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1 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
4bf50bfa88 update package
- Add embassy example
- improve timer API
- restructure examples
2024-09-18 16:15:56 +02:00
27 changed files with 787 additions and 184 deletions

@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@nightly
- run: RUSTDOCFLAGS="--cfg docsrs --generate-link-to-definition -Z unstable-options" cargo +nightly doc --all-features
- run: RUSTDOCFLAGS="--cfg docsrs --generate-link-to-definition -Z unstable-options" cargo +nightly doc -p va108xx
- run: RUSTDOCFLAGS="--cfg docsrs --generate-link-to-definition -Z unstable-options" cargo +nightly doc -p va108xx-hal
- run: RUSTDOCFLAGS="--cfg docsrs --generate-link-to-definition -Z unstable-options" cargo +nightly doc -p vorago-reb1
name: Clippy

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ members = [

@ -19,9 +19,13 @@ This workspace contains the following released crates:
It also contains the following helper crates:
- The `board-tests` contains an application which can be used to test the libraries on the
- The `examples` crates contains various example applications for the HAL and the PAC.
- The [`board-tests`](
contains an application which can be used to test the libraries on the board.
- The [`examples`](
folder contains various example applications crates using the HAL and the PAC.
This folder also contains dedicated example applications using the
[`RTIC`]( and [`embassy`](
native Rust RTOSes.
## Using the `.cargo/config.toml` file
@ -94,6 +98,8 @@ example.
Assuming a working debug connection to your VA108xx board, you can debug using VS Code with
the [`Cortex-Debug` plugin](
Please make sure that [`objdump-multiarch` and `nm-multiarch`](
are installed as well.
Some sample configuration files for VS code were provided and can be used by running
`cp -rT vscode .vscode` like specified above. After that, you can use `Run and Debug`
@ -108,4 +114,5 @@ configuration variables in your `settings.json`:
- `"cortex-debug.gdbPath.osx"`
The provided VS Code configurations also provide an integrated RTT logger, which you can access
via the terminal at `RTT Ch:0 console`.
via the terminal at `RTT Ch:0 console`. In order for the RTT block address detection to
work properly, `objdump-multiarch` and `nm-multiarch` need to be installed.

@ -25,7 +25,9 @@ pipeline {
stage('Docs') {
steps {
sh """
RUSTDOCFLAGS="--cfg docsrs --generate-link-to-definition -Z unstable-options" cargo +nightly doc --all-features
RUSTDOCFLAGS="--cfg docsrs --generate-link-to-definition -Z unstable-options" cargo +nightly doc -p va108xx
RUSTDOCFLAGS="--cfg docsrs --generate-link-to-definition -Z unstable-options" cargo +nightly doc -p va108xx-hal
RUSTDOCFLAGS="--cfg docsrs --generate-link-to-definition -Z unstable-options" cargo +nightly doc -p vorago-reb1

@ -4,10 +4,9 @@ version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
cortex-m-rtic = "1"
panic-halt = "0.2"
cortex-m = { version = "0.7.6", features = ["critical-section-single-core"] }
cortex-m-rt = "0.7"
panic-halt = "0.2"
rtt-target = "0.5"
panic-rtt-target = "0.1.3"
embedded-hal = "1"

examples/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
VA108xx Example Applications
This folder contains various examples
Consult the main README first for setup of the repository.
## Simple examples
cargo run --example blinky
You can have a look at the `simple/examples` folder to see all available simple examples
## RTIC example
cargo run --bin rtic-example
## Embassy example
cargo run --bin embassy-example

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
name = "embassy-example"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
cortex-m = { version = "0.7", features = ["critical-section-single-core"] }
cortex-m-rt = "0.7"
embedded-hal = "1"
rtt-target = { version = "0.5" }
panic-rtt-target = { version = "0.1" }
critical-section = "1"
portable-atomic = { version = "1", features = ["unsafe-assume-single-core"]}
embassy-sync = { version = "0.6.0" }
embassy-time = { version = "0.3.2" }
embassy-time-driver = { version = "0.1" }
version = "1"
default-features = false
features = ["critical-section"]
version = "0.6.0"
features = [
path = "../../va108xx-hal"
default = ["ticks-hz-1_000"]
ticks-hz-1_000 = ["embassy-time/tick-hz-1_000"]
ticks-hz-32_768 = ["embassy-time/tick-hz-32_768"]

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
pub mod time_driver;
pub use time_driver::init;

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
use embassy_executor::Spawner;
use embassy_time::{Duration, Instant, Ticker};
use embedded_hal::digital::StatefulOutputPin;
use panic_rtt_target as _;
use rtt_target::{rprintln, rtt_init_print};
use va108xx_hal::{gpio::PinsA, pac, prelude::*};
const SYSCLK_FREQ: Hertz = Hertz::from_raw(50_000_000);
// main is itself an async function.
async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) {
rprintln!("-- VA108xx Embassy Demo --");
let mut dp = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
// Safety: Only called once here.
unsafe {
&mut dp.sysconfig,
let porta = PinsA::new(&mut dp.sysconfig, Some(dp.ioconfig), dp.porta);
let mut led0 = porta.pa10.into_readable_push_pull_output();
let mut led1 = porta.pa7.into_readable_push_pull_output();
let mut led2 = porta.pa6.into_readable_push_pull_output();
let mut ticker = Ticker::every(Duration::from_secs(1));
loop {;
rprintln!("Current time: {}", Instant::now().as_secs());

@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
//! This is a sample time driver implementation for the VA108xx family of devices, supporting
//! one alarm and requiring/reserving 2 TIM peripherals. You could adapt this implementation to
//! support more alarms.
//! This driver implementation reserves interrupts OC31 and OC30 for the timekeeping.
use core::{cell::Cell, mem, ptr};
use critical_section::CriticalSection;
use embassy_sync::blocking_mutex::raw::CriticalSectionRawMutex;
use embassy_sync::blocking_mutex::Mutex;
use portable_atomic::{AtomicU32, AtomicU8, Ordering};
use embassy_time_driver::{time_driver_impl, AlarmHandle, Driver, TICK_HZ};
use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
use va108xx_hal::{
pac::{self, interrupt},
timer::{enable_tim_clk, ValidTim},
pub type TimekeeperClk = pac::Tim23;
pub type AlarmClk0 = pac::Tim22;
pub type AlarmClk1 = pac::Tim21;
pub type AlarmClk2 = pac::Tim20;
const TIMEKEEPER_IRQ: pac::Interrupt = pac::Interrupt::OC31;
const ALARM_IRQ: pac::Interrupt = pac::Interrupt::OC30;
/// Initialization method for embassy
/// # Safety
/// This has to be called once at initialization time to initiate the time driver for
/// embassy.
pub unsafe fn init(
syscfg: &mut pac::Sysconfig,
irqsel: &pac::Irqsel,
sysclk: impl Into<Hertz>,
timekeeper: TimekeeperClk,
alarm_tim: AlarmClk0,
) {
//enable_and_init_irq_router(syscfg, irq_router);
DRIVER.init(syscfg, irqsel, sysclk, timekeeper, alarm_tim)
static DRIVER: TimerDriverEmbassy = TimerDriverEmbassy {
periods: AtomicU32::new(0),
alarm_count: AtomicU8::new(0),
alarms: Mutex::const_new(CriticalSectionRawMutex::new(), [AlarmState::new(); ALARM_COUNT])
/// Timekeeper interrupt.
fn OC31() {
/// Alarm timer interrupt.
fn OC30() {
const fn alarm_tim(idx: usize) -> &'static pac::tim0::RegisterBlock {
// Safety: This is a static memory-mapped peripheral.
match idx {
0 => unsafe { &*AlarmClk0::ptr() },
1 => unsafe { &*AlarmClk1::ptr() },
2 => unsafe { &*AlarmClk2::ptr() },
_ => {
panic!("invalid alarm timer index")
const fn timekeeping_tim() -> &'static pac::tim0::RegisterBlock {
// Safety: This is a memory-mapped peripheral.
unsafe { &*TimekeeperClk::ptr() }
struct AlarmState {
timestamp: Cell<u64>,
// This is really a Option<(fn(*mut ()), *mut ())>
// but fn pointers aren't allowed in const yet
callback: Cell<*const ()>,
ctx: Cell<*mut ()>,
impl AlarmState {
const fn new() -> Self {
Self {
timestamp: Cell::new(u64::MAX),
callback: Cell::new(ptr::null()),
ctx: Cell::new(ptr::null_mut()),
unsafe impl Send for AlarmState {}
const ALARM_COUNT: usize = 1;
static SCALE: OnceCell<u64> = OnceCell::new();
pub struct TimerDriverEmbassy {
periods: AtomicU32,
alarm_count: AtomicU8,
/// Timestamp at which to fire alarm. u64::MAX if no alarm is scheduled.
alarms: Mutex<CriticalSectionRawMutex, [AlarmState; ALARM_COUNT]>,
impl TimerDriverEmbassy {
fn init(
syscfg: &mut pac::Sysconfig,
irqsel: &pac::Irqsel,
sysclk: impl Into<Hertz>,
timekeeper: TimekeeperClk,
alarm_tim: AlarmClk0,
) {
enable_peripheral_clock(syscfg, PeripheralSelect::Irqsel);
enable_tim_clk(syscfg, TimekeeperClk::TIM_ID);
let sysclk = sysclk.into();
// Initiate scale value here. This is required to convert timer ticks back to a timestamp.
SCALE.set((sysclk.raw() / TICK_HZ as u32) as u64).unwrap();
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(u32::MAX) });
// Decrementing counter.
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(u32::MAX) });
// Switch on. Timekeeping should always be done.
.tim0(TimekeeperClk::TIM_ID as usize)
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(TIMEKEEPER_IRQ as u32) });
unsafe {
timekeeper.ctrl().modify(|_, w| w.irq_enb().set_bit());
timekeeper.enable().write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(1) });
