use std::collections::HashMap; use crate::hk::AocsDataType::FloatValue; use crate::requests::Request; use crate::requests::RequestWithToken; use crate::tmtc::{TmStore, AOCS_HK_APID}; use byteorder::{BigEndian, ByteOrder, LittleEndian}; use chrono::Duration; use eurosim_obsw::hk_err; use log::debug; use satrs_core::hk::{HkRequest, UniqueId}; use satrs_core::pool::StoreAddr; use satrs_core::pus::hk::Subservice; use satrs_core::pus::verification::{FailParams, VerificationReporterWithSender}; use satrs_core::pus::MpscPusInStoreSendError; use satrs_core::seq_count::{SeqCountProviderSyncClonable, SequenceCountProviderCore}; use satrs_core::spacepackets::time::cds::{TimeProvider}; use satrs_core::spacepackets::time::{CcsdsTimeProvider, TimeWriter}; use satrs_core::spacepackets::tm::{PusTm, PusTmSecondaryHeader}; use satrs_core::spacepackets::SpHeader; use std::sync::mpsc::{Receiver, Sender}; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use strum_macros::EnumIter; pub type CollectionIntervalFactor = u32; pub const MGM_FIELD_1: UniqueId = 1; pub const MGM_FIELD_2: UniqueId = 2; pub const MGM_FIELD_3: UniqueId = 3; pub const CSS_SUN_VECTOR_1: UniqueId = 4; pub const CSS_SUN_VECTOR_2: UniqueId = 5; pub const CSS_SUN_VECTOR_3: UniqueId = 6; pub const CSS_VOLTAGE_4: UniqueId = 7; pub const CSS_VOLTAGE_5: UniqueId = 8; pub const CSS_VOLTAGE_6: UniqueId = 9; pub const STR_QUATERNION_1: UniqueId = 10; pub const STR_QUATERNION_2: UniqueId = 11; pub const STR_QUATERNION_3: UniqueId = 12; pub const STR_QUATERNION_4: UniqueId = 13; pub const GPS_LATITUDE: UniqueId = 14; pub const GPS_LONGITUDE: UniqueId = 15; pub const GPS_ALTITUDE: UniqueId = 16; pub const AOCS_HK_NUM_OF_ELEMENTS: usize = 16 * 8; #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum AocsHkIds { TestAocsSet = 1, TestMgmSet = 2, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct AocsDataMap { map: HashMap, } impl AocsDataMap { pub fn new() -> Self { let mut data_map = HashMap::new(); data_map.insert(MGM_FIELD_1, FloatValue(0.0)); data_map.insert(MGM_FIELD_2, FloatValue(0.0)); data_map.insert(MGM_FIELD_3, FloatValue(0.0)); data_map.insert(CSS_SUN_VECTOR_1, FloatValue(0.0)); data_map.insert(CSS_SUN_VECTOR_2, FloatValue(0.0)); data_map.insert(CSS_SUN_VECTOR_3, FloatValue(0.0)); data_map.insert(CSS_VOLTAGE_4, FloatValue(0.0)); data_map.insert(CSS_VOLTAGE_5, FloatValue(0.0)); data_map.insert(CSS_VOLTAGE_6, FloatValue(0.0)); data_map.insert(STR_QUATERNION_1, FloatValue(0.0)); data_map.insert(STR_QUATERNION_2, FloatValue(0.0)); data_map.insert(STR_QUATERNION_3, FloatValue(0.0)); data_map.insert(STR_QUATERNION_4, FloatValue(0.0)); data_map.insert(GPS_LATITUDE, FloatValue(0.0)); data_map.insert(GPS_LONGITUDE, FloatValue(0.0)); data_map.insert(GPS_ALTITUDE, FloatValue(0.0)); Self { map: data_map } } pub fn update_value(&mut self, id: UniqueId, val: AocsDataType) -> Result<(), ()> { if {, val); return Ok(()); } Err(()) } pub fn get_value(&self, id: UniqueId) -> Option<&AocsDataType> { } pub fn all_values_as_bytes(&self) -> [u8; AOCS_HK_NUM_OF_ELEMENTS] { let mut buf: [u8; AOCS_HK_NUM_OF_ELEMENTS] = [0; AOCS_HK_NUM_OF_ELEMENTS]; let mut i = 0; let map =; let mut map_as_vec = map.keys().collect::>(); map_as_vec.sort(); for element in map_as_vec { match map.get(element).unwrap() { FloatValue(val) => { let val_as_byte = BigEndian::write_f64(&mut (buf[i..i + 8]), *val); } } i += 8; } debug!("{:?