//! # PUS Service 1 Verification Module //! //! This module allows packaging and sending PUS Service 1 packets. It is conforming to section //! 8 of the PUS standard ECSS-E-ST-70-41C. //! //! The core object to report TC verification progress is the [VerificationReporter]. It exposes //! an API which uses type-state programming to avoid calling the verification steps in //! an invalid order. //! //! # Examples //! //! Basic single-threaded example where a full success sequence for a given ping telecommand is //! executed. Note that the verification part could also be done in a separate thread. //! //! ``` //! use std::sync::{Arc, mpsc, RwLock}; //! use std::time::Duration; //! use satrs::pool::{PoolProviderWithGuards, StaticMemoryPool, StaticPoolConfig}; //! use satrs::pus::verification::{ //! VerificationReportingProvider, VerificationReporterCfg, VerificationReporterWithSender //! }; //! use satrs::seq_count::SeqCountProviderSimple; //! use satrs::pus::MpscTmInSharedPoolSender; //! use satrs::tmtc::tm_helper::SharedTmPool; //! use spacepackets::ecss::PusPacket; //! use spacepackets::SpHeader; //! use spacepackets::ecss::tc::{PusTcCreator, PusTcSecondaryHeader}; //! use spacepackets::ecss::tm::PusTmReader; //! //! const EMPTY_STAMP: [u8; 7] = [0; 7]; //! const TEST_APID: u16 = 0x02; //! //! let pool_cfg = StaticPoolConfig::new(vec![(10, 32), (10, 64), (10, 128), (10, 1024)], false); //! let tm_pool = StaticMemoryPool::new(pool_cfg.clone()); //! let shared_tm_store = SharedTmPool::new(tm_pool); //! let tm_store = shared_tm_store.clone_backing_pool(); //! let (verif_tx, verif_rx) = mpsc::channel(); //! let sender = MpscTmInSharedPoolSender::new(0, "Test Sender", shared_tm_store, verif_tx); //! let cfg = VerificationReporterCfg::new(TEST_APID, 1, 2, 8).unwrap(); //! let mut reporter = VerificationReporterWithSender::new(&cfg , Box::new(sender)); //! //! let mut sph = SpHeader::tc_unseg(TEST_APID, 0, 0).unwrap(); //! let tc_header = PusTcSecondaryHeader::new_simple(17, 1); //! let pus_tc_0 = PusTcCreator::new_no_app_data(&mut sph, tc_header, true); //! let init_token = reporter.add_tc(&pus_tc_0); //! //! // Complete success sequence for a telecommand //! let accepted_token = reporter.acceptance_success(init_token, &EMPTY_STAMP).unwrap(); //! let started_token = reporter.start_success(accepted_token, &EMPTY_STAMP).unwrap(); //! reporter.completion_success(started_token, &EMPTY_STAMP).unwrap(); //! //! // Verify it arrives correctly on receiver end //! let mut tm_buf: [u8; 1024] = [0; 1024]; //! let mut packet_idx = 0; //! while packet_idx < 3 { //! let addr = verif_rx.recv_timeout(Duration::from_millis(10)).unwrap(); //! let tm_len; //! { //! let mut rg = tm_store.write().expect("Error locking shared pool"); //! let store_guard = rg.read_with_guard(addr); //! tm_len = store_guard.read(&mut tm_buf).expect("Error reading TM slice"); //! } //! let (pus_tm, _) = PusTmReader::new(&tm_buf[0..tm_len], 7) //! .expect("Error reading verification TM"); //! if packet_idx == 0 { //! assert_eq!(pus_tm.subservice(), 1); //! } else if packet_idx == 1 { //! assert_eq!(pus_tm.subservice(), 3); //! } else if packet_idx == 2 { //! assert_eq!(pus_tm.subservice(), 7); //! } //! packet_idx += 1; //! } //! ``` //! //! The [integration test](https://egit.irs.uni-stuttgart.de/rust/fsrc-launchpad/src/branch/main/fsrc-core/tests/verification_test.rs) //! for the verification module contains examples how this module could be used in a more complex //! context involving multiple threads use crate::pus::{source_buffer_large_enough, EcssTmSenderCore, EcssTmtcError}; use core::fmt::{Debug, Display, Formatter}; use core::hash::{Hash, Hasher}; use core::marker::PhantomData; use core::mem::size_of; #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] use delegate::delegate; #[cfg(feature = "serde")] use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use spacepackets::ecss::tc::IsPusTelecommand; use spacepackets::ecss::tm::{PusTmCreator, PusTmSecondaryHeader}; use spacepackets::ecss::{EcssEnumeration, PusError, WritablePusPacket}; use spacepackets::{CcsdsPacket, PacketId, PacketSequenceCtrl}; use spacepackets::{SpHeader, MAX_APID}; pub use crate::seq_count::SeqCountProviderSimple; pub use spacepackets::ecss::verification::*; #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] pub use alloc_mod::{ VerificationReporter, VerificationReporterCfg, VerificationReporterWithSender, }; #[cfg(feature = "std")] pub use std_mod::*; /// This is a request identifier as specified in c. of the PUS standard. /// /// This field equivalent to the first two bytes of the CCSDS space packet header. /// This version of the request ID is supplied in the verification reports and does not contain /// the source ID. #[derive(Debug, Eq, Copy, Clone)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))] pub struct RequestId { version_number: u8, packet_id: PacketId, psc: PacketSequenceCtrl, } impl Display for RequestId { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result { write!(f, "{:#08x}", self.raw()) } } impl Hash for RequestId { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.raw().hash(state); } } // Implement manually to satisfy derive_hash_xor_eq lint impl PartialEq for RequestId { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.version_number == other.version_number && self.packet_id == other.packet_id && self.psc == other.psc } } impl RequestId { pub const SIZE_AS_BYTES: usize = size_of::(); pub fn raw(&self) -> u32 { ((self.version_number as u32) << 29) | ((self.packet_id.raw() as u32) << 16) | self.psc.raw() as u32 } pub fn to_bytes(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) { let raw = self.raw(); buf.copy_from_slice(raw.to_be_bytes().as_slice()); } pub fn from_bytes(buf: &[u8]) -> Option { if buf.len() < 4 { return None; } let raw = u32::from_be_bytes(buf[0..Self::SIZE_AS_BYTES].try_into().unwrap()); Some(Self { version_number: ((raw >> 29) & 0b111) as u8, packet_id: PacketId::from(((raw >> 16) & 0xffff) as u16), psc: PacketSequenceCtrl::from((raw & 0xffff) as u16), }) } } impl RequestId { /// This allows extracting the request ID from a given PUS telecommand. pub fn new(tc: &(impl CcsdsPacket + IsPusTelecommand)) -> Self { RequestId { version_number: tc.ccsds_version(), packet_id: tc.packet_id(), psc: tc.psc(), } } } /// If a verification operation fails, the passed token will be returned as well. This allows /// re-trying the operation at a later point. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken(pub EcssTmtcError, pub VerificationToken); #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct VerificationErrorWithToken(pub EcssTmtcError, pub VerificationToken); impl From> for VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken { fn from(value: VerificationErrorWithToken) -> Self { VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken(value.0, value.1) } } /// Support token to allow type-state programming. This prevents calling the verification /// steps in an invalid order. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct VerificationToken { state: PhantomData, req_id: RequestId, } pub trait WasAtLeastAccepted {} #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct TcStateNone; #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct TcStateAccepted; #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct TcStateStarted; #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct TcStateCompleted; impl WasAtLeastAccepted for TcStateAccepted {} impl WasAtLeastAccepted for TcStateStarted {} impl WasAtLeastAccepted for TcStateCompleted {} /// Token wrapper to model all possible verification tokens. These tokens are used to /// enforce the correct order for the verification steps when doing verification reporting. #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum TcStateToken { None(VerificationToken), Accepted(VerificationToken), Started(VerificationToken), Completed(VerificationToken), } impl From> for TcStateToken { fn from(t: VerificationToken) -> Self { TcStateToken::None(t) } } impl TryFrom for VerificationToken { type Error = (); fn try_from(value: TcStateToken) -> Result { if let TcStateToken::Accepted(token) = value { Ok(token) } else { Err(()) } } } impl TryFrom for VerificationToken { type Error = (); fn try_from(value: TcStateToken) -> Result { if let TcStateToken::Started(token) = value { Ok(token) } else { Err(()) } } } impl From> for TcStateToken { fn from(t: VerificationToken) -> Self { TcStateToken::Accepted(t) } } impl From> for TcStateToken { fn from(t: VerificationToken) -> Self { TcStateToken::Started(t) } } impl From> for TcStateToken { fn from(t: VerificationToken) -> Self { TcStateToken::Completed(t) } } impl VerificationToken { fn new(req_id: RequestId) -> VerificationToken { VerificationToken { state: PhantomData, req_id, } } pub fn req_id(&self) -> RequestId { self.req_id } } /// Composite helper struct to pass failure parameters to the [VerificationReporter] pub struct FailParams<'stamp, 'fargs> { time_stamp: &'stamp [u8], failure_code: &'fargs dyn EcssEnumeration, failure_data: &'fargs [u8], } impl<'stamp, 'fargs> FailParams<'stamp, 'fargs> { pub fn new( time_stamp: &'stamp [u8], failure_code: &'fargs impl EcssEnumeration, failure_data: &'fargs [u8], ) -> Self { Self { time_stamp, failure_code, failure_data, } } pub fn new_no_fail_data( time_stamp: &'stamp [u8], failure_code: &'fargs impl EcssEnumeration, ) -> Self { Self::new(time_stamp, failure_code, &[]) } } /// Composite helper struct to pass step failure parameters to the [VerificationReporter] pub struct FailParamsWithStep<'stamp, 'fargs> { bp: FailParams<'stamp, 'fargs>, step: &'fargs dyn EcssEnumeration, } impl<'stamp, 'fargs> FailParamsWithStep<'stamp, 'fargs> { pub fn new( time_stamp: &'stamp [u8], step: &'fargs impl EcssEnumeration, failure_code: &'fargs impl EcssEnumeration, failure_data: &'fargs [u8], ) -> Self { Self { bp: FailParams::new(time_stamp, failure_code, failure_data), step, } } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct VerificationReporterCore { pub dest_id: u16, apid: u16, } pub enum VerifSuccess {} pub enum VerifFailure {} /// Abstraction for a sendable PUS TM. The user is expected to send the TM packet to a TM sink. /// /// This struct generally mutably borrows the source data buffer. pub struct VerificationSendable<'src_data, State, SuccessOrFailure> { token: Option>, pus_tm: Option>, phantom: PhantomData, } impl<'src_data, State, SuccessOrFailure> VerificationSendable<'src_data, State, SuccessOrFailure> { pub(crate) fn new(pus_tm: PusTmCreator<'src_data>, token: VerificationToken) -> Self { Self { token: Some(token), pus_tm: Some(pus_tm), phantom: PhantomData, } } pub(crate) fn new_no_token(pus_tm: PusTmCreator<'src_data>) -> Self { Self { token: None, pus_tm: Some(pus_tm), phantom: PhantomData, } } pub fn len_packed(&self) -> usize { self.pus_tm.as_ref().unwrap().len_written() } pub fn pus_tm(&self) -> &PusTmCreator<'src_data> { self.pus_tm.as_ref().unwrap() } pub fn pus_tm_mut(&mut self) -> &mut PusTmCreator<'src_data> { self.pus_tm.as_mut().unwrap() } } impl<'src_data, State> VerificationSendable<'src_data, State, VerifFailure> { pub fn send_success_verif_failure(self) {} } impl<'src_data, State> VerificationSendable<'src_data, State, VerifFailure> { pub fn send_failure(self) -> (PusTmCreator<'src_data>, VerificationToken) { (self.pus_tm.unwrap(), self.token.unwrap()) } } impl<'src_data> VerificationSendable<'src_data, TcStateNone, VerifSuccess> { pub fn send_success_acceptance_success(self) -> VerificationToken { VerificationToken { state: PhantomData, req_id: self.token.unwrap().req_id(), } } } impl<'src_data> VerificationSendable<'src_data, TcStateAccepted, VerifSuccess> { pub fn send_success_start_success(self) -> VerificationToken { VerificationToken { state: PhantomData, req_id: self.token.unwrap().req_id(), } } } impl<'src_data, TcState: WasAtLeastAccepted + Copy> VerificationSendable<'src_data, TcState, VerifSuccess> { pub fn send_success_step_or_completion_success(self) {} } pub trait VerificationReportingProvider { fn add_tc( &mut self, pus_tc: &(impl CcsdsPacket + IsPusTelecommand), ) -> VerificationToken { self.add_tc_with_req_id(RequestId::new(pus_tc)) } fn add_tc_with_req_id(&mut self, req_id: RequestId) -> VerificationToken; fn acceptance_success( &self, token: VerificationToken, time_stamp: &[u8], ) -> Result, VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken>; fn acceptance_failure( &self, token: VerificationToken, params: FailParams, ) -> Result<(), VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken>; fn start_success( &self, token: VerificationToken, time_stamp: &[u8], ) -> Result, VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken>; fn start_failure( &self, token: VerificationToken, params: FailParams, ) -> Result<(), VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken>; fn step_success( &self, token: &VerificationToken, time_stamp: &[u8], step: impl EcssEnumeration, ) -> Result<(), EcssTmtcError>; fn step_failure( &self, token: VerificationToken, params: FailParamsWithStep, ) -> Result<(), VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken>; fn completion_success( &self, token: VerificationToken, time_stamp: &[u8], ) -> Result<(), VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken>; fn completion_failure( &self, token: VerificationToken, params: FailParams, ) -> Result<(), VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken>; } /// Primary verification handler. It provides an API to send PUS 1 verification telemetry packets /// and verify the various steps of telecommand handling as specified in the PUS standard. /// /// This is the core component which can be used without [`alloc`] support. Please note that /// the buffer passed to the API exposes by this struct will be used to serialize the source data. /// This buffer may not be re-used to serialize the whole telemetry because that would overwrite /// the source data itself. impl VerificationReporterCore { pub fn new(apid: u16) -> Option { if apid > MAX_APID { return None; } Some(Self { apid, dest_id: 0 }) } pub fn set_apid(&mut self, apid: u16) -> bool { if apid > MAX_APID { return false; } self.apid = apid; true } pub fn apid(&self) -> u16 { self.apid } pub fn dest_id(&self) -> u16 { self.dest_id } pub fn set_dest_id(&mut self, dest_id: u16) { self.dest_id = dest_id; } /// Initialize verification handling by passing a TC reference. This returns a token required /// to call the acceptance functions pub fn add_tc( &mut self, pus_tc: &(impl CcsdsPacket + IsPusTelecommand), ) -> VerificationToken { self.add_tc_with_req_id(RequestId::new(pus_tc)) } /// Same as [Self::add_tc] but pass a request ID instead of the direct telecommand. /// This can be useful if the executing thread does not have full access to the telecommand. pub fn add_tc_with_req_id(&mut self, req_id: RequestId) -> VerificationToken { VerificationToken::::new(req_id) } fn sendable_success_no_step<'src_data, State: Copy>( &self, src_data_buf: &'src_data mut [u8], subservice: u8, token: VerificationToken, seq_count: u16, msg_count: u16, time_stamp: &'src_data [u8], ) -> Result< VerificationSendable<'src_data, State, VerifSuccess>, VerificationErrorWithToken, > { Ok(VerificationSendable::new( self.create_pus_verif_success_tm( src_data_buf, subservice, seq_count, msg_count, &token.req_id, time_stamp, None::<&dyn EcssEnumeration>, ) .map_err(|e| VerificationErrorWithToken(e, token))?, token, )) } // Internal helper function, too many arguments is acceptable for this case. #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] fn sendable_failure_no_step<'src_data, State: Copy>( &self, src_data_buf: &'src_data mut [u8], subservice: u8, token: VerificationToken, seq_count: u16, msg_count: u16, step: Option<&(impl EcssEnumeration + ?Sized)>, params: &FailParams<'src_data, '_>, ) -> Result< VerificationSendable<'src_data, State, VerifFailure>, VerificationErrorWithToken, > { Ok(VerificationSendable::new( self.create_pus_verif_fail_tm( src_data_buf, subservice, seq_count, msg_count, &token.req_id, step, params, ) .map_err(|e| VerificationErrorWithToken(e, token))?, token, )) } /// Package a PUS TM\[1, 1\] packet, see of the PUS standard. pub fn acceptance_success<'src_data>( &self, src_data_buf: &'src_data mut [u8], token: VerificationToken, seq_count: u16, msg_count: u16, time_stamp: &'src_data [u8], ) -> Result< VerificationSendable<'src_data, TcStateNone, VerifSuccess>, VerificationErrorWithToken, > { self.sendable_success_no_step( src_data_buf, Subservice::TmAcceptanceSuccess.into(), token, seq_count, msg_count, time_stamp, ) } pub fn send_acceptance_success( &self, mut sendable: VerificationSendable<'_, TcStateNone, VerifSuccess>, sender: &(impl EcssTmSenderCore + ?Sized), ) -> Result, VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken> { sender .send_tm(sendable.pus_tm.take().unwrap().into()) .map_err(|e| VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken(e, sendable.token.unwrap()))?; Ok(sendable.send_success_acceptance_success()) } pub fn send_acceptance_failure( &self, mut sendable: VerificationSendable<'_, TcStateNone, VerifFailure>, sender: &(impl EcssTmSenderCore + ?Sized), ) -> Result<(), VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken> { sender .send_tm(sendable.pus_tm.take().unwrap().into()) .map_err(|e| VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken(e, sendable.token.unwrap()))?; sendable.send_success_verif_failure(); Ok(()) } /// Package a PUS TM\[1, 2\] packet, see of the PUS standard. pub fn acceptance_failure<'src_data>( &self, src_data_buf: &'src_data mut [u8], token: VerificationToken, seq_count: u16, msg_count: u16, params: FailParams<'src_data, '_>, ) -> Result< VerificationSendable<'src_data, TcStateNone, VerifFailure>, VerificationErrorWithToken, > { self.sendable_failure_no_step( src_data_buf, Subservice::TmAcceptanceFailure.into(), token, seq_count, msg_count, None::<&dyn EcssEnumeration>, ¶ms, ) } /// Package and send a PUS TM\[1, 3\] packet, see of the PUS standard. /// /// Requires a token previously acquired by calling [Self::acceptance_success]. pub fn start_success<'src_data>( &self, src_data_buf: &'src_data mut [u8], token: VerificationToken, seq_count: u16, msg_count: u16, time_stamp: &'src_data [u8], ) -> Result< VerificationSendable<'src_data, TcStateAccepted, VerifSuccess>, VerificationErrorWithToken, > { self.sendable_success_no_step( src_data_buf, Subservice::TmStartSuccess.into(), token, seq_count, msg_count, time_stamp, ) } pub fn send_start_success( &self, mut sendable: VerificationSendable<'_, TcStateAccepted, VerifSuccess>, sender: &(impl EcssTmSenderCore + ?Sized), ) -> Result, VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken> { sender .send_tm(sendable.pus_tm.take().unwrap().into()) .map_err(|e| VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken(e, sendable.token.unwrap()))?; Ok(sendable.send_success_start_success()) } /// Package and send a PUS TM\[1, 4\] packet, see of the PUS standard. /// /// Requires a token previously acquired by calling [Self::acceptance_success]. It consumes /// the token because verification handling is done. pub fn start_failure<'src_data>( &self, src_data_buf: &'src_data mut [u8], token: VerificationToken, seq_count: u16, msg_count: u16, params: FailParams<'src_data, '_>, ) -> Result< VerificationSendable<'src_data, TcStateAccepted, VerifFailure>, VerificationErrorWithToken, > { self.sendable_failure_no_step( src_data_buf, Subservice::TmStartFailure.into(), token, seq_count, msg_count, None::<&dyn EcssEnumeration>, ¶ms, ) } pub fn send_start_failure( &self, mut sendable: VerificationSendable<'_, TcStateAccepted, VerifFailure>, sender: &(impl EcssTmSenderCore + ?Sized), ) -> Result<(), VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken> { sender .send_tm(sendable.pus_tm.take().unwrap().into()) .map_err(|e| VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken(e, sendable.token.unwrap()))?; sendable.send_success_verif_failure(); Ok(()) } /// Package and send a PUS TM\[1, 5\] packet, see of the PUS standard. /// /// Requires a token previously acquired by calling [Self::start_success]. pub fn step_success<'src_data>( &self, src_data_buf: &'src_data mut [u8], token: &VerificationToken, seq_count: u16, msg_count: u16, time_stamp: &'src_data [u8], step: impl EcssEnumeration, ) -> Result, EcssTmtcError> { Ok(VerificationSendable::new_no_token( self.create_pus_verif_success_tm( src_data_buf, Subservice::TmStepSuccess.into(), seq_count, msg_count, &token.req_id, time_stamp, Some(&step), )?, )) } /// Package and send a PUS TM\[1, 6\] packet, see of the PUS standard. /// /// Requires a token previously acquired by calling [Self::start_success]. It consumes the /// token because verification handling is done. pub fn step_failure<'src_data>( &self, src_data_buf: &'src_data mut [u8], token: VerificationToken, seq_count: u16, msg_count: u16, params: FailParamsWithStep<'src_data, '_>, ) -> Result< VerificationSendable<'src_data, TcStateStarted, VerifFailure>, VerificationErrorWithToken, > { Ok(VerificationSendable::new( self.create_pus_verif_fail_tm( src_data_buf, Subservice::TmStepFailure.into(), seq_count, msg_count, &token.req_id, Some(params.step), ¶ms.bp, ) .map_err(|e| VerificationErrorWithToken(e, token))?, token, )) } /// Package and send a PUS TM\[1, 7\] packet, see of the PUS standard. /// /// Requires a token previously acquired by calling [Self::start_success]. It consumes the /// token because verification handling is done. pub fn completion_success<'src_data, TcState: WasAtLeastAccepted + Copy>( &self, src_data_buf: &'src_data mut [u8], token: VerificationToken, seq_counter: u16, msg_counter: u16, time_stamp: &'src_data [u8], ) -> Result< VerificationSendable<'src_data, TcState, VerifSuccess>, VerificationErrorWithToken, > { self.sendable_success_no_step( src_data_buf, Subservice::TmCompletionSuccess.into(), token, seq_counter, msg_counter, time_stamp, ) } /// Package and send a PUS TM\[1, 8\] packet, see of the PUS standard. /// /// Requires a token previously acquired by calling [Self::start_success]. It consumes the /// token because verification handling is done. pub fn completion_failure<'src_data, TcState: WasAtLeastAccepted + Copy>( &self, src_data_buf: &'src_data mut [u8], token: VerificationToken, seq_count: u16, msg_count: u16, params: FailParams<'src_data, '_>, ) -> Result< VerificationSendable<'src_data, TcState, VerifFailure>, VerificationErrorWithToken, > { self.sendable_failure_no_step( src_data_buf, Subservice::TmCompletionFailure.into(), token, seq_count, msg_count, None::<&dyn EcssEnumeration>, ¶ms, ) } pub fn send_step_or_completion_success( &self, mut sendable: VerificationSendable<'_, TcState, VerifSuccess>, sender: &(impl EcssTmSenderCore + ?Sized), ) -> Result<(), VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken> { sender .send_tm(sendable.pus_tm.take().unwrap().into()) .map_err(|e| VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken(e, sendable.token.unwrap()))?; sendable.send_success_step_or_completion_success(); Ok(()) } pub fn send_step_or_completion_failure( &self, mut sendable: VerificationSendable<'_, TcState, VerifFailure>, sender: &(impl EcssTmSenderCore + ?Sized), ) -> Result<(), VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken> { sender .send_tm(sendable.pus_tm.take().unwrap().into()) .map_err(|e| VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken(e, sendable.token.unwrap()))?; sendable.send_success_verif_failure(); Ok(()) } // Internal helper function, too many arguments is acceptable for this case. #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] fn create_pus_verif_success_tm<'src_data>( &self, src_data_buf: &'src_data mut [u8], subservice: u8, seq_count: u16, msg_counter: u16, req_id: &RequestId, time_stamp: &'src_data [u8], step: Option<&(impl EcssEnumeration + ?Sized)>, ) -> Result, EcssTmtcError> { let mut source_data_len = size_of::(); if let Some(step) = step { source_data_len += step.size(); } source_buffer_large_enough(src_data_buf.len(), source_data_len)?; let mut idx = 0; req_id.to_bytes(&mut src_data_buf[0..RequestId::SIZE_AS_BYTES]); idx += RequestId::SIZE_AS_BYTES; if let Some(step) = step { // Size check was done beforehand step.write_to_be_bytes(&mut src_data_buf[idx..idx + step.size()]) .unwrap(); } let mut sp_header = SpHeader::tm_unseg(self.apid(), seq_count, 0).unwrap(); Ok(self.create_pus_verif_tm_base( src_data_buf, subservice, msg_counter, &mut sp_header, time_stamp, source_data_len, )) } // Internal helper function, too many arguments is acceptable for this case. #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] fn create_pus_verif_fail_tm<'src_data>( &self, src_data_buf: &'src_data mut [u8], subservice: u8, seq_count: u16, msg_counter: u16, req_id: &RequestId, step: Option<&(impl EcssEnumeration + ?Sized)>, params: &FailParams<'src_data, '_>, ) -> Result, EcssTmtcError> { let mut idx = 0; let mut source_data_len = RequestId::SIZE_AS_BYTES + params.failure_code.size(); if let Some(step) = step { source_data_len += step.size(); } source_data_len += params.failure_data.len(); source_buffer_large_enough(src_data_buf.len(), source_data_len)?; req_id.to_bytes(&mut src_data_buf[0..RequestId::SIZE_AS_BYTES]); idx += RequestId::SIZE_AS_BYTES; if let Some(step) = step { // Size check done beforehand step.write_to_be_bytes(&mut src_data_buf[idx..idx + step.size()]) .unwrap(); idx += step.size(); } params .failure_code .write_to_be_bytes(&mut src_data_buf[idx..idx + params.failure_code.size()]) .map_err(PusError::ByteConversion)?; idx += params.failure_code.size(); src_data_buf[idx..idx + params.failure_data.len()].copy_from_slice(params.failure_data); let mut sp_header = SpHeader::tm_unseg(self.apid(), seq_count, 0).unwrap(); Ok(self.create_pus_verif_tm_base( src_data_buf, subservice, msg_counter, &mut sp_header, params.time_stamp, source_data_len, )) } fn create_pus_verif_tm_base<'src_data>( &self, src_data_buf: &'src_data mut [u8], subservice: u8, msg_counter: u16, sp_header: &mut SpHeader, time_stamp: &'src_data [u8], source_data_len: usize, ) -> PusTmCreator<'src_data> { let tm_sec_header = PusTmSecondaryHeader::new(1, subservice, msg_counter, self.dest_id, Some(time_stamp)); PusTmCreator::new( sp_header, tm_sec_header, &src_data_buf[0..source_data_len], true, ) } } #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] mod alloc_mod { use super::*; use crate::pus::alloc_mod::EcssTmSender; use crate::seq_count::SequenceCountProvider; use alloc::boxed::Box; use alloc::vec; use alloc::vec::Vec; use core::cell::RefCell; use spacepackets::ecss::tc::IsPusTelecommand; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct VerificationReporterCfg { apid: u16, pub step_field_width: usize, pub fail_code_field_width: usize, pub max_fail_data_len: usize, } impl VerificationReporterCfg { pub fn new( apid: u16, step_field_width: usize, fail_code_field_width: usize, max_fail_data_len: usize, ) -> Option { if apid > MAX_APID { return None; } Some(Self { apid, step_field_width, fail_code_field_width, max_fail_data_len, }) } } /// Primary verification handler. It provides an API to send PUS 1 verification telemetry packets /// and verify the various steps of telecommand handling as specified in the PUS standard. /// It is assumed that the sequence counter and message counters are updated in a central /// TM funnel. This helper will always set those fields to 0. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct VerificationReporter { source_data_buf: RefCell>, pub seq_count_provider: Option + Send>>, pub msg_count_provider: Option + Send>>, pub reporter: VerificationReporterCore, } impl VerificationReporter { pub fn new(cfg: &VerificationReporterCfg) -> Self { let reporter = VerificationReporterCore::new(cfg.apid).unwrap(); Self { source_data_buf: RefCell::new(vec![ 0; RequestId::SIZE_AS_BYTES + cfg.step_field_width + cfg.fail_code_field_width + cfg.max_fail_data_len ]), seq_count_provider: None, msg_count_provider: None, reporter, } } delegate!( to self.reporter { pub fn set_apid(&mut self, apid: u16) -> bool; pub fn apid(&self) -> u16; pub fn add_tc(&mut self, pus_tc: &(impl CcsdsPacket + IsPusTelecommand)) -> VerificationToken; pub fn add_tc_with_req_id(&mut self, req_id: RequestId) -> VerificationToken; pub fn dest_id(&self) -> u16; pub fn set_dest_id(&mut self, dest_id: u16); } ); pub fn allowed_source_data_len(&self) -> usize { self.source_data_buf.borrow().capacity() } /// Package and send a PUS TM\[1, 1\] packet, see of the PUS standard pub fn acceptance_success( &self, token: VerificationToken, sender: &(impl EcssTmSenderCore + ?Sized), time_stamp: &[u8], ) -> Result, VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken> { let seq_count = self .seq_count_provider .as_ref() .map_or(0, |v| v.get_and_increment()); let msg_count = self .seq_count_provider .as_ref() .map_or(0, |v| v.get_and_increment()); let mut source_data_buf = self.source_data_buf.borrow_mut(); let sendable = self.reporter.acceptance_success( source_data_buf.as_mut_slice(), token, seq_count, msg_count, time_stamp, )?; self.reporter.send_acceptance_success(sendable, sender) } /// Package and send a PUS TM\[1, 2\] packet, see of the PUS standard pub fn acceptance_failure( &self, token: VerificationToken, sender: &(impl EcssTmSenderCore + ?Sized), params: FailParams, ) -> Result<(), VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken> { let seq_count = self .seq_count_provider .as_ref() .map_or(0, |v| v.get_and_increment()); let msg_count = self .seq_count_provider .as_ref() .map_or(0, |v| v.get_and_increment()); let mut buf = self.source_data_buf.borrow_mut(); let sendable = self.reporter.acceptance_failure( buf.as_mut_slice(), token, seq_count, msg_count, params, )?; self.reporter.send_acceptance_failure(sendable, sender) } /// Package and send a PUS TM\[1, 3\] packet, see of the PUS standard. /// /// Requires a token previously acquired by calling [Self::acceptance_success]. pub fn start_success( &self, token: VerificationToken, sender: &(impl EcssTmSenderCore + ?Sized), time_stamp: &[u8], ) -> Result< VerificationToken, VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken, > { let seq_count = self .seq_count_provider .as_ref() .map_or(0, |v| v.get_and_increment()); let msg_count = self .seq_count_provider .as_ref() .map_or(0, |v| v.get_and_increment()); let mut buf = self.source_data_buf.borrow_mut(); let sendable = self.reporter.start_success( buf.as_mut_slice(), token, seq_count, msg_count, time_stamp, )?; self.reporter.send_start_success(sendable, sender) } /// Package and send a PUS TM\[1, 4\] packet, see of the PUS standard. /// /// Requires a token previously acquired by calling [Self::acceptance_success]. It consumes /// the token because verification handling is done. pub fn start_failure( &self, token: VerificationToken, sender: &(impl EcssTmSenderCore + ?Sized), params: FailParams, ) -> Result<(), VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken> { let seq_count = self .seq_count_provider .as_ref() .map_or(0, |v| v.get_and_increment()); let msg_count = self .seq_count_provider .as_ref() .map_or(0, |v| v.get_and_increment()); let mut buf = self.source_data_buf.borrow_mut(); let sendable = self.reporter.start_failure( buf.as_mut_slice(), token, seq_count, msg_count, params, )?; self.reporter.send_start_failure(sendable, sender) } /// Package and send a PUS TM\[1, 5\] packet, see of the PUS standard. /// /// Requires a token previously acquired by calling [Self::start_success]. pub fn step_success( &self, token: &VerificationToken, sender: &(impl EcssTmSenderCore + ?Sized), time_stamp: &[u8], step: impl EcssEnumeration, ) -> Result<(), EcssTmtcError> { let seq_count = self .seq_count_provider .as_ref() .map_or(0, |v| v.get_and_increment()); let msg_count = self .seq_count_provider .as_ref() .map_or(0, |v| v.get_and_increment()); let mut buf = self.source_data_buf.borrow_mut(); let sendable = self.reporter.step_success( buf.as_mut_slice(), token, seq_count, msg_count, time_stamp, step, )?; self.reporter .send_step_or_completion_success(sendable, sender) .map_err(|e| e.0) } /// Package and send a PUS TM\[1, 6\] packet, see of the PUS standard. /// /// Requires a token previously acquired by calling [Self::start_success]. It consumes the /// token because verification handling is done. pub fn step_failure( &self, token: VerificationToken, sender: &(impl EcssTmSenderCore + ?Sized), params: FailParamsWithStep, ) -> Result<(), VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken> { let seq_count = self .seq_count_provider .as_ref() .map_or(0, |v| v.get_and_increment()); let msg_count = self .seq_count_provider .as_ref() .map_or(0, |v| v.get_and_increment()); let mut buf = self.source_data_buf.borrow_mut(); let sendable = self.reporter.step_failure( buf.as_mut_slice(), token, seq_count, msg_count, params, )?; self.reporter .send_step_or_completion_failure(sendable, sender) } /// Package and send a PUS TM\[1, 7\] packet, see of the PUS standard. /// /// Requires a token previously acquired by calling [Self::start_success]. It consumes the /// token because verification handling is done. pub fn completion_success( &self, token: VerificationToken, sender: &(impl EcssTmSenderCore + ?Sized), time_stamp: &[u8], ) -> Result<(), VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken> { let seq_count = self .seq_count_provider .as_ref() .map_or(0, |v| v.get_and_increment()); let msg_count = self .seq_count_provider .as_ref() .map_or(0, |v| v.get_and_increment()); let mut buf = self.source_data_buf.borrow_mut(); let sendable = self.reporter.completion_success( buf.as_mut_slice(), token, seq_count, msg_count, time_stamp, )?; self.reporter .send_step_or_completion_success(sendable, sender) } /// Package and send a PUS TM\[1, 8\] packet, see of the PUS standard. /// /// Requires a token previously acquired by calling [Self::start_success]. It consumes the /// token because verification handling is done. pub fn completion_failure( &self, token: VerificationToken, sender: &(impl EcssTmSenderCore + ?Sized), params: FailParams, ) -> Result<(), VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken> { let seq_count = self .seq_count_provider .as_ref() .map_or(0, |v| v.get_and_increment()); let msg_count = self .seq_count_provider .as_ref() .map_or(0, |v| v.get_and_increment()); let mut buf = self.source_data_buf.borrow_mut(); let sendable = self.reporter.completion_failure( buf.as_mut_slice(), token, seq_count, msg_count, params, )?; self.reporter .send_step_or_completion_failure(sendable, sender) } } /// Helper object which caches the sender passed as a trait object. Provides the same /// API as [VerificationReporter] but without the explicit sender arguments. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct VerificationReporterWithSender { pub reporter: VerificationReporter, pub sender: Box, } impl VerificationReporterWithSender { pub fn new(cfg: &VerificationReporterCfg, sender: Box) -> Self { let reporter = VerificationReporter::new(cfg); Self::new_from_reporter(reporter, sender) } pub fn new_from_reporter( reporter: VerificationReporter, sender: Box, ) -> Self { Self { reporter, sender } } delegate! { to self.reporter { pub fn set_apid(&mut self, apid: u16) -> bool; pub fn apid(&self) -> u16; pub fn dest_id(&self) -> u16; pub fn set_dest_id(&mut self, dest_id: u16); } } } impl VerificationReportingProvider for VerificationReporterWithSender { delegate! { to self.reporter { fn add_tc( &mut self, pus_tc: &(impl CcsdsPacket + IsPusTelecommand), ) -> VerificationToken; fn add_tc_with_req_id(&mut self, req_id: RequestId) -> VerificationToken; } } fn acceptance_success( &self, token: VerificationToken, time_stamp: &[u8], ) -> Result, VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken> { self.reporter .acceptance_success(token, self.sender.as_ref(), time_stamp) } fn acceptance_failure( &self, token: VerificationToken, params: FailParams, ) -> Result<(), VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken> { self.reporter .acceptance_failure(token, self.sender.as_ref(), params) } fn start_success( &self, token: VerificationToken, time_stamp: &[u8], ) -> Result< VerificationToken, VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken, > { self.reporter .start_success(token, self.sender.as_ref(), time_stamp) } fn start_failure( &self, token: VerificationToken, params: FailParams, ) -> Result<(), VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken> { self.reporter .start_failure(token, self.sender.as_ref(), params) } fn step_success( &self, token: &VerificationToken, time_stamp: &[u8], step: impl EcssEnumeration, ) -> Result<(), EcssTmtcError> { self.reporter .step_success(token, self.sender.as_ref(), time_stamp, step) } fn step_failure( &self, token: VerificationToken, params: FailParamsWithStep, ) -> Result<(), VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken> { self.reporter .step_failure(token, self.sender.as_ref(), params) } fn completion_success( &self, token: VerificationToken, time_stamp: &[u8], ) -> Result<(), VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken> { self.reporter .completion_success(token, self.sender.as_ref(), time_stamp) } fn completion_failure( &self, token: VerificationToken, params: FailParams, ) -> Result<(), VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken> { self.reporter .completion_failure(token, self.sender.as_ref(), params) } } } #[cfg(feature = "std")] mod std_mod { use crate::pus::verification::VerificationReporterWithSender; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; pub type StdVerifReporterWithSender = VerificationReporterWithSender; pub type SharedStdVerifReporterWithSender = Arc>; } #[cfg(test)] pub mod tests { use crate::pool::{PoolProviderWithGuards, StaticMemoryPool, StaticPoolConfig}; use crate::pus::tests::CommonTmInfo; use crate::pus::verification::{ EcssTmSenderCore, EcssTmtcError, FailParams, FailParamsWithStep, RequestId, TcStateNone, VerificationReporter, VerificationReporterCfg, VerificationReporterWithSender, VerificationToken, }; use crate::pus::{EcssChannel, MpscTmInSharedPoolSender, PusTmWrapper}; use crate::tmtc::tm_helper::SharedTmPool; use crate::ChannelId; use alloc::boxed::Box; use alloc::format; use alloc::sync::Arc; use hashbrown::HashMap; use spacepackets::ecss::tc::{PusTcCreator, PusTcSecondaryHeader}; use spacepackets::ecss::tm::PusTmReader; use spacepackets::ecss::{EcssEnumU16, EcssEnumU32, EcssEnumU8, PusError, PusPacket}; use spacepackets::util::UnsignedEnum; use spacepackets::{ByteConversionError, CcsdsPacket, SpHeader}; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::collections::VecDeque; use std::sync::{mpsc, Mutex}; use std::time::Duration; use std::vec; use std::vec::Vec; use super::VerificationReportingProvider; fn is_send(_: &T) {} #[allow(dead_code)] fn is_sync(_: &T) {} pub struct VerificationStatus { pub accepted: Option, pub started: Option, pub step: u64, pub step_status: Option, pub completed: Option, pub failure_data: Option>, pub fail_enum: Option, } pub type SharedVerificationMap = Arc>>>; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct TestVerificationReporter { pub verification_map: SharedVerificationMap, } impl TestVerificationReporter { pub fn new(verification_map: SharedVerificationMap) -> Self { Self { verification_map } } } impl VerificationReportingProvider for TestVerificationReporter { fn add_tc_with_req_id(&mut self, req_id: RequestId) -> VerificationToken { let verif_map = self.verification_map.lock().unwrap(); verif_map.borrow_mut().insert( req_id, VerificationStatus { accepted: None, started: None, step: 0, step_status: None, completed: None, failure_data: None, fail_enum: None, }, ); VerificationToken { state: core::marker::PhantomData, req_id, } } fn acceptance_success( &self, token: VerificationToken, _time_stamp: &[u8], ) -> Result< VerificationToken, super::VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken, > { let verif_map = self.verification_map.lock().unwrap(); match verif_map.borrow_mut().get_mut(&token.req_id) { Some(entry) => entry.accepted = Some(true), None => panic!( "unexpected acceptance success for request ID {}", token.req_id() ), }; Ok(VerificationToken { state: core::marker::PhantomData, req_id: token.req_id, }) } fn acceptance_failure( &self, token: VerificationToken, params: FailParams, ) -> Result<(), super::VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken> { let verif_map = self.verification_map.lock().unwrap(); match verif_map.borrow_mut().get_mut(&token.req_id) { Some(entry) => { entry.accepted = Some(false); entry.failure_data = Some(params.failure_data.to_vec()); entry.fail_enum = Some(params.failure_code.value()); } None => panic!( "unexpected acceptance failure for request ID {}", token.req_id() ), }; Ok(()) } fn start_success( &self, token: VerificationToken, _time_stamp: &[u8], ) -> Result< VerificationToken, super::VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken, > { let verif_map = self.verification_map.lock().unwrap(); match verif_map.borrow_mut().get_mut(&token.req_id) { Some(entry) => entry.started = Some(true), None => panic!("unexpected start success for request ID {}", token.req_id()), }; Ok(VerificationToken { state: core::marker::PhantomData, req_id: token.req_id, }) } fn start_failure( &self, token: VerificationToken, params: FailParams, ) -> Result<(), super::VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken> { let verif_map = self.verification_map.lock().unwrap(); match verif_map.borrow_mut().get_mut(&token.req_id) { Some(entry) => { entry.started = Some(false); entry.failure_data = Some(params.failure_data.to_vec()); entry.fail_enum = Some(params.failure_code.value()); } None => panic!("unexpected start failure for request ID {}", token.req_id()), }; Ok(()) } fn step_success( &self, token: &VerificationToken, _time_stamp: &[u8], step: impl spacepackets::ecss::EcssEnumeration, ) -> Result<(), EcssTmtcError> { let verif_map = self.verification_map.lock().unwrap(); match verif_map.borrow_mut().get_mut(&token.req_id) { Some(entry) => { entry.step = step.value(); entry.step_status = Some(true); } None => panic!("unexpected start success for request ID {}", token.req_id()), }; Ok(()) } fn step_failure( &self, token: VerificationToken, _params: FailParamsWithStep, ) -> Result<(), super::VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken> { let verif_map = self.verification_map.lock().unwrap(); match verif_map.borrow_mut().get_mut(&token.req_id) { Some(entry) => { entry.step_status = Some(false); } None => panic!("unexpected start success for request ID {}", token.req_id()), }; Ok(()) } fn completion_success( &self, token: VerificationToken, _time_stamp: &[u8], ) -> Result<(), super::VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken> { let verif_map = self.verification_map.lock().unwrap(); match verif_map.borrow_mut().get_mut(&token.req_id) { Some(entry) => entry.completed = Some(true), None => panic!( "unexpected acceptance success for request ID {}", token.req_id() ), }; Ok(()) } fn completion_failure( &self, token: VerificationToken, params: FailParams, ) -> Result<(), super::VerificationOrSendErrorWithToken> { let verif_map = self.verification_map.lock().unwrap(); match verif_map.borrow_mut().get_mut(&token.req_id) { Some(entry) => { entry.completed = Some(false); entry.failure_data = Some(params.failure_data.to_vec()); entry.fail_enum = Some(params.failure_code.value()); } None => panic!( "unexpected acceptance success for request ID {}", token.req_id() ), }; Ok(()) } } const TEST_APID: u16 = 0x02; const EMPTY_STAMP: [u8; 7] = [0; 7]; #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Clone)] struct TmInfo { pub common: CommonTmInfo, pub req_id: RequestId, pub additional_data: Option>, } #[derive(Default, Clone)] struct TestSender { pub service_queue: RefCell>, } impl EcssChannel for TestSender { fn id(&self) -> ChannelId { 0 } fn name(&self) -> &'static str { "test_sender" } } impl EcssTmSenderCore for TestSender { fn send_tm(&self, tm: PusTmWrapper) -> Result<(), EcssTmtcError> { match tm { PusTmWrapper::InStore(_) => { panic!("TestSender: Can not deal with addresses"); } PusTmWrapper::Direct(tm) => { assert_eq!(PusPacket::service(&tm), 1); assert!(!tm.source_data().is_empty()); let mut time_stamp = [0; 7]; time_stamp.clone_from_slice(&tm.timestamp()[0..7]); let src_data = tm.source_data(); assert!(src_data.len() >= 4); let req_id = RequestId::from_bytes(&src_data[0..RequestId::SIZE_AS_BYTES]).unwrap(); let mut vec = None; if src_data.len() > 4 { let mut new_vec = Vec::new(); new_vec.extend_from_slice(&src_data[RequestId::SIZE_AS_BYTES..]); vec = Some(new_vec); } self.service_queue.borrow_mut().push_back(TmInfo { common: CommonTmInfo::new_from_tm(&tm), req_id, additional_data: vec, }); Ok(()) } } } } struct TestBase<'a> { vr: VerificationReporter, #[allow(dead_code)] tc: PusTcCreator<'a>, } impl<'a> TestBase<'a> { fn rep(&mut self) -> &mut VerificationReporter { &mut self.vr } } struct TestBaseWithHelper<'a> { helper: VerificationReporterWithSender, #[allow(dead_code)] tc: PusTcCreator<'a>, } impl<'a> TestBaseWithHelper<'a> { fn rep(&mut self) -> &mut VerificationReporter { &mut self.helper.reporter } } fn base_reporter() -> VerificationReporter { let cfg = VerificationReporterCfg::new(TEST_APID, 1, 2, 8).unwrap(); VerificationReporter::new(&cfg) } fn base_tc_init(app_data: Option<&[u8]>) -> (PusTcCreator, RequestId) { let mut sph = SpHeader::tc_unseg(TEST_APID, 0x34, 0).unwrap(); let tc_header = PusTcSecondaryHeader::new_simple(17, 1); let app_data = app_data.unwrap_or(&[]); let pus_tc = PusTcCreator::new(&mut sph, tc_header, app_data, true); let req_id = RequestId::new(&pus_tc); (pus_tc, req_id) } fn base_init(api_sel: bool) -> (TestBase<'static>, VerificationToken) { let mut reporter = base_reporter(); let (tc, req_id) = base_tc_init(None); let init_tok = if api_sel { reporter.add_tc_with_req_id(req_id) } else { reporter.add_tc(&tc) }; (TestBase { vr: reporter, tc }, init_tok) } fn base_with_helper_init() -> (TestBaseWithHelper<'static>, VerificationToken) { let mut reporter = base_reporter(); let (tc, _) = base_tc_init(None); let init_tok = reporter.add_tc(&tc); let sender = TestSender::default(); let helper = VerificationReporterWithSender::new_from_reporter(reporter, Box::new(sender)); (TestBaseWithHelper { helper, tc }, init_tok) } fn acceptance_check(sender: &mut TestSender, req_id: &RequestId) { let cmp_info = TmInfo { common: CommonTmInfo { subservice: 1, apid: TEST_APID, msg_counter: 0, dest_id: 0, time_stamp: EMPTY_STAMP, }, additional_data: None, req_id: *req_id, }; let mut service_queue = sender.service_queue.borrow_mut(); assert_eq!(service_queue.len(), 1); let info = service_queue.pop_front().unwrap(); assert_eq!(info, cmp_info); } #[test] fn test_mpsc_verif_send_sync() { let pool = StaticMemoryPool::new(StaticPoolConfig::new(vec![(8, 8)], false)); let shared_tm_store = SharedTmPool::new(pool); let (tx, _) = mpsc::channel(); let mpsc_verif_sender = MpscTmInSharedPoolSender::new(0, "verif_sender", shared_tm_store, tx); is_send(&mpsc_verif_sender); } #[test] fn test_state() { let (mut b, _) = base_init(false); assert_eq!(b.vr.apid(), TEST_APID); b.vr.set_apid(TEST_APID + 1); assert_eq!(b.vr.apid(), TEST_APID + 1); } #[test] fn test_basic_acceptance_success() { let (b, tok) = base_init(false); let mut sender = TestSender::default(); b.vr.acceptance_success(tok, &sender, &EMPTY_STAMP) .expect("Sending acceptance success failed"); acceptance_check(&mut sender, &tok.req_id); } #[test] fn test_basic_acceptance_success_with_helper() { let (mut b, tok) = base_with_helper_init(); b.helper .acceptance_success(tok, &EMPTY_STAMP) .expect("Sending acceptance success failed"); let sender: &mut TestSender = b.helper.sender.downcast_mut().unwrap(); acceptance_check(sender, &tok.req_id); } fn acceptance_fail_check(sender: &mut TestSender, req_id: RequestId, stamp_buf: [u8; 7]) { let cmp_info = TmInfo { common: CommonTmInfo { subservice: 2, apid: TEST_APID, msg_counter: 0, dest_id: 5, time_stamp: stamp_buf, }, additional_data: Some([0, 2].to_vec()), req_id, }; let mut service_queue = sender.service_queue.borrow_mut(); assert_eq!(service_queue.len(), 1); let info = service_queue.pop_front().unwrap(); assert_eq!(info, cmp_info); } #[test] fn test_basic_acceptance_failure() { let (mut b, tok) = base_init(true); b.rep().reporter.dest_id = 5; let stamp_buf = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]; let mut sender = TestSender::default(); let fail_code = EcssEnumU16::new(2); let fail_params = FailParams::new_no_fail_data(stamp_buf.as_slice(), &fail_code); b.vr.acceptance_failure(tok, &sender, fail_params) .expect("Sending acceptance success failed"); acceptance_fail_check(&mut sender, tok.req_id, stamp_buf); } #[test] fn test_basic_acceptance_failure_with_helper() { let (mut b, tok) = base_with_helper_init(); b.rep().reporter.dest_id = 5; let stamp_buf = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]; let fail_code = EcssEnumU16::new(2); let fail_params = FailParams::new_no_fail_data(stamp_buf.as_slice(), &fail_code); b.helper .acceptance_failure(tok, fail_params) .expect("Sending acceptance success failed"); let sender: &mut TestSender = b.helper.sender.downcast_mut().unwrap(); acceptance_fail_check(sender, tok.req_id, stamp_buf); } #[test] fn test_acceptance_fail_data_too_large() { let (mut b, tok) = base_with_helper_init(); b.rep().reporter.dest_id = 5; let stamp_buf = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]; let fail_code = EcssEnumU16::new(2); let fail_data: [u8; 16] = [0; 16]; // 4 req ID + 1 byte step + 2 byte error code + 8 byte fail data assert_eq!