#! /usr/bin/python3 """ @file packet_content_parser.py @brief Generic File Parser class @details Used by the MIB Exporter. There are multiple functions which are abstract and should be implemented by a custom parser implementation. A file list to parse must be supplied. Child classes fill out the MIB table (self.mib_table) @author R. Mueller @date 14.11.2019 """ import enum import re from abc import abstractmethod from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, List from enum import Enum, auto class VerbosityLevels(enum.Enum): REDUCED = 0 REGULAR = 1 DEBUG = 2 class FileParserModes(Enum): REGULAR = 1 MOVING_WINDOW = 2 class FileParser: """ This parent class gathers common file parser operations into a super class. The user should do the following to use this base class: 1. Create a custom parser class which implements this class and implement the abstract functions 2. Set the parser mode 3. Call parse_files. Additional arguments and keyword arguments can be supplied as well and will be passed through to the abstract function implementations. """ def __init__(self, file_list: List[Path]): if len(file_list) == 0: print("File list is empty !") self.file_list_empty = True else: self.file_list_empty = False self.file_list = file_list # Can be used to have unique key in MIB tables self.index = 0 # Initialize empty MIB table which will be filled by specific parser implementation self.mib_table = dict() self.__parser_mode = FileParserModes.REGULAR self.__parser_args = 0 self.__debug_moving_window = False self.__debug_moving_window_filename = "" self._moving_window_center_idx = 3 self._verbose_level = 1 def set_regular_parser_mode(self): """ Set regular parsing mode. This will be the default, so it is not strictly necessary to call this. :return: """ self.__parser_mode = FileParserModes.REGULAR def set_moving_window_mode(self, moving_window_size: int): """ Set moving window parsing mode :param moving_window_size: :return: """ self.__parser_mode = FileParserModes.MOVING_WINDOW self.__parser_args = moving_window_size def set_verbosity(self, verbose_level: int): self._verbose_level = verbose_level def get_verbosity(self): return self._verbose_level def enable_moving_window_debugging(self, file_name: str): self.__debug_moving_window = True self.__debug_moving_window_filename = file_name def parse_files(self, *args: any, **kwargs) -> Dict: """ Core method which is called to parse the files :param args: Optional positional arguments. Passed on the file parser :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments. Passed on to file parser :return: Returns the mib table dictionary. """ if self.file_list_empty: print(f"Nothing to parse, supplied file list is empty!") return self.mib_table if self.__parser_mode == FileParserModes.REGULAR: for file_name in self.file_list: # Implemented by child class ! Fill out info table (self.mib_table) in this routine self._handle_file_parsing(file_name, *args, **kwargs) # Can be implemented by child class to edit the table after it is finished. # default implementation is empty self._post_parsing_operation() elif self.__parser_mode == FileParserModes.MOVING_WINDOW: for file_name in self.file_list: self.__parse_file_with_moving_window(file_name, *args, **kwargs) self._post_parsing_operation() return self.mib_table @abstractmethod def _handle_file_parsing(self, file_name: Path, *args, **kwargs): """ Implemented by child class. The developer should fill the info table (self.mib_table) in this routine :param file_name: :param args: Additional arguments passed through the parse_files method. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed through the parse_files method. :return: Nothing. Fill out the member dictionary self.mib_table in the function instead. """ pass @abstractmethod def _handle_file_parsing_moving_window( self, file_name: Path, current_line: int, moving_window_size: int, moving_window: list, *args, **kwargs, ): """ This will be called for the MOVING_WINDOW parser mode. :param file_name: Current file name :param current_line: Current line number. :param moving_window_size: Size of the moving window :param moving_window: Current moving window. The last entry of the moving window is the current line number :return: Nothing. Fill out the member dictionary self.mib_table in the function instead. """ pass @abstractmethod def _post_parsing_operation(self): """ # Can be implemented by child class to perform post parsing operations (e.g. setting a flag or editting MIB table entries) :return: """ def __parse_file_with_moving_window(self, file_name: Path, *args, **kwargs): all_lines = self._open_file(file_name=file_name) moving_window_size = self.