
941 lines
34 KiB

//! Type-Safe API to use the MAX116xx 10-bit ADC devices
//! ## Usage
//! You can create an initial ADC struct by using the [`Max116xx10Bit::max11618`],
//! [`Max116xx10Bit::max11619`], [`Max116xx10Bit::max11620`], [`Max116xx10Bit::max11621`],
//! [`Max116xx10Bit::max11624`] and [`Max116xx10Bit::max11625`] functionsdepending on which device
//! you are using. This automatically sets the highest channel number accordingly.
//! The default structs use the externally clocked mode with an external voltage reference.
//! You can modify the operation mode of the ADC by converting the default struct using the
//! following functions
//! - [`Max116xx10Bit::into_ext_clkd_with_int_ref_no_wakeup_delay`]
//! - [`Max116xx10Bit::into_ext_clkd_with_int_ref_wakeup_delay`]
//! - [`Max116xx10Bit::into_int_clkd_int_timed_through_ser_if_with_wakeup`]
//! - [`Max116xx10Bit::into_int_clkd_int_timed_through_ser_if_without_wakeup`]
use core::{marker::PhantomData, slice::IterMut};
use embedded_hal::{
digital::v2::{InputPin, OutputPin},
// Type-level support
pub trait HasChannels: private::Sealed {
const NUM: u8;
struct Max11618;
struct Max11619;
struct Max11620;
struct Max11621;
struct Max11624;
struct Max11625;
pub struct WithWakeupDelay;
pub struct WithoutWakeupDelay;
pub trait WakeupDelay: private::Sealed {
const ON: bool;
impl WakeupDelay for WithWakeupDelay {
const ON: bool = true;
impl private::Sealed for WithWakeupDelay {}
impl WakeupDelay for WithoutWakeupDelay {
const ON: bool = false;
impl private::Sealed for WithoutWakeupDelay {}
impl private::Sealed for Max11618 {}
impl HasChannels for Max11618 {
const NUM: u8 = 4;
impl private::Sealed for Max11619 {}
impl HasChannels for Max11619 {
const NUM: u8 = 4;
impl private::Sealed for Max11620 {}
impl HasChannels for Max11620 {
const NUM: u8 = 8;
impl private::Sealed for Max11621 {}
impl HasChannels for Max11621 {
const NUM: u8 = 8;
impl private::Sealed for Max11624 {}
impl HasChannels for Max11624 {
const NUM: u8 = 16;
impl private::Sealed for Max11625 {}
impl HasChannels for Max11625 {
const NUM: u8 = 16;
pub trait Clocked: private::Sealed {
const CLK_SEL: ClockMode;
pub trait InternallyClocked: Clocked {}
pub struct InternallyClockedInternallyTimedCnvst {}
impl private::Sealed for InternallyClockedInternallyTimedCnvst {}
impl Clocked for InternallyClockedInternallyTimedCnvst {
const CLK_SEL: ClockMode = ClockMode::InternalClockInternallyTimedCnvst;
impl InternallyClocked for InternallyClockedInternallyTimedCnvst {}
type IntClkdIntTmdCnvst = InternallyClockedInternallyTimedCnvst;
pub struct InternallyClockedExternallyTimedCnvst {}
impl private::Sealed for InternallyClockedExternallyTimedCnvst {}
impl Clocked for InternallyClockedExternallyTimedCnvst {
const CLK_SEL: ClockMode = ClockMode::InternalClockExternallyTimedCnvst;
impl InternallyClocked for InternallyClockedExternallyTimedCnvst {}
type IntClkdExtTmdCnvst = InternallyClockedExternallyTimedCnvst;
pub struct InternallyClockedInternallyTimedSerialInterface {}
impl private::Sealed for InternallyClockedInternallyTimedSerialInterface {}
impl Clocked for InternallyClockedInternallyTimedSerialInterface {
const CLK_SEL: ClockMode = ClockMode::InternalClockInternallyTimedSerialInterface;
impl InternallyClocked for InternallyClockedInternallyTimedSerialInterface {}
type IntClkdIntTmdSerIF = InternallyClockedInternallyTimedSerialInterface;
pub struct ExternallyClocked {}
impl private::Sealed for ExternallyClocked {}
impl Clocked for ExternallyClocked {
const CLK_SEL: ClockMode = ClockMode::ExternalClockExternallyTimedSclk;
type ExtClkd = ExternallyClocked;
// Definitions
/// Clock modes for the MAX116XX devices
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum ClockMode {
/// Internally timed, CNVST only needs to be pulsed for 40ns.