enable_tim_clk(syscfg, AlarmClk0::TIM_ID);
// Explicitely disable alarm timer until needed.
alarm_tim.ctrl().modify(|_, w| {
// Enable general interrupts. The IRQ enable of the peripheral remains cleared.
unsafe {
.tim0(AlarmClk0::TIM_ID as usize)
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(ALARM_IRQ as u32) });
// Should be called inside the IRQ of the timekeeper timer.
fn on_interrupt_timekeeping(&self) {
// Should be called inside the IRQ of the alarm timer.
fn on_interrupt_alarm(&self, idx: usize) {
critical_section::with(|cs| {
if self.alarms.borrow(cs)[idx].timestamp.get() <= {
self.trigger_alarm(idx, cs)
fn next_period(&self) {
let period = self.periods.fetch_add(1, Ordering::AcqRel) + 1;
let t = (period as u64) << 32;
critical_section::with(|cs| {
for i in 0..ALARM_COUNT {
let alarm = &self.alarms.borrow(cs)[i];
let at = alarm.timestamp.get();
let alarm_tim = alarm_tim(0);
if at < t {
self.trigger_alarm(i, cs);
} else {
let remaining_ticks = (at - t) * *SCALE.get().unwrap();
if remaining_ticks <= u32::MAX as u64 {
alarm_tim.enable().write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(0) });
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(remaining_ticks as u32) });
alarm_tim.ctrl().modify(|_, w| w.irq_enb().set_bit());
alarm_tim.enable().write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(1) })
fn get_alarm<'a>(&'a self, cs: CriticalSection<'a>, alarm: AlarmHandle) -> &'a AlarmState {
// safety: we're allowed to assume the AlarmState is created by us, and
// we never create one that's out of bounds.
unsafe { self.alarms.borrow(cs).get_unchecked( as usize) }
fn trigger_alarm(&self, n: usize, cs: CriticalSection) {
alarm_tim(n).ctrl().modify(|_, w| {
let alarm = &self.alarms.borrow(cs)[n];
// Setting the maximum value disables the alarm.
// Call after clearing alarm, so the callback can set another alarm.
// safety:
// - we can ignore the possiblity of `f` being unset (null) because of the safety contract of `allocate_alarm`.
// - other than that we only store valid function pointers into alarm.callback
let f: fn(*mut ()) = unsafe { mem::transmute(alarm.callback.get()) };
impl Driver for TimerDriverEmbassy {
fn now(&self) -> u64 {
if SCALE.get().is_none() {
return 0;
let mut period1: u32;
let mut period2: u32;
let mut counter_val: u32;
loop {
// Acquire ensures that we get the latest value of `periods` and
// no instructions can be reordered before the load.
period1 = self.periods.load(Ordering::Acquire);
counter_val = u32::MAX - timekeeping_tim().cnt_value().read().bits();
// Double read to protect against race conditions when the counter is overflowing.
period2 = self.periods.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
if period1 == period2 {
let now = (((period1 as u64) << 32) | counter_val as u64) / *SCALE.get().unwrap();
return now;
unsafe fn allocate_alarm(&self) -> Option<AlarmHandle> {
let id = self
.fetch_update(Ordering::AcqRel, Ordering::Acquire, |x| {
if x < ALARM_COUNT as u8 {
Some(x + 1)
} else {
match id {
Ok(id) => Some(AlarmHandle::new(id)),
Err(_) => None,
fn set_alarm_callback(
alarm: embassy_time_driver::AlarmHandle,
callback: fn(*mut ()),
ctx: *mut (),
) {
critical_section::with(|cs| {
let alarm = self.get_alarm(cs, alarm);
alarm.callback.set(callback as *const ());
fn set_alarm(&self, alarm: embassy_time_driver::AlarmHandle, timestamp: u64) -> bool {
if SCALE.get().is_none() {
return false;
critical_section::with(|cs| {
let n =;
let alarm_tim = alarm_tim(n.into());
alarm_tim.ctrl().modify(|_, w| {
let alarm = self.get_alarm(cs, alarm);
let t =;
if timestamp <= t {
return false;
// If it hasn't triggered yet, setup the relevant reset value, regardless of whether
// the interrupts are enabled or not. When they are enabled at a later point, the
// right value is already set.
// If the timestamp is in the next few ticks, add a bit of buffer to be sure the alarm
// is not missed.
// This means that an alarm can be delayed for up to 2 ticks (from t+1 to t+3), but this is allowed
// by the Alarm trait contract. What's not allowed is triggering alarms *before* their scheduled time,
// and we don't do that here.
let safe_timestamp = timestamp.max(t + 3);
let timer_ticks = (safe_timestamp - t) * *SCALE.get().unwrap();
alarm_tim.rst_value().write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(u32::MAX) });
if timer_ticks <= u32::MAX as u64 {
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(timer_ticks as u32) });
alarm_tim.ctrl().modify(|_, w| w.irq_enb().set_bit());
alarm_tim.enable().write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(1) });
// If it's too far in the future, don't enable timer yet.
// It will be enabled later by `next_period`.

