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//! # Type-level module for GPIO pins
//! This documentation is strongly based on the
//! [atsamd documentation](https://docs.rs/atsamd-hal/latest/atsamd_hal/gpio/pin/index.html).
//! This module provides a type-level API for GPIO pins. It uses the type system
//! to track the state of pins at compile-time. Representing GPIO pins in this
//! manner incurs no run-time overhead. Each [`Pin`] struct is zero-sized, so
//! there is no data to copy around. Instead, real code is generated as a side
//! effect of type transformations, and the resulting assembly is nearly
//! identical to the equivalent, hand-written C.
//! To track the state of pins at compile-time, this module uses traits to
//! represent [type classes] and types as instances of those type classes. For
//! example, the trait [`InputConfig`] acts as a [type-level enum] of the
//! available input configurations, and the types [`Floating`], [`PullDown`] and
//! [`PullUp`] are its type-level variants.
//! Type-level [`Pin`]s are parameterized by two type-level enums, [`PinId`] and
//! [`PinMode`].
//! ```
//! pub struct Pin<I, M>
//! where
//! I: PinId,
//! M: PinMode,
//! {
//! // ...
//! }
//! ```
//! A [PinId] identifies a pin by it's group (A or B) and pin number. Each
//! [PinId] instance is named according to its datasheet identifier, e.g.
//! [PA2].
//! A [PinMode] represents the various pin modes. The available [PinMode]
//! variants are [`Input`], [`Output`] and [`Alternate`], each with its own
//! corresponding configurations.
//! It is not possible for users to create new instances of a [`Pin`]. Singleton
//! instances of each pin are made available to users through the PinsX
//! struct.
//! Example for the pins of PORT A:
//! To create the [PinsA] struct, users must supply the PAC
//! [Port](crate::pac::Porta) peripheral. The [PinsA] struct takes
//! ownership of the [Porta] and provides the corresponding pins. Each [`Pin`]
//! within the [PinsA] struct can be moved out and used individually.
//! ```
//! let mut peripherals = Peripherals::take().unwrap();
//! let pinsa = PinsA::new(peripherals.PORT);
//! ```
//! Pins can be converted between modes using several different methods.
//! ```no_run
//! // Use one of the literal function names
//! let pa0 = pinsa.pa0.into_floating_input();
//! // Use a generic method and one of the `PinMode` variant types
//! let pa0 = pinsa.pa0.into_mode::<FloatingInput>();
//! // Specify the target type and use `From`/`Into`
//! let pa0: Pin<PA0, FloatingInput> = pinsa.pa27.into();
//! ```
//! # Embedded HAL traits
//! This module implements all of the embedded HAL GPIO traits for each [`Pin`]
//! in the corresponding [`PinMode`]s, namely: [embedded_hal::digital::InputPin],
//! [embedded_hal::digital::OutputPin] and [embedded_hal::digital::StatefulOutputPin].
use super::dynpin::{DynAlternate, DynInput, DynOutput, DynPinId, DynPinMode};
use super::{DynPin, InputPinAsync, InterruptEdge, InterruptLevel, PinState, Port};
use crate::{
pac::{Porta, Portb},
use core::convert::Infallible;
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use core::mem::transmute;
use paste::paste;
// Input configuration
/// Type-level enum for input configurations
/// The valid options are [Floating], [PullDown] and [PullUp].
