use va108xx_hal::{ gpio::{ porta::{Parts, PA10, PA6, PA7}, Output, Pin, PushPull, }, pac::{IOCONFIG, PORTA}, prelude::*, }; pub type LD2 = PA10>; pub type LD3 = PA7>; pub type LD4 = PA6>; pub struct Leds { leds: [Led; 3], } impl Leds { pub fn new(led_parts: Parts, iocfg: &mut IOCONFIG, porta: &mut PORTA) -> Self { let led2 = led_parts.pa10.into_push_pull_output(iocfg, porta); let led3 = led_parts.pa7.into_push_pull_output(iocfg, porta); let led4 = led_parts.pa6.into_push_pull_output(iocfg, porta); Leds { leds: [led2.into(), led3.into(), led4.into()], } } } impl core::ops::Deref for Leds { type Target = [Led]; fn deref(&self) -> &[Led] { &self.leds } } impl core::ops::DerefMut for Leds { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [Led] { &mut self.leds } } impl core::ops::Index for Leds { type Output = Led; fn index(&self, i: usize) -> &Led { &self.leds[i] } } impl core::ops::IndexMut for Leds { fn index_mut(&mut self, i: usize) -> &mut Led { &mut self.leds[i] } } pub struct Led { pin: Pin>, } macro_rules! ctor { ($($ldx:ident),+) => { $( impl From<$ldx> for Led { fn from(led: $ldx) -> Self { Led { pin: led.downgrade(), } } } )+ } } ctor!(LD2, LD3, LD4); impl Led { /// Turns the LED off pub fn off(&mut self) {; } /// Turns the LED on pub fn on(&mut self) {; } /// Toggles the LED pub fn toggle(&mut self) {; } }