Change Log ======= All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( # [unreleased] Major API changes for the time API. If you are using the time API, it is strongly recommended to check all the API changes in the **Changed** chapter. ## Fixed - CUC timestamp was fixed to include leap second corrections because it is based on the TAI time reference. The default CUC time object do not implement `CcsdsTimeProvider` anymore because the trait methods require cached leap second information. This task is now performed by the `cuc::CucTimeWithLeapSecs` which implements the trait. ## Added - `From<$EcssEnum$TY> from $TY` for the ECSS enum type definitions. - Added basic support conversions to the `time` library. Introduce new `chrono` and `timelib` feature gate. - Added `CcsdsTimeProvider::timelib_date_time`. ## Changed - Renamed `CcsdsTimeProvider::date_time` to `CcsdsTimeProvider::chrono_date_time` - Renamed `CcsdsTimeCodes` to `CcsdsTimeCode` - Renamed `cds::TimeProvider` to `cds::CdsTime` - Renamed `cuc::TimeProviderCcsdsEpoch` to `cuc::CucTime` - `UnixTimestamp` renamed to `UnixTime` - `UnixTime` seconds are now private and can be retrieved using the `secs` member method. - `UnixTime::new` renamed to `UnixTime::new_checked`. - `UnixTime::secs` renamed to `UnixTime::as_secs`. - `UnixTime` now has a nanosecond subsecond precision. The `new` constructor now expects nanoseconds as the second argument. - Added new `UnixTime::new_subsec_millis` and `UnixTime::new_subsec_millis_checked` API to still allow creating a timestamp with only millisecond subsecond resolution. - `CcsdsTimeProvider` now has a new `subsec_nanos` method in addition to a default implementation for the `subsec_millis` method. - `CcsdsTimeProvider::date_time` renamed to `CcsdsTimeProvider::chrono_date_time`. - Added `UnixTime::MIN`, `UnixTime::MAX` and `UnixTime::EPOCH`. - Added `UnixTime::timelib_date_time`. - Error handling for ECSS and time module is more granular now, with a new `DateBeforeCcsdsEpochError` error and a `DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch` enum variant for both `CdsError` and `CucError`. - `PusTmCreator` now has two lifetimes: One for the raw source data buffer and one for the raw timestamp. - Time API `from_now*` API renamed to `now*`. ## Removed - Legacy `PusTm` and `PusTc` objects. # [v0.11.0-rc.0] 2024-03-04 ## Added - `From<$TY>` for the `EcssEnum$TY` ECSS enum type definitions. - `Sub` implementation for `UnixTimestamp` to calculate the duration between two timestamps. ## Changed - `CcsdsTimeProvider` `subsecond_millis` function now returns `u16` instead of `Option`. - `UnixTimestamp` `subsecond_millis` function now returns `u16` instead of `Option`. # [v0.10.0] 2024-02-17 ## Added - Added `value` and `to_vec` methods for the `UnsignedEnum` trait. The value is returned as as `u64`. Renamed former `value` method on `GenericUnsignedByteField` to `value_typed`. - Added `value_const` const function for `UnsignedByteField` type. - Added `value_typed` const functions for `GenericUnsignedByteField` and `GenericEcssEnumWrapper`. # [v0.9.0] 2024-02-07 ## Added - `CcsdsPacket`, `PusPacket` and `GenericPusTmSecondaryHeader` implementation for `PusTmZeroCopyWriter`. - Additional length checks for `PusTmZeroCopyWriter`. ## Changed - `PusTmZeroCopyWriter`: Added additional timestamp length argument for `new` constructor. ## Fixed - Typo: `PUC_TM_MIN_HEADER_LEN` -> `PUS_TM_MIN_HEADER_LEN` # [v0.8.1] 2024-02-05 ## Fixed - Added `pub` visibility for `PacketSequenceCtrl::const_new`. # [v0.8.0] 2024-02-05 ## Added - Added `len_written` and `to_vec` methods to the `TimeWriter` trait. # [v0.7.0] 2024-02-01 # [v0.7.0-beta.4] 2024-01-23 ## Fixed - `MetadataPduCreator`: The serialization function shifted the closure requested information to the wrong position (first reserved bit) inside the raw content field. # [v0.7.0-beta.3] 2023-12-06 ## Added - Add `WritablePduPacket` trait which is a common trait of all CFDP PDU implementations. - Add `CfdpPdu` trait which exposes fields and attributes common to all CFDP PDUs. - Add `GenericTlv` and `WritableTlv` trait as abstractions for the various TLV types. ## Fixed - Set the direction field inside the PDU header field correctly explicitely for all CFDP PDU packets. ## Changed - Split up `FinishedPdu`into `FinishedPduCreator` and `FinishedPduReader` to expose specialized APIs. - Split up `MetadataPdu`into `MetadataPduCreator` and `MetadataPduReader` to expose specialized APIs. - Cleaned up CUC time implementation. Added `width` and `counter` getter methods. - Renamed `SerializablePusPacket` to `WritablePusPacket`. - Renamed `UnsignedPfc` to `PfcUnsigned` and `RealPfc` to `PfcReal`. - Renamed `WritablePduPacket.written_len` and `SerializablePusPacket.len_packed` to `len_written`. - Introduce custom implementation of `PartialEq` for `CommonPduConfig` which only compares the values for the source entity ID, destination entity ID and transaction sequence number field to allow those fields to have different widths. - Removed the `PusError::RawDataTooShort` variant which is already covered by `PusError::ByteConversionError` variant. - Ranamed `TlvLvError::ByteConversionError` to `TlvLvError::ByteConversion`. - Renamed `PusError::IncorrectCrc` to `PusError::ChecksumFailure`. - Some more struct variant changes for error enumerations. ## Removed - `PusError::NoRawData` variant. - `cfdp::LenInBytes` which was not used. # [v0.7.0-beta.2] 2023-09-26 ## Added - `PacketId` trait impls: `Ord`, `PartialOrd` and `Hash` - `SerializablePusPacket` trait: Add `to_vec` method with default implementation. # [v0.7.0-beta.1] 2023-08-28 - Bump `zerocopy` dependency to v0.7.0 ## Changed - The `Tlv` and `Lv` API return `&[u8]` instead of `Option<&[u8]>`. - `ByteConversionError` error variants `ToSliceTooSmall` and `FromSliceTooSmall` are struct variants now. `SizeMissmatch` was removed appropriately. - `UnsignedByteFieldError` error variants `ValueTooLargeForWidth` and `InvalidWidth` are struct variants now. - `TimestampError` error variant `InvalidTimeCode` is struct variant now. ## Added - Added `raw_data` API for `Tlv` and `Lv` to retrieve the whole `Lv`/`Tlv` slice if the object was created from a raw bytestream. - Added `MsgToUserTlv` helper class which wraps a regular `Tlv` and adds some useful functionality. - `UnsignedByteField` and `GenericUnsignedByteField` `new` methods are `const` now. - `PduError` variants which contained a tuple variant with multiple fields were converted to a struct variant. # Added - Added `pdu_datafield_len` getter function for `PduHeader` ## Removed - `SizeMissmatch` because it is not required for the `ByteConversionError` error enumeration anymore. # [v0.7.0-beta.0] 2023-08-16 - Moved MSRV from v1.60 to v1.61. ## Changed - `PusPacket` trait: `user_data` now returns `&[u8]` instead of `Option<&[u8]>`. Empty user data can simply be an empty slice. - Moved ECSS TC components from `tc` to ``. - Moved ECSS TM components from `tm` to ``. - Converted `PusTc` class to more specialized `PusTcCreator` and `PusTcReader` classes. The old `PusTc` class is deprecated now. - Converted `PusTm` class to more specialized `PusTmCreator` and `PusTmReader` classes. The old `PusTm` class is deprecated now. - Implement `Display` and `Error` for `StdTimestampError` properly. - Remove some redundant `Error` suffixes for enum error variants. - `CommonPduConfig`: `new_with_defaults` replaced by `new_with_byte_fields`. ## Added - `source_data` and `app_data` API provided for PUS TM and PUS TC reader classes. These simply call `user_data` but are also in line with the PUS packet standard names for those fields. - Added new marker trait `IsPusTelemetry` implemented by `PusTmCreator` and `PusTmReader`. - Added new marker trait `IsPusTelecommand` implemented by `PusTcCreator` and `PusTcReader`. - `metadata_param` getter method for the `MetadataPdu` object. - `Default` impl for CFDP `ChecksumType` - `Default` impl for CFDP `CommonPduConfig` ## Fixed - All `MetadataGenericParam` fields are now public. - New setter method `set_source_and_dest_id` for `CommonPduConfig`. # [v0.6.0] 2023-07-06 ## Added - Added new `util` module which contains the following (new) helper modules: - `UnsignedEnum` trait as an abstraction for unsigned byte fields with variable lengths. It is not tied to the ECSS PFC value like the `EcssEnumeration` trait. The method to retrieve the size of the unsigned enumeration in bytes is now called `size`. - `GenericUnsignedByteField` and helper typedefs `UnsignedU8`, `UnsignedU16`, `UnsignedU32` and `UnsignedU64` as helper types implementing `UnsignedEnum` - `UnsignedByteField` as a type-erased