/// CNVST Configuration: CNVST active low
InternalClockInternallyTimedCnvst = 0b00,
/// Externally timed through CNVST. CNVST needs to be held low for the conversion duration,
/// whigh might include the wake-up delay. CNVST Configuration: CNVST active low
InternalClockExternallyTimedCnvst = 0b01,
/// Start conversions using the serial interface instead of CNVST.
/// Default mode at power-up. CNVST Configuration: AIN15/AIN11/AIN7
InternalClockInternallyTimedSerialInterface = 0b10,
/// Use the SPI clock as the conversion clock
ExternalClockExternallyTimedSclk = 0b11,
/// Voltage reference modes
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum VoltageRefMode {
/// Auto-Shutdown is on, wake-up delay of 65 us
InternalRefWithWakeupDelay = 0b00,
ExternalSingleEndedNoWakeupDelay = 0b01,
InternalRefWithoutWakeupDelay = 0b10,
/// Specifies how many conversions are performed and then averaged for each
/// requested result
pub enum AveragingConversions {
OneConversion = 0b000,
FourConversions = 0b100,
EightConversions = 0b101,
SixteenConversions = 0b110,
ThirtytwoConversions = 0b111,
/// Specifies the number of returned result in single scan mode
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum AveragingResults {
FourResults = 0b00,
EightResults = 0b01,
TwelveResults = 0b10,
SixteenResults = 0b11,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum ScanMode {
Scan0ToChannelN = 0b00,
ScanChannelNToHighest = 0b01,
ScanChannelNRepeatedly = 0b10,
ConvertChannelNOnce = 0b11,
pub enum AdcError {
/// Other pending operation (possible of other type)
pub enum Error<SpiE, PinE> {
impl<SpiE, PinE> From<AdcError> for Error<SpiE, PinE> {
fn from(other: AdcError) -> Self {
struct InternalCfg {
clk_mode: ClockMode,
ref_mode: VoltageRefMode,
pending_scan_mode: Option<ScanMode>,
max_channels: u8,
results_len: u8,
requested_conversions: usize,
// ADC implementation
pub struct Max116xx10Bit<SPI, CS, CLOCKED = ExtClkd, WAKEUP = WithoutWakeupDelay> {
spi: SPI,
cs: CS,
cfg: InternalCfg,
clocked: PhantomData<CLOCKED>,
delay: PhantomData<WAKEUP>,
pub struct Max116xx10BitEocExt<SPI, CS, EOC, CLOCKED> {
base: Max116xx10Bit<SPI, CS, CLOCKED, WithoutWakeupDelay>,
eoc: EOC,
pub struct Max116xx10BitCnvstEocExt<SPI, CS, EOC, CNVST, CLOCKED, WAKEUP = WithoutWakeupDelay> {
base: Max116xx10Bit<SPI, CS, CLOCKED, WAKEUP>,
eoc: EOC,
cnvst: CNVST,
// Generic
impl<SpiE, PinE, CS, SPI> Max116xx10Bit<SPI, CS, ExtClkd, WithoutWakeupDelay>
SPI: Transfer<u8, Error = SpiE> + FullDuplex<u8, Error = SpiE>,
CS: OutputPin<Error = PinE>,
pub fn max11618(spi: SPI, cs: CS) -> Result<Self, Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
Self::new::<Max11618>(spi, cs)
pub fn max11619(spi: SPI, cs: CS) -> Result<Self, Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
Self::new::<Max11619>(spi, cs)
pub fn max11620(spi: SPI, cs: CS) -> Result<Self, Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
Self::new::<Max11620>(spi, cs)
pub fn max11621(spi: SPI, cs: CS) -> Result<Self, Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
Self::new::<Max11621>(spi, cs)
pub fn max11624(spi: SPI, cs: CS) -> Result<Self, Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
Self::new::<Max11624>(spi, cs)
pub fn max11625(spi: SPI, cs: CS) -> Result<Self, Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
Self::new::<Max11625>(spi, cs)
/// Create a new generic MAX116xx instance. By default the generated ADC struct is configured
/// for externally clocked mode with conversions timed through the serial interface and
/// an external voltage reference. You can convert the ADC to use other SETUP register
/// configurations using the `into*` functions.
