//! This serves as both an integration test and an example application showcasing all major //! features of the TCP COBS server by performing following steps: //! //! 1. It defines both a TC receiver and a TM source which are [Sync]. //! 2. A telemetry packet is inserted into the TM source. The packet will be handled by the //! TCP server after handling all TCs. //! 3. It instantiates the TCP server on localhost with automatic port assignment and assigns //! the TC receiver and TM source created previously. //! 4. It moves the TCP server to a different thread and calls the //! [TcpTmtcInCobsServer::handle_next_connection] call inside that thread //! 5. The main threads connects to the server, sends a test telecommand and then reads back //! the test telemetry insertd in to the TM source previously. use core::{ sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}, time::Duration, }; use std::{ io::{Read, Write}, net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr, TcpStream}, sync::{mpsc, Mutex}, thread, }; use hashbrown::HashSet; use satrs::{ encoding::{ ccsds::{SpacePacketValidation, SpacePacketValidator}, cobs::encode_packet_with_cobs, }, hal::std::tcp_server::{ ConnectionResult, HandledConnectionHandler, HandledConnectionInfo, ServerConfig, TcpSpacepacketsServer, TcpTmtcInCobsServer, }, tmtc::PacketSource, ComponentId, }; use spacepackets::{ ecss::{tc::PusTcCreator, WritablePusPacket}, CcsdsPacket, PacketId, SpHeader, }; use std::{collections::VecDeque, sync::Arc, vec::Vec}; #[derive(Default)] pub struct ConnectionFinishedHandler { connection_info: VecDeque, } impl HandledConnectionHandler for ConnectionFinishedHandler { fn handled_connection(&mut self, info: HandledConnectionInfo) { self.connection_info.push_back(info); } } impl ConnectionFinishedHandler { pub fn check_last_connection(&mut self, num_tms: u32, num_tcs: u32) { let last_conn_result = self .connection_info .pop_back() .expect("no connection info available"); assert_eq!(last_conn_result.num_received_tcs, num_tcs); assert_eq!(last_conn_result.num_sent_tms, num_tms); } pub fn check_no_connections_left(&self) { assert!(self.connection_info.is_empty()); } } #[derive(Default, Clone)] struct SyncTmSource { tm_queue: Arc>>>, } impl SyncTmSource { pub(crate) fn add_tm(&mut self, tm: &[u8]) { let mut tm_queue = self.tm_queue.lock().expect("locking tm queue failec"); tm_queue.push_back(tm.to_vec()); } } impl PacketSource for SyncTmSource { type Error = (); fn retrieve_packet(&mut self, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result { let mut tm_queue = self.tm_queue.lock().expect("locking tm queue failed"); if !tm_queue.is_empty() { let next_vec = tm_queue.front().unwrap(); if buffer.len() < next_vec.len() { panic!( "provided buffer too small, must be at least {} bytes", next_vec.len() ); } println!("Sending and encoding TM: {:x?}", next_vec); let next_vec = tm_queue.pop_front().unwrap(); buffer[0..next_vec.len()].copy_from_slice(&next_vec); return Ok(next_vec.len()); } Ok(0) } } const TCP_SERVER_ID: ComponentId = 0x05; const SIMPLE_PACKET: [u8; 5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; const INVERTED_PACKET: [u8; 5] = [5, 4, 3, 4, 1]; const AUTO_PORT_ADDR: SocketAddr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1)), 0); #[test] fn test_cobs_server() { let (tc_sender, tc_receiver) = mpsc::channel(); let mut tm_source = SyncTmSource::default(); // Insert a telemetry packet which will be read back by the client at a later stage. tm_source.add_tm(&INVERTED_PACKET); let mut tcp_server = TcpTmtcInCobsServer::new( ServerConfig::new( TCP_SERVER_ID, AUTO_PORT_ADDR, Duration::from_millis(2), 1024, 1024, ), tm_source, tc_sender.clone(), ConnectionFinishedHandler::default(), None, ) .expect("TCP server generation failed"); let dest_addr = tcp_server .local_addr() .expect("retrieving dest addr failed"); let conn_handled: Arc = Default::default(); let set_if_done = conn_handled.clone(); // Call the connection handler in separate thread, does block. thread::spawn(move || { let result = tcp_server.handle_all_connections(Some(Duration::from_millis(400))); if result.is_err() { panic!("handling connection failed: {:?}", result.unwrap_err()); } let conn_result = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(conn_result, ConnectionResult::HandledConnections(1)); tcp_server .generic_server .finished_handler .check_last_connection(1, 1); tcp_server .generic_server .finished_handler .check_no_connections_left(); // Signal the main thread we are done. set_if_done.store(true, Ordering::Relaxed); }); // Send TC to server now. let mut encoded_buf: [u8; 16] = [0; 16]; let mut current_idx = 0; encode_packet_with_cobs(&SIMPLE_PACKET, &mut encoded_buf, &mut current_idx); let mut stream = TcpStream::connect(dest_addr).expect("connecting to TCP server failed"); stream .write_all(&encoded_buf[..current_idx]) .expect("writing to TCP server failed"); // Done with writing. stream .shutdown(std::net::Shutdown::Write) .expect("shutting down write failed"); let mut read_buf: [u8; 16] = [0; 16]; let read_len = stream.read(&mut read_buf).expect("read failed"); drop(stream); // 1 byte encoding overhead, 2 sentinel bytes. assert_eq!