use crate::ecss::{ crc_from_raw_data, crc_procedure, CrcType, PusError, PusPacket, PusVersion, CRC_CCITT_FALSE, }; use crate::SpHeader; use crate::{CcsdsPacket, PacketError, PacketType, SequenceFlags, SizeMissmatch, CCSDS_HEADER_LEN}; use core::mem::size_of; use delegate::delegate; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use zerocopy::AsBytes; #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] use alloc::vec::Vec; /// PUS C secondary header length is fixed pub const PUC_TC_SECONDARY_HEADER_LEN: usize = size_of::(); pub const PUS_TC_MIN_LEN_WITHOUT_APP_DATA: usize = CCSDS_HEADER_LEN + PUC_TC_SECONDARY_HEADER_LEN + size_of::(); const PUS_VERSION: PusVersion = PusVersion::PusC; #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] enum AckOpts { Acceptance = 0b1000, Start = 0b0100, Progress = 0b0010, Completion = 0b0001, } pub const ACK_ALL: u8 = AckOpts::Acceptance as u8 | AckOpts::Start as u8 | AckOpts::Progress as u8 | AckOpts::Completion as u8; pub trait PusTcSecondaryHeaderT { fn pus_version(&self) -> PusVersion; fn ack_flags(&self) -> u8; fn service(&self) -> u8; fn subservice(&self) -> u8; fn source_id(&self) -> u16; } pub mod zc { use crate::ecss::{PusError, PusVersion}; use crate::tc::PusTcSecondaryHeaderT; use zerocopy::{AsBytes, FromBytes, NetworkEndian, Unaligned, U16}; #[derive(FromBytes, AsBytes, Unaligned)] #[repr(C)] pub struct PusTcSecondaryHeader { version_ack: u8, service: u8, subservice: u8, source_id: U16, } impl TryFrom for PusTcSecondaryHeader { type Error = PusError; fn try_from(value: crate::tc::PusTcSecondaryHeader) -> Result { if value.version != PusVersion::PusC { return Err(PusError::VersionNotSupported(value.version)); } Ok(PusTcSecondaryHeader { version_ack: ((value.version as u8) << 4) | value.ack, service: value.service, subservice: value.subservice, source_id: U16::from(value.source_id), }) } } impl PusTcSecondaryHeaderT for PusTcSecondaryHeader { fn pus_version(&self) -> PusVersion { PusVersion::try_from(self.version_ack >> 4 & 0b1111).unwrap_or(PusVersion::Invalid) } fn ack_flags(&self) -> u8 { self.version_ack & 0b1111 } fn service(&self) -> u8 { self.service } fn subservice(&self) -> u8 { self.subservice } fn source_id(&self) -> u16 { self.source_id.get() } } impl PusTcSecondaryHeader { pub fn to_bytes(&self, slice: &mut [u8]) -> Option<()> { self.write_to(slice) } pub fn from_bytes(slice: &[u8]) -> Option { Self::read_from(slice) } } } #[derive(PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct PusTcSecondaryHeader { pub service: u8, pub subservice: u8, pub source_id: u16, pub ack: u8, pub version: PusVersion, } impl PusTcSecondaryHeaderT for PusTcSecondaryHeader { fn pus_version(&self) -> PusVersion { self.version } fn ack_flags(&self) -> u8 { self.ack } fn service(&self) -> u8 { self.service } fn subservice(&self) -> u8 { self.subservice } fn source_id(&self) -> u16 { self.source_id } } impl TryFrom for PusTcSecondaryHeader { type Error = (); fn try_from(value: zc::PusTcSecondaryHeader) -> Result { Ok(PusTcSecondaryHeader { service: value.service(), subservice: value.subservice(), source_id: value.source_id(), ack: value.ack_flags(), version: PUS_VERSION, }) } } impl PusTcSecondaryHeader { pub fn new_simple(service: u8, subservice: u8) -> Self { PusTcSecondaryHeader { service, subservice, ack: ACK_ALL, source_id: 0, version: PusVersion::PusC, } } pub fn new(service: u8, subservice: u8, ack: u8, source_id: u16) -> Self { PusTcSecondaryHeader { service, subservice, ack: ack & 0b1111, source_id, version: PusVersion::PusC, } } } /// This struct models a PUS telecommand. It is the primary data structure to generate the raw byte /// representation of a PUS telecommand or to deserialize from one from raw bytes. /// /// There is no spare bytes support yet #[derive(PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct PusTc<'slice> { pub sp_header: SpHeader, pub sec_header: PusTcSecondaryHeader, /// If this is set to false, a manual call to [PusTc::calc_own_crc16] or /// [PusTc::update_packet_fields] is necessary for the serialized or cached CRC16 to be valid. pub calc_crc_on_serialization: bool, #[serde(skip)] raw_data: Option<&'slice [u8]>, app_data: Option<&'slice [u8]>, crc16: Option, } impl<'slice> PusTc<'slice> { /// Generates a new struct instance. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `sp_header` - Space packet header information. The correct packet type will be set /// automatically /// * `sec_header` - Information contained in the data field header, including the service /// and subservice type /// * `app_data` - Custom application data /// * `set_ccsds_len` - Can be used to automatically update the CCSDS space packet data length /// field. If this is not set to true, [PusTc::update_ccsds_data_len] can be called to set /// the correct value to this field manually pub fn new( sp_header: &mut SpHeader, sec_header: PusTcSecondaryHeader, app_data: Option<&'slice [u8]>, set_ccsds_len: bool, ) -> Self { sp_header.set_packet_type(PacketType::Tc); sp_header.set_sec_header_flag(); let mut pus_tc = PusTc { sp_header: *sp_header, raw_data: None, app_data, sec_header, calc_crc_on_serialization: true, crc16: None, }; if set_ccsds_len { pus_tc.update_ccsds_data_len(); } pus_tc } /// Simplified version of the [PusTc::new] function which allows to only specify service and /// subservice instead of the full PUS TC secondary header pub fn new_simple( sph: &mut SpHeader, service: u8, subservice: u8, app_data: Option<&'slice [u8]>, set_ccsds_len: bool, ) -> Self { Self::new( sph, PusTcSecondaryHeader::new(service, subservice, ACK_ALL, 0), app_data, set_ccsds_len, ) } pub fn len_packed(&self) -> usize { let mut length = PUS_TC_MIN_LEN_WITHOUT_APP_DATA; if let Some(app_data) = self.app_data { length += app_data.len(); } length } pub fn set_seq_flags(&mut self, seq_flag: SequenceFlags) { self.sp_header.psc.seq_flags = seq_flag; } pub fn set_ack_field(&mut self, ack: u8) -> bool { if ack > 0b1111 { return false; } self.sec_header.ack = ack & 0b1111; true } pub fn set_source_id(&mut self, source_id: u16) { self.sec_header.source_id = source_id; } /// Forwards the call to [crate::PacketId::set_apid] pub fn set_apid(&mut self, apid: u16) -> bool { self.sp_header.packet_id.set_apid(apid) } /// Forwards the call to [crate::PacketSequenceCtrl::set_seq_count] pub fn set_seq_count(&mut self, seq_count: u16) -> bool { self.sp_header.psc.set_seq_count(seq_count) } /// Calculate the CCSDS space packet data length field and sets it /// This is called automatically if the [set_ccsds_len] argument in the [new] call was used. /// If this was not done or the application data is set or changed after construction, /// this function needs to be called to ensure that the data length field of the CCSDS header /// is set correctly pub fn update_ccsds_data_len(&mut self) { self.sp_header.data_len = self.len_packed() as u16 - size_of::() as u16 - 1; } /// This function should be called before the TC packet is serialized if /// [calc_crc_on_serialization] is set to False. It will calculate and cache the CRC16. pub fn calc_own_crc16(&mut self) { let mut digest = CRC_CCITT_FALSE.digest(); let sph_zc = crate::zc::SpHeader::from(self.sp_header); digest.update(sph_zc.as_bytes()); let pus_tc_header = zc::PusTcSecondaryHeader::try_from(self.sec_header).unwrap(); digest.update(pus_tc_header.as_bytes()); if let Some(app_data) = self.app_data { digest.update(app_data); } self.crc16 = Some(digest.finalize()) } /// This helper function calls both [update_ccsds_data_len] and [calc_own_crc16] pub fn update_packet_fields(&mut self) { self.update_ccsds_data_len(); self.calc_own_crc16(); } pub fn write_to(&self, slice: &mut [u8]) -> Result { let mut curr_idx = 0; let sph_zc = crate::zc::SpHeader::from(self.sp_header); let tc_header_len = size_of::(); let total_size = self.len_packed(); if total_size > slice.len() { return Err(PusError::OtherPacketError( PacketError::ToBytesSliceTooSmall(SizeMissmatch { found: slice.len(), expected: total_size, }), )); } sph_zc .to_bytes(&mut slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + 6]) .ok_or(PusError::OtherPacketError( PacketError::ToBytesZeroCopyError, ))?; curr_idx += CCSDS_HEADER_LEN; let sec_header = zc::PusTcSecondaryHeader::try_from(self.sec_header).unwrap(); sec_header .to_bytes(&mut slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + tc_header_len]) .ok_or(PusError::OtherPacketError( PacketError::ToBytesZeroCopyError, ))?; curr_idx += tc_header_len; if let Some(app_data) = self.app_data { slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + app_data.len()].copy_from_slice(app_data); curr_idx += app_data.len(); } let crc16 = crc_procedure(self.calc_crc_on_serialization, &self.crc16, curr_idx, slice)?; slice[curr_idx..curr_idx + 2].copy_from_slice(crc16.to_be_bytes().as_slice()); curr_idx += 2; Ok(curr_idx) } #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] pub fn append_to_vec(&self, vec: &mut Vec) -> Result { let sph_zc = crate::zc::SpHeader::from(self.sp_header); let mut appended_len = PUS_TC_MIN_LEN_WITHOUT_APP_DATA; if let Some(app_data) = self.app_data { appended_len += app_data.len(); }; let start_idx = vec.len(); let mut curr_idx = vec.len(); vec.extend_from_slice(sph_zc.as_bytes()); curr_idx += sph_zc.as_bytes().len(); // The PUS version is hardcoded to PUS C let pus_tc_header = zc::PusTcSecondaryHeader::try_from(self.sec_header).unwrap(); vec.extend_from_slice(pus_tc_header.as_bytes()); curr_idx += pus_tc_header.as_bytes().len(); if let Some(app_data) = self.app_data { vec.extend_from_slice(app_data); curr_idx += app_data.len(); } let crc16 = crc_procedure( self.calc_crc_on_serialization, &self.crc16, curr_idx, &vec[start_idx..curr_idx], )?; vec.extend_from_slice(crc16.to_be_bytes().as_slice()); Ok(appended_len) } /// Create a PusTc instance from a raw slice. On success, it returns a tuple containing /// the instance and the found byte length of the packet pub fn new_from_raw_slice( slice: &'slice [u8], ) -> Result<(Self, usize), PusError> { let slice_ref = slice.as_ref(); let raw_data_len = slice_ref.len(); if raw_data_len < PUS_TC_MIN_LEN_WITHOUT_APP_DATA { return Err(PusError::RawDataTooShort(raw_data_len)); } let mut current_idx = 0; let sph = crate::zc::SpHeader::from_bytes(&slice_ref[current_idx..current_idx + 6]).ok_or( PusError::OtherPacketError(PacketError::FromBytesZeroCopyError), )?; current_idx += 6; let total_len = sph.total_len(); if raw_data_len < total_len || total_len < PUS_TC_MIN_LEN_WITHOUT_APP_DATA { return Err(PusError::RawDataTooShort(raw_data_len)); } let sec_header = crate::tc::zc::PusTcSecondaryHeader::from_bytes( &slice_ref[current_idx..current_idx + PUC_TC_SECONDARY_HEADER_LEN], ) .ok_or(PusError::OtherPacketError( PacketError::FromBytesZeroCopyError, ))?; current_idx += PUC_TC_SECONDARY_HEADER_LEN; let mut pus_tc = PusTc { sp_header: SpHeader::from(sph), sec_header: PusTcSecondaryHeader::try_from(sec_header).unwrap(), raw_data: Some(slice_ref), app_data: match current_idx { _ if current_idx == total_len - 2 => None, _ if current_idx > total_len - 2 => { return Err(PusError::RawDataTooShort(raw_data_len)) } _ => Some(&slice_ref[current_idx..total_len - 2]), }, calc_crc_on_serialization: false, crc16: None, }; crc_from_raw_data(pus_tc.raw_data)?; pus_tc.verify()?; Ok((pus_tc, total_len)) } fn verify(&mut self) -> Result<(), PusError> { let mut digest = CRC_CCITT_FALSE.digest(); if self.raw_data.is_none() { return Err(PusError::NoRawData); } let raw_data = self.raw_data.unwrap(); digest.update(raw_data.as_ref()); if digest.finalize() == 0 { return Ok(()); } let crc16 = crc_from_raw_data(self.raw_data)?; Err(PusError::IncorrectCrc(crc16)) } } //noinspection RsTraitImplementation impl CcsdsPacket for PusTc<'_> { delegate!(to self.sp_header { fn ccsds_version(&self) -> u8; fn packet_id(&self) -> crate::PacketId; fn psc(&self) -> crate::PacketSequenceCtrl; fn data_len(&self) -> u16; }); } //noinspection RsTraitImplementation impl PusPacket for PusTc<'_> { delegate!(to self.sec_header { fn pus_version(&self) -> PusVersion; fn service(&self) -> u8; fn subservice(&self) -> u8; }); fn user_data(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> { self.app_data } fn crc16(&self) -> Option { self.crc16 } } //noinspection RsTraitImplementation impl PusTcSecondaryHeaderT for PusTc<'_> { delegate!(to self.sec_header { fn pus_version(&self) -> PusVersion; fn service(&self) -> u8; fn subservice(&self) -> u8; fn source_id(&self) -> u16; fn ack_flags(&self) -> u8; }); } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::ecss::PusVersion::PusC; use crate::ecss::{PusError, PusPacket}; use crate::SpHeader; use crate::tc::ACK_ALL; use crate::tc::{PusTc, PusTcSecondaryHeader, PusTcSecondaryHeaderT}; use crate::{CcsdsPacket, SequenceFlags}; use alloc::vec::Vec; fn base_ping_tc_full_ctor() -> PusTc<'static> { let mut sph = SpHeader::tc(0x02, 0x34, 0).unwrap(); let tc_header = PusTcSecondaryHeader::new_simple(17, 1); PusTc::new(&mut sph, tc_header, None, true) } fn base_ping_tc_simple_ctor() -> PusTc<'static> { let mut sph = SpHeader::tc(0x02, 0x34, 0).unwrap(); PusTc::new_simple(&mut sph, 17, 1, None, true) } fn base_ping_tc_simple_ctor_with_app_data(app_data: &'static [u8]) -> PusTc<'static> { let mut sph = SpHeader::tc(0x02, 0x34, 0).unwrap(); PusTc::new_simple(&mut sph, 17, 1, Some(app_data), true) } #[test] fn test_tc_fields() { let pus_tc = base_ping_tc_full_ctor(); assert_eq!(pus_tc.crc16(), None); verify_test_tc(&pus_tc, false, 13); } #[test] fn test_serialization() { let pus_tc = base_ping_tc_simple_ctor(); let mut test_buf: [u8; 32] = [0; 32]; let size = pus_tc .write_to(test_buf.as_mut_slice()) .expect("Error writing TC to buffer"); assert_eq!(size, 13); } #[test] fn test_deserialization() { let pus_tc = base_ping_tc_simple_ctor(); let mut test_buf: [u8; 32] = [0; 32]; let size = pus_tc .write_to(test_buf.as_mut_slice()) .expect("Error writing TC to buffer"); assert_eq!(size, 13); let (tc_from_raw, size) = PusTc::new_from_raw_slice(&test_buf) .expect("Creating PUS TC struct from raw buffer failed"); assert_eq!(size, 13); verify_test_tc(&tc_from_raw, false, 13); verify_test_tc_raw(&test_buf); verify_crc_no_app_data(&test_buf); } #[test] fn test_vec_ser_deser() { let pus_tc = base_ping_tc_simple_ctor(); let mut test_vec = Vec::new(); let size = pus_tc .append_to_vec(&mut test_vec) .expect("Error writing TC to vector"); assert_eq!(size, 13); verify_test_tc_raw(&test_vec.as_slice()); verify_crc_no_app_data(&test_vec.as_slice()); } #[test] fn test_incorrect_crc() { let pus_tc = base_ping_tc_simple_ctor(); let mut test_buf: [u8; 32] = [0; 32]; pus_tc .write_to(test_buf.as_mut_slice()) .expect("Error writing TC to buffer"); test_buf[12] = 0; let res = PusTc::new_from_raw_slice(&test_buf); assert!(res.is_err()); let err = res.unwrap_err(); assert!(matches!