/// The corresponding SETUP register is `0b0111_0100`
/// Please note that you still might have to reset and setup the ADC.
pub fn new<MAX: HasChannels>(spi: SPI, cs: CS) -> Result<Self, Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
let max_dev = Max116xx10Bit {
cfg: InternalCfg {
clk_mode: ExtClkd::CLK_SEL,
ref_mode: VoltageRefMode::ExternalSingleEndedNoWakeupDelay,
pending_scan_mode: None,
max_channels: MAX::NUM,
results_len: Self::get_results_len(AveragingResults::FourResults),
requested_conversions: 0,
delay: PhantomData,
clocked: PhantomData,
/// Use internal reference which is off after scan. This means that the device needs a wakeup
/// delay
/// The corresponding SETUP register is `0b0111_0000`
pub fn into_ext_clkd_with_int_ref_wakeup_delay(
) -> Max116xx10Bit<SPI, CS, ExtClkd, WithWakeupDelay> {
Max116xx10Bit {
spi: self.spi,
cs: self.cs,
cfg: InternalCfg {
clk_mode: ExtClkd::CLK_SEL,
ref_mode: VoltageRefMode::InternalRefWithWakeupDelay,
pending_scan_mode: None,
max_channels: self.cfg.max_channels,
results_len: Self::get_results_len(AveragingResults::FourResults),
requested_conversions: 0,
clocked: PhantomData,
delay: PhantomData,
/// Use SPI clock as conversion clock and use the internal voltage reference without a wakeup
/// delay
/// The corresponding SETUP register is `0b0111_1000`
pub fn into_ext_clkd_with_int_ref_no_wakeup_delay(
) -> Max116xx10Bit<SPI, CS, ExtClkd, WithoutWakeupDelay> {
Max116xx10Bit {
spi: self.spi,
cs: self.cs,
cfg: InternalCfg {
clk_mode: ExtClkd::CLK_SEL,
ref_mode: VoltageRefMode::InternalRefWithoutWakeupDelay,
pending_scan_mode: None,
max_channels: self.cfg.max_channels,
results_len: Self::get_results_len(AveragingResults::FourResults),
requested_conversions: 0,
clocked: PhantomData,
delay: PhantomData,
/// Convert into interally clocked mode with internal timing initiated by the serial interface
/// and a wakeup delay. This can be used to reduce power consumption
/// The corresponding SETUP register is `0b0110_1100`
pub fn into_int_clkd_int_timed_through_ser_if_with_wakeup<EOC: InputPin<Error = PinE>>(
eoc: EOC,
) -> Max116xx10BitEocExt<SPI, CS, EOC, IntClkdIntTmdSerIF> {
Max116xx10BitEocExt {
base: Max116xx10Bit {
spi: self.spi,
cs: self.cs,
cfg: InternalCfg {
clk_mode: IntClkdIntTmdSerIF::CLK_SEL,
ref_mode: VoltageRefMode::InternalRefWithWakeupDelay,
pending_scan_mode: None,
max_channels: self.cfg.max_channels,
results_len: Self::get_results_len(AveragingResults::FourResults),
requested_conversions: 0,
clocked: PhantomData,
delay: PhantomData,
/// Convert into interally clocked mode with internal timing initiated by the serial interface
/// and no wakeup delay.
