Change Log ======= All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( ## [unreleased] ## [v0.5.0] 2025-02-14 - Re-generated PAC with `svd2rust` v0.35.0 and added optional `defmt` and `Debug` implementations ## [v0.4.0] 2025-02-12 - Re-generated PAC with `svd2rust` v0.35.0 ## [v0.3.0] 2024-06-16 - Re-generated PAC with `svd2rust` v0.33.3 ## [v0.2.4] - Added missing bitfield `CSDTRG2` in `CSD_CTRL` register of `TIM0` peripheral ## [v0.2.3] - Added peripheral reset fields for `PERIPHERAL_RESET` register ## [v0.2.2] - README tweks ## [v0.2.1] - Some README and Manifest weaks ## [v0.2.0] - Authorative repository was transferred to but there still will be a GitHub mirror. Project relicensed as Apache-2.0 only ## [v0.1.3] ### Added - Added two missing bit fields for I2CA STATUS register: I2CIDLE and IDLE ### Fixed - Made I2CA STATUS register read-only ## [v0.1.2] ### Fixed - Generated with patched version of `svd2rust`: See for more details. Some bitmasks were missing from register reader definitions. ## [v0.1.1] - Relicensed under dual Apache-2.0 / MIT license ### Changed - SVD file handling improved and new fields added for the peripheral clock enable register ### Added - Helper script to automate all steps for PAC generation - Added badges for README ## [v0.1.0] ### Added - First version of the PAC which builds. Uses a patched version of `svd2rust`: