2024-06-16 16:16:45 +02:00
//! API for the I2C peripheral
//! ## Examples
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//! - [REB1 I2C temperature sensor example](https://egit.irs.uni-stuttgart.de/rust/va108xx-rs/src/branch/main/vorago-reb1/examples/adt75-temp-sensor.rs)
2024-06-16 16:16:45 +02:00
use crate::{
2024-07-04 17:10:01 +02:00
clock::enable_peripheral_clock, pac, time::Hertz, typelevel::Sealed, PeripheralSelect,
2024-06-16 16:16:45 +02:00
2024-07-04 17:10:01 +02:00
use core::{marker::PhantomData, ops::Deref};
2024-06-16 16:16:45 +02:00
use embedded_hal::i2c::{self, Operation, SevenBitAddress, TenBitAddress};
// Defintions
2024-07-04 17:10:01 +02:00
const CLK_100K: Hertz = Hertz::from_raw(100_000);
const CLK_400K: Hertz = Hertz::from_raw(400_000);
const MIN_CLK_400K: Hertz = Hertz::from_raw(8_000_000);
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#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum FifoEmptyMode {
Stall = 0,
EndTransaction = 1,
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#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct ClockTooSlowForFastI2c;
2024-06-16 16:16:45 +02:00
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub enum Error {
/// Data not acknowledged in write operation
/// Not enough data received in read operation
/// Number of bytes in transfer too large (larger than 0x7fe)
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#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub enum InitError {
/// Wrong address used in constructor
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/// APB1 clock is too slow for fast I2C mode.
impl From<ClockTooSlowForFastI2c> for InitError {
fn from(value: ClockTooSlowForFastI2c) -> Self {
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impl embedded_hal::i2c::Error for Error {
fn kind(&self) -> embedded_hal::i2c::ErrorKind {
match self {
Error::ArbitrationLost => embedded_hal::i2c::ErrorKind::ArbitrationLoss,
Error::NackAddr => {
Error::NackData => {
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Error::DataTooLarge | Error::InsufficientDataReceived | Error::InvalidTimingParams => {
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#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
enum I2cCmd {
Start = 0b00,
Stop = 0b10,
StartWithStop = 0b11,
Cancel = 0b100,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum I2cSpeed {
Regular100khz = 0,
Fast400khz = 1,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum I2cDirection {
Send = 0,
Read = 1,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum I2cAddress {
2024-07-04 17:10:01 +02:00
pub type I2cRegBlock = pac::i2ca::RegisterBlock;
/// Common trait implemented by all PAC peripheral access structures. The register block
/// format is the same for all SPI blocks.
pub trait Instance: Deref<Target = I2cRegBlock> {
const IDX: u8;
const PERIPH_SEL: PeripheralSelect;
fn ptr() -> *const I2cRegBlock;
impl Instance for pac::I2ca {
const IDX: u8 = 0;
const PERIPH_SEL: PeripheralSelect = PeripheralSelect::I2c0;
fn ptr() -> *const I2cRegBlock {
impl Instance for pac::I2cb {
const IDX: u8 = 1;
const PERIPH_SEL: PeripheralSelect = PeripheralSelect::I2c1;
fn ptr() -> *const I2cRegBlock {
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// Config
pub struct TrTfThighTlow(u8, u8, u8, u8);
pub struct TsuStoTsuStaThdStaTBuf(u8, u8, u8, u8);
pub struct TimingCfg {
// 4 bit max width
tr: u8,
// 4 bit max width
tf: u8,
// 4 bit max width
thigh: u8,
// 4 bit max width
tlow: u8,
// 4 bit max width
tsu_sto: u8,