/// The corresponding SETUP register can be one of the two
/// - External Voltage reference: `0b0110_0100`
/// - Internal Voltage reference always on: `0b0110_1000`
pub fn into_int_clkd_int_timed_through_ser_if_without_wakeup<EOC: InputPin<Error = PinE>>(
v_ref: VoltageRefMode,
eoc: EOC,
) -> Result<Max116xx10BitEocExt<SPI, CS, EOC, IntClkdIntTmdSerIF>, AdcError> {
if v_ref == VoltageRefMode::InternalRefWithWakeupDelay {
return Err(AdcError::InvalidRefMode);
Ok(Max116xx10BitEocExt {
base: Max116xx10Bit {
spi: self.spi,
cs: self.cs,
cfg: InternalCfg {
clk_mode: IntClkdIntTmdSerIF::CLK_SEL,
ref_mode: VoltageRefMode::InternalRefWithWakeupDelay,
pending_scan_mode: None,
max_channels: self.cfg.max_channels,
results_len: Self::get_results_len(AveragingResults::FourResults),
requested_conversions: 0,
clocked: PhantomData,
delay: PhantomData,
impl<SpiE, PinE, CS, SPI, CLOCKED: Clocked, WAKEUP> Max116xx10Bit<SPI, CS, CLOCKED, WAKEUP>
SPI: Transfer<u8, Error = SpiE> + FullDuplex<u8, Error = SpiE>,
CS: OutputPin<Error = PinE>,
fn send_wrapper(&mut self, byte: u8) -> Result<(), Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
/// Set up the ADC depending on clock and reference configuration
pub fn setup(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
/// Set up the Averaging register. This sets the AVGON, NAVG1, NAVG0, NSCAN1 and NSCAN0
/// bits accordingly
pub fn averaging(
&mut self,
avg_conv: AveragingConversions,
avg_res: AveragingResults,
) -> Result<(), Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
self.cfg.results_len = Self::get_results_len(avg_res);
self.send_wrapper(Self::get_averaging_byte(avg_conv, avg_res))
pub fn reset(&mut self, fifo_only: bool) -> Result<(), Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
let mut reset_byte = 0b0001_0000;
if fifo_only {
reset_byte |= 1 << 3;
pub fn get_setup_byte(&self) -> u8 {
((1 << 6) as u8) | ((self.cfg.clk_mode as u8) << 4) | ((self.cfg.ref_mode as u8) << 2)
pub fn get_averaging_byte(avg_conv: AveragingConversions, avg_res: AveragingResults) -> u8 {
((1 << 5) as u8) | ((avg_conv as u8) << 2) | avg_res as u8
pub fn get_results_len(avg_res: AveragingResults) -> u8 {
(avg_res as u8 + 1) * 4
pub fn get_conversion_byte(
scan_mode: ScanMode,
channel_num: u8,
) -> Result<u8, AdcError> {
if channel_num > self.cfg.max_channels {
return Err(AdcError::InvalidChannel);
Ok((1 << 7) | (channel_num << 3) | ((scan_mode as u8) << 1))
/// Generic function which can be used a single result is available
/// when EOC is low
fn internal_read_single_channel<EOC: InputPin<Error = PinE>>(
&mut self,
eoc: &mut EOC,
) -> nb::Result<u16, Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
if self.cfg.pending_scan_mode.is_none() {
return Err(nb::Error::Other(Error::Adc(AdcError::NoPendingOperation)));
} else if self.cfg.pending_scan_mode != Some(ScanMode::ConvertChannelNOnce) {
return Err(nb::Error::Other(Error::Adc(AdcError::PendingOperation)));
if eoc.is_low().map_err(Error::Pin)? {
let mut dummy_cmd: [u8; 2] = [0; 2];
let transfer_result = self.spi.transfer(&mut dummy_cmd);
match transfer_result {
Ok(reply) => {
self.cfg.pending_scan_mode = None;
Ok(((reply[0] as u16) << 6) | (reply[1] as u16 >> 2))
Err(e) => Err(nb::Error::Other(Error::Spi(e))),
} else {
macro_rules! ext_impl {
() => {
/// Set up the ADC depending on clock and reference configuration
pub fn setup(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
/// Set up the Averaging register. This sets the AVGON, NAVG1, NAVG0, NSCAN1 and NSCAN0
/// bits accordingly
pub fn averaging(
&mut self,
avg_conv: AveragingConversions,
avg_res: AveragingResults,
) -> Result<(), Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
