//! # API for the UART peripheral //! //! ## Examples //! //! - [UART simple example](https://egit.irs.uni-stuttgart.de/rust/va108xx-rs/src/branch/main/examples/simple/examples/uart.rs) //! - [UART with IRQ and RTIC](https://egit.irs.uni-stuttgart.de/rust/va108xx-rs/src/branch/main/examples/rtic/src/bin/uart-echo-rtic.rs) //! - [Flashloader exposing a CCSDS interface via UART](https://egit.irs.uni-stuttgart.de/rust/va108xx-rs/src/branch/main/flashloader) use core::{convert::Infallible, ops::Deref}; use fugit::RateExtU32; pub use crate::InterruptConfig; use crate::{ clock::enable_peripheral_clock, enable_nvic_interrupt, gpio::pin::{ AltFunc1, AltFunc2, AltFunc3, Pin, PA16, PA17, PA18, PA19, PA2, PA26, PA27, PA3, PA30, PA31, PA8, PA9, PB18, PB19, PB20, PB21, PB22, PB23, PB6, PB7, PB8, PB9, }, pac::{self, uarta as uart_base}, time::Hertz, PeripheralSelect, }; use embedded_hal_nb::serial::Read; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))] pub enum Bank { A = 0, B = 1, } //================================================================================================== // Type-Level support //================================================================================================== pub trait Pins {} impl Pins for (Pin, Pin) {} impl Pins for (Pin, Pin) {} impl Pins for (Pin, Pin) {} impl Pins for (Pin, Pin) {} impl Pins for (Pin, Pin) {} impl Pins for (Pin, Pin) {} impl Pins for (Pin, Pin) {} impl Pins for (Pin, Pin) {} impl Pins for (Pin, Pin) {} impl Pins for (Pin, Pin) {} impl Pins for (Pin, Pin) {} //================================================================================================== // Regular Definitions //================================================================================================== #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, thiserror::Error)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))] #[error("no interrupt ID was set")] pub struct NoInterruptIdWasSet; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, thiserror::Error)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))] #[error("transer is pending")] pub struct TransferPendingError; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, thiserror::Error)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))] pub enum RxError { #[error("overrun error")] Overrun, #[error("framing error")] Framing, #[error("parity error")] Parity, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, thiserror::Error)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))] pub enum Error { #[error("rx error: {0}")] Rx(#[from] RxError), #[error("break condition")] BreakCondition, } impl embedded_io::Error for Error { fn kind(&self) -> embedded_io::ErrorKind { embedded_io::ErrorKind::Other } } impl embedded_io::Error for RxError { fn kind(&self) -> embedded_io::ErrorKind { embedded_io::ErrorKind::Other } } impl embedded_hal_nb::serial::Error for RxError { fn kind(&self) -> embedded_hal_nb::serial::ErrorKind { match self { RxError::Overrun => embedded_hal_nb::serial::ErrorKind::Overrun, RxError::Framing => embedded_hal_nb::serial::ErrorKind::FrameFormat, RxError::Parity => embedded_hal_nb::serial::ErrorKind::Parity, } } } impl embedded_hal_nb::serial::Error for Error { fn kind(&self) -> embedded_hal_nb::serial::ErrorKind { match self { Error::Rx(rx_error) => embedded_hal_nb::serial::Error::kind(rx_error), Error::BreakCondition => embedded_hal_nb::serial::ErrorKind::Other, } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))] pub enum Event { // Receiver FIFO interrupt enable. Generates interrupt // when FIFO is at least half full. Half full is defined as FIFO // count >= RXFIFOIRQTRG RxFifoHalfFull, // Framing error, Overrun error, Parity Error and Break error RxError, // Event for timeout condition: Data in the FIFO and no receiver // FIFO activity for 4 character times RxTimeout, // Transmitter FIFO interrupt enable. Generates interrupt // when FIFO is at least half full. Half full is defined as FIFO // count >= TXFIFOIRQTRG TxFifoHalfFull, // FIFO overflow error TxError, // Generate interrupt when transmit FIFO is empty and TXBUSY is 0 TxEmpty, // Interrupt when CTSn changes value TxCts, } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))] pub enum Parity { None, Odd, Even, } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))] pub enum StopBits { One = 0, Two = 1, } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))] pub enum WordSize { Five = 0, Six = 1, Seven = 2, Eight = 3, } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))] pub struct Config { pub baudrate: Hertz, pub parity: Parity, pub stopbits: StopBits, // When false, use standard 16x baud clock, other 8x baud clock pub baud8: bool, pub wordsize: WordSize, pub enable_tx: bool, pub enable_rx: bool, } impl Config { pub fn baudrate(mut self, baudrate: Hertz) -> Self { self.baudrate = baudrate; self } pub fn parity_none(mut self) -> Self { self.parity = Parity::None; self } pub fn parity_even(mut self) -> Self { self.parity = Parity::Even; self } pub fn parity_odd(mut self) -> Self { self.parity = Parity::Odd; self } pub fn stopbits(mut self, stopbits: StopBits) -> Self { self.stopbits = stopbits; self } pub fn wordsize(mut self, wordsize: WordSize) -> Self { self.wordsize = wordsize; self } pub fn baud8(mut self, baud: bool) -> Self { self.baud8 = baud; self } } impl Default for Config { fn default() -> Config { let baudrate = 115_200_u32.Hz(); Config { baudrate, parity: Parity::None, stopbits: StopBits::One, baud8: false, wordsize: WordSize::Eight, enable_tx: true, enable_rx: true, } } } impl From for Config { fn from(baud: Hertz) -> Self { Config::default().baudrate(baud) } } //================================================================================================== // IRQ Definitions //================================================================================================== #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))] pub struct IrqContextTimeoutOrMaxSize { rx_idx: usize, mode: IrqReceptionMode, pub max_len: usize, } impl IrqContextTimeoutOrMaxSize { pub fn new(max_len: usize) -> Self { IrqContextTimeoutOrMaxSize { rx_idx: 0, max_len, mode: IrqReceptionMode::Idle, } } } impl IrqContextTimeoutOrMaxSize { pub fn reset(&mut self) { self.rx_idx = 0; self.mode = IrqReceptionMode::Idle; } } /// This struct is used to return the default IRQ handler result to the user #[derive(Debug, Default)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))] pub struct IrqResult { pub bytes_read: usize, pub errors: Option, } /// This struct is used to return the default IRQ handler result to the user #[derive(Debug, Default)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))] pub struct IrqResultMaxSizeOrTimeout { complete: bool, timeout: bool, pub errors: Option, pub bytes_read: usize, } impl IrqResultMaxSizeOrTimeout { pub fn new() -> Self { IrqResultMaxSizeOrTimeout { complete: false, timeout: false, errors: None, bytes_read: 0, } } } impl IrqResultMaxSizeOrTimeout { #[inline] pub fn has_errors(&self) -> bool { self.errors.is_some() } #[inline] pub fn overflow_error(&self) -> bool { self.errors.is_some_and(|e| e.overflow) } #[inline] pub fn framing_error(&self) -> bool { self.errors.is_some_and(|e| e.framing) } #[inline] pub fn parity_error(&self) -> bool { self.errors.is_some_and(|e| e.parity) } #[inline] pub fn timeout(&self) -> bool { self.timeout } #[inline] pub fn complete(&self) -> bool { self.complete } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))] enum IrqReceptionMode { Idle, Pending, } #[derive(Default, Debug, Copy, Clone)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))] pub struct UartErrors { overflow: bool, framing: bool, parity: bool, other: bool, } impl UartErrors { #[inline(always)] pub fn overflow(&self) -> bool { self.overflow } #[inline(always)] pub fn framing(&self) -> bool { self.framing } #[inline(always)] pub fn parity(&self) -> bool { self.parity } #[inline(always)] pub fn other(&self) -> bool { self.other } } impl UartErrors { #[inline(always)] pub fn error(&self) -> bool { self.overflow || self.framing || self.parity } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))] pub struct BufferTooShortError { found: usize, expected: usize, } //================================================================================================== // UART peripheral wrapper //================================================================================================== pub trait Instance: Deref { const IDX: u8; const PERIPH_SEL: PeripheralSelect; const PTR: *const uart_base::RegisterBlock; /// Retrieve the peripheral structure. /// /// # Safety /// /// This circumvents the safety guarantees of the HAL. unsafe fn steal() -> Self; #[inline(always)] fn ptr() -> *const uart_base::RegisterBlock { Self::PTR } /// Retrieve the type erased peripheral register block. /// /// # Safety /// /// This circumvents the safety guarantees of the HAL. #[inline(always)] unsafe fn reg_block() -> &'static uart_base::RegisterBlock { unsafe { &(*Self::ptr()) } } } impl Instance for pac::Uarta { const IDX: u8 = 0; const PERIPH_SEL: PeripheralSelect = PeripheralSelect::Uart0; const PTR: *const uart_base::RegisterBlock = Self::PTR; #[inline(always)] unsafe fn steal() -> Self { Self::steal() } } impl Instance for pac::Uartb { const IDX: u8 = 1; const PERIPH_SEL: PeripheralSelect = PeripheralSelect::Uart1; const PTR: *const uart_base::RegisterBlock = Self::PTR; #[inline(always)] unsafe fn steal() -> Self { Self::steal() } } impl Bank { /// Retrieve the peripheral register block. /// /// # Safety /// /// Circumvents the HAL safety guarantees. pub unsafe fn reg_block(&self) -> &'static uart_base::RegisterBlock { match self { Bank::A => unsafe { pac::Uarta::reg_block() }, Bank::B => unsafe { pac::Uartb::reg_block() }, } } } //================================================================================================== // UART implementation //================================================================================================== /// Type erased variant of a UART. Can be created with the [`Uart::downgrade`] function. pub struct UartBase { uart: Uart, tx: Tx, rx: Rx, } impl UartBase { /// This function assumes that the peripheral clock was alredy enabled /// in the SYSCONFIG register fn init(self, config: Config, sys_clk: Hertz) -> Self { let baud_multiplier = match config.baud8 { false => 16, true => 8, }; // This is the calculation: (64.0 * (x - integer_part as f32) + 0.5) as u32 without floating // point calculations. let frac = ((sys_clk.raw() % (config.baudrate.raw() * 16)) * 64 + (config.baudrate.raw() * 8)) / (config.baudrate.raw() * 16); // Calculations here are derived from chapter 4.8.5 (p.79) of the datasheet. let x = sys_clk.raw() as f32 / (config.baudrate.raw() * baud_multiplier) as f32; let integer_part = x as u32; self.uart.clkscale().write(|w| unsafe { w.frac().bits(frac as u8); w.int().bits(integer_part) }); let (paren, pareven) = match config.parity { Parity::None => (false, false), Parity::Odd => (true, false), Parity::Even => (true, true), }; let stopbits = match config.stopbits { StopBits::One => false, StopBits::Two => true, }; let wordsize = config.wordsize as u8; let baud8 = config.baud8; self.uart.ctrl().write(|w| { w.paren().bit(paren); w.pareven().bit(pareven); w.stopbits().bit(stopbits); w.baud8().bit(baud8); unsafe { w.wordsize().bits(wordsize) } }); let (txenb, rxenb) = (config.enable_tx, config.enable_rx); // Clear the FIFO self.uart.fifo_clr().write(|w| { w.rxfifo().set_bit(); w.txfifo().set_bit() }); self.uart.enable().write(|w| { w.rxenable().bit(rxenb); w.txenable().bit(txenb) }); self } #[inline] pub fn enable_rx(&mut self) { self.uart.enable().modify(|_, w| w.rxenable().set_bit()); } #[inline] pub fn disable_rx(&mut self) { self.uart.enable().modify(|_, w| w.rxenable().clear_bit()); } #[inline] pub fn enable_tx(&mut self) { self.uart.enable().modify(|_, w| w.txenable().set_bit()); } #[inline] pub fn disable_tx(&mut self) { self.uart.enable().modify(|_, w| w.txenable().clear_bit()); } #[inline] pub fn clear_rx_fifo(&mut self) { self.uart.fifo_clr().write(|w| w.rxfifo().set_bit()); } #[inline] pub fn clear_tx_fifo(&mut self) { self.uart.fifo_clr().write(|w| w.txfifo().set_bit()); } #[inline] pub fn clear_rx_status(&mut self) { self.uart.fifo_clr().write(|w| w.rxsts().set_bit()); } #[inline] pub fn clear_tx_status(&mut self) { self.uart.fifo_clr().write(|w| w.txsts().set_bit()); } pub fn listen(&self, event: Event) { self.uart.irq_enb().modify(|_, w| match event { Event::RxError => w.irq_rx_status().set_bit(), Event::RxFifoHalfFull => w.irq_rx().set_bit(), Event::RxTimeout => w.irq_rx_to().set_bit(), Event::TxEmpty => w.irq_tx_empty().set_bit(), Event::TxError => w.irq_tx_status().set_bit(), Event::TxFifoHalfFull => w.irq_tx().set_bit(), Event::TxCts => w.irq_tx_cts().set_bit(), }); } pub fn unlisten(&self, event: Event) { self.uart.irq_enb().modify(|_, w| match event { Event::RxError => w.irq_rx_status().clear_bit(), Event::RxFifoHalfFull => w.irq_rx().clear_bit(), Event::RxTimeout => w.irq_rx_to().clear_bit(), Event::TxEmpty => w.irq_tx_empty().clear_bit(), Event::TxError => w.irq_tx_status().clear_bit(), Event::TxFifoHalfFull => w.irq_tx().clear_bit(), Event::TxCts => w.irq_tx_cts().clear_bit(), }); } pub fn release(self) -> Uart { // Clear the FIFO self.uart.fifo_clr().write(|w| { w.rxfifo().set_bit(); w.txfifo().set_bit() }); self.uart.enable().write(|w| { w.rxenable().clear_bit(); w.txenable().clear_bit() }); self.uart } pub fn split(self) -> (Tx, Rx) { (self.tx, self.rx) } } impl embedded_io::ErrorType for UartBase { type Error = Error; } impl embedded_hal_nb::serial::ErrorType for UartBase { type Error = Error; } impl embedded_hal_nb::serial::Read for UartBase { fn read(&mut self) -> nb::Result { self.rx.read().map_err(|e| e.map(Error::Rx)) } } impl embedded_hal_nb::serial::Write for UartBase { fn write(&mut self, word: u8) -> nb::Result<(), Self::Error> { self.tx.write(word).map_err(|e| { if let nb::Error::Other(_) = e { unreachable!() } nb::Error::WouldBlock }) } fn flush(&mut self) -> nb::Result<(), Self::Error> { self.tx.flush().map_err(|e| { if let nb::Error::Other(_) = e { unreachable!() } nb::Error::WouldBlock }) } } /// Serial abstraction. Entry point to create a new UART pub struct Uart { inner: UartBase, pins: Pins, } impl Uart where UartInstance: Instance, PinsInstance: Pins, { /// Calls [Self::new] with the interrupt configuration to some valid value. pub fn new_with_interrupt( syscfg: &mut va108xx::Sysconfig, sys_clk: impl Into, uart: UartInstance, pins: PinsInstance, config: impl Into, irq_cfg: InterruptConfig, ) -> Self { Self::new(syscfg, sys_clk, uart, pins, config, Some(irq_cfg)) } /// Calls [Self::new] with the interrupt configuration to [None]. pub fn new_without_interrupt( syscfg: &mut va108xx::Sysconfig, sys_clk: impl Into, uart: UartInstance, pins: PinsInstance, config: impl Into, ) -> Self { Self::new(syscfg, sys_clk, uart, pins, config, None) } /// Create a new UART peripheral with an interrupt configuration. /// /// # Arguments /// /// - `syscfg`: The system configuration register block /// - `sys_clk`: The system clock frequency /// - `uart`: The concrete UART peripheral instance. /// - `pins`: UART TX and RX pin tuple. /// - `config`: UART specific configuration parameters like baudrate. /// - `irq_cfg`: Optional interrupt configuration. This should be a valid value if the plan /// is to use TX or RX functionality relying on interrupts. If only the blocking API without /// any interrupt support is used, this can be [None]. pub fn new( syscfg: &mut va108xx::Sysconfig, sys_clk: impl Into, uart: UartInstance, pins: PinsInstance, config: impl Into, opt_irq_cfg: Option, ) -> Self { crate::clock::enable_peripheral_clock(syscfg, UartInstance::PERIPH_SEL); let uart = Uart { inner: UartBase { uart, tx: Tx::new(unsafe { UartInstance::steal() }), rx: Rx::new(unsafe { UartInstance::steal() }), }, pins, } .init(config.into(), sys_clk.into()); if let Some(irq_cfg) = opt_irq_cfg { if irq_cfg.route { enable_peripheral_clock(syscfg, PeripheralSelect::Irqsel); unsafe { pac::Irqsel::steal() } .uart0(UartInstance::IDX as usize) .write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(irq_cfg.id as u32) }); } if irq_cfg.enable_in_nvic { // Safety: User has specifically configured this. unsafe { enable_nvic_interrupt(irq_cfg.id) }; } } uart } /// This function assumes that the peripheral clock was alredy enabled /// in the SYSCONFIG register fn init(mut self, config: Config, sys_clk: Hertz) -> Self { self.inner = self.inner.init(config, sys_clk); self } #[inline] pub fn enable_rx(&mut self) { self.inner.enable_rx(); } #[inline] pub fn disable_rx(&mut self) { self.inner.enable_rx(); } #[inline] pub fn enable_tx(&mut self) { self.inner.enable_tx(); } #[inline] pub fn disable_tx(&mut self) { self.inner.disable_tx(); } #[inline] pub fn clear_rx_fifo(&mut self) { self.inner.clear_rx_fifo(); } #[inline] pub fn clear_tx_fifo(&mut self) { self.inner.clear_tx_fifo(); } #[inline] pub fn clear_rx_status(&mut self) { self.inner.clear_rx_status(); } #[inline] pub fn clear_tx_status(&mut self) { self.inner.clear_tx_status(); } pub fn listen(&self, event: Event) { self.inner.listen(event); } pub fn unlisten(&self, event: Event) { self.inner.unlisten(event); } pub fn release(self) -> (UartInstance, PinsInstance) { (self.inner.release(), self.pins) } pub fn downgrade(self) -> UartBase { UartBase { uart: self.inner.uart, tx: self.inner.tx, rx: self.inner.rx, } } pub fn split(self) -> (Tx, Rx) { self.inner.split() } } #[inline(always)] pub fn enable_rx(uart: &uart_base::RegisterBlock) { uart.enable().modify(|_, w| w.rxenable().set_bit()); } #[inline(always)] pub fn disable_rx(uart: &uart_base::RegisterBlock) { uart.enable().modify(|_, w| w.rxenable().clear_bit()); } #[inline(always)] pub fn enable_rx_interrupts(uart: &uart_base::RegisterBlock) { uart.irq_enb().modify(|_, w| { w.irq_rx().set_bit(); w.irq_rx_to().set_bit(); w.irq_rx_status().set_bit() }); } #[inline(always)] pub fn disable_rx_interrupts(uart: &uart_base::RegisterBlock) { uart.irq_enb().modify(|_, w| { w.irq_rx().clear_bit(); w.irq_rx_to().clear_bit(); w.irq_rx_status().clear_bit() }); } /// Serial receiver. /// /// Can be created by using the [Uart::split] or [UartBase::split] API. pub struct Rx(Uart); impl Rx { #[inline(always)] const fn new(uart: Uart) -> Self { Self(uart) } /// Direct access to the peripheral structure. /// /// # Safety /// /// You must ensure that only registers related to the operation of the RX side are used. #[inline(always)] pub const unsafe fn uart(&self) -> &Uart { &self.0 } #[inline] pub fn clear_fifo(&self) { self.0.fifo_clr().write(|w| w.rxfifo().set_bit()); } #[inline] pub fn disable_interrupts(&mut self) { disable_rx_interrupts(unsafe { Uart::reg_block() }); } #[inline] pub fn enable_interrupts(&mut self) { enable_rx_interrupts(unsafe { Uart::reg_block() }); } #[inline] pub fn enable(&mut self) { enable_rx(unsafe { Uart::reg_block() }); } #[inline] pub fn disable(&mut self) { disable_rx(unsafe { Uart::reg_block() }); } /// Low level function to read a word from the UART FIFO. /// /// Uses the [nb] API to allow usage in blocking and non-blocking contexts. /// /// Please note that you might have to mask the returned value with 0xff to retrieve the actual /// value if you use the manual parity mode. See chapter 4.6.2 for more information. #[inline(always)] pub fn read_fifo(&self) -> nb::Result { if self.0.rxstatus().read().rdavl().bit_is_clear() { return Err(nb::Error::WouldBlock); } Ok(self.read_fifo_unchecked()) } /// Low level function to read a word from from the UART FIFO. /// /// This does not necesarily mean there is a word in the FIFO available. /// Use the [Self::read_fifo] function to read a word from the FIFO reliably using the [nb] /// API. /// /// Please note that you might have to mask the returned value with 0xff to retrieve the actual /// value if you use the manual parity mode. See chapter 4.6.2 for more information. #[inline(always)] pub fn read_fifo_unchecked(&self) -> u32 { self.0.data().read().bits() } pub fn into_rx_with_irq(self) -> RxWithInterrupt { RxWithInterrupt::new(self) } #[inline(always)] pub fn release(self) -> Uart { self.0 } } impl embedded_io::ErrorType for Rx { type Error = RxError; } impl embedded_hal_nb::serial::ErrorType for Rx { type Error = RxError; } impl embedded_hal_nb::serial::Read for Rx { fn read(&mut self) -> nb::Result { let uart = unsafe { &(*Uart::ptr()) }; let status_reader = uart.rxstatus().read(); let err = if status_reader.rxovr().bit_is_set() { Some(RxError::Overrun) } else if status_reader.rxfrm().bit_is_set() { Some(RxError::Framing) } else if status_reader.rxpar().bit_is_set() { Some(RxError::Parity) } else { None }; if let Some(err) = err { // The status code is always related to the next bit for the framing // and parity status bits. We have to read the DATA register // so that the next status reflects the next DATA word // For overrun error, we read as well to clear the peripheral self.read_fifo_unchecked(); return Err(err.into()); } self.read_fifo().map(|val| (val & 0xff) as u8).map_err(|e| { if let nb::Error::Other(_) = e { unreachable!() } nb::Error::WouldBlock }) } } impl embedded_io::Read for Rx { fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result { if buf.is_empty() { return Ok(0); } for byte in buf.iter_mut() { let w = nb::block!(>::read(self))?; *byte = w; } Ok(buf.len()) } } #[inline(always)] pub fn enable_tx(uart: &uart_base::RegisterBlock) { uart.enable().modify(|_, w| w.txenable().set_bit()); } #[inline(always)] pub fn disable_tx(uart: &uart_base::RegisterBlock) { uart.enable().modify(|_, w| w.txenable().clear_bit()); } #[inline(always)] pub fn enable_tx_interrupts(uart: &uart_base::RegisterBlock) { uart.irq_enb().modify(|_, w| { w.irq_tx().set_bit(); w.irq_tx_status().set_bit(); w.irq_tx_empty().set_bit() }); } #[inline(always)] pub fn disable_tx_interrupts(uart: &uart_base::RegisterBlock) { uart.irq_enb().modify(|_, w| { w.irq_tx().clear_bit(); w.irq_tx_status().clear_bit(); w.irq_tx_empty().clear_bit() }); } /// Serial transmitter /// /// Can be created by using the [Uart::split] or [UartBase::split] API. pub struct Tx(Uart); impl Tx { /// Retrieve a TX pin without expecting an explicit UART structure /// /// # Safety /// /// Circumvents the HAL safety guarantees. #[inline(always)] pub unsafe fn steal() -> Self { Self(Uart::steal()) } #[inline(always)] fn new(uart: Uart) -> Self { Self(uart) } /// Direct access to the peripheral structure. /// /// # Safety /// /// You must ensure that only registers related to the operation of the TX side are used. #[inline(always)] pub const unsafe fn uart(&self) -> &Uart { &self.0 } #[inline] pub fn clear_fifo(&self) { self.0.fifo_clr().write(|w| w.txfifo().set_bit()); } #[inline] pub fn enable(&mut self) { self.0.enable().modify(|_, w| w.txenable().set_bit()); } #[inline] pub fn disable(&mut self) { self.0.enable().modify(|_, w| w.txenable().clear_bit()); } /// Enables the IRQ_TX, IRQ_TX_STATUS and IRQ_TX_EMPTY interrupts. /// /// - The IRQ_TX interrupt is generated when the TX FIFO is at least half empty. /// - The IRQ_TX_STATUS interrupt is generated when write data is lost due to a FIFO overflow /// - The IRQ_TX_EMPTY interrupt is generated when the TX FIFO is empty and the TXBUSY signal /// is 0 #[inline] pub fn enable_interrupts(&self) { // Safety: We own the UART structure enable_tx_interrupts(unsafe { Uart::reg_block() }); } /// Disables the IRQ_TX, IRQ_TX_STATUS and IRQ_TX_EMPTY interrupts. /// /// [Self::enable_interrupts] documents the interrupts. #[inline] pub fn disable_interrupts(&self) { // Safety: We own the UART structure disable_tx_interrupts(unsafe { Uart::reg_block() }); } /// Low level function to write a word to the UART FIFO. /// /// Uses the [nb] API to allow usage in blocking and non-blocking contexts. /// /// Please note that you might have to mask the returned value with 0xff to retrieve the actual /// value if you use the manual parity mode. See chapter 11.4.1 for more information. #[inline(always)] pub fn write_fifo(&self, data: u32) -> nb::Result<(), Infallible> { if self.0.txstatus().read().wrrdy().bit_is_clear() { return Err(nb::Error::WouldBlock); } self.write_fifo_unchecked(data); Ok(()) } /// Low level function to write a word to the UART FIFO. /// /// This does not necesarily mean that the FIFO can process another word because it might be /// full. /// Use the [Self::write_fifo] function to write a word to the FIFO reliably using the [nb] /// API. #[inline(always)] pub fn write_fifo_unchecked(&self, data: u32) { self.0.data().write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(data) }); } pub fn into_async(self) -> TxAsync { TxAsync::new(self) } } impl embedded_io::ErrorType for Tx { type Error = Infallible; } impl embedded_hal_nb::serial::ErrorType for Tx { type Error = Infallible; } impl embedded_hal_nb::serial::Write for Tx { fn write(&mut self, word: u8) -> nb::Result<(), Self::Error> { self.write_fifo(word as u32) } fn flush(&mut self) -> nb::Result<(), Self::Error> { // SAFETY: Only TX related registers are used. let reader = unsafe { &(*Uart::ptr()) }.txstatus().read(); if reader.wrbusy().bit_is_set() { return Err(nb::Error::WouldBlock); } Ok(()) } } impl embedded_io::Write for Tx { fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result { if buf.is_empty() { return Ok(0); } for byte in buf.iter() { nb::block!(>::write( self, *byte ))?; } Ok(buf.len()) } fn flush(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { nb::block!(>::flush(self)) } } /// Serial receiver, using interrupts to offload reading to the hardware. /// /// You can use [Rx::into_rx_with_irq] to convert a normal [Rx] structure into this structure. /// This structure provides two distinct ways to read the UART RX using interrupts. It should /// be noted that the interrupt service routine (ISR) still has to be provided by the user. However, /// this structure provides API calls which can be used inside the ISRs to simplify the reading /// of the UART. /// /// 1. The first way simply empties the FIFO on an interrupt into a user provided buffer. You /// can simply use [Self::start] to prepare the peripheral and then call the /// [Self::on_interrupt] in the interrupt service routine. /// 2. The second way reads packets bounded by a maximum size or a baudtick based timeout. You /// can use [Self::read_fixed_len_or_timeout_based_using_irq] to prepare the peripheral and /// then call the [Self::on_interrupt_max_size_or_timeout_based] in the interrupt service /// routine. You have to call [Self::read_fixed_len_or_timeout_based_using_irq] in the ISR to /// start reading the next packet. pub struct RxWithInterrupt(Rx); impl RxWithInterrupt { pub fn new(rx: Rx) -> Self { Self(rx) } /// This function should be called once at initialization time if the regular /// [Self::on_interrupt] is used to read the UART receiver to enable and start the receiver. pub fn start(&mut self) { self.0.enable(); self.enable_rx_irq_sources(true); } #[inline(always)] pub fn uart(&self) -> &Uart { &self.0 .0 } /// This function is used together with the [Self::on_interrupt_max_size_or_timeout_based] /// function to read packets with a maximum size or variable sized packets by using the /// receive timeout of the hardware. /// /// This function should be called once at initialization to initiate the context state /// and to [Self::start] the receiver. After that, it should be called after each /// completed [Self::on_interrupt_max_size_or_timeout_based] call to restart the reception /// of a packet. pub fn read_fixed_len_or_timeout_based_using_irq( &mut self, context: &mut IrqContextTimeoutOrMaxSize, ) -> Result<(), TransferPendingError> { if context.mode != IrqReceptionMode::Idle { return Err(TransferPendingError); } context.mode = IrqReceptionMode::Pending; context.rx_idx = 0; self.start(); Ok(()) } #[inline] fn enable_rx_irq_sources(&mut self, timeout: bool) { self.uart().irq_enb().modify(|_, w| { if timeout { w.irq_rx_to().set_bit(); } w.irq_rx_status().set_bit(); w.irq_rx().set_bit() }); } #[inline] fn disable_rx_irq_sources(&mut self) { self.uart().irq_enb().modify(|_, w| { w.irq_rx_to().clear_bit(); w.irq_rx_status().clear_bit(); w.irq_rx().clear_bit() }); } pub fn cancel_transfer(&mut self) { self.disable_rx_irq_sources(); self.0.clear_fifo(); } /// This function should be called in the user provided UART interrupt handler. /// /// It simply empties any bytes in the FIFO into the user provided buffer and returns the /// result of the operation. /// /// This function will not disable the RX interrupts, so you don't need to call any other /// API after calling this function to continue emptying the FIFO. RX errors are handled /// as partial errors and are returned as part of the [IrqResult]. pub fn on_interrupt(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8; 16]) -> IrqResult { let mut result = IrqResult::default(); let irq_end = self.uart().irq_end().read(); let enb_status = self.uart().enable().read(); let rx_enabled = enb_status.rxenable().bit_is_set(); // Half-Full interrupt. We have a guaranteed amount of data we can read. if irq_end.irq_rx().bit_is_set() { let available_bytes = self.uart().rxfifoirqtrg().read().bits() as usize; // If this interrupt bit is set, the trigger level is available at the very least. // Read everything as fast as possible for _ in 0..available_bytes { buf[result.bytes_read] = (self.uart().data().read().bits() & 0xff) as u8; result.bytes_read += 1; } } // Timeout, empty the FIFO completely. if irq_end.irq_rx_to().bit_is_set() { loop { // While there is data in the FIFO, write it into the reception buffer let read_result = self.0.read(); if let Some(byte) = self.read_handler(&mut result.errors, &read_result) { buf[result.bytes_read] = byte; result.bytes_read += 1; } else { break; } } } // RX transfer not complete, check for RX errors if rx_enabled { self.check_for_errors(&mut result.errors); } // Clear the interrupt status bits self.uart() .irq_clr() .write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(irq_end.bits()) }); result } /// This function should be called in the user provided UART interrupt handler. /// /// This function is used to read packets which either have a maximum size or variable sized /// packet which are bounded by sufficient delays between them, triggering a hardware timeout. /// /// If either the maximum number of