// 4 bit max width
tsu_sta: u8,
// 4 bit max width
thd_sta: u8,
// 4 bit max width
tbuf: u8,
impl TimingCfg {
pub fn new(
first_16_bits: TrTfThighTlow,
second_16_bits: TsuStoTsuStaThdStaTBuf,
) -> Result<Self, Error> {
if first_16_bits.0 > 0xf
|| first_16_bits.1 > 0xf
|| first_16_bits.2 > 0xf
|| first_16_bits.3 > 0xf
|| second_16_bits.0 > 0xf
|| second_16_bits.1 > 0xf
|| second_16_bits.2 > 0xf
|| second_16_bits.3 > 0xf
return Err(Error::InvalidTimingParams);
Ok(TimingCfg {
tr: first_16_bits.0,
tf: first_16_bits.1,
thigh: first_16_bits.2,
tlow: first_16_bits.3,
tsu_sto: second_16_bits.0,
tsu_sta: second_16_bits.1,
thd_sta: second_16_bits.2,
tbuf: second_16_bits.3,
pub fn reg(&self) -> u32 {
(self.tbuf as u32) << 28
| (self.thd_sta as u32) << 24
| (self.tsu_sta as u32) << 20
| (self.tsu_sto as u32) << 16
| (self.tlow as u32) << 12
| (self.thigh as u32) << 8
| (self.tf as u32) << 4
| (self.tr as u32)
impl Default for TimingCfg {
fn default() -> Self {
TimingCfg {
tr: 0x02,
tf: 0x01,
thigh: 0x08,
tlow: 0x09,
tsu_sto: 0x8,
tsu_sta: 0x0a,
thd_sta: 0x8,
tbuf: 0xa,
pub struct MasterConfig {
pub tx_fe_mode: FifoEmptyMode,
pub rx_fe_mode: FifoEmptyMode,
/// Enable the analog delay glitch filter
pub alg_filt: bool,
/// Enable the digital glitch filter
pub dlg_filt: bool,
pub tm_cfg: Option<TimingCfg>,
// Loopback mode
// lbm: bool,
impl Default for MasterConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
MasterConfig {
tx_fe_mode: FifoEmptyMode::Stall,
rx_fe_mode: FifoEmptyMode::Stall,
alg_filt: false,
dlg_filt: false,
tm_cfg: None,
impl Sealed for MasterConfig {}
pub struct SlaveConfig {
pub tx_fe_mode: FifoEmptyMode,
pub rx_fe_mode: FifoEmptyMode,
/// Maximum number of words before issuing a negative acknowledge.
/// Range should be 0 to 0x7fe. Setting the value to 0x7ff has the same effect as not setting
/// the enable bit since RXCOUNT stops counting at 0x7fe.
pub max_words: Option<usize>,
/// A received address is compared to the ADDRESS register (addr) using the address mask
/// (addr_mask). Those bits with a 1 in the address mask must match for there to be an address
/// match
pub addr: I2cAddress,
/// The default address mask will be 0x3ff to only allow full matches
pub addr_mask: Option<u16>,
/// Optionally specify a second I2C address the slave interface responds to
pub addr_b: Option<I2cAddress>,
pub addr_b_mask: Option<u16>,
impl SlaveConfig {
/// Build a default slave config given a specified slave address to respond to
pub fn new(addr: I2cAddress) -> Self {
SlaveConfig {
tx_fe_mode: FifoEmptyMode::Stall,
rx_fe_mode: FifoEmptyMode::Stall,
max_words: None,
addr_mask: None,
addr_b: None,
addr_b_mask: None,
impl Sealed for SlaveConfig {}
// I2C Base
pub struct I2cBase<I2C> {
i2c: I2C,
sys_clk: Hertz,
impl<I2C> I2cBase<I2C> {
fn unwrap_addr(addr: I2cAddress) -> (u16, u32) {
match addr {
I2cAddress::Regular(addr) => (addr as u16, 0 << 15),
I2cAddress::TenBit(addr) => (addr, 1 << 15),
2024-07-04 17:10:01 +02:00
impl<I2c: Instance> I2cBase<I2c> {
pub fn new(
syscfg: &mut pac::Sysconfig,
sysclk: impl Into<Hertz>,
i2c: I2c,
speed_mode: I2cSpeed,
ms_cfg: Option<&MasterConfig>,
sl_cfg: Option<&SlaveConfig>,
) -> Result<Self, ClockTooSlowForFastI2c> {
enable_peripheral_clock(syscfg, I2c::PERIPH_SEL);
let mut i2c_base = I2cBase {
sys_clk: sysclk.into(),
if let Some(ms_cfg) = ms_cfg {
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if let Some(sl_cfg) = sl_cfg {
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fn cfg_master(&mut self, ms_cfg: &MasterConfig) {
let (txfemd, rxfemd) = match (ms_cfg.tx_fe_mode, ms_cfg.rx_fe_mode) {
(FifoEmptyMode::Stall, FifoEmptyMode::Stall) => (false, false),
(FifoEmptyMode::Stall, FifoEmptyMode::EndTransaction) => (false, true),
(FifoEmptyMode::EndTransaction, FifoEmptyMode::Stall) => (true, false),
(FifoEmptyMode::EndTransaction, FifoEmptyMode::EndTransaction) => (true, true),
self.i2c.ctrl().modify(|_, w| {
if let Some(ref tm_cfg) = ms_cfg.tm_cfg {
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(tm_cfg.reg()) });
self.i2c.fifo_clr().write(|w| {
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fn cfg_slave(&mut self, sl_cfg: &SlaveConfig) {
let (txfemd, rxfemd) = match (sl_cfg.tx_fe_mode, sl_cfg.rx_fe_mode) {
(FifoEmptyMode::Stall, FifoEmptyMode::Stall) => (false, false),
(FifoEmptyMode::Stall, FifoEmptyMode::EndTransaction) => (false, true),
(FifoEmptyMode::EndTransaction, FifoEmptyMode::Stall) => (true, false),
(FifoEmptyMode::EndTransaction, FifoEmptyMode::EndTransaction) => (true, true),
self.i2c.s0_ctrl().modify(|_, w| {
self.i2c.s0_fifo_clr().write(|w| {
let max_words = sl_cfg.max_words;
if let Some(max_words) = max_words {
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(1 << 31 | max_words as u32) });
let (addr, addr_mode_mask) = Self::unwrap_addr(sl_cfg.addr);
// The first bit is the read/write value. Normally, both read and write are matched
// using the RWMASK bit of the address mask register
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits((addr << 1) as u32 | addr_mode_mask) });
if let Some(addr_mask) = sl_cfg.addr_mask {
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits((addr_mask << 1) as u32) });
if let Some(addr_b) = sl_cfg.addr_b {
let (addr, addr_mode_mask) = Self::unwrap_addr(addr_b);
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits((addr << 1) as u32 | addr_mode_mask) })
if let Some(addr_b_mask) = sl_cfg.addr_b_mask {
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits((addr_b_mask << 1) as u32) })
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pub fn filters(&mut self, digital_filt: bool, analog_filt: bool) {
self.i2c.ctrl().modify(|_, w| {
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pub fn fifo_empty_mode(&mut self, rx: FifoEmptyMode, tx: FifoEmptyMode) {
self.i2c.ctrl().modify(|_, w| {
w.txfemd().bit(tx as u8 != 0);
w.rxffmd().bit(rx as u8 != 0)
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fn calc_clk_div(&self, speed_mode: I2cSpeed) -> Result<u8, ClockTooSlowForFastI2c> {
if speed_mode == I2cSpeed::Regular100khz {
Ok(((self.sys_clk.raw() / CLK_100K.raw() / 20) - 1) as u8)
} else {
if self.sys_clk.raw() < MIN_CLK_400K.raw() {
return Err(ClockTooSlowForFastI2c);
Ok(((self.sys_clk.raw() / CLK_400K.raw() / 25) - 1) as u8)
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/// Configures the clock scale for a given speed mode setting
pub fn cfg_clk_scale(&mut self, speed_mode: I2cSpeed) -> Result<(), ClockTooSlowForFastI2c> {
let clk_div = self.calc_clk_div(speed_mode)?;
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits((speed_mode as u32) << 31 | clk_div as u32) });
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pub fn load_address(&mut self, addr: u16) {
// Load address
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits((addr << 1) as u32) });
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fn stop_cmd(&mut self) {
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(I2cCmd::Stop as u32) });
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// Unique mode to use the loopback functionality
// pub struct I2cLoopback<I2C> {
