|\[tc\]', string, re.IGNORECASE) if type_match: self.dict_entry_list[Clmns.TYPE.value] = 'TC' return True self.dict_entry_list[Clmns.TYPE.value] = 'Unspecified' return False def __scan_for_comment(self, comment_string): comment_match = re.search(r':[\s]*\[[\w]*\][\s]*([^\n]*)', comment_string) if comment_match: self.dict_entry_list[Clmns.COMMENT.value] = comment_match.group(1) def _post_parsing_operation(self): pass if __name__ == "__main__": main()