__parser_args if moving_window_size == 0: print("Moving window size is 0!") return moving_window = [""] * moving_window_size for line_idx, line in enumerate(all_lines): if ( self.__debug_moving_window and self.__debug_moving_window_filename in file_name ): print(f"Moving window pre line anaylsis line {line_idx}") print(moving_window) # The moving window will start with only the bottom being in the file if line_idx == 0: moving_window[self.__parser_args - 1] = line # More and more of the window is inside the file now elif line_idx < moving_window_size: for idx in range(line_idx, 0, -1): moving_window[moving_window_size - 1 - idx] = moving_window[ moving_window_size - idx ] moving_window[moving_window_size - 1] = line # The full window is inside the file now. elif line_idx >= moving_window_size: for idx in range(moving_window_size - 1): moving_window[idx] = moving_window[idx + 1] moving_window[moving_window_size - 1] = line if ( self.__debug_moving_window and self.__debug_moving_window_filename in file_name ): print(f"Moving window post line analysis line {line_idx}") print(moving_window) self._handle_file_parsing_moving_window( file_name, line_idx, moving_window_size, moving_window, *args, **kwargs ) # Now the moving window moved past the end of the file. Sections which are outside # the file are assigned an empty string until the window has moved out of file completely for remaining_windows_idx in range(moving_window_size): if ( self.__debug_moving_window and self.__debug_moving_window_filename in file_name ): print(f"Moving window pre line analysis post EOF") print(moving_window) num_entries_to_clear = remaining_windows_idx + 1 for idx_to_clear in range(num_entries_to_clear): moving_window[moving_window_size - 1 - idx_to_clear] = "" for idx_to_reassign in range(moving_window_size - 1 - num_entries_to_clear): moving_window[idx_to_reassign] = moving_window[idx_to_reassign + 1] if ( self.__debug_moving_window and self.__debug_moving_window_filename in file_name ): print(f"Moving window post line anaylsis post EOF") print(moving_window) pass @staticmethod def _open_file(file_name: Path) -> list: """ Open a file, attempting common encodings utf-8 and cp1252 :param file_name: :return: """ try: file = open(file_name, "r", encoding="utf-8") all_lines = file.readlines() except UnicodeDecodeError: print(f"Parser: Decoding error with file {file_name}") file = open(file_name, "r", encoding="cp1252") all_lines = file.readlines() return all_lines def _build_multi_line_string_generic( self, first_line: str, moving_window: List[str] ) -> str: """This function transforms a multi line match into a one line match by searching for the semicolon at the string end""" all_lines = first_line.rstrip() end_found = False current_idx = self._moving_window_center_idx while not end_found and current_idx < len(moving_window) - 1: current_idx += 1 string_to_add = moving_window[current_idx].lstrip() if ";" in moving_window[current_idx]: all_lines += string_to_add break else: string_to_add.rstrip() all_lines += string_to_add return all_lines def _search_for_descrip_string_generic( self, moving_window: List[str], break_pattern: str ) -> str: current_idx = self._moving_window_center_idx - 1 # Look at the line above first descrip_match = re.search( r"\[EXPORT][\s]*:[\s]*\[COMMENT]", moving_window[current_idx] ) if not descrip_match: while True: if re.search(break_pattern, moving_window[current_idx]): break descrip_match = re.search( r"\[EXPORT][\s]*:[\s]*\[COMMENT]", moving_window[current_idx] ) if descrip_match or current_idx <= 0: break current_idx -= 1 if descrip_match: current_build_idx = current_idx descrip_string = "" while current_build_idx < self._moving_window_center_idx: string_to_add = moving_window[current_build_idx].lstrip() string_to_add = string_to_add.lstrip("//!<>") string_to_add = string_to_add.rstrip() descrip_string += string_to_add current_build_idx += 1 else: return "" resulting_description = re.search( r"\[EXPORT][\s]*:[\s]*\[COMMENT][\s](.*)", descrip_string ) if resulting_description: return resulting_description.group(1) return ""