Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/development' into feature/has-file-system-if-init

This commit is contained in:
Robin Müller 2020-12-08 15:45:09 +01:00
commit 012fb6f314
120 changed files with 6082 additions and 1970 deletions

View File

@ -18,3 +18,10 @@ a C file without issues
### File System Interface
- A new interfaces specifies the functions for a software object which exposes the file system of a given hardware to use message based file handling (e.g. PUS commanding)
### Events
- makeEvent function: Now takes three input parameters instead of two and
allows setting a unique ID. Event.cpp source file removed, functions now
defined in header directly. Namespaces renamed. Functions declared `constexpr`

View File

@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ class VirtualChannelReception;
class DataLinkLayer : public CCSDSReturnValuesIF {
static const uint8_t SUBSYSTEM_ID = SUBSYSTEM_ID::SYSTEM_1;
static const Event RF_AVAILABLE = MAKE_EVENT(0, SEVERITY::INFO); //!< A RF available signal was detected. P1: raw RFA state, P2: 0
static const Event RF_LOST = MAKE_EVENT(1, SEVERITY::INFO); //!< A previously found RF available signal was lost. P1: raw RFA state, P2: 0
static const Event BIT_LOCK = MAKE_EVENT(2, SEVERITY::INFO); //!< A Bit Lock signal. Was detected. P1: raw BLO state, P2: 0
static const Event BIT_LOCK_LOST = MAKE_EVENT(3, SEVERITY::INFO); //!< A previously found Bit Lock signal was lost. P1: raw BLO state, P2: 0
// static const Event RF_CHAIN_LOST = MAKE_EVENT(4, SEVERITY::INFO); //!< The CCSDS Board detected that either bit lock or RF available or both are lost. No parameters.
static const Event FRAME_PROCESSING_FAILED = MAKE_EVENT(5, SEVERITY::LOW); //!< The CCSDS Board could not interpret a TC
static const Event RF_AVAILABLE = MAKE_EVENT(0, severity::INFO); //!< A RF available signal was detected. P1: raw RFA state, P2: 0
static const Event RF_LOST = MAKE_EVENT(1, severity::INFO); //!< A previously found RF available signal was lost. P1: raw RFA state, P2: 0
static const Event BIT_LOCK = MAKE_EVENT(2, severity::INFO); //!< A Bit Lock signal. Was detected. P1: raw BLO state, P2: 0
static const Event BIT_LOCK_LOST = MAKE_EVENT(3, severity::INFO); //!< A previously found Bit Lock signal was lost. P1: raw BLO state, P2: 0
// static const Event RF_CHAIN_LOST = MAKE_EVENT(4, severity::INFO); //!< The CCSDS Board detected that either bit lock or RF available or both are lost. No parameters.
static const Event FRAME_PROCESSING_FAILED = MAKE_EVENT(5, severity::LOW); //!< The CCSDS Board could not interpret a TC
* The Constructor sets the passed parameters and nothing else.
* @param set_frame_buffer The buffer in which incoming frame candidates are stored.

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
#include "DataSet.h"
class ControllerSet :public DataSet {
virtual ~ControllerSet();
virtual void setToDefault() = 0;
void setInvalid();
#endif /* CONTROLLERSET_H_ */

