use core::ops::Deref; use crate::{ clock::{Clocks, PeripheralSelect, SyscfgExt}, pac, }; pub type DacRegisterBlock = pac::dac0::RegisterBlock; /// Common trait implemented by all PAC peripheral access structures. The register block /// format is the same for all DAC blocks. pub trait Instance: Deref { const IDX: u8; fn ptr() -> *const DacRegisterBlock; } impl Instance for pac::Dac0 { const IDX: u8 = 0; #[inline(always)] fn ptr() -> *const DacRegisterBlock { Self::ptr() } } impl Instance for pac::Dac1 { const IDX: u8 = 1; #[inline(always)] fn ptr() -> *const DacRegisterBlock { Self::ptr() } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))] pub enum DacSettling { NoSettling = 0, Apb2Times25 = 1, Apb2Times50 = 2, Apb2Times75 = 3, Apb2Times100 = 4, Apb2Times125 = 5, Apb2Times150 = 6, } pub struct Dac { dac: DacInstance, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))] pub struct ValueTooLarge; impl Dac { /// Create a new [Dac] driver instance. /// /// The [Clocks] structure is expected here as well to ensure the clock was set up properly. pub fn new( syscfg: &mut pac::Sysconfig, dac: DacInstance, dac_settling: DacSettling, _clocks: &Clocks, ) -> Self { syscfg.enable_peripheral_clock(PeripheralSelect::Dac); dac.ctrl1().write(|w| { w.dac_en().set_bit(); // SAFETY: Enum values are valid values only. unsafe { w.dac_settling().bits(dac_settling as u8) } }); let dac = Self { dac }; dac.clear_fifo(); dac.clear_irqs(); dac } #[inline(always)] pub fn clear_irqs(&self) { self.dac.irq_clr().write(|w| { w.fifo_oflow().set_bit(); w.fifo_uflow().set_bit(); w.dac_done().set_bit(); w.trig_error().set_bit() }); } #[inline(always)] pub fn clear_fifo(&self) { self.dac.fifo_clr().write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(1) }); } /// Load next value into the FIFO. /// /// Uses the [nb] API to allow blocking and non-blocking usage. #[inline(always)] pub fn load_value(&self, val: u16) -> nb::Result<(), ValueTooLarge> { if val > 2_u16.pow(12) - 1 { return Err(nb::Error::Other(ValueTooLarge)); } if self.dac.status().read().fifo_entry_cnt().bits() >= 32_u8 { return Err(nb::Error::WouldBlock); } self.dac .fifo_data() .write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(val.into()) }); Ok(()) } /// This loads and triggers the next value immediately. It also clears the FIFO before /// loading the passed value. #[inline(always)] pub fn load_and_trigger_manually(&self, val: u16) -> Result<(), ValueTooLarge> { if val > 2_u16.pow(12) - 1 { return Err(ValueTooLarge); } self.clear_fifo(); // This should never block, the FIFO was cleared. We checked the value as well, so unwrap // is okay here. nb::block!(self.load_value(val)).unwrap(); self.trigger_manually(); Ok(()) } /// Manually trigger the DAC. This will de-queue the next value inside the FIFO /// to be processed by the DAC. #[inline(always)] pub fn trigger_manually(&self) { self.dac.ctrl0().write(|w| w.man_trig_en().set_bit()); } #[inline(always)] pub fn enable_external_trigger(&self) { self.dac.ctrl0().write(|w| w.ext_trig_en().set_bit()); } pub fn is_settled(&self) -> nb::Result<(), ()> { if self.dac.status().read().dac_busy().bit_is_set() { return Err(nb::Error::WouldBlock); } Ok(()) } #[inline(always)] pub fn reset(&mut self, syscfg: &mut pac::Sysconfig) { syscfg.enable_peripheral_clock(PeripheralSelect::Dac); syscfg.assert_periph_reset_for_two_cycles(PeripheralSelect::Dac); } /// Relases the DAC, which also disables its peripheral clock. #[inline(always)] pub fn release(self, syscfg: &mut pac::Sysconfig) -> DacInstance { syscfg.disable_peripheral_clock(PeripheralSelect::Dac); self.dac } }