helper. - Initial CFDP support: Added PDU packet implementation. - Added `SerializablePusPacket` as a generic abstraction for PUS packets which are writable. - Added new `PusTmZeroCopyWriter` class which allows to set fields on a raw TM packet, which might be more efficient that modification and re-writing a packet with the `PusTm` object. ## Changed - The `EcssEnumeration` now requires the `UnsignedEnum` trait and only adds the `pfc` method to it. - Renamed `byte_width` usages to `size` (part of new `UnsignedEnum` trait) - Moved `ecss::CRC_CCITT_FALSE` CRC constant to the root module. This CRC type is not just used by the PUS standard, but by the CCSDS Telecommand standard and the CFDP standard as well. # [v0.5.4] 2023-02-12 ## Added - `Clone` trait requirement for `time::cds::ProvidesDaysLen` trait. - Added `Copy` and `Clone` derives for `DaysLen16Bits` and `DaysLen24Bits`. # [v0.5.3] 2023-02-05 ## Added - `num_enum` dependency to avoid boilerplate code for primtive to enum conversions, for example for the PUS subservices. - `ecss.event` module containing a `Subservice` enum. - `ecss.verification` module containing a `Subservice` enum. - `ecss.scheduling` module containing a `Subservice` enum and some other helper enumerations. - `` module containing a `Subservice` enum. ## Changed - Added missing Service IDs to `ecss.PusServiceId` and marked in `#[non_exhaustive]`. ## Fixed - `time.UnixTimestamp`: All constructors and `From` conversions now use the `new` constructor, which should cause a correct conversion of 0 subsecond milliseconds to a `None` value. # [v0.5.2] 2023-01-26 ## Added - Added `.gitignore`. ## Fixed - Correct implementation of Trait `PartialEq` for `PusTc` and `PusTm`. The previous auto-derivation were incorrect because they also compared fields unrelated to the raw byte representation. ## Changed - Renamed `PusTc` `raw` method to `raw_bytes` and add better docs to avoid confusion. Deprecate `raw` to avoid breaking change. - Added `raw_bytes` method to `PusTm`. # [v0.5.1] 2023-01-22 ## Added - `time::cds::TimeProvider` - Add `Ord` and `PartialOrd`, use custom `PartialEq` impl to account for precision correctly. - Add `precision_as_ns` function which converts microsecond and picosecond precision values into nanoseconds. - Add conversion trait to convert `cds::TimeProvider` into `cds::TimeProvider` and vice-versa. - `time::UnixTimestamp` - Add `Ord` and `PartialOrd` implementations. - Add `Add` and `AddAssign` implementations. ## Fixed - `time::cds::TimeProvider`: Fixed a bug where subsecond milliseconds were not accounted for when the provider has no submillisecond precision. # [v0.5.0] 2023-01-20 The timestamp of `PusTm` is now optional. See Added and Changed section for details. ## Added - `PusTmSecondaryHeader`: New `new_simple_no_timestamp` API to create secondary header without timestamp. - `PusTm`: Add `new_simple_no_timestamp` method to create TM without timestamp - New `UnixTimestamp` abstraction which contains the unix seconds as an `i64` and an optional subsecond millisecond counter (`u16`) - `MS_PER_DAY` constant. - CUC: Added `from_date_time` and `from_unix_stamp` constructors for time provider. - CUC: Add `Add` and `AddAssign` impl for time provider. ### CDS time module - Implement `Add` and `AddAssign` for time providers, which allows easily adding offsets to the providers. - Implement `TryFrom>` for time providers. - `get_dyn_time_provider_from_bytes`: Requires `alloc` support and returns the correct `TimeProvider` instance wrapped as a boxed trait object `Box` by checking the length of days field. - Added constructor function to create the time provider from `chrono::DateTime` and a generic UNIX timestamp (`i64` seconds and subsecond milliseconds). - `MAX_DAYS_24_BITS` which contains maximum value which can be supplied to the days field of a CDS time provider with 24 bits days field width. - New `CdsTimestamp` trait which encapsulates common fields for all CDS time providers. - `from_unix_secs_with_u24_days` and `from_unix_secs_with_u16_days` which create the time provider from a `UnixTimestamp` reference. - `from_dt_with_u16_days`, `from_dt_with_u24_days` and their `..._us_precision` and `..._ps_precision` variants which allow to create time providers from a `chrono::DateTime`. - Add `from_bytes_with_u24_days` and `from_bytes_with_u16_days` associated methods ## Changed - (breaking) `unix_epoch_to_ccsds_epoch`: Expect and return `i64` instead of `u64` now. - (breaking) `ccsds_epoch_to_unix_epoch`: Expect and return `i64` instead of `u64` now. - (breaking) `PusTmSecondaryHeader`: Timestamp is optional now, which translates to a timestamp of size 0. - (breaking): `PusTm`: Renamed `time_stamp` method to `timestamp`, also returns `Optional<&'src_data [u8]>` now. - (breaking): `PusTmSecondaryHeader`: Renamed `time_stamp` field to `timestamp` for consistency. - (breaking): Renamed `from_now_with_u24_days_and_us_prec` to `from_now_with_u24_days_us_precision`. Also did the same for the `u16` variant. - (breaking): Renamed `from_now_with_u24_days_and_ps_prec` to `from_now_with_u24_days_ps_precision`. Also did the same for the `u16` variant. - `CcsdsTimeProvider` trait (breaking): - Add new `unix_stamp` method returning the new `UnixTimeStamp` struct. - Add new `subsecond_millis` method returning counter `Option`. - Default impl for `unix_stamp` which re-uses `subsecond_millis` and existing `unix_seconds` method. - `TimestampError` (breaking): Add `DateBeforeCcsdsEpoch` error type because new CDS API allow supplying invalid date times before CCSDS epoch. Make `TimestampError` with `#[non_exhaustive]` attribute to prevent future breakages if new error variants are added. # [v0.4.2] 14.01.2023 ## Fixed - CDS timestamp: Fixed another small logic error for stamp creation from the current time with picosecond precision. PR: # [v0.4.1] 14.01.2023 ## Fixed - CDS timestamp: The conversion function from the current time were buggy when specifying picoseconds precision, which could lead to overflow multiplications and/or incorrect precision fields. PR: # [v0.4.0] 10.01.2023 ## Fixed - Remove `Default` derive on CDS time provider. This can lead to uninitialized preamble fields. ## Changed - `serde` support is now optional and behind the `serde` feature. - `PusTcSecondaryHeaderT` trait renamed to `GenericPusTcSecondaryHeader`. - `PusTmSecondaryHeaderT` trait renamed to `GenericPusTmSecondaryHeader`. - `SpHeader`: Former `tc` and `tm` methods now named `tc_unseg` and `tm_unseg`. Former `new` method now called `new_from_single_fields`. - `SpHeader`: Renamed `from_bytes` to `from_be_bytes`. The function now returns the remaining slice as well. - All CDS specific functionality was moved into the `cds` submodule of the `time` module. `CdsShortTimeProvider` was renamed to `TimeProvider`. PR: ## Added - `SpHeader` getter function `sp_header` added for `PusTc` PR: - Added PFC enumerations: `ecss::UnsignedPfc` and `ecss::RealPfc`. PR: - Added `std::error::Error` implementation for all error enumerations if the `std` feature is enabled. - CUC timestamp implementation as specified in CCSDS 301.0-B-4 section 3.2. PR: - ACII timestamps as specified in CCSDS 301.0-B-4 section 3.5. - Added MSRV in `Cargo.toml` with the `rust-version` field set to Rust 1.60. - `serde` `Serialize` and `Deserialize` added to all types. - Added `const` constructors for `PacketId`, `PacketSeqCtrl` and `SpHeader`. - Added `PartialEq` and `Eq` `derive`s to `TimeProvider`. - `SpHeader`: Added serialization function into raw format `write_to_be_bytes`. - Added 24-bit day field support for CDS short. The bit width is configured at type level via a generic parameter type passed to the `cds::TimeProvider` - Added submillisecond precision support for `cds::TimeProvider` # [v0.3.1] 03.12.2022 - Small fix for faulty build # [v0.3.0] 01.12.2022 ## Added - `EcssEnumerationExt` trait which implements `Debug`, `Copy`, `Clone`, `PartialEq` and `Eq` in addition to `EcssEnumeration` ## Changed - `EcssEnumeration` trait: Rename `write_to_bytes` to `write_to_be_bytes` # [v0.2.0] 13.09.2022 ## Added - Basic support for ECSS enumeration types for u8, u16, u32 and u64 ## Changed - Better names for generic error enumerations: `PacketError` renamed to `ByteConversionError` - CCSDS module: `ssc` abbreviations fully replaced by better name `seq_count` - Time module: `CcsdsTimeProvider::date_time` now has `Option>` as a returnvalue instead of `DateTime` - `PusTc` and `PusTm`: `new_from_raw_slice` renamed to simpler `from_bytes` # [v0.1.0] 16.08.2022 Initial release with CCSDS Space Packet Primary Header implementation and basic PUS TC and TM implementations.