//! Simple PWM example #![no_main] #![no_std] use cortex_m_rt::entry; use embedded_hal::PwmPin; use panic_rtt_target as _; use rtt_target::{rprintln, rtt_init_print}; use va108xx_hal::{ gpio::PinsA, pac, prelude::*, pwm::{self, get_duty_from_percent, ReducedPwmPin, PWMA, PWMB}, timer::set_up_ms_delay_provider, }; #[entry] fn main() -> ! { rtt_init_print!(); rprintln!("-- VA108xx PWM example application--"); let mut dp = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap(); let pinsa = PinsA::new(&mut dp.SYSCONFIG, None, dp.PORTA); let mut pwm = pwm::PwmPin::new( (pinsa.pa3.into_funsel_1(), dp.TIM3), 50.mhz(), &mut dp.SYSCONFIG, 10.hz(), ); let mut delay = set_up_ms_delay_provider(&mut dp.SYSCONFIG, 50.mhz(), dp.TIM0); let mut current_duty_cycle = 0.0; PwmPin::set_duty(&mut pwm, get_duty_from_percent(current_duty_cycle)); PwmPin::enable(&mut pwm); // Delete type information, increased code readibility for the rest of the code let mut reduced_pin = ReducedPwmPin::from(pwm); loop { // Increase duty cycle continuously while current_duty_cycle < 1.0 { delay.delay_ms(200_u16); current_duty_cycle += 0.02; PwmPin::set_duty(&mut reduced_pin, get_duty_from_percent(current_duty_cycle)); } // Switch to PWMB and decrease the window with a high signal from 100 % to 0 % // continously current_duty_cycle = 0.0; let mut upper_limit = 1.0; let mut lower_limit = 0.0; let mut pwmb: ReducedPwmPin = ReducedPwmPin::from(reduced_pin); pwmb.set_pwmb_lower_limit(get_duty_from_percent(lower_limit)); pwmb.set_pwmb_upper_limit(get_duty_from_percent(upper_limit)); while lower_limit < 0.5 { delay.delay_ms(200_u16); lower_limit += 0.01; upper_limit -= 0.01; pwmb.set_pwmb_lower_limit(get_duty_from_percent(lower_limit)); pwmb.set_pwmb_upper_limit(get_duty_from_percent(upper_limit)); rprintln!("Lower limit: {}", pwmb.pwmb_lower_limit()); rprintln!("Upper limit: {}", pwmb.pwmb_upper_limit()); } reduced_pin = ReducedPwmPin::::from(pwmb); } }