View File

@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
#include "DataPool.h"
#include "../serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h"
#include "../ipc/MutexFactory.h"
DataPool::DataPool( void ( *initFunction )( std::map<uint32_t, PoolEntryIF*>* pool_map ) ) {
mutex = MutexFactory::instance()->createMutex();
if (initFunction != NULL ) {
initFunction( &this->data_pool );
DataPool::~DataPool() {
for ( std::map<uint32_t, PoolEntryIF*>::iterator it = this->data_pool.begin(); it != this->data_pool.end(); ++it ) {
delete it->second;
//The function checks PID, type and array length before returning a copy of the PoolEntry. In failure case, it returns a temp-Entry with size 0 and NULL-ptr.
template <typename T> PoolEntry<T>* DataPool::getData( uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t sizeOrPosition ) {
std::map<uint32_t, PoolEntryIF*>::iterator it = this->data_pool.find( data_pool_id );
if ( it != this->data_pool.end() ) {
PoolEntry<T>* entry = dynamic_cast< PoolEntry<T>* >( it->second );
if (entry != NULL ) {
if ( sizeOrPosition <= entry->length ) {
return entry;
return NULL;
PoolEntryIF* DataPool::getRawData( uint32_t data_pool_id ) {
std::map<uint32_t, PoolEntryIF*>::iterator it = this->data_pool.find( data_pool_id );
if ( it != this->data_pool.end() ) {
return it->second;
} else {
return NULL;
//uint8_t DataPool::getRawData( uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t* address, uint16_t* size, uint32_t maxSize ) {
// std::map<uint32_t, PoolEntryIF*>::iterator it = this->data_pool.find( data_pool_id );
// if ( it != this->data_pool.end() ) {
// if ( it->second->getByteSize() <= maxSize ) {
// *size = it->second->getByteSize();
// memcpy( address, it->second->getRawData(), *size );
// return DP_SUCCESSFUL;
// }
// }
// *size = 0;
// return DP_FAILURE;
ReturnValue_t DataPool::freeDataPoolLock() {
ReturnValue_t status = mutex->unlockMutex();
if ( status != RETURN_OK ) {
sif::error << "DataPool::DataPool: unlock of mutex failed with error code: " << status << std::endl;
return status;
ReturnValue_t DataPool::lockDataPool() {
ReturnValue_t status = mutex->lockMutex(MutexIF::BLOCKING);
if ( status != RETURN_OK ) {
sif::error << "DataPool::DataPool: lock of mutex failed with error code: " << status << std::endl;
return status;
void DataPool::print() {
sif::debug << "DataPool contains: " << std::endl;
std::map<uint32_t, PoolEntryIF*>::iterator dataPoolIt;
dataPoolIt = this->data_pool.begin();
while( dataPoolIt != this->data_pool.end() ) {
sif::debug << std::hex << dataPoolIt->first << std::dec << " |";
template PoolEntry<uint8_t>* DataPool::getData<uint8_t>( uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t size );
template PoolEntry<uint16_t>* DataPool::getData<uint16_t>( uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t size );
template PoolEntry<uint32_t>* DataPool::getData<uint32_t>( uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t size );
template PoolEntry<uint64_t>* DataPool::getData<uint64_t>(uint32_t data_pool_id,
uint8_t size);
template PoolEntry<int8_t>* DataPool::getData<int8_t>( uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t size );
template PoolEntry<int16_t>* DataPool::getData<int16_t>( uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t size );
template PoolEntry<int32_t>* DataPool::getData<int32_t>( uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t size );
template PoolEntry<float>* DataPool::getData<float>( uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t size );
template PoolEntry<double>* DataPool::getData<double>(uint32_t data_pool_id,
uint8_t size);
uint32_t DataPool::PIDToDataPoolId(uint32_t parameter_id) {
return (parameter_id >> 8) & 0x00FFFFFF;
uint8_t DataPool::PIDToArrayIndex(uint32_t parameter_id) {
return (parameter_id & 0x000000FF);
uint32_t DataPool::poolIdAndPositionToPid(uint32_t poolId, uint8_t index) {
return (poolId << 8) + index;
//SHOULDDO: Do we need a mutex lock here... I don't think so, as we only check static const values of elements in a list that do not change.
//there is no guarantee in the standard, but it seems to me that the implementation is safe -UM
ReturnValue_t DataPool::getType(uint32_t parameter_id, Type* type) {
std::map<uint32_t, PoolEntryIF*>::iterator it = this->data_pool.find( PIDToDataPoolId(parameter_id));
if ( it != this->data_pool.end() ) {
*type = it->second->getType();
return RETURN_OK;
} else {
*type = Type::UNKNOWN_TYPE;
bool DataPool::exists(uint32_t parameterId) {
uint32_t poolId = PIDToDataPoolId(parameterId);
uint32_t index = PIDToArrayIndex(parameterId);
std::map<uint32_t, PoolEntryIF*>::iterator it = this->data_pool.find( poolId );
if (it != data_pool.end()) {
if (it->second->getSize() >= index) {
return true;
return false;