pub trait InputConfig: Sealed {
/// Corresponding [DynInput]
const DYN: DynInput;
pub enum Floating {}
pub enum PullDown {}
pub enum PullUp {}
impl InputConfig for Floating {
const DYN: DynInput = DynInput::Floating;
impl InputConfig for PullDown {
const DYN: DynInput = DynInput::PullDown;
impl InputConfig for PullUp {
const DYN: DynInput = DynInput::PullUp;
impl Sealed for Floating {}
impl Sealed for PullDown {}
impl Sealed for PullUp {}
/// Type-level variant of [`PinMode`] for floating input mode
pub type InputFloating = Input<Floating>;
/// Type-level variant of [`PinMode`] for pull-down input mode
pub type InputPullDown = Input<PullDown>;
/// Type-level variant of [`PinMode`] for pull-up input mode
pub type InputPullUp = Input<PullUp>;
/// Type-level variant of [`PinMode`] for input modes
/// Type `C` is one of three input configurations: [`Floating`], [`PullDown`] or
/// [`PullUp`]
pub struct Input<C: InputConfig> {
cfg: PhantomData<C>,
impl<C: InputConfig> Sealed for Input<C> {}
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum FilterType {
SystemClock = 0,
DirectInputWithSynchronization = 1,
FilterOneClockCycle = 2,
FilterTwoClockCycles = 3,
FilterThreeClockCycles = 4,
FilterFourClockCycles = 5,
pub use crate::clock::FilterClkSel;
// Output configuration
pub trait OutputConfig: Sealed {
const DYN: DynOutput;
pub trait ReadableOutput: Sealed {}
/// Type-level variant of [`OutputConfig`] for a push-pull configuration
pub enum PushPull {}
/// Type-level variant of [`OutputConfig`] for an open drain configuration
pub enum OpenDrain {}
/// Type-level variant of [`OutputConfig`] for a readable push-pull configuration
pub enum ReadablePushPull {}
/// Type-level variant of [`OutputConfig`] for a readable open-drain configuration
pub enum ReadableOpenDrain {}
impl Sealed for PushPull {}
impl Sealed for OpenDrain {}
impl Sealed for ReadableOpenDrain {}
impl Sealed for ReadablePushPull {}
impl ReadableOutput for ReadableOpenDrain {}
impl ReadableOutput for ReadablePushPull {}
impl OutputConfig for PushPull {
const DYN: DynOutput = DynOutput::PushPull;
impl OutputConfig for OpenDrain {
const DYN: DynOutput = DynOutput::OpenDrain;
impl OutputConfig for ReadablePushPull {
const DYN: DynOutput = DynOutput::ReadablePushPull;
impl OutputConfig for ReadableOpenDrain {
const DYN: DynOutput = DynOutput::ReadableOpenDrain;
/// Type-level variant of [`PinMode`] for output modes
/// Type `C` is one of four output configurations: [`PushPull`], [`OpenDrain`] or
/// their respective readable versions
pub struct Output<C: OutputConfig> {
cfg: PhantomData<C>,
impl<C: OutputConfig> Sealed for Output<C> {}
/// Type-level variant of [`PinMode`] for push-pull output mode
pub type PushPullOutput = Output<PushPull>;
/// Type-level variant of [`PinMode`] for open drain output mode
pub type OutputOpenDrain = Output<OpenDrain>;
pub type OutputReadablePushPull = Output<ReadablePushPull>;
pub type OutputReadableOpenDrain = Output<ReadableOpenDrain>;
// Alternate configurations
/// Type-level enum for alternate peripheral function configurations
pub trait AlternateConfig: Sealed {
const DYN: DynAlternate;
pub enum Funsel1 {}
pub enum Funsel2 {}
pub enum Funsel3 {}
impl AlternateConfig for Funsel1 {
const DYN: DynAlternate = DynAlternate::Sel1;
impl AlternateConfig for Funsel2 {
const DYN: DynAlternate = DynAlternate::Sel2;
impl AlternateConfig for Funsel3 {
const DYN: DynAlternate = DynAlternate::Sel3;
impl Sealed for Funsel1 {}
impl Sealed for Funsel2 {}
impl Sealed for Funsel3 {}
/// Type-level variant of [`PinMode`] for alternate peripheral functions
/// Type `C` is an [`AlternateConfig`]
pub struct Alternate<C: AlternateConfig> {
cfg: PhantomData<C>,
impl<C: AlternateConfig> Sealed for Alternate<C> {}
pub type AltFunc1 = Alternate<Funsel1>;
pub type AltFunc2 = Alternate<Funsel2>;
pub type AltFunc3 = Alternate<Funsel3>;
/// Type alias for the [`PinMode`] at reset
pub type Reset = InputFloating;
// Pin modes
/// Type-level enum representing pin modes
/// The valid options are [Input], [Output] and [Alternate].
pub trait PinMode: Sealed {
/// Corresponding [DynPinMode]
const DYN: DynPinMode;
impl<C: InputConfig> PinMode for Input<C> {
const DYN: DynPinMode = DynPinMode::Input(C::DYN);
impl<C: OutputConfig> PinMode for Output<C> {
const DYN: DynPinMode = DynPinMode::Output(C::DYN);
impl<C: AlternateConfig> PinMode for Alternate<C> {
const DYN: DynPinMode = DynPinMode::Alternate(C::DYN);
// Pin IDs
/// Type-level enum for pin IDs
pub trait PinId: Sealed {
/// Corresponding [DynPinId]
const DYN: DynPinId;
macro_rules! pin_id {
($Group:ident, $Id:ident, $NUM:literal) => {
// Need paste macro to use ident in doc attribute
paste! {
#[doc = "Pin ID representing pin " $Id]
pub enum $Id {}
impl Sealed for $Id {}
impl PinId for $Id {
const DYN: DynPinId = DynPinId::new(Port::$Group, $NUM);
// Pin
/// A type-level GPIO pin, parameterized by [PinId] and [PinMode] types
pub struct Pin<I: PinId, M: PinMode> {
inner: DynPin,
phantom: PhantomData<(I, M)>,
impl<I: PinId, M: PinMode> Pin<I, M> {
/// Create a new [Pin]
/// # Safety
/// Each [Pin] must be a singleton. For a given [PinId], there must be
/// at most one corresponding [Pin] in existence at any given time.
/// Violating this requirement is `unsafe`.
pub(crate) const unsafe fn new() -> Pin<I, M> {
Pin {
inner: DynPin::new(I::DYN, M::DYN),
phantom: PhantomData,
pub const fn id(&self) -> DynPinId {
/// Convert the pin to the requested [`PinMode`]
pub fn into_mode<N: PinMode>(mut self) -> Pin<I, N> {
// Only modify registers if we are actually changing pin mode
// This check should compile away
if N::DYN != M::DYN {
// Safe because we drop the existing Pin
unsafe { Pin::new() }
/// Configure the pin for function select 1. See Programmer Guide p.40 for the function table
pub fn into_funsel_1(self) -> Pin<I, AltFunc1> {
/// Configure the pin for function select 2. See Programmer Guide p.40 for the function table
pub fn into_funsel_2(self) -> Pin<I, AltFunc2> {
/// Configure the pin for function select 3. See Programmer Guide p.40 for the function table
pub fn into_funsel_3(self) -> Pin<I, AltFunc3> {
/// Configure the pin to operate as a floating input
pub fn into_floating_input(self) -> Pin<I, InputFloating> {
/// Configure the pin to operate as a pulled down input
pub fn into_pull_down_input(self) -> Pin<I, InputPullDown> {
/// Configure the pin to operate as a pulled up input
pub fn into_pull_up_input(self) -> Pin<I, InputPullUp> {
/// Configure the pin to operate as a push-pull output
pub fn into_push_pull_output(self) -> Pin<I, PushPullOutput> {
/// Configure the pin to operate as a readable push-pull output
pub fn into_readable_push_pull_output(self) -> Pin<I, OutputReadablePushPull> {
/// Configure the pin to operate as a readable open-drain output
pub fn into_readable_open_drain_output(self) -> Pin<I, OutputReadableOpenDrain> {
pub fn is_low(&self) -> bool {
pub fn is_high(&self) -> bool {
pub fn datamask(&self) -> bool {
pub fn clear_datamask(&mut self) {
pub fn set_datamask(&mut self) {
pub fn is_high_masked(&self) -> Result<bool, crate::gpio::IsMaskedError> {
pub fn is_low_masked(&self) -> Result<bool, crate::gpio::IsMaskedError> {
pub fn downgrade(self) -> DynPin {
// Those only serve for the embedded HAL implementations which have different mutability.
fn is_low_mut(&mut self) -> bool {
fn is_high_mut(&mut self) -> bool {
pub fn enable_interrupt(&mut self, irq_cfg: crate::InterruptConfig) {
pub fn disable_interrupt(&mut self, reset_irqsel: bool) {
/// Configure the pin for an edge interrupt but does not enable the interrupt.
pub fn configure_edge_interrupt(&mut self, edge_type: InterruptEdge) {
/// Configure the pin for a level interrupt but does not enable the interrupt.
pub fn configure_level_interrupt(&mut self, level_type: InterruptLevel) {
// AnyPin
/// Type class for [`Pin`] types
/// This trait uses the [`AnyKind`] trait pattern to create a [type class] for
/// [`Pin`] types. See the `AnyKind` documentation for more details on the
/// pattern.