(b.rep().allowed_source_data_len(), 15); let fail_params = FailParams::new(stamp_buf.as_slice(), &fail_code, fail_data.as_slice()); let res = b.helper.acceptance_failure(tok, fail_params); assert!(res.is_err()); let err_with_token = res.unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(err_with_token.1, tok); match err_with_token.0 { EcssTmtcError::Pus(PusError::ByteConversion(e)) => match e { ByteConversionError::ToSliceTooSmall { found, expected } => { assert_eq!( expected, fail_data.len() + RequestId::SIZE_AS_BYTES + fail_code.size() ); assert_eq!(found, b.rep().allowed_source_data_len()); } _ => { panic!("{}", format!("Unexpected error {:?}", e)) } }, _ => { panic!("{}", format!("Unexpected error {:?}", err_with_token.0)) } } } #[test] fn test_basic_acceptance_failure_with_fail_data() { let (b, tok) = base_init(false); let sender = TestSender::default(); let fail_code = EcssEnumU8::new(10); let fail_data = EcssEnumU32::new(12); let mut fail_data_raw = [0; 4]; fail_data.write_to_be_bytes(&mut fail_data_raw).unwrap(); let fail_params = FailParams::new(&EMPTY_STAMP, &fail_code, fail_data_raw.as_slice()); b.vr.acceptance_failure(tok, &sender, fail_params) .expect("Sending acceptance success failed"); let cmp_info = TmInfo { common: CommonTmInfo { subservice: 2, apid: TEST_APID, msg_counter: 0, dest_id: 0, time_stamp: EMPTY_STAMP, }, additional_data: Some([10, 0, 0, 0, 12].to_vec()), req_id: tok.req_id, }; let mut service_queue = sender.service_queue.borrow_mut(); assert_eq!(service_queue.len(), 1); let info = service_queue.pop_front().unwrap(); assert_eq!(info, cmp_info); } fn start_fail_check(sender: &mut TestSender, req_id: RequestId, fail_data_raw: [u8; 4]) { let mut srv_queue = sender.service_queue.borrow_mut(); assert_eq!(srv_queue.len(), 2); let mut cmp_info = TmInfo { common: CommonTmInfo { subservice: 1, apid: TEST_APID, msg_counter: 0, dest_id: 0, time_stamp: EMPTY_STAMP, }, additional_data: None, req_id, }; let mut info = srv_queue.pop_front().unwrap(); assert_eq!(info, cmp_info); cmp_info = TmInfo { common: CommonTmInfo { subservice: 4, apid: TEST_APID, msg_counter: 0, dest_id: 0, time_stamp: EMPTY_STAMP, }, additional_data: Some([&[22], fail_data_raw.as_slice()].concat().to_vec()), req_id, }; info = srv_queue.pop_front().unwrap(); assert_eq!(info, cmp_info); } #[test] fn test_start_failure() { let (b, tok) = base_init(false); let mut sender = TestSender::default(); let fail_code = EcssEnumU8::new(22); let fail_data: i32 = -12; let mut fail_data_raw = [0; 4]; fail_data_raw.copy_from_slice(fail_data.to_be_bytes().as_slice()); let fail_params = FailParams::new(&EMPTY_STAMP, &fail_code, fail_data_raw.as_slice()); let accepted_token = b.vr.acceptance_success(tok, &sender, &EMPTY_STAMP) .expect("Sending acceptance success failed"); b.vr.start_failure(accepted_token, &sender, fail_params) .expect("Start failure failure"); start_fail_check(&mut sender, tok.req_id, fail_data_raw); } #[test] fn test_start_failure_with_helper() { let (mut b, tok) = base_with_helper_init(); let fail_code = EcssEnumU8::new(22); let fail_data: i32 = -12; let mut fail_data_raw = [0; 4]; fail_data_raw.copy_from_slice(fail_data.to_be_bytes().as_slice()); let fail_params = FailParams::new(&EMPTY_STAMP, &fail_code, fail_data_raw.as_slice()); let accepted_token = b .helper .acceptance_success(tok, &EMPTY_STAMP) .expect("Sending acceptance success failed"); b.helper .start_failure(accepted_token, fail_params) .expect("Start failure failure"); let sender: &mut TestSender = b.helper.sender.downcast_mut().unwrap(); start_fail_check(sender, tok.req_id, fail_data_raw); } fn step_success_check(sender: &mut TestSender, req_id: RequestId) { let mut cmp_info = TmInfo { common: CommonTmInfo { subservice: 1, apid: TEST_APID, msg_counter: 0, dest_id: 0, time_stamp: EMPTY_STAMP, }, additional_data: None, req_id, }; let mut srv_queue = sender.service_queue.borrow_mut(); let mut info = srv_queue.pop_front().unwrap(); assert_eq!(info, cmp_info); cmp_info = TmInfo { common: CommonTmInfo { subservice: 3, apid: TEST_APID, msg_counter: 0, dest_id: 0, time_stamp: [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0], }, additional_data: None, req_id, }; info = srv_queue.pop_front().unwrap(); assert_eq!(info, cmp_info); cmp_info = TmInfo { common: CommonTmInfo { subservice: 5, apid: TEST_APID, msg_counter: 0, dest_id: 0, time_stamp: EMPTY_STAMP, }, additional_data: Some([0].to_vec()), req_id, }; info = srv_queue.pop_front().unwrap(); assert_eq!(info, cmp_info); cmp_info = TmInfo { common: CommonTmInfo { subservice: 5, apid: TEST_APID, msg_counter: 0, dest_id: 0, time_stamp: EMPTY_STAMP, }, additional_data: Some([1].to_vec()), req_id, }; info = srv_queue.pop_front().unwrap(); assert_eq!(info, cmp_info); } #[test] fn test_steps_success() { let (mut b, tok) = base_init(false); let mut sender = TestSender::default(); let accepted_token = b .rep() .acceptance_success(tok, &sender, &EMPTY_STAMP) .expect("Sending acceptance success failed"); let started_token = b .rep() .start_success(accepted_token, &sender, &[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]) .expect("Sending start success failed"); b.rep() .step_success(&started_token, &sender, &EMPTY_STAMP, EcssEnumU8::new(0)) .expect("Sending step 0 success failed"); b.vr.step_success(&started_token, &sender, &EMPTY_STAMP, EcssEnumU8::new(1)) .expect("Sending step 1 success failed"); assert_eq!(sender.service_queue.borrow().len(), 4); step_success_check(&mut sender, tok.req_id); } #[test] fn test_steps_success_with_helper() { let (mut b, tok) = base_with_helper_init(); let accepted_token = b .helper .acceptance_success(tok, &EMPTY_STAMP) .expect("Sending acceptance success failed"); let started_token = b .helper .start_success(accepted_token, &[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]) .expect("Sending start success failed"); b.helper .step_success(&started_token, &EMPTY_STAMP, EcssEnumU8::new(0)) .expect("Sending step 0 success failed"); b.helper .step_success(&started_token, &EMPTY_STAMP, EcssEnumU8::new(1)) .expect("Sending step 1 success failed"); let sender: &mut TestSender = b.helper.sender.downcast_mut().unwrap(); assert_eq!(sender.service_queue.borrow().len(), 4); step_success_check(sender, tok.req_id); } fn check_step_failure(sender: &mut TestSender, req_id: RequestId, fail_data_raw: [u8; 4]) { assert_eq!(sender.service_queue.borrow().len(), 4); let mut cmp_info = TmInfo { common: CommonTmInfo { subservice: 1, apid: TEST_APID, msg_counter: 0, dest_id: 0, time_stamp: EMPTY_STAMP, }, additional_data: None, req_id, }; let mut info = sender.service_queue.borrow_mut().pop_front().unwrap(); assert_eq!(info, cmp_info); cmp_info = TmInfo { common: CommonTmInfo { subservice: 3, apid: TEST_APID, msg_counter: 0, dest_id: 0, time_stamp: [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0], }, additional_data: None, req_id, }; info = sender.service_queue.borrow_mut().pop_front().unwrap(); assert_eq!(info, cmp_info); cmp_info = TmInfo { common: CommonTmInfo { subservice: 5, apid: TEST_APID, msg_counter: 0, dest_id: 0, time_stamp: EMPTY_STAMP, }, additional_data: Some([0].to_vec()), req_id, }; info = sender.service_queue.get_mut().pop_front().unwrap(); assert_eq!(info, cmp_info); cmp_info = TmInfo { common: CommonTmInfo { subservice: 6, apid: TEST_APID, msg_counter: 0, dest_id: 0, time_stamp: EMPTY_STAMP, }, additional_data: Some( [ [1].as_slice(), &[0, 0, 0x10, 0x20], fail_data_raw.as_slice(), ] .concat() .to_vec(), ), req_id, }; info = sender.service_queue.get_mut().pop_front().unwrap(); assert_eq!