Robin Mueller 94c6d91bae New VA108xx Rust workspace structure + dependency updates
- The workspace is now a monorepo without submodules. The HAL, PAC and BSP
  are integrated directly
- Update all dependencies: embedded-hal v1 and RTIC v2
2024-06-16 16:16:45 +02:00

42 lines
909 B

pipeline {
agent {
dockerfile {
dir 'automation'
reuseNode true
stages {
stage('Rust Toolchain Info') {
steps {
sh 'rustc --version'
stage('Clippy') {
steps {
sh 'cargo clippy'
stage('Rustfmt') {
steps {
sh 'cargo fmt'
stage('Docs') {
steps {
sh: cargo +nightly doc --all-features --config 'build.rustdocflags=["--cfg", "docs_rs"]'
stage('Check') {
steps {
sh 'cargo check --target thumbv6m-none-eabi'
stage('Check Examples') {
steps {
sh 'cargo check --target thumbv6m-none-eabi --examples'