self.base.cfg.results_len = Max116xx10Bit::<SPI, CS, CLOCKED>::get_results_len(avg_res);
.send_wrapper(Max116xx10Bit::<SPI, CS, CLOCKED>::get_averaging_byte(
avg_conv, avg_res,
pub fn reset(&mut self, fifo_only: bool) -> Result<(), Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
let mut reset_byte = 0b0001_0000;
if fifo_only {
reset_byte |= 1 << 3;
impl<SpiE, PinE, CS, SPI, EOC, CLOCKED: Clocked> Max116xx10BitEocExt<SPI, CS, EOC, CLOCKED>
SPI: Transfer<u8, Error = SpiE> + FullDuplex<u8, Error = SpiE>,
CS: OutputPin<Error = PinE>,
impl<SpiE, PinE, CS, SPI, EOC, CNVST, CLOCKED: Clocked, DELAY>
Max116xx10BitCnvstEocExt<SPI, CS, EOC, CNVST, CLOCKED, DELAY>
SPI: Transfer<u8, Error = SpiE> + FullDuplex<u8, Error = SpiE>,
CS: OutputPin<Error = PinE>,
// External SPI clock used
/// Implementations when using the external SPI clock to time the conversions
impl<SpiE, PinE, SPI, CS> Max116xx10Bit<SPI, CS, ExtClkd, WithoutWakeupDelay>
SPI: Transfer<u8, Error = SpiE> + FullDuplex<u8, Error = SpiE>,
CS: OutputPin<Error = PinE>,
pub fn read_single_channel(
&mut self,
buf: &mut [u8],
channel_num: u8,
) -> Result<u16, Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
if buf.len() < 3 {
return Err(Error::Adc(AdcError::CmdBufTooSmall));
buf[0] = self.get_conversion_byte(ScanMode::ConvertChannelNOnce, channel_num)?;
buf[1] = 0x00;
buf[2] = 0x00;
let reply = self.spi.transfer(&mut buf[0..3]).ok().unwrap();
Ok(((reply[1] as u16) << 6) | (reply[2] as u16 >> 2))
pub fn read_multiple_channels_0_to_n(
&mut self,
buf: &mut [u8],
result_iter: &mut IterMut<u16>,
n: u8,
) -> Result<(), Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
let mut iter = buf.iter_mut();
let mut next_byte: &mut u8;
for idx in 0..n + 1 {
next_byte =;
*next_byte = self.get_conversion_byte(ScanMode::ConvertChannelNOnce, idx)?;
next_byte =;
*next_byte = 0x00;
next_byte =;
*next_byte = 0x00;
let reply = self
.transfer(&mut buf[0..((n + 1) * 2 + 1) as usize])
let mut reply_iter = reply.iter();
// Skip first reply byte;
for _ in 0..n + 1 {
let next_res = result_iter
*next_res = ((* as u16) << 6)
| (* as u16 >> 2);
pub fn read_multiple_channels_n_to_highest(
&mut self,
buf: &mut [u8],
result_iter: &mut IterMut<u16>,
n: u8,
) -> Result<(), Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
let mut iter = buf.iter_mut();
let mut next_byte: &mut u8;
if n > self.cfg.max_channels - 1 {
return Err(Error::Adc(AdcError::InvalidChannel));
let conversions = self.cfg.max_channels - n;
for idx in n..self.cfg.max_channels {
next_byte =;
*next_byte = self.get_conversion_byte(ScanMode::ConvertChannelNOnce, idx)?;
next_byte =;
*next_byte = 0x00;
next_byte =;
*next_byte = 0x00;
let reply = self
.transfer(&mut buf[0..(conversions * 2 + 1) as usize])
let mut reply_iter = reply.iter();
// Skip first reply byte;
for _ in 0..conversions {
let next_res = result_iter
*next_res = ((* as u16) << 6)
| (* as u16 >> 2);
/// Implementations when using the external SPI clock to time the conversions but also requiring
/// a wakeup delay
impl<SpiE, PinE, SPI, CS> Max116xx10Bit<SPI, CS, ExtClkd, WithWakeupDelay>
SPI: Transfer<u8, Error = SpiE> + FullDuplex<u8, Error = SpiE>,
CS: OutputPin<Error = PinE>,
pub fn read_single_channel<DELAY: DelayUs<u8>>(
&mut self,
buf: &mut [u8],
channel_num: u8,
delay: &mut DELAY,
) -> Result<u16, Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
if buf.len() < 3 {
return Err(Error::Adc(AdcError::CmdBufTooSmall));
buf[0] = self
.get_conversion_byte(ScanMode::ConvertChannelNOnce, channel_num)
buf[0] = 0x00;
buf[1] = 0x00;
let reply = self.spi.transfer(&mut buf[0..2]).map_err(Error::Spi)?;
Ok(((reply[0] as u16) << 6) | (reply[1] as u16 >> 2))