}", buf); buf } } #[derive(Debug, EnumIter, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)] pub enum AocsDataType { FloatValue(f64), } pub struct AocsHousekeeper { data_map: Arc>, id_list: Vec, request_rx: Receiver, seq_count_provider: SeqCountProviderSyncClonable, aocs_tm_store: TmStore, aocs_tm_funnel_tx: Sender, verif_reporter: VerificationReporterWithSender, periodic_hk_ids: Option>, periodic_on: bool, prev_time_step: TimeProvider, collection_interval: Duration, } impl AocsHousekeeper { pub fn new( sensor_data_pool: Arc>, request_rx: Receiver, seq_count_provider: SeqCountProviderSyncClonable, aocs_tm_store: TmStore, aocs_tm_funnel_tx: Sender, verif_reporter: VerificationReporterWithSender, ) -> AocsHousekeeper { let id_list = vec![ MGM_FIELD_1, MGM_FIELD_2, MGM_FIELD_3, CSS_SUN_VECTOR_1, CSS_SUN_VECTOR_2, CSS_SUN_VECTOR_3, CSS_VOLTAGE_4, CSS_VOLTAGE_5, CSS_VOLTAGE_6, STR_QUATERNION_1, STR_QUATERNION_2, STR_QUATERNION_3, STR_QUATERNION_4, GPS_LATITUDE, GPS_LONGITUDE, GPS_ALTITUDE, ]; AocsHousekeeper { data_map: sensor_data_pool, id_list, request_rx, seq_count_provider, aocs_tm_store, aocs_tm_funnel_tx, verif_reporter, periodic_hk_ids: None, periodic_on: false, prev_time_step: TimeProvider::from_now_with_u16_days().unwrap(), collection_interval: Duration::seconds(0), } } pub fn new_with_collection_interval( sensor_data_pool: Arc>, request_rx: Receiver, seq_count_provider: SeqCountProviderSyncClonable, aocs_tm_store: TmStore, aocs_tm_funnel_tx: Sender, verif_reporter: VerificationReporterWithSender, collection_interval: Duration, ) -> AocsHousekeeper { let id_list = vec![ MGM_FIELD_1, MGM_FIELD_2, MGM_FIELD_3, CSS_SUN_VECTOR_1, CSS_SUN_VECTOR_2, CSS_SUN_VECTOR_3, CSS_VOLTAGE_4, CSS_VOLTAGE_5, CSS_VOLTAGE_6, STR_QUATERNION_1, STR_QUATERNION_2, STR_QUATERNION_3, STR_QUATERNION_4, GPS_LATITUDE, GPS_LONGITUDE, GPS_ALTITUDE, ]; AocsHousekeeper { data_map: sensor_data_pool, id_list, request_rx, seq_count_provider, aocs_tm_store, aocs_tm_funnel_tx, verif_reporter, periodic_hk_ids: None, periodic_on: false, prev_time_step: TimeProvider::from_now_with_u16_days().unwrap(), collection_interval, } } pub fn periodic_op(&mut self) { self.handle_hk_request(); self.periodic_hk(); } // housekeeper has methods for both sending individual variables as tm as well as entire aocs data set // individual values results in way too much traffic, therefore is not used // the functions for it are kept here since the logic could be easily adapted to send different sets (something which is currently not implemented) // for now, ..._individual functions are rather unnecessary pub fn handle_hk_request(&mut self) { let mut time_stamp_buf: [u8; 7] = [0; 7]; if let Ok(request_with_token) = self.request_rx.try_recv() { if let Request::HkRequest(hk_req) = request_with_token.0 { let cds_stamp = TimeProvider::from_now_with_u16_days().unwrap(); cds_stamp.write_to_bytes(&mut time_stamp_buf).unwrap(); let start_token = self //implement this for verification .verif_reporter .start_success(request_with_token.1.unwrap(), Some(&time_stamp_buf)) .expect("Error sending start success"); if let Ok(()) = match hk_req { HkRequest::OneShot(id) => self.one_shot(), HkRequest::Enable(id) => self.enable_periodic(), HkRequest::Disable(id) => self.disable_periodic(), HkRequest::ModifyCollectionInterval(_id, _collection_interval) => Ok(()), } { let cds_stamp = TimeProvider::from_now_with_u16_days().unwrap(); cds_stamp.write_to_bytes(&mut time_stamp_buf).unwrap(); self.verif_reporter .completion_success(start_token, Some(&time_stamp_buf)) .expect("Error sending completion success"); } else { let cds_stamp = TimeProvider::from_now_with_u16_days().unwrap(); cds_stamp.write_to_bytes(&mut time_stamp_buf).unwrap(); self.verif_reporter .completion_failure( start_token, FailParams::new( Some(&time_stamp_buf), &hk_err::UNKNOWN_TARGET_ID, None, ), ) .expect("Error sending completion success"); } } } } pub fn check_period(&mut self) -> bool { let current_time = TimeProvider::from_now_with_u16_days().unwrap(); let prev_time = self.prev_time_step.clone(); let delta = current_time.date_time().unwrap() - prev_time.date_time().unwrap(); delta > self.collection_interval } pub fn periodic_hk(&mut self) { if self.periodic_on && self.check_period() { self.prev_time_step = TimeProvider::from_now_with_u16_days().unwrap(); let map = self.data_map.lock().unwrap(); let mut data_as_bytes = map.all_values_as_bytes(); debug!("{:?}", &map); drop(map); self.send_hk_packet(1, &mut data_as_bytes); } } pub fn periodic_hk_individual(&mut self) { //let json_string = self.aocs_data_to_str(); let data = self.data_map.lock().unwrap(); let data_copy = data.clone(); drop(data); let mut buf: [u8; 8] = [0; 8]; if let Some(ids) = &self.periodic_hk_ids { for id in ids.clone() { if let Some(FloatValue(field)) = data_copy.get_value(id) { let data_str = LittleEndian::write_f64(&mut buf, *field); let _ = &self.send_hk_packet(id, &buf); } } } } pub fn one_shot(&mut self) -> Result<(), ()> { let map = self.data_map.lock().unwrap(); let data_as_bytes = map.all_values_as_bytes(); drop(map); // currently gives 1 as id, meaning one is the spid, if multiple spids in this housekeeper, this needs to change! self.send_hk_packet(1, &data_as_bytes); Ok(()) } pub fn one_shot_hk_individual(&mut self, id: UniqueId) -> Result<(), ()> { let data = self.data_map.lock().unwrap(); let data_copy = data.clone(); drop(data); let mut buf: [u8; 8] = [0; 8]; if let Some(FloatValue(field)) = data_copy.get_value(id) { let data_str = LittleEndian::write_f64(&mut buf, *field); self.send_hk_packet(id, &buf); return Ok(()); } Err(()) } pub fn enable_periodic(&mut self) -> Result<(), ()> { self.periodic_on = true; Ok(()) } pub fn enable_periodic_individual(&mut self, id: UniqueId) -> Result<(), ()> { if !self.id_list.contains(&id) { return Err(()); } let periodic_hk_ids = self.periodic_hk_ids.clone(); match periodic_hk_ids { None => self.periodic_hk_ids = Some(vec![id]), Some(mut ids) => { ids.push(id); self.periodic_hk_ids = Some(ids); } } Ok(()) } pub fn disable_periodic(&mut self) -> Result<(), ()> { self.periodic_on = false; Ok(()) } pub fn disable_periodic_individual(&mut self, id: UniqueId) -> Result<(), ()> { if !self.id_list.contains(&id) { return Err(()); } let periodic_hk_ids = self.periodic_hk_ids.clone(); match periodic_hk_ids { None => return Err(()), Some(mut ids) => { if !ids.contains(&id) { return Err(()); } // .unwrap is allowed, since existence check is performed let index = ids.iter().position(|x| *x == id).unwrap(); ids.remove(index); if ids.len() < 1 { self.periodic_hk_ids = None; } else { self.periodic_hk_ids = Some(ids); } } } Ok(()) } /* pub fn aocs_data_to_str(&mut self) -> String { let pool = self.data_map.lock().unwrap(); serde_json::to_string(pool.deref()).unwrap() } */ pub fn send_hk_packet_from_str(&mut self, id: UniqueId, data: &str) { let mut time_stamp_buf: [u8; 7] = [0; 7]; let mut huge_buf: [u8; 8192] = [0; 8192]; let mut sp_header = SpHeader::tm_unseg(0x02, self.seq_count_provider.get_and_increment(), 0).unwrap(); let cds_stamp = TimeProvider::from_now_with_u16_days().unwrap(); cds_stamp.write_to_bytes(&mut time_stamp_buf).unwrap(); huge_buf[0..4].copy_from_slice(&id.to_be_bytes()); let mut len = 4; huge_buf[ + 8].copy_from_slice(data.as_bytes()); len += data.len(); let tm_sec_header = PusTmSecondaryHeader::new_simple(3, Subservice::TmHkPacket as u8, &time_stamp_buf); let hk_tm = PusTm::new(&mut sp_header, tm_sec_header, Some(&huge_buf[0..len]), true); let addr = self.aocs_tm_store.add_pus_tm(&hk_tm); self.aocs_tm_funnel_tx.send(addr).expect("sending failed"); } pub fn send_hk_packet(&mut self, id: UniqueId, data: &[u8]) { let mut time_stamp_buf: [u8; 7] = [0; 7]; let mut huge_buf: [u8; 8192] = [0; 8192]; let mut sp_header = SpHeader::tm_unseg(AOCS_HK_APID, self.seq_count_provider.get_and_increment(), 0) .unwrap(); let cds_stamp = TimeProvider::from_now_with_u16_days().unwrap(); cds_stamp.write_to_bytes(&mut time_stamp_buf).unwrap(); huge_buf[0..4].copy_from_slice(&id.to_be_bytes()); let mut len = 8; huge_buf[ + 8].copy_from_slice(data); len += data.len(); let data = huge_buf[0..len].to_vec(); let tm_sec_header = PusTmSecondaryHeader::new_simple(3, Subservice::TmHkPacket as u8, &time_stamp_buf); sp_header.data_len = len as u16; let hk_tm = PusTm::new(&mut sp_header, tm_sec_header, Some(&huge_buf[0..len]), true); let addr = self.aocs_tm_store.add_pus_tm(&hk_tm); self.aocs_tm_funnel_tx.send(addr).expect("sending failed"); } }