Change Log ======= All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( # [unreleased] # [v0.5.0] 2025-03-07 - Bugfix for I2C `TimingCfg::reg` - Simplified UART error handling. All APIs are now infallible because writing to a FIFO or reading from a FIFO never fails. Users can either poll errors using `Rx::poll_errors` or `Uart::poll_rx_errors` / `UartBase::poll_rx_errors`, or detect errors using the provided interrupt handlers. # [v0.4.1] 2025-02-18 - Chip selection is not enforced anymore, but advised through documentation. This makes using the HAL in libraries a lot easier. # [v0.4.0] 2025-02-18 ## Changed - GPIO API: Interrupt, pulse and filter and `set_datamask` and `clear_datamask` APIs are now methods which mutable modify the pin instead of consuming and returning it. - Simplified PWM module implementation. - All error types now implement `core::error::Error` by using the `thiserror::Error` derive. - `InvalidPinTypeError` now wraps the pin mode. - I2C `TimingCfg` constructor now returns explicit error instead of generic Error. Removed the timing configuration error type from the generic I2C error enumeration. - `PinsA` and `PinsB` constructor do not expect an optional `pac::Ioconfig` argument anymore. - `IrqCfg` renamed to `InterruptConfig`, kept alias for old name. - All library provided interrupt handlers now start with common prefix `on_interrupt_*` - `RxWithIrq` renamed to `RxWithInterrupt` - `Rx::into_rx_with_irq` does not expect any arguments any more. - `filter_type` renamed to `configure_filter_type`. - `level_irq` renamed to `configure_level_interrupt`. - `edge_irq` renamed to `configure_edge_interrupt`. - UART interrupt management is now handled by the main constructor instead of later stages to statically ensure one interrupt vector for the UART peripheral. `Uart::new` expects an optional `InterruptConfig` argument. - `enable_interrupt` and `disable_interrupt` renamed to `enable_nvic_interrupt` and `disable_nvic_interrupt` to distinguish them from peripheral interrupts more clearly. - `port_mux` renamed to `port_function_select` - Renamed `IrqUartErrors` to `UartErrors`. ## Added - Add `downgrade` method for `Pin` and `upgrade` method for `DynPin` as explicit conversion methods. - Asynchronous GPIO support. - Asynchronous UART TX support. - Asynchronous UART RX support. - Add new `get_tim_raw` unsafe method to retrieve TIM peripheral blocks. - `Uart::with_with_interrupt` and `Uart::new_without_interrupt` - A lot of missing `defmt::Format` implementations. # [v0.3.0] 2024-30-09 ## Changed - Improve and fix SPI abstractions. Add new low level interface. The primary SPI constructor now only expects a configuration structure and the transfer configuration needs to be applied in a separate step. - Added an additional way to read the UART RX with IRQs. The module documentation provides more information. - Made the UART with IRQ API more flexible for future additions. - Improved UART API result and error handling, added low level API to read from and write to the FIFO directly ## Fixed - Fixes for SPI peripheral: Flush implementation was incorrect and should now flush properly. - Fixes for SPI example - Fixes for RTIC example # [v0.2.0] 2024-09-18 - Documentation improvements - Improved UART typing support: Validity of passed pins is now checked properly ## Changed - Added `va41620`, `va41630`, `va41628` and `va41629` device features. A device now has to be selected for HAL compilation to work properly - Adaptions for the UART IRQ feature which are now only implemented for the RX part of the UART. ## Fixed - Small fixes and improvements for ADC drivers - Fixes for the SPI implementation where the clock divider values were not calculated correctly - Fixes for UART IRQ handler implementation - Add new IRQ router initialization method `irq_router::enable_and_init_irq_router`. This method also sets the initial values of some registers to 0 where the datasheet and the actual reset value are inconsistent, which can lead to weird bugs like IRQs not being triggered properly. ## Added - Added basic DMA driver - Added basic EDAC module - Added bootloader and flashloader example application - Added NVM module which exposes a simple API to write to the NVM memory used for the boot process # [v0.1.0] 2024-07-01 - Initial release with basic HAL drivers [unreleased]: [v0.5.0]: [v0.4.1]: [v0.4.0]: [v0.3.0]: [v0.2.0]: [v0.1.0]: