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Rust/va108xx-rs/pipeline/pr-main This commit looks good
- Add embassy example - improve timer API - restructure examples - restructure and improve SPI - Add REB1 M95M01 NVM module
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//! More complex UART application
//! Uses the IRQ capabilities of the VA10820 peripheral and the RTIC framework to poll the UART in
//! a non-blocking way. You can send variably sized strings to the VA10820 which will be echoed
//! back to the sender.
//! This script was tested with an Arduino Due. You can find the test script in the
//! [`/test/DueSerialTest`](
//! folder.
#[rtic::app(device = pac, dispatchers = [OC4])]
mod app {
use embedded_io::Write;
use panic_rtt_target as _;
use rtic_example::SYSCLK_FREQ;
use rtic_sync::make_channel;
use rtt_target::{rprintln, rtt_init_print};
use va108xx_hal::{
uart::{self, IrqCfg, IrqResult, UartWithIrqBase},
struct Local {
rx_info_tx: rtic_sync::channel::Sender<'static, RxInfo, 3>,
rx_info_rx: rtic_sync::channel::Receiver<'static, RxInfo, 3>,
struct Shared {
irq_uart: UartWithIrqBase<pac::Uartb>,
rx_buf: [u8; 64],
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
struct RxInfo {
pub bytes_read: usize,
pub end_idx: usize,
pub timeout: bool,
rtic_monotonics::systick_monotonic!(Mono, 1_000);
fn init(cx: init::Context) -> (Shared, Local) {
rprintln!("-- VA108xx UART IRQ example application--");
Mono::start(cx.core.SYST, SYSCLK_FREQ.raw());
let mut dp = cx.device;
let gpiob = PinsB::new(&mut dp.sysconfig, Some(dp.ioconfig), dp.portb);
let tx = gpiob.pb21.into_funsel_1();
let rx = gpiob.pb20.into_funsel_1();
let irq_cfg = IrqCfg::new(pac::interrupt::OC3, true, true);
let (mut irq_uart, _) =
uart::Uart::new(&mut dp.sysconfig, 50.MHz(), dp.uartb, (tx, rx), 115200.Hz())
.into_uart_with_irq(irq_cfg, Some(&mut dp.sysconfig), Some(&mut dp.irqsel))
.read_fixed_len_using_irq(64, true)
.expect("Read initialization failed");
let (rx_info_tx, rx_info_rx) = make_channel!(RxInfo, 3);
let rx_buf: [u8; 64] = [0; 64];
Shared { irq_uart, rx_buf },
Local {
// `shared` cannot be accessed from this context
fn idle(_cx: idle::Context) -> ! {
loop {
binds = OC3,
shared = [irq_uart, rx_buf],
local = [cnt: u32 = 0, result: IrqResult = IrqResult::new(), rx_info_tx],
fn reception_task(cx: reception_task::Context) {
let result = cx.local.result;
let cnt: &mut u32 = cx.local.cnt;
let irq_uart = cx.shared.irq_uart;
let rx_buf = cx.shared.rx_buf;
let (completed, end_idx) = (irq_uart, rx_buf).lock(|irq_uart, rx_buf| {
match irq_uart.irq_handler(result, rx_buf) {
Ok(_) => {
if result.complete() {
// Initiate next transfer immediately
.read_fixed_len_using_irq(64, true)
.expect("Read operation init failed");
let mut end_idx = 0;
for (idx, val) in rx_buf.iter().enumerate() {
if (*val as char) == '\n' {
end_idx = idx;
(true, end_idx)
} else {
(false, 0)
Err(e) => {
rprintln!("reception error {:?}", e);
(false, 0)
if completed {
rprintln!("counter: {}", cnt);
.try_send(RxInfo {
bytes_read: result.bytes_read,
timeout: result.timeout(),
.expect("RX queue full");
*cnt += 1;
#[task(shared = [irq_uart, rx_buf], local = [rx_info_rx], priority=1)]
async fn reply_handler(cx: reply_handler::Context) {
let mut irq_uart = cx.shared.irq_uart;
let mut rx_buf = cx.shared.rx_buf;
loop {
match cx.local.rx_info_rx.recv().await {
Ok(rx_info) => {
rprintln!("reception success, {} bytes read", rx_info.bytes_read);
if rx_info.timeout {
rprintln!("timeout occurred");
rx_buf.lock(|rx_buf| {
let string = core::str::from_utf8(&rx_buf[0..rx_info.end_idx])
.expect("Invalid string format");
rprintln!("read string: {}", string);
irq_uart.lock(|uart| {
writeln!(uart.uart, "{}", string).expect("Sending reply failed");
Err(e) => {
rprintln!("error receiving RX info: {:?}", e);