examples/rtic/Cargo.toml Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
name = "rtic-example"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
cortex-m = { version = "0.7", features = ["critical-section-single-core"] }
cortex-m-rt = "0.7"
embedded-hal = "1"
embedded-io = "0.6"
rtt-target = { version = "0.5" }
# Even though we do not use this directly, we need to activate this feature explicitely
# so that RTIC compiles because thumv6 does not have CAS operations natively.
portable-atomic = { version = "1", features = ["unsafe-assume-single-core"]}
panic-rtt-target = { version = "0.1" }
path = "../../va108xx-hal"
version = "2"
features = ["thumbv6-backend"]
version = "2"
features = ["cortex-m-systick"]
version = "1.3"
features = ["defmt-03"]

@ -14,14 +14,13 @@
mod app {
use embedded_io::Write;
use panic_rtt_target as _;
use rtic_monotonics::systick::Systick;
use rtic_example::SYSCLK_FREQ;
use rtic_sync::make_channel;
use rtt_target::{rprintln, rtt_init_print};
use va108xx_hal::{
uart::{self, IrqCfg, IrqResult, UartWithIrqBase},
@ -44,19 +43,14 @@ mod app {
pub timeout: bool,
rtic_monotonics::systick_monotonic!(Mono, 1_000);
fn init(cx: init::Context) -> (Shared, Local) {
rprintln!("-- VA108xx UART IRQ example application--");
// Initialize the systick interrupt & obtain the token to prove that we did
let systick_mono_token = rtic_monotonics::create_systick_token!();
Mono::start(cx.core.SYST, SYSCLK_FREQ.raw());
let mut dp = cx.device;
let gpiob = PinsB::new(&mut dp.sysconfig, Some(dp.ioconfig), dp.portb);
@ -74,7 +68,6 @@ mod app {
let (rx_info_tx, rx_info_rx) = make_channel!(RxInfo, 3);
let rx_buf: [u8; 64] = [0; 64];
//reply_handler::spawn().expect("spawning reply handler failed");
Shared { irq_uart, rx_buf },
Local {
@ -112,8 +105,8 @@ mod app {
.expect("Read operation init failed");
let mut end_idx = 0;
for idx in 0..rx_buf.len() {
if (rx_buf[idx] as char) == '\n' {
for (idx, val) in rx_buf.iter().enumerate() {
if (*val as char) == '\n' {
end_idx = idx;

examples/rtic/src/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
use va108xx_hal::time::Hertz;
pub const SYSCLK_FREQ: Hertz = Hertz::from_raw(50_000_000);

examples/rtic/src/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
//! RTIC minimal blinky
#[rtic::app(device = pac, dispatchers = [OC31, OC30, OC29])]
mod app {
use cortex_m::asm;
use embedded_hal::digital::StatefulOutputPin;
use panic_rtt_target as _;
use rtic_example::SYSCLK_FREQ;
use rtic_monotonics::systick::prelude::*;
use rtic_monotonics::Monotonic;
use rtt_target::{rprintln, rtt_init_print};
use va108xx_hal::{
gpio::{OutputReadablePushPull, Pin, PinsA, PA10, PA6, PA7},
struct Local {
led0: Pin<PA10, OutputReadablePushPull>,
led1: Pin<PA7, OutputReadablePushPull>,
led2: Pin<PA6, OutputReadablePushPull>,
struct Shared {}
rtic_monotonics::systick_monotonic!(Mono, 1_000);
fn init(mut cx: init::Context) -> (Shared, Local) {
rprintln!("-- Vorago VA108xx RTIC template --");
Mono::start(cx.core.SYST, SYSCLK_FREQ.raw());
let porta = PinsA::new(
&mut cx.device.sysconfig,
let led0 = porta.pa10.into_readable_push_pull_output();
let led1 = porta.pa7.into_readable_push_pull_output();
let led2 = porta.pa6.into_readable_push_pull_output();
(Shared {}, Local { led0, led1, led2 })
// `shared` cannot be accessed from this context
fn idle(_cx: idle::Context) -> ! {
loop {
priority = 3,
local=[led0, led1, led2],
async fn blinky(cx: blinky::Context) {
loop {
rprintln!("toggling LEDs");

