//! Test image //! //! It would be nice to use a test framework like defmt-test, but I have issues //! with probe run and it would be better to make the RTT work first #![no_main] #![no_std] use cortex_m_rt::entry; use embedded_hal::digital::v2::{InputPin, OutputPin, ToggleableOutputPin}; use panic_rtt_target as _; use rtt_target::{rprintln, rtt_init_print}; use va108xx_hal::{ gpio::{PinState, PinsA, PinsB}, pac::{self, interrupt}, prelude::*, time::Hertz, timer::{default_ms_irq_handler, set_up_ms_timer, CountDownTimer, Delay, IrqCfg}, }; #[allow(dead_code)] #[derive(Debug)] enum TestCase { // Tie PORTA[0] to PORTA[1] for these tests! TestBasic, TestPullup, TestPulldown, TestMask, // Tie PORTB[22] to PORTB[23] for this test PortB, Perid, // Tie PA0 to an oscilloscope and configure pulse detection Pulse, // Tie PA0, PA1 and PA3 to an oscilloscope DelayGpio, DelayMs, } #[entry] fn main() -> ! { rtt_init_print!(); rprintln!("-- VA108xx Test Application --"); let mut dp = va108xx::Peripherals::take().unwrap(); let cp = cortex_m::Peripherals::take().unwrap(); let pinsa = PinsA::new(&mut dp.SYSCONFIG, None, dp.PORTA); let pinsb = PinsB::new(&mut dp.SYSCONFIG, Some(dp.IOCONFIG), dp.PORTB); let mut led1 = pinsa.pa10.into_push_pull_output(); let test_case = TestCase::DelayGpio; match test_case { TestCase::TestBasic | TestCase::TestPulldown | TestCase::TestPullup | TestCase::TestMask => { rprintln!( "Test case {:?}. Make sure to tie PORTA[0] to PORTA[1]", test_case ); } _ => { rprintln!("Test case {:?}", test_case); } } match test_case { TestCase::TestBasic => { // Tie PORTA[0] to PORTA[1] for these tests! let mut out = pinsa.pa0.into_readable_push_pull_output(); let input = pinsa.pa1.into_floating_input(); out.set_high().unwrap(); assert!(input.is_high().unwrap()); out.set_low().unwrap(); assert!(input.is_low().unwrap()); } TestCase::TestPullup => { // Tie PORTA[0] to PORTA[1] for these tests! let input = pinsa.pa1.into_pull_up_input(); assert!(input.is_high().unwrap()); let mut out = pinsa.pa0.into_readable_push_pull_output(); out.set_low().unwrap(); assert!(input.is_low().unwrap()); out.set_high().unwrap(); assert!(input.is_high().unwrap()); out.into_floating_input(); assert!(input.is_high().unwrap()); } TestCase::TestPulldown => { // Tie PORTA[0] to PORTA[1] for these tests! let input = pinsa.pa1.into_pull_down_input(); assert!(input.is_low().unwrap()); let mut out = pinsa.pa0.into_push_pull_output(); out.set_low().unwrap(); assert!(input.is_low().unwrap()); out.set_high().unwrap(); assert!(input.is_high().unwrap()); out.into_floating_input(); assert!(input.is_low().unwrap()); } TestCase::TestMask => { // Tie PORTA[0] to PORTA[1] for these tests! let input = pinsa.pa1.into_pull_down_input().clear_datamask(); assert!(!input.datamask()); let mut out = pinsa.pa0.into_push_pull_output().clear_datamask(); assert!(input.is_low_masked().is_err()); assert!(out.set_high_masked().is_err()); } TestCase::PortB => { // Tie PORTB[22] to PORTB[23] for these tests! let mut out = pinsb.pb22.into_readable_push_pull_output(); let input = pinsb.pb23.into_floating_input(); out.set_high().unwrap(); assert!(input.is_high().unwrap()); out.set_low().unwrap(); assert!(input.is_low().unwrap()); } TestCase::Perid => { assert_eq!(PinsA::get_perid(), 0x004007e1); assert_eq!(PinsB::get_perid(), 0x004007e1); } TestCase::Pulse => { let mut output_pulsed = pinsa .pa0 .into_push_pull_output() .pulse_mode(true, PinState::Low); rprintln!("Pulsing high 10 times.."); output_pulsed.set_low().unwrap(); for _ in 0..10 { output_pulsed.set_high().unwrap(); cortex_m::asm::delay(25_000_000); } let mut output_pulsed = output_pulsed.pulse_mode(true, PinState::High); rprintln!("Pulsing low 10 times.."); for _ in 0..10 { output_pulsed.set_low().unwrap(); cortex_m::asm::delay(25_000_000); } } TestCase::DelayGpio => { let mut out_0 = pinsa.pa0.into_push_pull_output().delay(true, false); let mut out_1 = pinsa.pa1.into_push_pull_output().delay(false, true); let mut out_2 = pinsa.pa3.into_push_pull_output().delay(true, true); for _ in 0..20 { out_0.toggle().unwrap(); out_1.toggle().unwrap(); out_2.toggle().unwrap(); cortex_m::asm::delay(25_000_000); } } TestCase::DelayMs => { let ms_timer = set_up_ms_timer( IrqCfg::new(pac::Interrupt::OC0, true, true), &mut dp.SYSCONFIG, Some(&mut dp.IRQSEL), 50.mhz(), dp.TIM0, ); let mut delay = Delay::new(ms_timer); for _ in 0..5 { led1.toggle().ok(); delay.delay_ms(500); led1.toggle().ok(); delay.delay_ms(500); } let mut delay_timer = CountDownTimer::new(&mut dp.SYSCONFIG, 50.mhz(), dp.TIM1); let mut pa0 = pinsa.pa0.into_push_pull_output(); for _ in 0..5 { led1.toggle().ok(); delay_timer.delay_ms(200_u32); led1.toggle().ok(); delay_timer.delay_ms(200_u32); } let ahb_freq: Hertz = 50.mhz().into(); let mut syst_delay = cortex_m::delay::Delay::new(cp.SYST, ahb_freq.0); // Test usecond delay using both TIM peripheral and SYST loop { pa0.toggle().ok(); delay_timer.delay_us(50_u32); pa0.toggle().ok(); delay_timer.delay_us(50_u32); pa0.toggle().ok(); syst_delay.delay_us(50); pa0.toggle().ok(); syst_delay.delay_us(50); } } } rprintln!("Test success"); loop { led1.toggle().ok(); cortex_m::asm::delay(25_000_000); } } #[interrupt] fn OC0() { default_ms_irq_handler() }