Device specific support and UART Improvements
All checks were successful
Rust/va416xx-rs/pipeline/head This commit looks good
bootloader and flashloader
All checks were successful
Rust/va416xx-rs/pipeline/pr-main This commit looks good
bugfix for updated DMA example
All checks were successful
Rust/va416xx-rs/pipeline/head This commit looks good
small improvements and fixes
All checks were successful
Rust/va416xx-rs/pipeline/head This commit looks good
use released version of the PAC
Some checks are pending
Rust/va416xx-rs/pipeline/pr-main Build queued...
finished basic ADC and DAC HAL
Some checks are pending
Rust/va416xx-rs/pipeline/pr-main Build queued...
remove reset in jlink.gdb script, add Embed.toml
Some checks are pending
Rust/va416xx-rs/pipeline/head Build queued...
add docs for setting up binary crate
Some checks are pending
Rust/va416xx-rs/pipeline/pr-main Build queued...
add additional memory section
All checks were successful
Rust/va416xx-rs/pipeline/pr-main This commit looks good