@ -4,30 +4,17 @@ version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
panic-halt = "0.2"
cortex-m = {version = "0.7", features = ["critical-section-single-core"]}
panic-rtt-target = "0.1"
cortex-m-rt = "0.7"
panic-halt = "0.2"
panic-rtt-target = "0.1"
critical-section = "1"
rtt-target = "0.5"
rtic-sync = { version = "1.3", features = ["defmt-03"] }
embedded-hal = "1"
embedded-hal-nb = "1"
embedded-io = "0.6"
cortex-m-semihosting = "0.5.0"
# I'd really like to use those, but it is tricky without probe-rs..
# defmt = "0.3"
# defmt-brtt = { version = "0.1", default-features = false, features = ["rtt"] }
# panic-probe = { version = "0.3", features = ["print-defmt"] }
version = "2"
features = ["thumbv6-backend"]
version = "1"
features = ["cortex-m-systick"]
version = "0.7"
path = "../../va108xx-hal"
features = ["rt", "defmt"]

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ fn main() -> ! {
let mut cascade_target_1 =
CountDownTimer::new(&mut dp.sysconfig, 50.MHz(), dp.tim4).auto_deactivate(true);
.cascade_0_source(CascadeSource::TimBase, Some(3))
.expect("Configuring cascade source for TIM4 failed");
let mut csd_cfg = CascadeCtrl {
enb_start_src_csd0: true,
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ fn main() -> ! {
CountDownTimer::new(&mut dp.sysconfig, 50.MHz(), dp.tim5).auto_deactivate(true);
// Set TIM4 as cascade source
.cascade_1_source(CascadeSource::TimBase, Some(4))
.expect("Configuring cascade source for TIM5 failed");
csd_cfg = CascadeCtrl::default();

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
use core::cell::Cell;
use cortex_m::interrupt::Mutex;
use cortex_m_rt::entry;
use critical_section::Mutex;
use panic_rtt_target as _;
use rtt_target::{rprintln, rtt_init_print};
use va108xx_hal::{
@ -83,11 +83,12 @@ fn main() -> ! {
loop {
let current_ms = cortex_m::interrupt::free(|cs| MS_COUNTER.borrow(cs).get());
let current_ms = critical_section::with(|cs| MS_COUNTER.borrow(cs).get());
if current_ms - last_ms >= 1000 {
last_ms = current_ms;
// To prevent drift.
last_ms += 1000;
rprintln!("MS counter: {}", current_ms);
let second = cortex_m::interrupt::free(|cs| SEC_COUNTER.borrow(cs).get());
let second = critical_section::with(|cs| SEC_COUNTER.borrow(cs).get());
rprintln!("Second counter: {}", second);
@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ fn OC0() {
fn OC1() {
cortex_m::interrupt::free(|cs| {
critical_section::with(|cs| {
let mut sec = SEC_COUNTER.borrow(cs).get();
sec += 1;

@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [unreleased]
- Improves `CascardSource` handling and general API when chosing cascade sources.
- Replaced `utility::unmask_irq` by `enable_interrupt` and `disable_interrupt` API.
## [v0.7.0] 2024-07-04
- Replace `uarta` and `uartb` `Uart` constructors by `new` constructor

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ embedded-hal-nb = "1"
embedded-io = "0.6"
fugit = "0.3"
typenum = "1"
defmt = { version = "0.3", optional = true }
critical-section = "1"
delegate = "0.12"
@ -38,9 +38,14 @@ default-features = false
version = "1.14"
default-features = false
version = "0.3"
optional = true
default = ["rt"]
rt = ["va108xx/rt"]
defmt = ["dep:defmt", "fugit/defmt"]
all-features = true

@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ pub mod time;
pub mod timer;
pub mod typelevel;
pub mod uart;
pub mod utility;
#[derive(Debug, Eq, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum FunSel {
@ -98,3 +97,21 @@ pub fn port_mux(
/// Enable a specific interrupt using the NVIC peripheral.
/// # Safety
/// This function is `unsafe` because it can break mask-based critical sections.
pub unsafe fn enable_interrupt(irq: pac::Interrupt) {
unsafe {
/// Disable a specific interrupt using the NVIC peripheral.
pub fn disable_interrupt(irq: pac::Interrupt) {