View File

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
* \file DataPool.h
* \date 10/17/2012
* \author Bastian Baetz
* \brief This file contains the definition of the DataPool class and (temporarily)
* the "extern" definition of the global dataPool instance.
#ifndef DATAPOOL_H_
#define DATAPOOL_H_
#include "PoolEntry.h"
#include "../globalfunctions/Type.h"
#include "../ipc/MutexIF.h"
#include <map>
* \defgroup data_pool Data Pool
* This is the group, where all classes associated with Data Pool Handling belong to.
* This includes classes to access Data Pool variables.
#define DP_FAILURE 1
* \brief This class represents the OBSW global data-pool.
* \details All variables are registered and space is allocated in an initialization
* function, which is passed do the constructor.
* Space for the variables is allocated on the heap (with a new call).
* The data is found by a data pool id, which uniquely represents a variable.
* Data pool variables should be used with a blackboard logic in mind,
* which means read data is valid (if flagged so), but not necessarily up-to-date.
* Variables are either single values or arrays.
* \ingroup data_pool
class DataPool : public HasReturnvaluesIF {
* \brief This is the actual data pool itself.
* \details It is represented by a map
* with the data pool id as index and a pointer to a single PoolEntry as value.
std::map<uint32_t, PoolEntryIF*> data_pool;
* \brief The mutex is created in the constructor and makes access mutual exclusive.
* \details Locking and unlocking the pool is only done by the DataSet class.
MutexIF* mutex;
* \brief In the classes constructor, the passed initialization function is called.
* \details To enable filling the pool,
* a pointer to the map is passed, allowing direct access to the pool's content.
* On runtime, adding or removing variables is forbidden.
DataPool( void ( *initFunction )( std::map<uint32_t, PoolEntryIF*>* pool_map ) );
* \brief The destructor iterates through the data_pool map and calls all Entries destructors to clean up the heap.
* \brief This is the default call to access the pool.
* \details A pointer to the PoolEntry object is returned.
* The call checks data pool id, type and array size. Returns NULL in case of failure.
* \param data_pool_id The data pool id to search.
* \param sizeOrPosition The array size (not byte size!) of the pool entry, or the position the user wants to read.
* If smaller than the entry size, everything's ok.
template <typename T> PoolEntry<T>* getData( uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t sizeOrPosition );
* \brief An alternative call to get a data pool entry in case the type is not implicitly known
* (i.e. in Housekeeping Telemetry).
* \details It returns a basic interface and does NOT perform
* a size check. The caller has to assure he does not copy too much data.
* Returns NULL in case the entry is not found.
* \param data_pool_id The data pool id to search.
PoolEntryIF* getRawData( uint32_t data_pool_id );
* \brief This is a small helper function to facilitate locking the global data pool.
* \details It fetches the pool's mutex id and tries to acquire the mutex.
ReturnValue_t lockDataPool();
* \brief This is a small helper function to facilitate unlocking the global data pool.
* \details It fetches the pool's mutex id and tries to free the mutex.
ReturnValue_t freeDataPoolLock();
* \brief The print call is a simple debug method.
* \details It prints the current content of the data pool.
* It iterates through the data_pool map and calls each entry's print() method.
void print();
* Extracts the data pool id from a SCOS 2000 PID.
* @param parameter_id The passed Parameter ID.
* @return The data pool id as used within the OBSW.
static uint32_t PIDToDataPoolId( uint32_t parameter_id );
* Extracts an array index out of a SCOS 2000 PID.
* @param parameter_id The passed Parameter ID.
* @return The index of the corresponding data pool entry.
static uint8_t PIDToArrayIndex( uint32_t parameter_id );
* Retransforms a data pool id and an array index to a SCOS 2000 PID.
static uint32_t poolIdAndPositionToPid( uint32_t poolId, uint8_t index );
* Method to return the type of a pool variable.
* @param parameter_id A parameterID (not pool id) of a DP member.
* @param type Returns the type or TYPE::UNKNOWN_TYPE
* @return RETURN_OK if parameter exists, RETURN_FAILED else.
ReturnValue_t getType( uint32_t parameter_id, Type* type );
* Method to check if a PID exists.
* Does not lock, as there's no possibility to alter the list that is checked during run-time.
* @param parameterId The PID (not pool id!) of a parameter.
* @return true if exists, false else.
bool exists(uint32_t parameterId);
//We assume someone globally instantiates a DataPool.
extern DataPool dataPool;
#endif /* DATAPOOL_H_ */

