//! # API for the UART peripheral //! //! ## Examples //! - [UART example](https://github.com/robamu-org/va108xx-hal-rs/blob/main/examples/uart.rs) use core::{convert::Infallible, ptr}; use core::{marker::PhantomData, ops::Deref}; use libm::floorf; use crate::clock::enable_peripheral_clock; use crate::{ clock, gpio::pins::{ Alternate, Funsel1, Funsel2, Funsel3, Pin, PA16, PA17, PA18, PA19, PA2, PA26, PA27, PA3, PA30, PA31, PA8, PA9, PB18, PB19, PB20, PB21, PB22, PB23, PB6, PB7, PB8, PB9, }, pac::{uarta as uart_base, SYSCONFIG, UARTA, UARTB}, prelude::*, time::{Bps, Hertz}, }; use embedded_hal::{blocking, serial}; pub trait Pins {} impl Pins for (Pin>, Pin>) {} impl Pins for (Pin>, Pin>) {} impl Pins for (Pin>, Pin>) {} impl Pins for (Pin>, Pin>) {} impl Pins for (Pin>, Pin>) {} impl Pins for (Pin>, Pin>) {} impl Pins for (Pin>, Pin>) {} impl Pins for (Pin>, Pin>) {} impl Pins for (Pin>, Pin>) {} impl Pins for (Pin>, Pin>) {} impl Pins for (Pin>, Pin>) {} #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Error { Overrun, FramingError, ParityError, BreakCondition, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum Event { // Receiver FIFO interrupt enable. Generates interrupt // when FIFO is at least half full. Half full is defined as FIFO // count >= RXFIFOIRQTRG RxFifoHalfFull, // Framing error, Overrun error, Parity Error and Break error RxError, // Event for timeout condition: Data in the FIFO and no receiver // FIFO activity for 4 character times RxTimeout, // Transmitter FIFO interrupt enable. Generates interrupt // when FIFO is at least half full. Half full is defined as FIFO // count >= TXFIFOIRQTRG TxFifoHalfFull, // FIFO overflow error TxError, // Generate interrupt when transmit FIFO is empty and TXBUSY is 0 TxEmpty, // Interrupt when CTSn changes value TxCts, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum Parity { None, Odd, Even, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum StopBits { One = 0, Two = 1, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum WordSize { Five = 0, Six = 1, Seven = 2, Eight = 3, } pub struct Config { pub baudrate: Bps, pub parity: Parity, pub stopbits: StopBits, // When false, use standard 16x baud clock, other 8x baud clock pub baud8: bool, pub wordsize: WordSize, pub enable_tx: bool, pub enable_rx: bool, } impl Config { pub fn baudrate(mut self, baudrate: Bps) -> Self { self.baudrate = baudrate; self } pub fn parity_none(mut self) -> Self { self.parity = Parity::None; self } pub fn parity_even(mut self) -> Self { self.parity = Parity::Even; self } pub fn parity_odd(mut self) -> Self { self.parity = Parity::Odd; self } pub fn stopbits(mut self, stopbits: StopBits) -> Self { self.stopbits = stopbits; self } pub fn wordsize(mut self, wordsize: WordSize) -> Self { self.wordsize = wordsize; self } pub fn baud8(mut self, baud: bool) -> Self { self.baud8 = baud; self } } impl Default for Config { fn default() -> Config { let baudrate = 115_200_u32.bps(); Config { baudrate, parity: Parity::None, stopbits: StopBits::One, baud8: false, wordsize: WordSize::Eight, enable_tx: true, enable_rx: true, } } } impl From for Config { fn from(baud: Bps) -> Self { Config::default().baudrate(baud) } } /// Serial abstraction pub struct Uart { uart: UART, pins: PINS, tx: Tx, rx: Rx, } /// Serial receiver pub struct Rx { _usart: PhantomData, } /// Serial transmitter pub struct Tx { _usart: PhantomData, } impl Rx { fn new() -> Self { Self { _usart: PhantomData, } } } impl Tx { fn new() -> Self { Self { _usart: PhantomData, } } } pub trait Instance: Deref { fn ptr() -> *const uart_base::RegisterBlock; } impl Uart where UART: Instance, { /// This function assumes that the peripheral clock was alredy enabled /// in the SYSCONFIG register fn init(self, config: Config, sys_clk: Hertz) -> Self { let baud_multiplier = match config.baud8 { false => 16, true => 8, }; let x = sys_clk.0 as f32 / (config.baudrate.0 * baud_multiplier) as f32; let integer_part = floorf(x) as u32; let frac = floorf((64.0 * (x - integer_part as f32) + 0.5) as f32) as u32; self.uart .clkscale .write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(integer_part * 64 + frac) }); let (paren, pareven) = match config.parity { Parity::None => (false, false), Parity::Odd => (true, false), Parity::Even => (true, true), }; let stopbits = match config.stopbits { StopBits::One => false, StopBits::Two => true, }; let wordsize = config.wordsize as u8; let baud8 = config.baud8; self.uart.ctrl.write(|w| { w.paren().bit(paren); w.pareven().bit(pareven); w.stopbits().bit(stopbits); w.baud8().bit(baud8); unsafe { w.wordsize().bits(wordsize) } }); let (txenb, rxenb) = (config.enable_tx, config.enable_rx); // Clear the FIFO self.uart.fifo_clr.write(|w| { w.rxfifo().set_bit(); w.txfifo().set_bit() }); self.uart.enable.write(|w| { w.rxenable().bit(rxenb); w.txenable().bit(txenb) }); self } pub fn listen(self, event: Event) -> Self { self.uart.irq_enb.modify(|_, w| match event { Event::RxError => w.irq_rx_status().set_bit(), Event::RxFifoHalfFull => w.irq_rx().set_bit(), Event::RxTimeout => w.irq_rx_to().set_bit(), Event::TxEmpty => w.irq_tx_empty().set_bit(), Event::TxError => w.irq_tx_status().set_bit(), Event::TxFifoHalfFull => w.irq_tx().set_bit(), Event::TxCts => w.irq_tx_cts().set_bit(), }); self } pub fn unlisten(self, event: Event) -> Self { self.uart.irq_enb.modify(|_, w| match event { Event::RxError => w.irq_rx_status().clear_bit(), Event::RxFifoHalfFull => w.irq_rx().clear_bit(), Event::RxTimeout => w.irq_rx_to().clear_bit(), Event::TxEmpty => w.irq_tx_empty().clear_bit(), Event::TxError => w.irq_tx_status().clear_bit(), Event::TxFifoHalfFull => w.irq_tx().clear_bit(), Event::TxCts => w.irq_tx_cts().clear_bit(), }); self } pub fn release(self) -> (UART, PINS) { // Clear the FIFO self.uart.fifo_clr.write(|w| { w.rxfifo().set_bit(); w.txfifo().set_bit() }); self.uart.enable.write(|w| { w.rxenable().clear_bit(); w.txenable().clear_bit() }); (self.uart, self.pins) } pub fn split(self) -> (Tx, Rx) { (self.tx, self.rx) } } macro_rules! uart_impl { ($($UARTX:ident: ($uartx:ident, $clk_enb_enum:path),)+) => { $( impl Instance for $UARTX { fn ptr() -> *const uart_base::RegisterBlock { $UARTX::ptr() as *const _ } } impl> Uart<$UARTX, PINS> { pub fn $uartx( uart: $UARTX, pins: PINS, config: impl Into, syscfg: &mut SYSCONFIG, sys_clk: Hertz ) -> Self { enable_peripheral_clock(syscfg, $clk_enb_enum); Uart { uart, pins, tx: Tx::new(), rx: Rx::new() }.init( config.into(), sys_clk ) } } )+ } } uart_impl! { UARTA: (uarta, clock::PeripheralClocks::Uart0), UARTB: (uartb, clock::PeripheralClocks::Uart1), } impl Tx where UART: Instance {} impl serial::Write for Uart where UART: Instance, { type Error = Infallible; fn write(&mut self, word: u8) -> nb::Result<(), Self::Error> { self.tx.write(word) } fn flush(&mut self) -> nb::Result<(), Self::Error> { self.tx.flush() } } impl blocking::serial::write::Default for Uart {} impl serial::Write for Tx { type Error = Infallible; fn write(&mut self, word: u8) -> nb::Result<(), Self::Error> { let reader = unsafe { &(*UART::ptr()) }.txstatus.read(); if reader.wrrdy().bit_is_clear() { return Err(nb::Error::WouldBlock); } else { // DPARITY bit not supported yet unsafe { // NOTE(unsafe) atomic write to data register // NOTE(write_volatile) 8-bit write that's not // possible through the svd2rust API ptr::write_volatile(&(*UART::ptr()).data as *const _ as *mut _, word); } } Ok(()) } fn flush(&mut self) -> nb::Result<(), Self::Error> { let reader = unsafe { &(*UART::ptr()) }.txstatus.read(); if reader.wrbusy().bit_is_clear() { Ok(()) } else { Err(nb::Error::WouldBlock) } } } impl serial::Read for Uart { type Error = Error; fn read(&mut self) -> nb::Result { self.rx.read() } } impl serial::Read for Rx { type Error = Error; fn read(&mut self) -> nb::Result { let uart = unsafe { &(*UART::ptr()) }; let status_reader = uart.rxstatus.read(); let err = if status_reader.rxovr().bit_is_set() { Some(Error::Overrun) } else if status_reader.rxfrm().bit_is_set() { Some(Error::FramingError) } else if status_reader.rxpar().bit_is_set() { Some(Error::ParityError) } else { None }; if let Some(err) = err { // The status code is always related to the next bit for the framing // and parity status bits. We have to read the DATA register // so that the next status reflects the next DATA word // For overrun error, we read as well to clear the peripheral uart.data.read().bits(); Err(err.into()) } else if status_reader.rdavl().bit_is_set() { let data = uart.data.read().bits(); Ok((data & 0xff) as u8) } else { Err(nb::Error::WouldBlock) } } } impl core::fmt::Write for Tx where Tx: embedded_hal::serial::Write, { fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> core::fmt::Result { s.as_bytes() .iter() .try_for_each(|c| nb::block!(self.write(*c))) .map_err(|_| core::fmt::Error) } }