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
pub use crate::IrqCfg;
use crate::{
clock::{enable_peripheral_clock, PeripheralClocks},
AltFunc1, AltFunc2, AltFunc3, DynPinId, Pin, PinId, PA0, PA1, PA10, PA11, PA12, PA13, PA14,
PA15, PA2, PA24, PA25, PA26, PA27, PA28, PA29, PA3, PA30, PA31, PA4, PA5, PA6, PA7, PA8,
@ -17,10 +18,9 @@ use crate::{
use core::cell::Cell;
use cortex_m::interrupt::Mutex;
use critical_section::Mutex;
use fugit::RateExtU32;
const IRQ_DST_NONE: u32 = 0xffffffff;
@ -72,25 +72,46 @@ pub enum CascadeSel {
Csd2 = 2,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct InvalidCascadeSourceId;
/// The numbers are the base numbers for bundles like PORTA, PORTB or TIM
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub enum CascadeSource {
PortABase = 0,
PortBBase = 32,
TimBase = 64,
RamSbe = 96,
RamMbe = 97,
RomSbe = 98,
RomMbe = 99,
Txev = 100,
ClockDividerBase = 120,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum TimerErrors {
/// Invalid input for Cascade source
impl CascadeSource {
fn id(&self) -> Result<u8, InvalidCascadeSourceId> {
let port_check = |base: u8, id: u8, len: u8| {
if id > len - 1 {
return Err(InvalidCascadeSourceId);
Ok(base + id)
match self {
CascadeSource::PortA(id) => port_check(0, *id, 32),
CascadeSource::PortB(id) => port_check(32, *id, 32),
CascadeSource::Tim(id) => port_check(64, *id, 24),
CascadeSource::RamSbe => Ok(96),
CascadeSource::RamMbe => Ok(97),
CascadeSource::RomSbe => Ok(98),
CascadeSource::RomMbe => Ok(99),
CascadeSource::Txev => Ok(100),
CascadeSource::ClockDivider(id) => port_check(120, *id, 8),
@ -360,89 +381,26 @@ pub struct CountDownTimer<TIM: ValidTim> {
listening: bool,
fn enable_tim_clk(syscfg: &mut pac::Sysconfig, idx: u8) {
pub fn enable_tim_clk(syscfg: &mut pac::Sysconfig, idx: u8) {
.modify(|r, w| unsafe { w.bits(r.bits() | (1 << idx)) });
pub fn disable_tim_clk(syscfg: &mut pac::Sysconfig, idx: u8) {
.modify(|r, w| unsafe { w.bits(r.bits() & !(1 << idx)) });
unsafe impl<TIM: ValidTim> TimRegInterface for CountDownTimer<TIM> {
fn tim_id(&self) -> u8 {
macro_rules! csd_sel {
($func_name:ident, $csd_reg:ident) => {
/// Configure the Cascade sources
pub fn $func_name(
&mut self,
src: CascadeSource,
id: Option<u8>,
) -> Result<(), TimerErrors> {
let mut id_num = 0;
if let CascadeSource::PortABase
| CascadeSource::PortBBase
| CascadeSource::ClockDividerBase
| CascadeSource::TimBase = src
if id.is_none() {
return Err(TimerErrors::InvalidCsdSourceInput);
if id.is_some() {
id_num = id.unwrap();
match src {
CascadeSource::PortABase => {
if id_num > 55 {
return Err(TimerErrors::InvalidCsdSourceInput);
self.tim.reg().$csd_reg().write(|w| unsafe {
w.cassel().bits(CascadeSource::PortABase as u8 + id_num)
CascadeSource::PortBBase => {
if id_num > 23 {
return Err(TimerErrors::InvalidCsdSourceInput);
self.tim.reg().$csd_reg().write(|w| unsafe {
w.cassel().bits(CascadeSource::PortBBase as u8 + id_num)
CascadeSource::TimBase => {
if id_num > 23 {
return Err(TimerErrors::InvalidCsdSourceInput);
self.tim.reg().$csd_reg().write(|w| unsafe {
w.cassel().bits(CascadeSource::TimBase as u8 + id_num)
CascadeSource::ClockDividerBase => {
if id_num > 7 {
return Err(TimerErrors::InvalidCsdSourceInput);
self.tim.reg().cascade0().write(|w| unsafe {
.bits(CascadeSource::ClockDividerBase as u8 + id_num)
_ => {
.write(|w| unsafe { w.cassel().bits(src as u8) });
impl<TIM: ValidTim> CountDownTimer<TIM> {
/// Configures a TIM peripheral as a periodic count down timer
pub fn new(syscfg: &mut pac::Sysconfig, sys_clk: impl Into<Hertz>, tim: TIM) -> Self {
@ -554,18 +512,18 @@ impl<TIM: ValidTim> CountDownTimer<TIM> {
pub fn enable(&mut self) {
self.tim.reg().ctrl().modify(|_, w| w.enable().set_bit());
if let Some(irq_cfg) = self.irq_cfg {
if irq_cfg.enable {
unsafe { enable_interrupt(irq_cfg.irq) };
self.tim.reg().enable().write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(1) });
pub fn disable(&mut self) {
self.tim.reg().ctrl().modify(|_, w| w.enable().clear_bit());
self.tim.reg().enable().write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(0) });
/// Disable the counter, setting both enable and active bit to 0
@ -619,9 +577,32 @@ impl<TIM: ValidTim> CountDownTimer<TIM> {
csd_sel!(cascade_0_source, cascade0);
csd_sel!(cascade_1_source, cascade1);
csd_sel!(cascade_2_source, cascade2);
pub fn cascade_0_source(&mut self, src: CascadeSource) -> Result<(), InvalidCascadeSourceId> {
let id =;
.write(|w| unsafe { w.cassel().bits(id) });
pub fn cascade_1_source(&mut self, src: CascadeSource) -> Result<(), InvalidCascadeSourceId> {
let id =;
.write(|w| unsafe { w.cassel().bits(id) });
pub fn cascade_2_source(&mut self, src: CascadeSource) -> Result<(), InvalidCascadeSourceId> {
let id =;
.write(|w| unsafe { w.cassel().bits(id) });
pub fn curr_freq(&self) -> Hertz {
@ -656,12 +637,13 @@ impl<TIM: ValidTim> CountDownTimer<TIM> {
pub fn cancel(&mut self) -> Result<(), TimerErrors> {
/// Returns [false] if the timer was not active, and true otherwise.
pub fn cancel(&mut self) -> bool {
if !self.tim.reg().ctrl().read().enable().bit_is_set() {
return Err(TimerErrors::Canceled);
return false;
self.tim.reg().ctrl().write(|w| w.enable().clear_bit());
@ -747,7 +729,7 @@ pub fn set_up_ms_delay_provider<TIM: ValidTim>(
/// This function can be called in a specified interrupt handler to increment
/// the MS counter
pub fn default_ms_irq_handler() {
cortex_m::interrupt::free(|cs| {
critical_section::with(|cs| {
let mut ms = MS_COUNTER.borrow(cs).get();
ms += 1;
@ -756,7 +738,7 @@ pub fn default_ms_irq_handler() {
/// Get the current MS tick count
pub fn get_ms_ticks() -> u32 {
cortex_m::interrupt::free(|cs| MS_COUNTER.borrow(cs).get())
critical_section::with(|cs| MS_COUNTER.borrow(cs).get())