View File

@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
#include "DataSet.h"
#include "../serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h"
DataSet::DataSet() :
fill_count(0), state(DATA_SET_UNINITIALISED) {
for (unsigned count = 0; count < DATA_SET_MAX_SIZE; count++) {
registeredVariables[count] = NULL;
DataSet::~DataSet() {
//Don't do anything with your variables, they are dead already! (Destructor is already called)
ReturnValue_t DataSet::read() {
ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK;
for (uint16_t count = 0; count < fill_count; count++) {
if (registeredVariables[count]->getReadWriteMode()
!= PoolVariableIF::VAR_WRITE
&& registeredVariables[count]->getDataPoolId()
!= PoolVariableIF::NO_PARAMETER) {
ReturnValue_t status = registeredVariables[count]->read();
if (status != RETURN_OK) {
} else {
sif::error << "DataSet::read(): Call made in wrong position." << std::endl;
return result;
ReturnValue_t DataSet::commit(uint8_t valid) {
return commit();
ReturnValue_t DataSet::commit() {
if (state == DATA_SET_WAS_READ) {
for (uint16_t count = 0; count < fill_count; count++) {
if (registeredVariables[count]->getReadWriteMode()
!= PoolVariableIF::VAR_READ
&& registeredVariables[count]->getDataPoolId()
!= PoolVariableIF::NO_PARAMETER) {
return RETURN_OK;
} else {
ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK;
for (uint16_t count = 0; count < fill_count; count++) {
if (registeredVariables[count]->getReadWriteMode()
== PoolVariableIF::VAR_WRITE
&& registeredVariables[count]->getDataPoolId()
!= PoolVariableIF::NO_PARAMETER) {
} else if (registeredVariables[count]->getDataPoolId()
!= PoolVariableIF::NO_PARAMETER) {
sif::error <<
"DataSet::commit(): commit-without-read "
"call made with non write-only variable." << std::endl;
return result;
void DataSet::registerVariable(PoolVariableIF* variable) {
if (variable != NULL) {
if (fill_count < DATA_SET_MAX_SIZE) {
registeredVariables[fill_count] = variable;
<< "DataSet::registerVariable: failed. Either NULL, or set is full, or call made in wrong position."
<< std::endl;
uint8_t DataSet::freeDataPoolLock() {
return ::dataPool.freeDataPoolLock();
uint8_t DataSet::lockDataPool() {
return ::dataPool.lockDataPool();
ReturnValue_t DataSet::serialize(uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
size_t maxSize, Endianness streamEndianness) const {
ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_FAILED;
for (uint16_t count = 0; count < fill_count; count++) {
result = registeredVariables[count]->serialize(buffer, size, maxSize,
if (result != RETURN_OK) {
return result;
return result;
size_t DataSet::getSerializedSize() const {
size_t size = 0;
for (uint16_t count = 0; count < fill_count; count++) {
size += registeredVariables[count]->getSerializedSize();
return size;
void DataSet::setValid(uint8_t valid) {
for (uint16_t count = 0; count < fill_count; count++) {
if (registeredVariables[count]->getReadWriteMode()
!= PoolVariableIF::VAR_READ) {
ReturnValue_t DataSet::deSerialize(const uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
Endianness streamEndianness) {
ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_FAILED;
for (uint16_t count = 0; count < fill_count; count++) {
result = registeredVariables[count]->deSerialize(buffer, size,
if (result != RETURN_OK) {
return result;
return result;