// i2c_base: I2cBase<I2C>,
// master_cfg: MasterConfig,
// slave_cfg: SlaveConfig,
// }
// I2C Master
2024-07-04 17:10:01 +02:00
pub struct I2cMaster<I2c, Addr = SevenBitAddress> {
i2c_base: I2cBase<I2c>,
addr: PhantomData<Addr>,
impl<I2c: Instance, Addr> I2cMaster<I2c, Addr> {
pub fn new(
syscfg: &mut pac::Sysconfig,
sysclk: impl Into<Hertz>,
i2c: I2c,
cfg: MasterConfig,
speed_mode: I2cSpeed,
) -> Result<Self, ClockTooSlowForFastI2c> {
Ok(I2cMaster {
i2c_base: I2cBase::new(syscfg, sysclk, i2c, speed_mode, Some(&cfg), None)?,
addr: PhantomData,
pub fn cancel_transfer(&self) {
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(I2cCmd::Cancel as u32) });
pub fn clear_tx_fifo(&self) {
self.i2c_base.i2c.fifo_clr().write(|w| w.txfifo().set_bit());
pub fn clear_rx_fifo(&self) {
self.i2c_base.i2c.fifo_clr().write(|w| w.rxfifo().set_bit());
pub fn enable_master(self) -> Self {
self.i2c_base.i2c.ctrl().modify(|_, w| w.enable().set_bit());
pub fn disable_master(self) -> Self {
.modify(|_, w| w.enable().clear_bit());
fn load_fifo(&self, word: u8) {
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(word as u32) });
fn read_fifo(&self) -> u8 {
self.i2c_base.i2c.data().read().bits() as u8
fn error_handler_write(&mut self, init_cmd: &I2cCmd) {
if *init_cmd == I2cCmd::Start {
fn write_base(
&mut self,
addr: I2cAddress,
init_cmd: I2cCmd,
bytes: impl IntoIterator<Item = u8>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut iter = bytes.into_iter();
// Load address
let (addr, addr_mode_bit) = I2cBase::<I2c>::unwrap_addr(addr);
self.i2c_base.i2c.address().write(|w| unsafe {
w.bits(I2cDirection::Send as u32 | (addr << 1) as u32 | addr_mode_bit)
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(init_cmd as u32) });
let mut load_if_next_available = || {
if let Some(next_byte) = iter.next() {
loop {
let status_reader = self.i2c_base.i2c.status().read();
if status_reader.arblost().bit_is_set() {
return Err(Error::ArbitrationLost);
} else if status_reader.nackaddr().bit_is_set() {
return Err(Error::NackAddr);
} else if status_reader.nackdata().bit_is_set() {
return Err(Error::NackData);
} else if status_reader.idle().bit_is_set() {
return Ok(());
} else {
while !status_reader.txnfull().bit_is_set() {
fn write_from_buffer(
&mut self,
init_cmd: I2cCmd,
addr: I2cAddress,
output: &[u8],
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let len = output.len();
// It should theoretically possible to transfer larger data sizes by tracking
// the number of sent words and setting it to 0x7fe as soon as only that many
// bytes are remaining. However, large transfer like this are not common. This
// feature will therefore not be supported for now.
if len > 0x7fe {
return Err(Error::DataTooLarge);
// Load number of words
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(len as u32) });
let mut bytes = output.iter();
// FIFO has a depth of 16. We load slightly above the trigger level
// but not all of it because the transaction might fail immediately
const FILL_DEPTH: usize = 12;
// load the FIFO
for _ in 0..core::cmp::min(FILL_DEPTH, len) {
self.write_base(addr, init_cmd, output.iter().cloned())
fn read_internal(&mut self, addr: I2cAddress, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
let len = buffer.len();
// It should theoretically possible to transfer larger data sizes by tracking
// the number of sent words and setting it to 0x7fe as soon as only that many
// bytes are remaining. However, large transfer like this are not common. This
// feature will therefore not be supported for now.
if len > 0x7fe {
return Err(Error::DataTooLarge);
// Clear the receive FIFO
// Load number of words
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(len as u32) });
let (addr, addr_mode_bit) = match addr {
I2cAddress::Regular(addr) => (addr as u16, 0 << 15),
I2cAddress::TenBit(addr) => (addr, 1 << 15),
// Load address
self.i2c_base.i2c.address().write(|w| unsafe {
w.bits(I2cDirection::Read as u32 | (addr << 1) as u32 | addr_mode_bit)
let mut buf_iter = buffer.iter_mut();
let mut read_bytes = 0;
// Start receive transfer
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(I2cCmd::StartWithStop as u32) });
let mut read_if_next_available = || {
if let Some(next_byte) = buf_iter.next() {
*next_byte = self.read_fifo();
loop {
let status_reader = self.i2c_base.i2c.status().read();
if status_reader.arblost().bit_is_set() {
return Err(Error::ArbitrationLost);
} else if status_reader.nackaddr().bit_is_set() {
return Err(Error::NackAddr);
} else if status_reader.idle().bit_is_set() {
if read_bytes != len {
return Err(Error::InsufficientDataReceived);
return Ok(());
} else if status_reader.rxnempty().bit_is_set() {
read_bytes += 1;
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2024-06-16 16:16:45 +02:00
macro_rules! i2c_master {
($($I2CX:path: ($i2cx:ident, $clk_enb:path),)+) => {
impl<ADDR> I2cMaster<$I2CX, ADDR> {
pub fn $i2cx(
i2c: $I2CX,
cfg: MasterConfig,
sys_clk: impl Into<Hertz> + Copy,
speed_mode: I2cSpeed,
sys_cfg: Option<&mut pac::Sysconfig>,
) -> Self {
I2cMaster {
i2c_base: I2cBase::$i2cx(
_addr: PhantomData,
pub fn cancel_transfer(&self) {
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(I2cCmd::Cancel as u32) });
pub fn clear_tx_fifo(&self) {
self.i2c_base.i2c.fifo_clr().write(|w| w.txfifo().set_bit());
pub fn clear_rx_fifo(&self) {
self.i2c_base.i2c.fifo_clr().write(|w| w.rxfifo().set_bit());
pub fn enable_master(self) -> Self {
self.i2c_base.i2c.ctrl().modify(|_, w| w.enable().set_bit());
pub fn disable_master(self) -> Self {
self.i2c_base.i2c.ctrl().modify(|_, w| w.enable().clear_bit());
fn load_fifo(&self, word: u8) {
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(word as u32) });
fn read_fifo(&self) -> u8 {
self.i2c_base.i2c.data().read().bits() as u8
fn error_handler_write(&mut self, init_cmd: &I2cCmd) {
if *init_cmd == I2cCmd::Start {
fn write_base(
&mut self,
addr: I2cAddress,
init_cmd: I2cCmd,
bytes: impl IntoIterator<Item = u8>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut iter = bytes.into_iter();
// Load address
let (addr, addr_mode_bit) = I2cBase::<$I2CX>::unwrap_addr(addr);
self.i2c_base.i2c.address().write(|w| unsafe {
w.bits(I2cDirection::Send as u32 | (addr << 1) as u32 | addr_mode_bit)
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(init_cmd as u32) });
let mut load_if_next_available = || {
if let Some(next_byte) = iter.next() {
loop {
let status_reader = self.i2c_base.i2c.status().read();
if status_reader.arblost().bit_is_set() {
return Err(Error::ArbitrationLost);
} else if status_reader.nackaddr().bit_is_set() {
return Err(Error::NackAddr);
} else if status_reader.nackdata().bit_is_set() {
return Err(Error::NackData);
} else if status_reader.idle().bit_is_set() {
return Ok(());
} else {
while !status_reader.txnfull().bit_is_set() {
fn write_from_buffer(
&mut self,
init_cmd: I2cCmd,
addr: I2cAddress,
output: &[u8],
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let len = output.len();
// It should theoretically possible to transfer larger data sizes by tracking
// the number of sent words and setting it to 0x7fe as soon as only that many
// bytes are remaining. However, large transfer like this are not common. This
// feature will therefore not be supported for now.
if len > 0x7fe {
return Err(Error::DataTooLarge);
// Load number of words
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(len as u32) });
let mut bytes = output.iter();
// FIFO has a depth of 16. We load slightly above the trigger level
// but not all of it because the transaction might fail immediately
const FILL_DEPTH: usize = 12;
// load the FIFO
for _ in 0..core::cmp::min(FILL_DEPTH, len) {
self.write_base(addr, init_cmd, output.iter().cloned())
fn read_internal(&mut self, addr: I2cAddress, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
let len = buffer.len();
// It should theoretically possible to transfer larger data sizes by tracking
// the number of sent words and setting it to 0x7fe as soon as only that many
// bytes are remaining. However, large transfer like this are not common. This
// feature will therefore not be supported for now.