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
//! ## Examples
//! - [UART simple example](
//! - [UART with IRQ and RTIC](
//! - [UART with IRQ and RTIC](
use core::{marker::PhantomData, ops::Deref};
use embedded_hal_nb::serial::Read;
use fugit::RateExtU32;
@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ use fugit::RateExtU32;
pub use crate::IrqCfg;
use crate::{
clock::{enable_peripheral_clock, PeripheralClocks},
AltFunc1, AltFunc2, AltFunc3, Pin, PA16, PA17, PA18, PA19, PA2, PA26, PA27, PA3, PA30,
PA31, PA8, PA9, PB18, PB19, PB20, PB21, PB22, PB23, PB6, PB7, PB8, PB9,
pac::{self, uarta as uart_base},
@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ impl Instance for pac::Uartb {
const PERIPH_SEL: PeripheralSelect = PeripheralSelect::Uart1;
impl<UART: Instance> UartWithIrqBase<UART> {
impl<Uart: Instance> UartWithIrqBase<Uart> {
fn init(self, sys_cfg: Option<&mut pac::Sysconfig>, irq_sel: Option<&mut pac::Irqsel>) -> Self {
if let Some(sys_cfg) = sys_cfg {
enable_peripheral_clock(sys_cfg, PeripheralClocks::Irqsel)
@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ impl<UART: Instance> UartWithIrqBase<UART> {
if let Some(irq_sel) = irq_sel {
if self.irq_info.irq_cfg.route {
.uart0(UART::IDX as usize)
.uart0(Uart::IDX as usize)
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(self.irq_info.irq_cfg.irq as u32) });
@ -676,7 +676,9 @@ impl<UART: Instance> UartWithIrqBase<UART> {
if self.irq_info.irq_cfg.enable {
unsafe {
@ -839,7 +841,7 @@ impl<UART: Instance> UartWithIrqBase<UART> {
self.irq_info.rx_len = 0;
pub fn release(self) -> UART {
pub fn release(self) -> Uart {

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
//! # API for utility functions like the Error Detection and Correction (EDAC) block
//! Some more information about the recommended scrub rates can be found on the
//! [Vorago White Paper website]( in the
//! application note AN1212
use crate::pac;
/// Unmask and enable an IRQ with the given interrupt number
/// ## Safety
/// The unmask function can break mask-based critical sections
pub(crate) fn unmask_irq(irq: pac::Interrupt) {
unsafe { cortex_m::peripheral::NVIC::unmask(irq) };