View File

@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
* \file DataSet.h
* \brief This file contains the DataSet class and a small structure called DataSetContent.
* \date 10/17/2012
* \author Bastian Baetz
#ifndef DATASET_H_
#define DATASET_H_
#include "DataPool.h"
#include "DataSetIF.h"
#include "PoolRawAccess.h"
#include "PoolVariable.h"
#include "PoolVarList.h"
#include "PoolVector.h"
#include "../serialize/SerializeAdapter.h"
* \brief The DataSet class manages a set of locally checked out variables.
* \details This class manages a list, where a set of local variables (or pool variables) are
* registered. They are checked-out (i.e. their values are looked up and copied)
* with the read call. After the user finishes working with the pool variables,
* he can write back all variable values to the pool with the commit call.
* The data set manages locking and freeing the data pool, to ensure that all values
* are read and written back at once.
* An internal state manages usage of this class. Variables may only be registered before
* the read call is made, and the commit call only after the read call.
* If pool variables are writable and not committed until destruction of the set, the
* DataSet class automatically sets the valid flag in the data pool to invalid (without)
* changing the variable's value.
* \ingroup data_pool
class DataSet: public DataSetIF, public HasReturnvaluesIF, public SerializeIF {
//SHOULDDO we could use a linked list of datapool variables
static const uint8_t DATA_SET_MAX_SIZE = 63; //!< This definition sets the maximum number of variables to register in one DataSet.
* \brief This array represents all pool variables registered in this set.
* \details It has a maximum size of DATA_SET_MAX_SIZE.
PoolVariableIF* registeredVariables[DATA_SET_MAX_SIZE];
* \brief The fill_count attribute ensures that the variables register in the correct array
* position and that the maximum number of variables is not exceeded.
uint16_t fill_count;
* States of the seet.
enum States {
* \brief state manages the internal state of the data set, which is important e.g. for the
* behavior on destruction.
States state;
* \brief This is a small helper function to facilitate locking the global data pool.
* \details It makes use of the lockDataPool method offered by the DataPool class.
uint8_t lockDataPool();
* \brief This is a small helper function to facilitate unlocking the global data pool.
* \details It makes use of the freeDataPoolLock method offered by the DataPool class.
uint8_t freeDataPoolLock();
static const uint8_t INTERFACE_ID = CLASS_ID::DATA_SET_CLASS;
static const ReturnValue_t INVALID_PARAMETER_DEFINITION =
static const ReturnValue_t SET_WAS_ALREADY_READ = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( 0x02 );
static const ReturnValue_t COMMITING_WITHOUT_READING =
* \brief The constructor simply sets the fill_count to zero and sets the state to "uninitialized".
* \brief The destructor automatically manages writing the valid information of variables.
* \details In case the data set was read out, but not committed (indicated by state),
* the destructor parses all variables that are still registered to the set.
* For each, the valid flag in the data pool is set to "invalid".
* \brief The read call initializes reading out all registered variables.
* \details It iterates through the list of registered variables and calls all read()
* functions of the registered pool variables (which read out their values from the
* data pool) which are not write-only. In case of an error (e.g. a wrong data type,
* or an invalid data pool id), the operation is aborted and
* The data pool is locked during the whole read operation and freed afterwards.
* The state changes to "was written" after this operation.
* \return - \c RETURN_OK if all variables were read successfully.
* - \c INVALID_PARAMETER_DEFINITION if PID, size or type of the
* requested variable is invalid.
* - \c SET_WAS_ALREADY_READ if read() is called twice without calling
* commit() in between
ReturnValue_t read();
* \brief The commit call initializes writing back the registered variables.
* \details It iterates through the list of registered variables and calls
* the commit() method of the remaining registered variables (which write back
* their values to the pool).
* The data pool is locked during the whole commit operation and freed afterwards.
* The state changes to "was committed" after this operation.
* If the set does contain at least one variable which is not write-only commit()
* can only be called after read(). If the set only contains variables which are
* write only, commit() can be called without a preceding read() call.
* \return - \c RETURN_OK if all variables were read successfully.
* - \c COMMITING_WITHOUT_READING if set was not read yet and contains non write-only
* variables
ReturnValue_t commit(void);
* Variant of method above which sets validity of all elements of the set.
* @param valid Validity information from PoolVariableIF.
* \return - \c RETURN_OK if all variables were read successfully.
* - \c COMMITING_WITHOUT_READING if set was not read yet and contains non write-only
* variables
ReturnValue_t commit(uint8_t valid);
* \brief This operation is used to register the local variables in the set.
* \details It copies all required information to the currently
* free space in the registeredVariables list.
void registerVariable(PoolVariableIF* variable);
* Set the valid information of all variables contained in the set which are not readonly
* @param valid Validity information from PoolVariableIF.
void setValid(uint8_t valid);
ReturnValue_t serialize(uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
size_t maxSize, Endianness streamEndianness) const override;
size_t getSerializedSize() const override;
ReturnValue_t deSerialize(const uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
Endianness streamEndianness) override;
#endif /* DATASET_H_ */

