update package
Rust/va108xx-rs/pipeline/pr-main This commit looks good
- Add embassy example
- improve timer API
- restructure examples
- restructure and improve SPI
2024-09-20 10:33:03 +02:00
Update and improve HAL library and docs
Rust/va108xx-rs/pipeline/pr-main This commit looks good
2024-07-04 18:07:34 +02:00
Set of fixes
Rust/va108xx-rs/pipeline/head Build queued...
2024-06-16 18:56:45 +02:00
New VA108xx Rust workspace structure + dependency updates
- The workspace is now a monorepo without submodules. The HAL, PAC and BSP
are integrated directly
- Update all dependencies: embedded-hal v1 and RTIC v2
2024-06-16 16:16:45 +02:00