/// ## `v1` Compatibility
/// Normally, this trait would use `Is<Type = SpecificPin<Self>>` as a super
/// trait. But doing so would restrict implementations to only the `v2` `Pin`
/// type in this module. To aid in backwards compatibility, we want to implement
/// `AnyPin` for the `v1` `Pin` type as well. This is possible for a few
/// reasons. First, both structs are zero-sized, so there is no meaningful
/// memory layout to begin with. And even if there were, the `v1` `Pin` type is
/// a newtype wrapper around a `v2` `Pin`, and single-field structs are
/// guaranteed to have the same layout as the field, even for `repr(Rust)`.
/// [`AnyKind`]: crate::typelevel#anykind-trait-pattern
/// [type class]: crate::typelevel#type-classes
pub trait AnyPin
Self: Sealed,
Self: From<SpecificPin<Self>>,
Self: Into<SpecificPin<Self>>,
Self: AsRef<SpecificPin<Self>>,
Self: AsMut<SpecificPin<Self>>,
/// [`PinId`] of the corresponding [`Pin`]
type Id: PinId;
/// [`PinMode`] of the corresponding [`Pin`]
type Mode: PinMode;
impl<I, M> Sealed for Pin<I, M>
I: PinId,
M: PinMode,
impl<I, M> AnyPin for Pin<I, M>
I: PinId,
M: PinMode,
type Id = I;
type Mode = M;
/// Type alias to recover the specific [`Pin`] type from an implementation of
/// [`AnyPin`]
/// See the [`AnyKind`] documentation for more details on the pattern.
/// [`AnyKind`]: crate::typelevel#anykind-trait-pattern
pub type SpecificPin<P> = Pin<<P as AnyPin>::Id, <P as AnyPin>::Mode>;
impl<P: AnyPin> AsRef<P> for SpecificPin<P> {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &P {
// SAFETY: This is guaranteed to be safe, because P == SpecificPin<P>
// Transmuting between `v1` and `v2` `Pin` types is also safe, because
// both are zero-sized, and single-field, newtype structs are guaranteed
// to have the same layout as the field anyway, even for repr(Rust).
unsafe { transmute(self) }
impl<P: AnyPin> AsMut<P> for SpecificPin<P> {
fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut P {
// SAFETY: This is guaranteed to be safe, because P == SpecificPin<P>
// Transmuting between `v1` and `v2` `Pin` types is also safe, because
// both are zero-sized, and single-field, newtype structs are guaranteed
// to have the same layout as the field anyway, even for repr(Rust).
unsafe { transmute(self) }
// Additional functionality
impl<I: PinId, C: InputConfig> Pin<I, Input<C>> {
/// Convert the pin into an async pin. The pin can be converted back by calling
/// [InputPinAsync::release]
pub fn into_async_input(self, irq: crate::pac::Interrupt) -> InputPinAsync<I, C> {
InputPinAsync::new(self, irq)
impl<I: PinId, C: OutputConfig> Pin<I, Output<C>> {
pub fn set_high(&mut self) {
pub fn set_low(&mut self) {
pub fn toggle(&mut self) {
pub fn set_high_masked(&mut self) -> Result<(), crate::gpio::IsMaskedError> {
pub fn set_low_masked(&mut self) -> Result<(), crate::gpio::IsMaskedError> {
/// See p.53 of the programmers guide for more information.
/// Possible delays in clock cycles:
/// - Delay 1: 1
/// - Delay 2: 2
/// - Delay 1 + Delay 2: 3
pub fn configure_delay(&mut self, delay_1: bool, delay_2: bool) {
self.inner.configure_delay(delay_1, delay_2).unwrap();
/// See p.52 of the programmers guide for more information.
/// When configured for pulse mode, a given pin will set the non-default state for exactly
/// one clock cycle before returning to the configured default state
pub fn configure_pulse_mode(&mut self, enable: bool, default_state: PinState) {
.configure_pulse_mode(enable, default_state)
impl<I: PinId, C: InputConfig> Pin<I, Input<C>> {
/// See p.37 and p.38 of the programmers guide for more information.
pub fn configure_filter_type(&mut self, filter: FilterType, clksel: FilterClkSel) {
self.inner.configure_filter_type(filter, clksel).unwrap();
// Embedded HAL traits
impl<I, M> embedded_hal::digital::ErrorType for Pin<I, M>
I: PinId,
M: PinMode,
type Error = Infallible;
impl<I: PinId, C: OutputConfig> embedded_hal::digital::OutputPin for Pin<I, Output<C>> {
fn set_high(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
fn set_low(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
impl<I, C> embedded_hal::digital::InputPin for Pin<I, Input<C>>
I: PinId,
C: InputConfig,
fn is_high(&mut self) -> Result<bool, Self::Error> {
fn is_low(&mut self) -> Result<bool, Self::Error> {
impl<I, C> embedded_hal::digital::StatefulOutputPin for Pin<I, Output<C>>
I: PinId,
C: OutputConfig + ReadableOutput,
fn is_set_high(&mut self) -> Result<bool, Self::Error> {
fn is_set_low(&mut self) -> Result<bool, Self::Error> {
fn toggle(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
// Pin definitions
macro_rules! pins {
$Port:ident, $PinsName:ident, $($Id:ident,)+,
) => {
/// Collection of all the individual [`Pin`]s for a given port (PORTA or PORTB)
pub struct $PinsName {
port: $Port,
#[doc = "Pin " $Id]
pub [<$Id:lower>]: Pin<$Id, Reset>,
impl $PinsName {
/// Create a new struct containing all the Pins. Passing the IOCONFIG peripheral
/// is optional because it might be required to create pin definitions for both
/// ports.
pub fn new(
syscfg: &mut va108xx::Sysconfig,
port: $Port
) -> $PinsName {
syscfg.peripheral_clk_enable().modify(|_, w| {
$PinsName {
// Safe because we only create one `Pin` per `PinId`
[<$Id:lower>]: unsafe { Pin::new() },
/// Get the peripheral ID
/// Safety: Read-only register
pub fn get_perid() -> u32 {
let port = unsafe { &(*$Port::ptr()) };
/// Consumes the Pins struct and returns the port definitions
pub fn release(self) -> $Port {
macro_rules! declare_pins {
$Group:ident, $PinsName:ident, $Port:ident, [$(($Id:ident, $NUM:literal),)+]
) => {
pins!($Port, $PinsName, $($Id,)+,);
pin_id!($Group, $Id, $NUM);
(PA0, 0),
(PA1, 1),
(PA2, 2),
(PA3, 3),
(PA4, 4),
(PA5, 5),
(PA6, 6),
(PA7, 7),
(PA8, 8),
(PA9, 9),
(PA10, 10),
(PA11, 11),
(PA12, 12),
(PA13, 13),
(PA14, 14),
(PA15, 15),
(PA16, 16),
(PA17, 17),
(PA18, 18),
(PA19, 19),
(PA20, 20),
(PA21, 21),
(PA22, 22),
(PA23, 23),
(PA24, 24),
(PA25, 25),
(PA26, 26),
(PA27, 27),
(PA28, 28),
(PA29, 29),
(PA30, 30),
(PA31, 31),
(PB0, 0),
(PB1, 1),
(PB2, 2),
(PB3, 3),
(PB4, 4),
(PB5, 5),
(PB6, 6),
(PB7, 7),
(PB8, 8),
(PB9, 9),
(PB10, 10),
(PB11, 11),
(PB12, 12),
(PB13, 13),
(PB14, 14),
(PB15, 15),
(PB16, 16),
(PB17, 17),
(PB18, 18),
(PB19, 19),
(PB20, 20),
(PB21, 21),
(PB22, 22),
(PB23, 23),