pub fn read_multiple_channels_0_to_n<DELAY: DelayUs<u8>>(
&mut self,
buf: &mut [u8],
result_iter: &mut IterMut<u16>,
n: u8,
delay: &mut DELAY,
) -> Result<(), Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
let mut iter = buf.iter_mut();
let mut next_byte: &mut u8;
for idx in 0..n + 1 {
next_byte =;
*next_byte = self.get_conversion_byte(ScanMode::ConvertChannelNOnce, idx)?;
next_byte =;
*next_byte = 0x00;
next_byte =;
*next_byte = 0x00;
// Write first conversion byte and then wait 65 us to allow internal reference to power up
let reply = self
.transfer(&mut buf[1..((n + 1) * 2 + 1) as usize])
let mut reply_iter = reply.iter();
for _ in 0..n + 1 {
let next_res = result_iter
*next_res = ((* as u16) << 6)
| (* as u16 >> 2);
pub fn read_multiple_channels_n_to_highest<DELAY: DelayUs<u8>>(
&mut self,
buf: &mut [u8],
result_iter: &mut IterMut<u16>,
n: u8,
delay: &mut DELAY,
) -> Result<(), Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
let mut iter = buf.iter_mut();
let mut next_byte: &mut u8;
if n > self.cfg.max_channels - 1 {
return Err(Error::Adc(AdcError::InvalidChannel));
let conversions = self.cfg.max_channels - n;
for idx in n..self.cfg.max_channels {
next_byte =;
*next_byte = self.get_conversion_byte(ScanMode::ConvertChannelNOnce, idx)?;
next_byte =;
*next_byte = 0x00;
next_byte =;
*next_byte = 0x00;
// Write first conversion byte and then wait 65 us with CS high to allow internal
// reference to power up
let reply = self
.transfer(&mut buf[1..(conversions * 2 + 1) as usize])
let mut reply_iter = reply.iter();
for _ in 0..conversions {
let next_res = result_iter
*next_res = ((* as u16) << 6)
| (* as u16 >> 2);
// Internal clock, EOC pin used
/// Implementations when using the internal clock with a conversion started
/// through the serial interface
impl<SpiE, PinE, SPI, CS, EOC> Max116xx10BitEocExt<SPI, CS, EOC, IntClkdIntTmdSerIF>
SPI: Transfer<u8, Error = SpiE> + FullDuplex<u8, Error = SpiE>,
CS: OutputPin<Error = PinE>,
EOC: InputPin<Error = PinE>,
fn request_wrapper(
&mut self,
channel_num: u8,
scan_mode: ScanMode,
) -> Result<(), Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
if self.base.cfg.pending_scan_mode.is_some() {
return Err(Error::Adc(AdcError::PendingOperation));
let conv_byte = self
.get_conversion_byte(scan_mode, channel_num)
self.base.cfg.pending_scan_mode = Some(scan_mode);
pub fn request_single_channel(&mut self, channel_num: u8) -> Result<(), Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
self.request_wrapper(channel_num, ScanMode::ConvertChannelNOnce)
/// Request a channel repeatedly, using scan mode 10. The number of scans is determined
/// by the averaging register NSCAN0 and NSCAN1 configuration which can be configured
/// with the [`averaging`](Max116xx10Bit::averaging) function
pub fn request_channel_n_repeatedly(
&mut self,
channel_num: u8,
) -> Result<(), Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
self.request_wrapper(channel_num, ScanMode::ScanChannelNRepeatedly)
pub fn request_multiple_channels_0_to_n(&mut self, n: u8) -> Result<(), Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
self.base.cfg.requested_conversions = n as usize + 1;
self.request_wrapper(n, ScanMode::Scan0ToChannelN)
pub fn request_multiple_channels_n_to_highest(
&mut self,
n: u8,
) -> Result<(), Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
self.base.cfg.requested_conversions = self.base.cfg.max_channels as usize + 1 - n as usize;
self.request_wrapper(n, ScanMode::ScanChannelNToHighest)
/// This function is used to retrieve the results for a single byte request. The EOC pin
/// needs to be passed explicitely here.
/// If no request was made, [AdcError::NoPendingOperation] is returned.
