use derive_new::new; use num_enum::{IntoPrimitive, TryFromPrimitive}; use satrs_core::events::{EventU32TypedSev, SeverityInfo}; use satrs_core::objects::ObjectId; use satrs_core::spacepackets::ecss::tc::IsPusTelecommand; use satrs_core::spacepackets::ecss::PusPacket; use satrs_core::spacepackets::{ByteConversionError, CcsdsPacket}; use satrs_core::tmtc::TargetId; use std::fmt; use std::net::Ipv4Addr; use thiserror::Error; use satrs_mib::res_code::{ResultU16, ResultU16Info}; use satrs_mib::resultcode; pub type Apid = u16; #[derive(Debug, Error)] pub enum TargetIdCreationError { #[error("byte conversion")] ByteConversion(#[from] ByteConversionError), #[error("not enough app data to generate target ID")] NotEnoughAppData(usize), } // TODO: can these stay pub? #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug, new)] pub struct TargetIdWithApid { pub apid: Apid, pub target: TargetId, } impl fmt::Display for TargetIdWithApid { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}, {}", self.apid, } } impl TargetIdWithApid { pub fn apid(&self) -> Apid { self.apid } pub fn target_id(&self) -> TargetId { } } impl TargetIdWithApid { pub fn from_tc( tc: &(impl CcsdsPacket + PusPacket + IsPusTelecommand), ) -> Result { if tc.user_data().len() < 4 { return Err(ByteConversionError::FromSliceTooSmall { found: tc.user_data().len(), expected: 8, } .into()); } Ok(Self { apid: tc.apid(), target: u32::from_be_bytes(tc.user_data()[0..4].try_into().unwrap()), }) } } pub const PUS_APID: u16 = 0x02; #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, TryFromPrimitive, IntoPrimitive)] #[repr(u8)] pub enum CustomPusServiceId { Mode = 200, Health = 201, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)] pub enum RequestTargetId { AcsSubsystem = 1, } pub const AOCS_APID: u16 = 1; pub const ACS_OBJECT_ID: ObjectId = ObjectId { id: RequestTargetId::AcsSubsystem as u32, name: "ACS_SUBSYSTEM", }; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum GroupId { Tmtc = 0, Hk = 1, } pub const OBSW_SERVER_ADDR: Ipv4Addr = Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED; pub const SERVER_PORT: u16 = 7301; pub const TEST_EVENT: EventU32TypedSev = EventU32TypedSev::::const_new(0, 0); pub mod tmtc_err { use super::*; #[resultcode] pub const INVALID_PUS_SERVICE: ResultU16 = ResultU16::const_new(GroupId::Tmtc as u8, 0); #[resultcode] pub const INVALID_PUS_SUBSERVICE: ResultU16 = ResultU16::const_new(GroupId::Tmtc as u8, 1); #[resultcode] pub const PUS_SERVICE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: ResultU16 = ResultU16::const_new(GroupId::Tmtc as u8, 2); #[resultcode] pub const UNKNOWN_TARGET_ID: ResultU16 = ResultU16::const_new(GroupId::Tmtc as u8, 3); #[resultcode( info = "Not enough data inside the TC application data field. Optionally includes: \ 8 bytes of failure data containing 2 failure parameters, \ P1 (u32 big endian): Expected data length, P2: Found data length" )] pub const NOT_ENOUGH_APP_DATA: ResultU16 = ResultU16::const_new(GroupId::Tmtc as u8, 2); pub const TMTC_RESULTS: &[ResultU16Info] = &[ INVALID_PUS_SERVICE_EXT, INVALID_PUS_SUBSERVICE_EXT, NOT_ENOUGH_APP_DATA_EXT, ]; } pub mod hk_err { use super::*; #[resultcode] pub const TARGET_ID_MISSING: ResultU16 = ResultU16::const_new(GroupId::Hk as u8, 0); #[resultcode] pub const UNIQUE_ID_MISSING: ResultU16 = ResultU16::const_new(GroupId::Hk as u8, 1); #[resultcode] pub const UNKNOWN_TARGET_ID: ResultU16 = ResultU16::const_new(GroupId::Hk as u8, 2); #[resultcode] pub const COLLECTION_INTERVAL_MISSING: ResultU16 = ResultU16::const_new(GroupId::Hk as u8, 3); } #[allow(clippy::enum_variant_names)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum TmSenderId { PusVerification = 0, PusTest = 1, PusEvent = 2, PusHk = 3, PusAction = 4, PusSched = 5, AllEvents = 6, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum TcReceiverId { PusTest = 1, PusEvent = 2, PusHk = 3, PusAction = 4, PusSched = 5, }