#! /usr/bin/env python3 import string import sys import datetime import collections import re import os import fileinput import getpass import MySQLdb def parseInterfaceDefinitionFile( fwFilename, missionFilename ): file = open(fwFilename, "r") interfaces = dict() allLines = file.readlines() count = 0 for line in allLines: match = re.search( '[\s]*([A-Z_0-9]*) = ([0-9]*)\,[\s]*//([A-Z]{1,3})', line) if match: count = int(match.group(2)); print("Count is " + str(count)) interfaces.update( {match.group(1): [1, match.group(3)]} ) for line in allLines: match = re.search( '[\s]*([A-Z_0-9]*),[\s]*//([A-Z]{1,3})', line) if match: interfaces.update( {match.group(1): [count, match.group(2)]} ) count += 1 file = open(missionFilename, "r") allLines = file.readlines() for line in allLines: match = re.search( '[\s]*([A-Z_0-9]*) = FW_CLASS_ID_COUNT\,[\s]*//([A-Z]{1,3})', line) if match: interfaces.update( {match.group(1): [count, match.group(2)]} ) count += 1 for line in allLines: match = re.search( '^[\s]*([A-Z_0-9]*),[\s]*//([A-Z]{1,3})', line) if match: interfaces.update( {match.group(1): [count, match.group(2)]} ) count += 1 print("Found interfaces : " + str(count - 1)) return interfaces def returnNumberFromString( aString ): if aString.startswith('0x'): return int( aString, 16) elif aString.isdigit(): return int( aString) else: print('Error: Illegeal number representation: ' + aString) return 0 def convert(name): singleStrings = name.split('_') newString = '' for oneString in singleStrings: oneString = oneString.lower() oneString = oneString.capitalize() newString = newString + oneString return newString def buildCheckedString( firstPart, secondPart ): myStr = firstPart + convert(secondPart) if len(myStr) > 14: print( "Error: Entry: " + myStr + " too long. Will truncate.") myStr = myStr[0:14] else: print( "Entry: " + myStr + " is all right.") return myStr def cleanUpDescription( descrString ): description = descrString.lstrip('!<- ') if description == '': description = ' ' return description def parseHeaderFiles( interfaceList, fileList): dictionnary = dict() count = 0 currentId = 0 currentName = "" #Add OK and UNSPECIFIED_FAILED dictionnary.update( {0: ('OK', 'System-wide code for ok.', 'RETURN_OK', 'HasReturnvaluesIF.h', 'HasReturnvaluesIF')} ) dictionnary.update( {1: ('Failed', 'Unspecified system-wide code for failed.', 'RETURN_FAILED', 'HasReturnvaluesIF.h', 'HasReturnvaluesIF')} ) for fileName in fileList: file = open(fileName, "r") oldline = file.readline() while True: newline = file.readline() if not newline: break #EOF if not oldline == '\n': twoLines = oldline + ' ' + newline.strip() else: twoLines = '' match1 = re.search ( 'INTERFACE_ID[\s]*=[\s]*CLASS_ID::([a-zA-Z_0-9]*)', twoLines) if match1: currentId = interfaceList[match1.group(1)][0] currentName = interfaceList[match1.group(1)][1] currentFullName = match1.group(1) #print( "Current ID: " + str(currentId) ) myId = currentId match = re.search( '^[\s]*static const ReturnValue_t[\s]*([a-zA-Z_0-9]*)[\s]*=[\s]*MAKE_RETURN_CODE[\s]*\([\s]*([x0-9a-fA-F]{1,4})[\s]*\);[\t ]*(\/\/){0,1}([^\n]*)', twoLines) if match: # valueTable.append([]) description = cleanUpDescription(match.group(4)) stringToAdd = buildCheckedString( currentName, match.group(1)) fullId = (myId << 8) + returnNumberFromString(match.group(2)) if fullId in dictionnary: print('duplicate returncode ' + hex(fullId) + ' from ' + fileName + ' was already in ' + dictionnary[fullId][3]) dictionnary.update( {fullId: (stringToAdd, description, match.group(1), fileName, currentFullName)} ) # valueTable[count].append(fullId) # valueTable[count].append(stringToAdd) count = count+1 else: None oldline = newline # valueTable.pop() return dictionnary def getHeaderFileList( base ): #print ( "getHeaderFileList called with" + base ) baseList = os.listdir( base ) fileList = [] for entry in baseList: #Remove all hidden files: if ( (os.path.isdir(base + entry) == True) and (entry[0] != ".") and (entry[0] != "_") ): fileList = fileList + getHeaderFileList(base + entry + "/") if re.match("[^\.]*\.h", entry) and os.path.isfile(base + entry): fileList.append(base + entry) return fileList def writeEntriesToDB( listOfEntries ): print ("Connecting to database...") user = getpass.getpass("User: ") passwd = getpass.getpass() conn = MySQLdb.connect(host = "", user = user, passwd = passwd, db = "flpmib") written = conn.cursor() print ("done.") #delete old entries print ("Kill old entries.") written.execute("DELETE FROM txp WHERE TXP_NUMBR = 'DSX00000'") print("Insert new ones:") for entry in listOfEntries.items(): written.execute("INSERT INTO txp (txp_numbr, txp_from, txp_to, txp_altxt) VALUES ('DSX00000', %s, %s, %s)", [entry[0], entry[0], entry[1][0]]) conn.commit() print("Done. That was easy.") def writeEntriesToOtherDB( listOfEntries ): print ("Connecting to other database...") conn = MySQLdb.connect(host = "buggy.irs.uni-stuttgart.de", user = 'returncode', passwd = 'returncode', db = "returncode") written = conn.cursor() print ("connected.") #delete old entries print ("Kill old entries.") written.execute("DELETE FROM returncodes WHERE true") print("Insert new ones:") for entry in listOfEntries.items(): written.execute("INSERT INTO returncodes (code,name,interface,file,description) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", [entry[0], entry[1][2], entry[1][4], entry[1][3], entry[1][1]]) conn.commit() print("Done. That was hard.") def exportToFile( filename, listOfEntries ): print ('Exporting to file: ' + filename ) file = open(filename, "w") for entry in listOfEntries.items(): file.write(hex(entry[0]) + '\t' + entry[1][0] + '\t' + entry[1][1] + '\t' + entry[1][2] + '\t' + entry[1][3] + '\t' + entry[1][4] + '\n' ) file.close() return def parseOBSW(): idInterfaceDefinitions = parseInterfaceDefinitionFile( "../../framework/returnvalues/FwClassIds.h", "../../config/returnvalues/classIds.h") #print ("Dictionary size is " + str(len(idInterfaceDefinitions)) ) for entry in sorted(idInterfaceDefinitions): print(entry) myHeaderList = getHeaderFileList( "../../mission/" ) myHeaderList = myHeaderList + getHeaderFileList( "../../framework/" ) myHeaderList = myHeaderList + getHeaderFileList( "../../config/" ) myHeaderList = myHeaderList + getHeaderFileList( "../../bsp_linux/" ) mySecondList = parseHeaderFiles( idInterfaceDefinitions, myHeaderList) # print(mySecondList[14081]) # print (mySecondList.items()[0][1]) # print( "Found entries:" ) counter = 0 # for entry in sorted(mySecondList): # print(entry) for entry in mySecondList.items(): counter = counter + 1 # print( entry[0], entry[1][0], entry[1][1] ) print("Count: ", counter) if (len(sys.argv) > 1): exportToFile( str(sys.argv[1]), mySecondList ) else: print('No export to file requested.') #writeEntriesToOtherDB( mySecondList ) #writeEntriesToDB( mySecondList ) parseOBSW()