/// If a request was made for multipel results, [AdcError::PendingOperation] will be returned.
pub fn get_single_channel(&mut self) -> nb::Result<u16, Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
self.base.internal_read_single_channel(&mut self.eoc)
/// This function is used to retrieve the results for all functions requesting multiple
/// bytes. If no request was made, [AdcError::NoPendingOperation] is returned.
/// If a request was made for a single channel, [AdcError::PendingOperation] will be returned.
pub fn get_multi_channel(
&mut self,
result_iter: &mut IterMut<u16>,
) -> nb::Result<(), Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
if self.base.cfg.pending_scan_mode.is_none() {
return Err(nb::Error::Other(Error::Adc(AdcError::NoPendingOperation)));
} else if self.base.cfg.pending_scan_mode == Some(ScanMode::ConvertChannelNOnce) {
return Err(nb::Error::Other(Error::Adc(AdcError::PendingOperation)));
if self.eoc.is_low().map_err(Error::Pin)? {
// maximum length of reply is 32 for 16 channels
let mut dummy_cmd: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
let num_conv: usize;
if self.base.cfg.pending_scan_mode == Some(ScanMode::ScanChannelNRepeatedly) {
num_conv = self.base.cfg.results_len as usize;
} else {
num_conv = self.base.cfg.requested_conversions;
self.base.cfg.pending_scan_mode = None;
self.base.cfg.requested_conversions = 0;
let transfer_result = self.base.spi.transfer(&mut dummy_cmd[0..(num_conv * 2)]);
match transfer_result {
Ok(reply) => {
let mut reply_iter = reply.iter();
for _ in 0..num_conv {
let next_res = result_iter
*next_res = ((* as u16) << 6)
| (* as u16 >> 2);
Err(e) => Err(nb::Error::Other(Error::Spi(e))),
} else {
// Internal clock, CNVST and EOC pin used
/// Implementations when using the internal clock where CNVST is held low for the duration
/// of the conversion
/// TODO: Implement. Unfortunately, the test board used to verify this library did not have
/// the CNVST connected, so I wouldn't be able to test an implementation easily.
impl<SpiE, PinE, SPI, CS, EOC, CNVST>
Max116xx10BitCnvstEocExt<SPI, CS, EOC, CNVST, IntClkdExtTmdCnvst, WithoutWakeupDelay>
SPI: Transfer<u8, Error = SpiE> + FullDuplex<u8, Error = SpiE>,
CS: OutputPin<Error = PinE>,
EOC: InputPin<Error = PinE>,
CNVST: OutputPin<Error = PinE>,
pub fn dummy() {
todo!("Implement this")
/// Implementations when using the internal clock where CNVST is only pulsed to start acquisition
/// and conversion
/// TODO: Test. Unfortunately, the test board used to verify this library did not have
/// the CNVST connected, so I wouldn't be able to test an implementation easily.
impl<SpiE, PinE, SPI, CS, EOC, CNVST>
Max116xx10BitCnvstEocExt<SPI, CS, EOC, CNVST, IntClkdIntTmdCnvst, WithWakeupDelay>
SPI: Transfer<u8, Error = SpiE> + FullDuplex<u8, Error = SpiE>,
CS: OutputPin<Error = PinE>,
EOC: InputPin<Error = PinE>,
CNVST: OutputPin<Error = PinE>,
/// The pulse needs to be at least 40ns. A pulse cycle value can be used to increase
/// the width of the pulse
pub fn request_single_channel(
&mut self,
channel_num: u8,
pulse_cycles: u8,
) -> Result<(), Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
self.request_wrapper(channel_num, ScanMode::ConvertChannelNOnce, pulse_cycles)
fn request_wrapper(
&mut self,
channel_num: u8,
scan_mode: ScanMode,
pulse_cycles: u8,
) -> Result<(), Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
if self.base.cfg.pending_scan_mode.is_some() {
return Err(Error::Adc(AdcError::PendingOperation));
let conv_byte = self
.get_conversion_byte(scan_mode, channel_num)
for _ in 0..pulse_cycles {}
self.base.cfg.pending_scan_mode = Some(scan_mode);
pub fn get_single_channel(&mut self) -> nb::Result<u16, Error<SpiE, PinE>> {
self.base.internal_read_single_channel(&mut self.eoc)
mod private {
pub trait Sealed {}