packets have been read or a timeout occured, the transfer /// will be deemed completed. The state information of the transfer is tracked in the /// [IrqContextTimeoutOrMaxSize] structure. /// /// If passed buffer is equal to or larger than the specified maximum length, an /// [BufferTooShortError] will be returned. Other RX errors are treated as partial errors /// and returned inside the [IrqResultMaxSizeOrTimeout] structure. pub fn on_interrupt_max_size_or_timeout_based( &mut self, context: &mut IrqContextTimeoutOrMaxSize, buf: &mut [u8], ) -> Result { if buf.len() < context.max_len { return Err(BufferTooShortError { found: buf.len(), expected: context.max_len, }); } let mut result = IrqResultMaxSizeOrTimeout::default(); let irq_end = self.uart().irq_end().read(); let enb_status = self.uart().enable().read(); let rx_enabled = enb_status.rxenable().bit_is_set(); // Half-Full interrupt. We have a guaranteed amount of data we can read. if irq_end.irq_rx().bit_is_set() { // Determine the number of bytes to read, ensuring we leave 1 byte in the FIFO. // We use this trick/hack because the timeout feature of the peripheral relies on data // being in the RX FIFO. If data continues arriving, another half-full IRQ will fire. // If not, the last byte(s) is/are emptied by the timeout interrupt. let available_bytes = self.uart().rxfifoirqtrg().read().bits() as usize; let bytes_to_read = core::cmp::min( available_bytes.saturating_sub(1), context.max_len - context.rx_idx, ); // If this interrupt bit is set, the trigger level is available at the very least. // Read everything as fast as possible for _ in 0..bytes_to_read { buf[context.rx_idx] = (self.uart().data().read().bits() & 0xff) as u8; context.rx_idx += 1; } // On high-baudrates, data might be available immediately, and we possible have to // read continuosly? Then again, the CPU should always be faster than that. I'd rather // rely on the hardware firing another IRQ. I have not tried baudrates higher than // 115200 so far. } // Timeout, empty the FIFO completely. if irq_end.irq_rx_to().bit_is_set() { // While there is data in the FIFO, write it into the reception buffer loop { if context.rx_idx == context.max_len { break; } let read_result = self.0.read(); if let Some(byte) = self.read_handler(&mut result.errors, &read_result) { buf[context.rx_idx] = byte; context.rx_idx += 1; } else { break; } } self.irq_completion_handler_max_size_timeout(&mut result, context); return Ok(result); } // RX transfer not complete, check for RX errors if (context.rx_idx < context.max_len) && rx_enabled { self.check_for_errors(&mut result.errors); } // Clear the interrupt status bits self.uart() .irq_clr() .write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(irq_end.bits()) }); Ok(result) } fn read_handler( &self, errors: &mut Option, read_res: &nb::Result, ) -> Option { match read_res { Ok(byte) => Some(*byte), Err(nb::Error::WouldBlock) => None, Err(nb::Error::Other(e)) => { // Ensure `errors` is Some(IrqUartError), initializing if it's None let err = errors.get_or_insert(UartErrors::default()); // Now we can safely modify fields inside `err` match e { RxError::Overrun => err.overflow = true, RxError::Framing => err.framing = true, RxError::Parity => err.parity = true, } None } } } fn check_for_errors(&self, errors: &mut Option) { let rx_status = self.uart().rxstatus().read(); if rx_status.rxovr().bit_is_set() || rx_status.rxfrm().bit_is_set() || rx_status.rxpar().bit_is_set() { let err = errors.get_or_insert(UartErrors::default()); if rx_status.rxovr().bit_is_set() { err.overflow = true; } if rx_status.rxfrm().bit_is_set() { err.framing = true; } if rx_status.rxpar().bit_is_set() { err.parity = true; } } } fn irq_completion_handler_max_size_timeout( &mut self, res: &mut IrqResultMaxSizeOrTimeout, context: &mut IrqContextTimeoutOrMaxSize, ) { self.disable_rx_irq_sources(); self.0.disable(); res.bytes_read = context.rx_idx; res.complete = true; context.mode = IrqReceptionMode::Idle; context.rx_idx = 0; } /// # Safety /// /// This API allows creating multiple UART instances when releasing the TX structure as well. /// The user must ensure that these instances are not used to create multiple overlapping /// UART drivers. pub unsafe fn release(self) -> Uart { self.0.release() } } pub mod tx_asynch; pub use tx_asynch::*; pub mod rx_asynch; pub use rx_asynch::*;