use log::warn; use satrs::pus::{EcssTcAndToken, ReceivesEcssPusTc}; use satrs::spacepackets::SpHeader; use std::sync::mpsc::{self, Receiver, SendError, Sender, TryRecvError}; use thiserror::Error; use crate::pus::PusReceiver; use satrs::pool::{PoolProvider, SharedStaticMemoryPool, StoreAddr, StoreError}; use satrs::spacepackets::ecss::tc::PusTcReader; use satrs::spacepackets::ecss::PusPacket; use satrs::tmtc::ReceivesCcsdsTc; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Error)] pub enum MpscStoreAndSendError { #[error("Store error: {0}")] Store(#[from] StoreError), #[error("TC send error: {0}")] TcSend(#[from] SendError), #[error("TMTC send error: {0}")] TmTcSend(#[from] SendError), } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct SharedTcPool { pub pool: SharedStaticMemoryPool, } impl SharedTcPool { pub fn add_pus_tc(&mut self, pus_tc: &PusTcReader) -> Result { let mut pg = self.pool.write().expect("error locking TC store"); let addr = pg.free_element(pus_tc.len_packed(), |buf| { buf[0..pus_tc.len_packed()].copy_from_slice(pus_tc.raw_data()); })?; Ok(addr) } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct PusTcSourceProviderSharedPool { pub tc_source: Sender, pub shared_pool: SharedTcPool, } impl PusTcSourceProviderSharedPool { #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn clone_backing_pool(&self) -> SharedStaticMemoryPool { self.shared_pool.pool.clone() } } impl ReceivesEcssPusTc for PusTcSourceProviderSharedPool { type Error = MpscStoreAndSendError; fn pass_pus_tc(&mut self, _: &SpHeader, pus_tc: &PusTcReader) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { let addr = self.shared_pool.add_pus_tc(pus_tc)?; self.tc_source.send(addr)?; Ok(()) } } impl ReceivesCcsdsTc for PusTcSourceProviderSharedPool { type Error = MpscStoreAndSendError; fn pass_ccsds(&mut self, _: &SpHeader, tc_raw: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { let mut pool = self.shared_pool.pool.write().expect("locking pool failed"); let addr = pool.add(tc_raw)?; drop(pool); self.tc_source.send(addr)?; Ok(()) } } // Newtype, can not implement necessary traits on MPSC sender directly because of orphan rules. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct PusTcSourceProviderDynamic(pub Sender>); impl ReceivesEcssPusTc for PusTcSourceProviderDynamic { type Error = SendError>; fn pass_pus_tc(&mut self, _: &SpHeader, pus_tc: &PusTcReader) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { self.0.send(pus_tc.raw_data().to_vec())?; Ok(()) } } impl ReceivesCcsdsTc for PusTcSourceProviderDynamic { type Error = mpsc::SendError>; fn pass_ccsds(&mut self, _: &SpHeader, tc_raw: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { self.0.send(tc_raw.to_vec())?; Ok(()) } } // TC source components where static pools are the backing memory of the received telecommands. pub struct TcSourceTaskStatic { shared_tc_pool: SharedTcPool, tc_receiver: Receiver, tc_buf: [u8; 4096], pus_receiver: PusReceiver, } impl TcSourceTaskStatic { pub fn new( shared_tc_pool: SharedTcPool, tc_receiver: Receiver, pus_receiver: PusReceiver, ) -> Self { Self { shared_tc_pool, tc_receiver, tc_buf: [0; 4096], pus_receiver, } } pub fn periodic_operation(&mut self) { self.poll_tc(); } pub fn poll_tc(&mut self) -> bool { match self.tc_receiver.try_recv() { Ok(addr) => { let pool = self .shared_tc_pool .pool .read() .expect("locking tc pool failed");, &mut self.tc_buf) .expect("reading pool failed"); drop(pool); match PusTcReader::new(&self.tc_buf) { Ok((pus_tc, _)) => { self.pus_receiver .handle_tc_packet( satrs::pus::TcInMemory::StoreAddr(addr), pus_tc.service(), &pus_tc, ) .ok(); true } Err(e) => { warn!("error creating PUS TC from raw data: {e}"); warn!("raw data: {:x?}", self.tc_buf); true } } } Err(e) => match e { TryRecvError::Empty => false, TryRecvError::Disconnected => { warn!("tmtc thread: sender disconnected"); false } }, } } } // TC source components where the heap is the backing memory of the received telecommands. pub struct TcSourceTaskDynamic { pub tc_receiver: Receiver>, pus_receiver: PusReceiver, } impl TcSourceTaskDynamic { pub fn new(tc_receiver: Receiver>, pus_receiver: PusReceiver) -> Self { Self { tc_receiver, pus_receiver, } } pub fn periodic_operation(&mut self) { self.poll_tc(); } pub fn poll_tc(&mut self) -> bool { match self.tc_receiver.try_recv() { Ok(tc) => match PusTcReader::new(&tc) { Ok((pus_tc, _)) => { self.pus_receiver .handle_tc_packet( satrs::pus::TcInMemory::Vec(tc.clone()), pus_tc.service(), &pus_tc, ) .ok(); true } Err(e) => { warn!("error creating PUS TC from raw data: {e}"); warn!("raw data: {:x?}", tc); true } }, Err(e) => match e { TryRecvError::Empty => false, TryRecvError::Disconnected => { warn!("tmtc thread: sender disconnected"); false } }, } } }