(read_len, 8); assert_eq!(read_buf[0], 0); assert_eq!(read_buf[read_len - 1], 0); let decoded_len = cobs::decode_in_place(&mut read_buf[1..read_len]).expect("COBS decoding failed"); assert_eq!(decoded_len, 5); // Skip first sentinel byte. assert_eq!(&read_buf[1..1 + INVERTED_PACKET.len()], &INVERTED_PACKET); // A certain amount of time is allowed for the transaction to complete. for _ in 0..3 { if !conn_handled.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(5)); } } if !conn_handled.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { panic!("connection was not handled properly"); } // Check that the packet was received and decoded successfully. let tc_with_sender = tc_receiver.try_recv().expect("no TC received"); assert_eq!(tc_with_sender.packet, SIMPLE_PACKET); assert_eq!(tc_with_sender.sender_id, TCP_SERVER_ID); matches!(tc_receiver.try_recv(), Err(mpsc::TryRecvError::Empty)); } const TEST_APID_0: u16 = 0x02; const TEST_PACKET_ID_0: PacketId = PacketId::new_for_tc(true, TEST_APID_0); #[derive(Default)] pub struct SimpleVerificator { pub valid_ids: HashSet, } impl SpacePacketValidator for SimpleVerificator { fn validate( &self, sp_header: &SpHeader, _raw_buf: &[u8], ) -> satrs::encoding::ccsds::SpacePacketValidation { if self.valid_ids.contains(&sp_header.packet_id()) { return SpacePacketValidation::Valid; } SpacePacketValidation::Ignore } } #[test] fn test_ccsds_server() { let (tc_sender, tc_receiver) = mpsc::channel(); let mut tm_source = SyncTmSource::default(); let sph = SpHeader::new_for_unseg_tc(TEST_APID_0, 0, 0); let verif_tm = PusTcCreator::new_simple(sph, 1, 1, &[], true); let tm_0 = verif_tm.to_vec().expect("tm generation failed"); tm_source.add_tm(&tm_0); let mut packet_id_lookup = SimpleVerificator::default(); packet_id_lookup.valid_ids.insert(TEST_PACKET_ID_0); let mut tcp_server = TcpSpacepacketsServer::new( ServerConfig::new( TCP_SERVER_ID, AUTO_PORT_ADDR, Duration::from_millis(2), 1024, 1024, ), tm_source, tc_sender, packet_id_lookup, ConnectionFinishedHandler::default(), None, ) .expect("TCP server generation failed"); let dest_addr = tcp_server .local_addr() .expect("retrieving dest addr failed"); let conn_handled: Arc = Default::default(); let set_if_done = conn_handled.clone(); // Call the connection handler in separate thread, does block. thread::spawn(move || { let result = tcp_server.handle_all_connections(Some(Duration::from_millis(500))); if result.is_err() { panic!("handling connection failed: {:?}", result.unwrap_err()); } let conn_result = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(conn_result, ConnectionResult::HandledConnections(1)); tcp_server .generic_server .finished_handler .check_last_connection(1, 1); tcp_server .generic_server .finished_handler .check_no_connections_left(); set_if_done.store(true, Ordering::Relaxed); }); let mut stream = TcpStream::connect(dest_addr).expect("connecting to TCP server failed"); stream .set_read_timeout(Some(Duration::from_millis(10))) .expect("setting reas timeout failed"); // Send ping telecommand. let sph = SpHeader::new_for_unseg_tc(TEST_APID_0, 0, 0); let ping_tc = PusTcCreator::new_simple(sph, 17, 1, &[], true); let tc_0 = ping_tc.to_vec().expect("packet creation failed"); stream .write_all(&tc_0) .expect("writing to TCP server failed"); // Done with writing. stream .shutdown(std::net::Shutdown::Write) .expect("shutting down write failed"); // Now read all the telemetry from the server. let mut read_buf: [u8; 16] = [0; 16]; let mut read_len_total = 0; // Timeout ensures this does not block forever. while read_len_total < tm_0.len() { let read_len = stream.read(&mut read_buf).expect("read failed"); read_len_total += read_len; assert_eq!(read_buf[..read_len], tm_0); } drop(stream); // A certain amount of time is allowed for the transaction to complete. for _ in 0..3 { if !conn_handled.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(5)); } } if !conn_handled.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { panic!("connection was not handled properly"); } // Check that TC has arrived. let tc_with_sender = tc_receiver.try_recv().expect("no TC received"); assert_eq!(tc_with_sender.packet, tc_0); assert_eq!(tc_with_sender.sender_id, TCP_SERVER_ID); matches!(tc_receiver.try_recv(), Err(mpsc::TryRecvError::Empty)); }