name = "satrs-example-stm32f3-disco"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html

cortex-m = "0.7"
cortex-m-rt = "0.7"
embedded-hal = "0.2.6"
cortex-m-rtic = "1.0"
enumset = "1.0"
heapless = "0.7"
systick-monotonic = "1.0"

git = "https://github.com/robamu/cobs.rs.git"
branch = "all_features"
default-features = false

version = "0.4"

git = "https://github.com/robamu/itm_logger.rs.git"
branch = "all_features"
version = "0.1.3-alpha.0"

git = "https://github.com/robamu/stm32f3xx-hal"
version = "0.10.0-alpha.0"
features = ["stm32f303xc", "rt", "enumset"]
branch = "all_features"
# Can be used in workspace to develop and update HAL
# path = "../stm32f3xx-hal"

git = "https://github.com/robamu/stm32f3-discovery"
version = "0.8.0-alpha.0"
branch = "all_features"
# Can be used in workspace to develop and update BSP
# path = "../stm32f3-discovery"

git = "https://egit.irs.uni-stuttgart.de/rust/satrs-core.git"
version = "0.1.0-alpha.0"
default-features = false

# this lets you use `cargo fix`!
# [[bin]]
# name = "stm32f3-blinky"
# test = false
# bench = false

codegen-units = 1 # better optimizations
debug = true # symbols are nice and they don't increase the size on Flash
lto = true # better optimizations