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
//! ## Examples
//! - [Temperature Sensor example](
//! - [Temperature Sensor example](
use embedded_hal::i2c::{I2c, SevenBitAddress};
use va108xx_hal::{
i2c::{Error, I2cMaster, I2cSpeed, InitError, MasterConfig},

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
"runToEntryPoint": "main",
"rttConfig": {
"enabled": true,
"address": "0x10000000",
"address": "auto",
"decoders": [
"port": 0,
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
"runToEntryPoint": "main",
"rttConfig": {
"enabled": true,
"address": "0x10000000",
"address": "auto",
"decoders": [
"port": 0,
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
"runToEntryPoint": "main",
"rttConfig": {
"enabled": true,
"address": "0x10000000",
"address": "auto",
"decoders": [
"port": 0,
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
"runToEntryPoint": "main",
"rttConfig": {
"enabled": true,
"address": "0x10000000",
"address": "auto",
"decoders": [
"port": 0,
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
"runToEntryPoint": "main",
"rttConfig": {
"enabled": true,
"address": "0x10000000",
"address": "auto",
"decoders": [
"port": 0,
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
"type": "cortex-debug",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Debug UART",
"name": "UART Example",
"servertype": "jlink",
"cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
"device": "Cortex-M0",
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
"runToEntryPoint": "main",
"rttConfig": {
"enabled": true,
"address": "0x10000000",
"address": "auto",
"decoders": [
"port": 0,
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
"runToEntryPoint": "main",
"rttConfig": {
"enabled": true,
"address": "0x10000000",
"address": "auto",
"decoders": [
"port": 0,
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
"runToEntryPoint": "main",
"rttConfig": {
"enabled": true,
"address": "0x10000000",
"address": "auto",
"decoders": [
"port": 0,
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@
"runToEntryPoint": "main",
"rttConfig": {
"enabled": true,
"address": "0x10000000",
"address": "auto",
"decoders": [
"port": 0,
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
"runToEntryPoint": "main",
"rttConfig": {
"enabled": true,
"address": "0x10000000",
"address": "auto",
"decoders": [
"port": 0,
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
"runToEntryPoint": "main",
"rttConfig": {
"enabled": true,
"address": "0x10000000",
"address": "auto",
"decoders": [
"port": 0,
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@
"runToEntryPoint": "main",
"rttConfig": {
"enabled": true,
"address": "0x10000000",
"address": "auto",
"decoders": [
"port": 0,
@ -340,12 +340,60 @@
"device": "Cortex-M0",
"svdFile": "./va108xx/svd/va108xx.svd.patched",
"preLaunchTask": "rust: cargo build uart irq",
"executable": "${workspaceFolder}/target/thumbv6m-none-eabi/debug/examples/uart-irq-rtic",
"executable": "${workspaceFolder}/target/thumbv6m-none-eabi/debug/uart-rtic",
"interface": "jtag",
"runToEntryPoint": "main",
"rttConfig": {
"enabled": true,
"address": "0x10000000",
"address": "auto",
"decoders": [
"port": 0,
"timestamp": true,
"type": "console"
"type": "cortex-debug",
"request": "launch",
"name": "RTIC Example",
"servertype": "jlink",
"cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
"device": "Cortex-M0",
"svdFile": "./va108xx/svd/va108xx.svd.patched",
"preLaunchTask": "rtic-example",
"executable": "${workspaceFolder}/target/thumbv6m-none-eabi/debug/rtic-example",
"interface": "jtag",
"runToEntryPoint": "main",
"rttConfig": {
"enabled": true,
"address": "auto",
"decoders": [
"port": 0,
"timestamp": true,
"type": "console"
"type": "cortex-debug",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Embassy Example",
"servertype": "jlink",
"cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
"device": "Cortex-M0",
"svdFile": "./va108xx/svd/va108xx.svd.patched",
"preLaunchTask": "embassy-example",
"executable": "${workspaceFolder}/target/thumbv6m-none-eabi/debug/embassy-example",
"interface": "jtag",
"runToEntryPoint": "main",
"rttConfig": {
"enabled": true,
"address": "auto",
"decoders": [
"port": 0,

@ -67,8 +67,6 @@
"command": "~/.cargo/bin/cargo", // note: full path to the cargo
"args": [
@ -129,10 +127,8 @@
"command": "~/.cargo/bin/cargo", // note: full path to the cargo
"args": [
"group": {
"kind": "build",
@ -248,5 +244,25 @@
"isDefault": true
"label": "rtic-example",
"type": "shell",
"command": "~/.cargo/bin/cargo", // note: full path to the cargo
"args": [
"label": "embassy-example",
"type": "shell",
"command": "~/.cargo/bin/cargo", // note: full path to the cargo
"args": [