(err, PusError::IncorrectCrc { .. })); } #[test] fn test_manual_crc_calculation() { let mut pus_tc = base_ping_tc_simple_ctor(); pus_tc.calc_crc_on_serialization = false; let mut test_buf: [u8; 32] = [0; 32]; pus_tc.calc_own_crc16(); pus_tc .write_to(test_buf.as_mut_slice()) .expect("Error writing TC to buffer"); verify_test_tc_raw(&test_buf); verify_crc_no_app_data(&test_buf); } #[test] fn test_manual_crc_calculation_no_calc_call() { let mut pus_tc = base_ping_tc_simple_ctor(); pus_tc.calc_crc_on_serialization = false; let mut test_buf: [u8; 32] = [0; 32]; let res = pus_tc.write_to(test_buf.as_mut_slice()); assert!(res.is_err()); let err = res.unwrap_err(); assert!(matches!(err, PusError::CrcCalculationMissing { .. })); } #[test] fn test_with_application_data_vec() { let pus_tc = base_ping_tc_simple_ctor_with_app_data(&[1, 2, 3]); verify_test_tc(&pus_tc, true, 16); let mut test_vec = Vec::new(); let size = pus_tc .append_to_vec(&mut test_vec) .expect("Error writing TC to vector"); assert_eq!(test_vec[11], 1); assert_eq!(test_vec[12], 2); assert_eq!(test_vec[13], 3); assert_eq!(size, 16); } #[test] fn test_with_application_data_buf() { let pus_tc = base_ping_tc_simple_ctor_with_app_data(&[1, 2, 3]); verify_test_tc(&pus_tc, true, 16); let mut test_buf: [u8; 32] = [0; 32]; let size = pus_tc .write_to(test_buf.as_mut_slice()) .expect("Error writing TC to buffer"); assert_eq!(test_buf[11], 1); assert_eq!(test_buf[12], 2); assert_eq!(test_buf[13], 3); assert_eq!(size, 16); } #[test] fn test_custom_setters() { let mut pus_tc = base_ping_tc_simple_ctor(); let mut test_buf: [u8; 32] = [0; 32]; pus_tc.set_apid(0x7ff); pus_tc.set_seq_count(0x3fff); pus_tc.set_ack_field(0b11); pus_tc.set_source_id(0xffff); pus_tc.set_seq_flags(SequenceFlags::Unsegmented); assert_eq!(pus_tc.source_id(), 0xffff); assert_eq!(pus_tc.seq_count(), 0x3fff); assert_eq!(pus_tc.ack_flags(), 0b11); assert_eq!(pus_tc.apid(), 0x7ff); assert_eq!(pus_tc.sequence_flags(), SequenceFlags::Unsegmented); pus_tc.calc_own_crc16(); pus_tc .write_to(test_buf.as_mut_slice()) .expect("Error writing TC to buffer"); assert_eq!(test_buf[0], 0x1f); assert_eq!(test_buf[1], 0xff); assert_eq!(test_buf[2], 0xff); assert_eq!(test_buf[3], 0xff); assert_eq!(test_buf[6], 0x23); // Source ID 0 assert_eq!(test_buf[9], 0xff); assert_eq!(test_buf[10], 0xff); } fn verify_test_tc(tc: &PusTc, has_user_data: bool, exp_full_len: usize) { assert_eq!(PusPacket::service(tc), 17); assert_eq!(PusPacket::subservice(tc), 1); assert!(tc.sec_header_flag()); assert_eq!(PusPacket::pus_version(tc), PusC); if !has_user_data { assert_eq!(tc.user_data(), None); } assert_eq!(tc.seq_count(), 0x34); assert_eq!(tc.source_id(), 0); assert_eq!(tc.apid(), 0x02); assert_eq!(tc.ack_flags(), ACK_ALL); assert_eq!(tc.len_packed(), exp_full_len); let mut comp_header = SpHeader::tc(0x02, 0x34, exp_full_len as u16 - 7).unwrap(); comp_header.set_sec_header_flag(); assert_eq!( tc.sp_header, comp_header ); } fn verify_test_tc_raw(slice: &impl AsRef<[u8]>) { // Reference comparison implementation: // let slice = slice.as_ref(); // 0x1801 is the generic assert_eq!(slice[0], 0x18); // APID is 0x01 assert_eq!(slice[1], 0x02); // Unsegmented packets assert_eq!(slice[2], 0xc0); // Sequence count 0x34 assert_eq!(slice[3], 0x34); assert_eq!(slice[4], 0x00); // Space data length of 6 equals total packet length of 13 assert_eq!(slice[5], 0x06); // PUS Version C 0b0010 and ACK flags 0b1111 assert_eq!(slice[6], 0x2f); // Service 17 assert_eq!(slice[7], 0x11); // Subservice 1 assert_eq!(slice[8], 0x01); // Source ID 0 assert_eq!(slice[9], 0x00); assert_eq!(slice[10], 0x00); } fn verify_crc_no_app_data(slice: &impl AsRef<[u8]>) { // Reference comparison implementation: // let slice = slice.as_ref(); assert_eq!(slice[11], 0xee); assert_eq!(slice[12], 0x63); } }