import re import sys from typing import List, Tuple from fsfwgen.parserbase.parser import FileParser, VerbosityLevels from fsfwgen.utility.printer import PrettyPrinter from fsfwgen.core import get_console_logger LOGGER = get_console_logger() # Intermediate solution MAX_STRING_LEN = 80 PRINT_TRUNCATED_ENTRIES = False DEBUG_FOR_FILE_NAME = False CLASS_ID_NAMESPACE = "CLASS_ID" DEFAULT_MOVING_WINDOWS_SIZE = 7 INVALID_IF_ID = -1 class InterfaceParser(FileParser): def __init__(self, file_list: list, print_table: bool = False): super().__init__(file_list) self.print_table = print_table self.file_table_list = [] self.file_name_table = [] self.start_name_list = [] self.end_name_list = [] self._debug_mode = False def enable_debug_mode(self, enable: bool): self._debug_mode = enable def _handle_file_parsing_moving_window( self, file_name: str, current_line: int, moving_window_size: int, moving_window: list, *args, **kwargs ): pass def _handle_file_parsing(self, file_name: str, *args, **kwargs): self.file_name_table.append(file_name) try: file = open(file_name, 'r', encoding='utf-8') all_lines = file.readlines() except UnicodeDecodeError: file = open(file_name, 'r', encoding='cp1252') all_lines = file.readlines() self.__handle_regular_class_id_parsing(file_name=file_name, all_lines=all_lines) def __handle_regular_class_id_parsing(self, file_name: str, all_lines: List[str]): count = 0 current_file_table = dict() start_matched = False end_matched = False start_name = "" target_end_name = "" for line in all_lines: if not start_matched: match ='[\s]*([\w]*) = [\s]*([\w]*)', line) if match: # current_file_table.update({count: [,]}) start_name = target_end_name = start_matched = True else: match ='[\s]*([\w]*),?(?:[\s]*//)?([^\n]*)?', line) if match: count += 1 if"\[EXPORT][\s]*:[\s]*\[END]", last_entry_name = end_matched = True self.end_name_list.append([last_entry_name, None]) else: short_name = if short_name == "": short_name =[0:3] current_file_table.update({count: [, short_name]}) if not start_matched: print("No start match detected when parsing interface files..") print(f"Current file: {file_name} | Make sure to include a start definition") sys.exit(1) if not end_matched: print( "No end match detected when parsing interface files. " "Make sure to use [EXPORT] : [END]" ) sys.exit(1) self.start_name_list.append([start_name, target_end_name, None, count]) self.file_name_table.append(file_name) self.file_table_list.append(current_file_table) def _post_parsing_operation(self): self.start_name_list, self.end_name_list = self.__assign_start_end_indexes( self.start_name_list, self.end_name_list ) for idx, file_table in enumerate(self.file_table_list): self.__build_mod_interface_table(self.start_name_list[idx][2], file_table) if self.print_table: PrettyPrinter.pprint(self.mib_table) @staticmethod def __assign_start_end_indexes(start_name_list_list, end_name_list_list) -> Tuple[List, List]: start_list_list_completed = start_name_list_list end_list_list_completed = end_name_list_list all_indexes_filled = False max_outer_iterations = 15 current_iteration = 0 while not all_indexes_filled: for idx, start_name_list in enumerate(start_list_list_completed): if start_name_list[1].isdigit(): start_list_list_completed[idx][2] = int(start_name_list[1]) end_list_list_completed[idx][1] = \ start_list_list_completed[idx][2] + start_list_list_completed[idx][3] target_end_name = start_name_list[1] for end_name_list in end_list_list_completed: end_name = end_name_list[0] end_value = end_name_list[1] if end_name == target_end_name and end_value is not None: start_list_list_completed[idx][2] = end_value end_list_list_completed[idx][1] = \ end_value + start_list_list_completed[idx][3] all_indexes_filled = True for idx, start_name_list in enumerate(start_list_list_completed): if start_name_list[2] is None or end_name_list_list[idx][1] is None: all_indexes_filled = False current_iteration += 1 if current_iteration >= max_outer_iterations: print( "Could not fill out start and end index list in " "given number of maximum outer iterations!" ) sys.exit(1) return start_list_list_completed, end_list_list_completed def __build_mod_interface_table(self, count_start: int, interface_dict: dict): dict_to_build = dict() for local_count, interface_name_and_shortname in interface_dict.items(): dict_to_build.update( {interface_name_and_shortname[0]: [local_count + count_start, interface_name_and_shortname[1]]} ) self.mib_table.update(dict_to_build) class ReturnValueParser(FileParser): """ Generic return value parser. """ def __init__(self, interfaces, file_list, print_tables): super().__init__(file_list) self.print_tables = print_tables self.interfaces = interfaces self.return_value_dict = dict() self.count = 0 # Stores last three lines self.last_lines = ["", "", ""] self.current_interface_id_entries = { "Name": "", "ID": 0, "FullName": "" } self.return_value_dict.update({0: ('OK', 'System-wide code for ok.', 'RETURN_OK', 'HasReturnvaluesIF.h', 'HasReturnvaluesIF')}) self.return_value_dict.update({1: ('Failed', 'Unspecified system-wide code for failed.', 'RETURN_FAILED', 'HasReturnvaluesIF.h', 'HasReturnvaluesIF')}) def _handle_file_parsing(self, file_name: str, *args, **kwargs): """Former way to parse returnvalues. Not recommended anymore. :param file_name: :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ if len(args) > 0: print_truncated_entries = args[0] else: print_truncated_entries = False all_lines = self._open_file(file_name=file_name) for line in all_lines: self.__handle_line_reading(line, file_name, print_truncated_entries) def _handle_file_parsing_moving_window( self, file_name: str, current_line: int, moving_window_size: int, moving_window: list, *args, **kwargs ): """Parse for returnvalues using a moving window""" interface_id_match = rf'{CLASS_ID_NAMESPACE}::([a-zA-Z_0-9]*)', moving_window[self._moving_window_center_idx] ) if interface_id_match: self.__handle_interfaceid_match( interface_id_match=interface_id_match, file_name=file_name ) returnvalue_match = r"^[\s]*static const(?:expr)?[\s]*ReturnValue_t[\s]*([\w]*)[\s]*=[\s]*((?!;).*$)", moving_window[self._moving_window_center_idx], re.DOTALL ) full_returnvalue_string = "" if returnvalue_match: if ";" in full_returnvalue_string = else: full_returnvalue_string = self.__build_multi_line_returnvalue_string( moving_window=moving_window, first_line=moving_window[self._moving_window_center_idx] ) number_match = INVALID_IF_ID # Try to match for a string using the new API first. Example: # static const ReturnValue_t PACKET_TOO_LONG = # HasReturnvaluesIF::makeReturnCode(CLASS_ID, 0); returnvalue_match = r"^[\s]*static const(?:expr)? ReturnValue_t[\s]*([\w]*)[\s]*" r"=[\s]*.*::[\w]*\(([\w]*),[\s]*([\d]*)\)", full_returnvalue_string ) if not returnvalue_match: # Try to match for old API using MAE_RETURN_CODE macro returnvalue_match = r'^[\s]*static const(?:expr)? ReturnValue_t[\s]*([a-zA-Z_0-9]*)[\s]*=[\s]*' r'MAKE_RETURN_CODE[\s]*\([\s]*([\w]*)[\s]*\)', full_returnvalue_string ) if returnvalue_match: number_match = else: number_match = if returnvalue_match: description = self.__search_for_descrip_string(moving_window=moving_window) if number_match == INVALID_IF_ID: LOGGER.warning(f'Invalid number match detected for file {file_name}') LOGGER.warning(f'Match groups:') for group in returnvalue_match.groups(): self.