(info, cmp_info); } #[test] fn test_step_failure() { let (b, tok) = base_init(false); let mut sender = TestSender::default(); let req_id = tok.req_id; let fail_code = EcssEnumU32::new(0x1020); let fail_data: f32 = -22.3232; let mut fail_data_raw = [0; 4]; fail_data_raw.copy_from_slice(fail_data.to_be_bytes().as_slice()); let fail_step = EcssEnumU8::new(1); let fail_params = FailParamsWithStep::new( &EMPTY_STAMP, &fail_step, &fail_code, fail_data_raw.as_slice(), ); let accepted_token = b.vr.acceptance_success(tok, &sender, &EMPTY_STAMP) .expect("Sending acceptance success failed"); let started_token = b.vr.start_success(accepted_token, &sender, &[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]) .expect("Sending start success failed"); b.vr.step_success(&started_token, &sender, &EMPTY_STAMP, EcssEnumU8::new(0)) .expect("Sending completion success failed"); b.vr.step_failure(started_token, &sender, fail_params) .expect("Step failure failed"); check_step_failure(&mut sender, req_id, fail_data_raw); } #[test] fn test_steps_failure_with_helper() { let (mut b, tok) = base_with_helper_init(); let req_id = tok.req_id; let fail_code = EcssEnumU32::new(0x1020); let fail_data: f32 = -22.3232; let mut fail_data_raw = [0; 4]; fail_data_raw.copy_from_slice(fail_data.to_be_bytes().as_slice()); let fail_step = EcssEnumU8::new(1); let fail_params = FailParamsWithStep::new( &EMPTY_STAMP, &fail_step, &fail_code, fail_data_raw.as_slice(), ); let accepted_token = b .helper .acceptance_success(tok, &EMPTY_STAMP) .expect("Sending acceptance success failed"); let started_token = b .helper .start_success(accepted_token, &[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]) .expect("Sending start success failed"); b.helper .step_success(&started_token, &EMPTY_STAMP, EcssEnumU8::new(0)) .expect("Sending completion success failed"); b.helper .step_failure(started_token, fail_params) .expect("Step failure failed"); let sender: &mut TestSender = b.helper.sender.downcast_mut().unwrap(); check_step_failure(sender, req_id, fail_data_raw); } fn completion_fail_check(sender: &mut TestSender, req_id: RequestId) { assert_eq!(sender.service_queue.borrow().len(), 3); let mut cmp_info = TmInfo { common: CommonTmInfo { subservice: 1, apid: TEST_APID, msg_counter: 0, dest_id: 0, time_stamp: EMPTY_STAMP, }, additional_data: None, req_id, }; let mut info = sender.service_queue.get_mut().pop_front().unwrap(); assert_eq!(info, cmp_info); cmp_info = TmInfo { common: CommonTmInfo { subservice: 3, apid: TEST_APID, msg_counter: 0, dest_id: 0, time_stamp: [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0], }, additional_data: None, req_id, }; info = sender.service_queue.get_mut().pop_front().unwrap(); assert_eq!(info, cmp_info); cmp_info = TmInfo { common: CommonTmInfo { subservice: 8, apid: TEST_APID, msg_counter: 0, dest_id: 0, time_stamp: EMPTY_STAMP, }, additional_data: Some([0, 0, 0x10, 0x20].to_vec()), req_id, }; info = sender.service_queue.get_mut().pop_front().unwrap(); assert_eq!(info, cmp_info); } #[test] fn test_completion_failure() { let (b, tok) = base_init(false); let mut sender = TestSender::default(); let req_id = tok.req_id; let fail_code = EcssEnumU32::new(0x1020); let fail_params = FailParams::new_no_fail_data(&EMPTY_STAMP, &fail_code); let accepted_token = b.vr.acceptance_success(tok, &sender, &EMPTY_STAMP) .expect("Sending acceptance success failed"); let started_token = b.vr.start_success(accepted_token, &sender, &[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]) .expect("Sending start success failed"); b.vr.completion_failure(started_token, &sender, fail_params) .expect("Completion failure"); completion_fail_check(&mut sender, req_id); } #[test] fn test_completion_failure_with_helper() { let (mut b, tok) = base_with_helper_init(); let req_id = tok.req_id; let fail_code = EcssEnumU32::new(0x1020); let fail_params = FailParams::new_no_fail_data(&EMPTY_STAMP, &fail_code); let accepted_token = b .helper .acceptance_success(tok, &EMPTY_STAMP) .expect("Sending acceptance success failed"); let started_token = b .helper .start_success(accepted_token, &[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]) .expect("Sending start success failed"); b.helper .completion_failure(started_token, fail_params) .expect("Completion failure"); let sender: &mut TestSender = b.helper.sender.downcast_mut().unwrap(); completion_fail_check(sender, req_id); } fn completion_success_check(sender: &mut TestSender, req_id: RequestId) { assert_eq!(sender.service_queue.borrow().len(), 3); let cmp_info = TmInfo { common: CommonTmInfo { subservice: 1, apid: TEST_APID, msg_counter: 0, dest_id: 0, time_stamp: EMPTY_STAMP, }, additional_data: None, req_id, }; let mut info = sender.service_queue.borrow_mut().pop_front().unwrap(); assert_eq!(info, cmp_info); let cmp_info = TmInfo { common: CommonTmInfo { subservice: 3, apid: TEST_APID, msg_counter: 0, dest_id: 0, time_stamp: [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0], }, additional_data: None, req_id, }; info = sender.service_queue.borrow_mut().pop_front().unwrap(); assert_eq!(info, cmp_info); let cmp_info = TmInfo { common: CommonTmInfo { subservice: 7, apid: TEST_APID, msg_counter: 0, dest_id: 0, time_stamp: EMPTY_STAMP, }, additional_data: None, req_id, }; info = sender.service_queue.borrow_mut().pop_front().unwrap(); assert_eq!(info, cmp_info); } #[test] fn test_complete_success_sequence() { let (b, tok) = base_init(false); let mut sender = TestSender::default(); let accepted_token = b.vr.acceptance_success(tok, &sender, &EMPTY_STAMP) .expect("Sending acceptance success failed"); let started_token = b.vr.start_success(accepted_token, &sender, &[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]) .expect("Sending start success failed"); b.vr.completion_success(started_token, &sender, &EMPTY_STAMP) .expect("Sending completion success failed"); completion_success_check(&mut sender, tok.req_id); } #[test] fn test_complete_success_sequence_with_helper() { let (mut b, tok) = base_with_helper_init(); let accepted_token = b .helper .acceptance_success(tok, &EMPTY_STAMP) .expect("Sending acceptance success failed"); let started_token = b .helper .start_success(accepted_token, &[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]) .expect("Sending start success failed"); b.helper .completion_success(started_token, &EMPTY_STAMP) .expect("Sending completion success failed"); let sender: &mut TestSender = b.helper.sender.downcast_mut().unwrap(); completion_success_check(sender, tok.req_id); } #[test] fn test_seq_count_increment() { let pool_cfg = StaticPoolConfig::new(vec![(10, 32), (10, 64), (10, 128), (10, 1024)], false); let tm_pool = StaticMemoryPool::new(pool_cfg.clone()); let shared_tm_store = SharedTmPool::new(tm_pool); let shared_tm_pool = shared_tm_store.clone_backing_pool(); let (verif_tx, verif_rx) = mpsc::channel(); let sender = MpscTmInSharedPoolSender::new(0, "Verification Sender", shared_tm_store, verif_tx); let cfg = VerificationReporterCfg::new(TEST_APID, 1, 2, 8).unwrap(); let mut reporter = VerificationReporterWithSender::new(&cfg, Box::new(sender)); let mut sph = SpHeader::tc_unseg(TEST_APID, 0, 0).unwrap(); let tc_header = PusTcSecondaryHeader::new_simple(17, 1); let pus_tc_0 = PusTcCreator::new_no_app_data(&mut sph, tc_header, true); let init_token = reporter.add_tc(&pus_tc_0); // Complete success sequence for a telecommand let accepted_token = reporter .acceptance_success(init_token, &EMPTY_STAMP) .unwrap(); let started_token = reporter .start_success(accepted_token, &EMPTY_STAMP) .unwrap(); reporter .completion_success(started_token, &EMPTY_STAMP) .unwrap(); // Verify it arrives correctly on receiver end let mut tm_buf: [u8; 1024] = [0; 1024]; let mut packet_idx = 0; while packet_idx < 3 { let addr = verif_rx.recv_timeout(Duration::from_millis(10)).unwrap(); let tm_len; { let mut rg = shared_tm_pool.write().expect("Error locking shared pool"); let store_guard = rg.read_with_guard(addr); tm_len = store_guard .read(&mut tm_buf) .expect("Error reading TM slice"); } let (pus_tm, _) = PusTmReader::new(&tm_buf[0..tm_len], 7).expect("Error reading verification TM"); if packet_idx == 0 { assert_eq!(pus_tm.subservice(), 1); assert_eq!(pus_tm.sp_header.seq_count(), 0); } else if packet_idx == 1 { assert_eq!(pus_tm.subservice(), 3); assert_eq!(pus_tm.sp_header.seq_count(), 0); } else if packet_idx == 2 { assert_eq!(pus_tm.subservice(), 7); assert_eq!(pus_tm.sp_header.seq_count(), 0); } packet_idx += 1; } } }