//! MAX11619 ADC example applikcation #![no_main] #![no_std] use core::panic; use cortex_m_rt::entry; use embedded_hal::spi; use panic_rtt_target as _; use rtt_target::{rprintln, rtt_init_print}; use va108xx_hal::{ gpio::PinsA, pac::{self, interrupt, SPIB}, prelude::*, spi::{Spi, SpiBase, SpiConfig, TransferConfig}, timer::{default_ms_irq_handler, set_up_ms_timer, Delay}, }; use vorago_reb1::max11619::{ max11619_externally_clocked, max11619_internally_clocked, EocPin, AN2_CHANNEL, POTENTIOMETER_CHANNEL, }; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)] pub enum ExampleMode { UsingEoc, NotUsingEoc, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)] pub enum ReadMode { Single, Multiple, MultipleNToHighest, } const EXAMPLE_MODE: ExampleMode = ExampleMode::NotUsingEoc; const READ_MODE: ReadMode = ReadMode::Multiple; #[entry] fn main() -> ! { rtt_init_print!(); rprintln!("-- Vorago ADC Example --"); let mut dp = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap(); let tim0 = set_up_ms_timer( &mut dp.SYSCONFIG, &mut dp.IRQSEL, 50.mhz().into(), dp.TIM0, interrupt::OC0, ); let delay = Delay::new(tim0); unsafe { cortex_m::peripheral::NVIC::unmask(pac::Interrupt::OC0); } let pinsa = PinsA::new(&mut dp.SYSCONFIG, None, dp.PORTA); let spi_cfg = SpiConfig::default(); let (sck, mosi, miso) = ( pinsa.pa20.into_funsel_2(), pinsa.pa19.into_funsel_2(), pinsa.pa18.into_funsel_2(), ); // Set the accelerometer chip select low in case the board slot is populated let mut accel_cs = pinsa.pa16.into_push_pull_output(); accel_cs .set_high() .expect("Setting accelerometer chip select high failed"); let transfer_cfg = TransferConfig::new( 3.mhz(), spi::MODE_0, Some(pinsa.pa17.into_funsel_2()), true, false, ); let spi = Spi::spib( dp.SPIB, (sck, miso, mosi), 50.mhz(), spi_cfg, Some(&mut dp.SYSCONFIG), Some(&transfer_cfg.downgrade()), ) .downgrade(); match EXAMPLE_MODE { ExampleMode::NotUsingEoc => spi_example_externally_clocked(spi, delay), ExampleMode::UsingEoc => { spi_example_internally_clocked(spi, delay, pinsa.pa14.into_floating_input()); } } } #[interrupt] fn OC0() { default_ms_irq_handler(); } fn spi_example_externally_clocked(spi: SpiBase, mut delay: Delay) -> ! { let mut adc = max11619_externally_clocked(spi) .expect("Creating externally clocked MAX11619 device failed"); let mut cmd_buf: [u8; 32] = [0; 32]; let mut counter = 0; loop { rprintln!("-- Measurement {} --", counter); match READ_MODE { ReadMode::Single => { rprintln!("Reading single potentiometer channel"); let pot_val = match adc.read_single_channel(&mut cmd_buf, POTENTIOMETER_CHANNEL) { Ok(pot_val) => pot_val, _ => { panic!("Creating externally clocked MAX11619 ADC failed"); } }; rprintln!("Single channel read:"); rprintln!("\tPotentiometer value: {}", pot_val); } ReadMode::Multiple => { let mut res_buf: [u16; 4] = [0; 4]; match adc.read_multiple_channels_0_to_n( &mut cmd_buf, &mut res_buf.iter_mut(), POTENTIOMETER_CHANNEL, ) { Ok(_) => { rprintln!("Multi channel read from 0 to 3:"); rprintln!("\tAN0 value: {}", res_buf[0]); rprintln!("\tAN1 value: {}", res_buf[1]); rprintln!("\tAN2 value: {}", res_buf[2]); rprintln!("\tAN3 / Potentiometer value: {}", res_buf[3]); } _ => { panic!("Multi-Channel read failed"); } } } ReadMode::MultipleNToHighest => { let mut res_buf: [u16; 2] = [0; 2]; match adc.read_multiple_channels_n_to_highest( &mut cmd_buf, &mut res_buf.iter_mut(), AN2_CHANNEL, ) { Ok(_) => { rprintln!("Multi channel read from 2 to 3:"); rprintln!("\tAN2 value: {}", res_buf[0]); rprintln!("\tAN3 / Potentiometer value: {}", res_buf[1]); } _ => { panic!("Multi-Channel read failed"); } } } } counter += 1; delay.delay_ms(500); } } fn spi_example_internally_clocked(spi: SpiBase, mut delay: Delay, mut eoc_pin: EocPin) -> ! { let mut adc = max11619_internally_clocked(spi).expect("Creaintg MAX116xx device failed"); let mut counter = 0; loop { rprintln!("-- Measurement {} --", counter); match adc.request_single_channel(POTENTIOMETER_CHANNEL) { Ok(_) => (), _ => panic!("Requesting single channel value failed"), }; let pot_val = match nb::block!(adc.get_single_channel(&mut eoc_pin)) { Ok(pot_val) => pot_val, _ => panic!("Reading single channel value failed"), }; rprintln!("\tPotentiometer value: {}", pot_val); counter += 1; delay.delay_ms(500); } }