if len > 0x7fe {
return Err(Error::DataTooLarge);
// Clear the receive FIFO
// Load number of words
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(len as u32) });
let (addr, addr_mode_bit) = match addr {
I2cAddress::Regular(addr) => (addr as u16, 0 << 15),
I2cAddress::TenBit(addr) => (addr, 1 << 15),
// Load address
self.i2c_base.i2c.address().write(|w| unsafe {
w.bits(I2cDirection::Read as u32 | (addr << 1) as u32 | addr_mode_bit)
let mut buf_iter = buffer.iter_mut();
let mut read_bytes = 0;
// Start receive transfer
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(I2cCmd::StartWithStop as u32) });
let mut read_if_next_available = || {
if let Some(next_byte) = buf_iter.next() {
*next_byte = self.read_fifo();
loop {
let status_reader = self.i2c_base.i2c.status().read();
if status_reader.arblost().bit_is_set() {
return Err(Error::ArbitrationLost);
} else if status_reader.nackaddr().bit_is_set() {
return Err(Error::NackAddr);
} else if status_reader.idle().bit_is_set() {
if read_bytes != len {
return Err(Error::InsufficientDataReceived);
return Ok(());
} else if status_reader.rxnempty().bit_is_set() {
read_bytes += 1;
// Embedded HAL I2C implementations
impl embedded_hal::i2c::ErrorType for I2cMaster<$I2CX, SevenBitAddress> {
type Error = Error;
impl embedded_hal::i2c::I2c for I2cMaster<$I2CX, SevenBitAddress> {
fn transaction(
&mut self,
address: SevenBitAddress,
operations: &mut [Operation<'_>],
) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
for operation in operations {
match operation {
Operation::Read(buf) => self.read_internal(I2cAddress::Regular(address), buf)?,
Operation::Write(buf) => self.write_from_buffer(
impl embedded_hal::i2c::ErrorType for I2cMaster<$I2CX, TenBitAddress> {
type Error = Error;
impl embedded_hal::i2c::I2c<TenBitAddress> for I2cMaster<$I2CX, TenBitAddress> {
fn transaction(
&mut self,
address: TenBitAddress,
operations: &mut [Operation<'_>],
) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
for operation in operations {
match operation {
Operation::Read(buf) => self.read_internal(I2cAddress::TenBit(address), buf)?,
Operation::Write(buf) => self.write_from_buffer(
pac::I2ca: (i2ca, PeripheralClocks::I2c0),
pac::I2cb: (i2cb, PeripheralClocks::I2c1),
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// Embedded HAL I2C implementations
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impl<I2c> embedded_hal::i2c::ErrorType for I2cMaster<I2c, SevenBitAddress> {
type Error = Error;
2024-06-16 16:16:45 +02:00
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impl<I2c: Instance> embedded_hal::i2c::I2c for I2cMaster<I2c, SevenBitAddress> {
fn transaction(
&mut self,
address: SevenBitAddress,
operations: &mut [Operation<'_>],
) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
for operation in operations {
match operation {
Operation::Read(buf) => self.read_internal(I2cAddress::Regular(address), buf)?,
Operation::Write(buf) => self.write_from_buffer(
2024-06-16 16:16:45 +02:00
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impl<I2c> embedded_hal::i2c::ErrorType for I2cMaster<I2c, TenBitAddress> {
type Error = Error;
2024-06-16 16:16:45 +02:00
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impl<I2c: Instance> embedded_hal::i2c::I2c<TenBitAddress> for I2cMaster<I2c, TenBitAddress> {
fn transaction(
&mut self,
address: TenBitAddress,
operations: &mut [Operation<'_>],
) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
for operation in operations {
match operation {
Operation::Read(buf) => self.read_internal(I2cAddress::TenBit(address), buf)?,
Operation::Write(buf) => {
self.write_from_buffer(I2cCmd::StartWithStop, I2cAddress::TenBit(address), buf)?
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// I2C Slave
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pub struct I2cSlave<I2c, Addr = SevenBitAddress> {
i2c_base: I2cBase<I2c>,
addr: PhantomData<Addr>,
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impl<I2c: Instance, Addr> I2cSlave<I2c, Addr> {
fn new_generic(
sys_cfg: &mut pac::Sysconfig,
sys_clk: impl Into<Hertz>,
i2c: I2c,
cfg: SlaveConfig,
speed_mode: I2cSpeed,
) -> Result<Self, ClockTooSlowForFastI2c> {
Ok(I2cSlave {
i2c_base: I2cBase::new(sys_cfg, sys_clk, i2c, speed_mode, None, Some(&cfg))?,
addr: PhantomData,
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pub fn enable_slave(self) -> Self {
.modify(|_, w| w.enable().set_bit());
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pub fn disable_slave(self) -> Self {
.modify(|_, w| w.enable().clear_bit());
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fn load_fifo(&self, word: u8) {
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(word as u32) });
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fn read_fifo(&self) -> u8 {
self.i2c_base.i2c.s0_data().read().bits() as u8
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fn clear_tx_fifo(&self) {
.write(|w| w.txfifo().set_bit());
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fn clear_rx_fifo(&self) {
.write(|w| w.rxfifo().set_bit());
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/// Get the last address that was matched by the slave control and the corresponding
/// master direction
pub fn last_address(&self) -> (I2cDirection, u32) {
let bits = self.i2c_base.i2c.s0_lastaddress().read().bits();
match bits & 0x01 {
0 => (I2cDirection::Send, bits >> 1),
1 => (I2cDirection::Read, bits >> 1),
_ => (I2cDirection::Send, bits >> 1),
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pub fn write(&mut self, output: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
let len = output.len();
// It should theoretically possible to transfer larger data sizes by tracking
// the number of sent words and setting it to 0x7fe as soon as only that many
// bytes are remaining. However, large transfer like this are not common. This
// feature will therefore not be supported for now.
if len > 0x7fe {
return Err(Error::DataTooLarge);
let mut bytes = output.iter();
// FIFO has a depth of 16. We load slightly above the trigger level
// but not all of it because the transaction might fail immediately
const FILL_DEPTH: usize = 12;
// load the FIFO
for _ in 0..core::cmp::min(FILL_DEPTH, len) {
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let status_reader = self.i2c_base.i2c.s0_status().read();
let mut load_if_next_available = || {
if let Some(next_byte) = bytes.next() {
loop {
if status_reader.nackdata().bit_is_set() {
return Err(Error::NackData);
} else if status_reader.idle().bit_is_set() {
return Ok(());
} else {
while !status_reader.txnfull().bit_is_set() {
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pub fn read(&mut self, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
let len = buffer.len();
// It should theoretically possible to transfer larger data sizes by tracking
// the number of sent words and setting it to 0x7fe as soon as only that many
// bytes are remaining. However, large transfer like this are not common. This
// feature will therefore not be supported for now.
if len > 0x7fe {
return Err(Error::DataTooLarge);
// Clear the receive FIFO
let mut buf_iter = buffer.iter_mut();
let mut read_bytes = 0;
let mut read_if_next_available = || {
if let Some(next_byte) = buf_iter.next() {
*next_byte = self.read_fifo();
loop {
let status_reader = self.i2c_base.i2c.s0_status().read();
if status_reader.idle().bit_is_set() {
if read_bytes != len {
return Err(Error::InsufficientDataReceived);
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return Ok(());
} else if status_reader.rxnempty().bit_is_set() {
read_bytes += 1;
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impl<I2c: Instance> I2cSlave<I2c, SevenBitAddress> {
/// Create a new I2C slave for seven bit addresses
pub fn new(
sys_cfg: &mut pac::Sysconfig,
sys_clk: impl Into<Hertz>,
i2c: I2c,
cfg: SlaveConfig,
speed_mode: I2cSpeed,
) -> Result<Self, InitError> {
if let I2cAddress::TenBit(_) = cfg.addr {
return Err(InitError::WrongAddrMode);
Ok(Self::new_generic(sys_cfg, sys_clk, i2c, cfg, speed_mode)?)
impl<I2c: Instance> I2cSlave<I2c, TenBitAddress> {
pub fn new_ten_bit_addr(
sys_cfg: &mut pac::Sysconfig,
sys_clk: impl Into<Hertz>,
i2c: I2c,
cfg: SlaveConfig,
speed_mode: I2cSpeed,
) -> Result<Self, ClockTooSlowForFastI2c> {
Self::new_generic(sys_cfg, sys_clk, i2c, cfg, speed_mode)