__handle_returnvalue_match(, file_name=file_name, number_match=number_match, description=description ) def __build_multi_line_returnvalue_string( self, first_line: str, moving_window: List[str] ) -> str: return self._build_multi_line_string_generic( first_line=first_line, moving_window=moving_window ) def __search_for_descrip_string(self, moving_window: List[str]) -> str: return self._search_for_descrip_string_generic( moving_window=moving_window, break_pattern=r"^[\s]*static const(?:expr)? ReturnValue_t" ) def __handle_line_reading(self, line, file_name, print_truncated_entries: bool): newline = line if self.last_lines[0] != '\n': two_lines = self.last_lines[0] + ' ' + newline.strip() else: two_lines = '' interface_id_match ='INTERFACE_ID[\s]*=[\s]*CLASS_ID::([a-zA-Z_0-9]*)', two_lines) if interface_id_match: self.__handle_interfaceid_match(interface_id_match, file_name=file_name) returnvalue_match = r'^[\s]*static const(?:expr)? ReturnValue_t[\s]*([a-zA-Z_0-9]*)[\s]*=[\s]*' r'MAKE_RETURN_CODE[\s]*\([\s]*([x0-9a-fA-F]{1,4})[\s]*\);[\t ]*(//)?([^\n]*)', two_lines ) if returnvalue_match: self.__handle_returnvalue_match(, file_name=file_name, description="", ) self.last_lines[1] = self.last_lines[0] self.last_lines[0] = newline def __handle_interfaceid_match(self, interface_id_match, file_name: str) -> bool: """Handle a match of an interface ID definition in the code. Returns whether the interface ID was found successfully in the IF ID header files """ if self.get_verbosity() == VerbosityLevels.DEBUG:'Interface ID {} found in {file_name}') if_id_entry = self.interfaces.get( if if_id_entry is not None: self.current_interface_id_entries["ID"] = if_id_entry[0] else: LOGGER.warning( f'Interface ID {} not found in IF ID dictionary' ) return False self.current_interface_id_entries["Name"] = \ self.interfaces[][1] self.current_interface_id_entries["FullName"] = if self.get_verbosity() == VerbosityLevels.DEBUG: current_id = self.current_interface_id_entries["ID"]'Current ID: {current_id}') return True def __handle_returnvalue_match( self, name_match: str, number_match: str, file_name: str, description: str ): string_to_add = self.build_checked_string( self.current_interface_id_entries["Name"], name_match, MAX_STRING_LEN, PRINT_TRUNCATED_ENTRIES ) full_id = (self.current_interface_id_entries["ID"] << 8) + \ return_number_from_string(number_match) if full_id in self.return_value_dict: # print('Duplicate returncode ' + hex(full_id) + ' from ' + file_name + # ' was already in ' + self.return_value_dict[full_id][3]) pass dict_tuple = ( string_to_add, description, number_match, file_name, self.current_interface_id_entries["FullName"] ) self.return_value_dict.update({ full_id: dict_tuple }) self.count = self.count + 1 def _post_parsing_operation(self): if self.print_tables: PrettyPrinter.pprint(self.return_value_dict) self.mib_table = self.return_value_dict @staticmethod def export_to_file(filename: str, list_of_entries: dict, file_separator: str): file = open(filename, "w") for entry in list_of_entries.items(): file.write( hex(entry[0]) + file_separator + entry[1][0] + file_separator + entry[1][1] + file_separator + entry[1][2] + file_separator + entry[1][3] + file_separator + entry[1][4] + '\n' ) file.close() def build_checked_string(self, first_part, second_part, max_string_len: int, print_truncated_entries: bool): """ Build a checked string """ my_str = first_part + '_' + self.convert(second_part) if len(my_str) > max_string_len: if print_truncated_entries: LOGGER.warning(f'Entry {my_str} too long. Will truncate.') my_str = my_str[0:max_string_len] else: # print("Entry: " + myStr + " is all right.") pass return my_str @staticmethod def convert(name): single_strings = name.split('_') new_string = '' for one_string in single_strings: one_string = one_string.lower() one_string = one_string.capitalize() new_string = new_string + one_string return new_string @staticmethod def clean_up_description(descr_string): description = descr_string.lstrip('!<- ') if description == '': description = ' ' return description def return_number_from_string(a_string): if a_string.startswith('0x'): return int(a_string, 16) if a_string.isdigit(): return int(a_string) LOGGER.warning(f'Illegal number representation: {a_string}') return 0