View File

@ -1,39 +1,47 @@
* \file DataSetIF.h
* \brief This file contains the small interface to access the DataSet class.
* \date 10/23/2012
* \author Bastian Baetz
#ifndef DATASETIF_H_
#define DATASETIF_H_
#include "../returnvalues/HasReturnvaluesIF.h"
#include "../timemanager/Clock.h"
class PoolVariableIF;
* \brief This class defines a small interface to register on a DataSet.
* @brief This class defines a small interface to register on a DataSet.
* \details Currently, the only purpose of this interface is to provide a method for locally
* checked-out variables to register on a data set. Still, it may become useful for
* other purposes as well.
* \ingroup data_pool
* @details
* Currently, the only purpose of this interface is to provide a
* method for locally checked-out variables to register on a data set.
* Still, it may become useful for other purposes as well.
* @author Bastian Baetz
* @ingroup data_pool
class DataSetIF {
static constexpr uint8_t INTERFACE_ID = CLASS_ID::DATA_SET_CLASS;
static constexpr ReturnValue_t INVALID_PARAMETER_DEFINITION =
static constexpr ReturnValue_t SET_WAS_ALREADY_READ = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( 0x02 );
static constexpr ReturnValue_t COMMITING_WITHOUT_READING =
static constexpr ReturnValue_t DATA_SET_UNINITIALISED = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( 0x04 );
static constexpr ReturnValue_t DATA_SET_FULL = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( 0x05 );
static constexpr ReturnValue_t POOL_VAR_NULL = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( 0x06 );
* \brief This is an empty virtual destructor, as it is proposed for C++ interfaces.
* @brief This is an empty virtual destructor,
* as it is proposed for C++ interfaces.
virtual ~DataSetIF() {}
* \brief This operation provides a method to register local data pool variables
* to register in a data set by passing itself to this DataSet operation.
* @brief This operation provides a method to register local data pool
* variables to register in a data set by passing itself
* to this DataSet operation.
virtual void registerVariable( PoolVariableIF* variable ) = 0;
virtual ReturnValue_t registerVariable(PoolVariableIF* variable) = 0;
virtual uint16_t getFillCount() const = 0;
#endif /* DATASETIF_H_ */

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
#include "HkSwitchHelper.h"
//#include <mission/tmtcservices/HKService_03.h>
#include "../datapool/HkSwitchHelper.h"
#include "../ipc/QueueFactory.h"
HkSwitchHelper::HkSwitchHelper(EventReportingProxyIF* eventProxy) :
@ -22,14 +21,14 @@ ReturnValue_t HkSwitchHelper::initialize() {
ReturnValue_t HkSwitchHelper::performOperation(uint8_t operationCode) {
CommandMessage message;
while (actionQueue->receiveMessage(&message) == HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) {
ReturnValue_t result = commandActionHelper.handleReply(&message);
CommandMessage command;
while (actionQueue->receiveMessage(&command) == HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) {
ReturnValue_t result = commandActionHelper.handleReply(&command);
if (result == HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) {
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class HkSwitchHelper: public ExecutableObjectIF, public CommandsActionsIF {
static const uint8_t SUBSYSTEM_ID = SUBSYSTEM_ID::HK;
static const Event SWITCHING_TM_FAILED = MAKE_EVENT(1, SEVERITY::LOW); //!< Commanding the HK Service failed, p1: error code, p2 action: 0 disable / 1 enable
static const Event SWITCHING_TM_FAILED = MAKE_EVENT(1, severity::LOW); //!< Commanding the HK Service failed, p1: error code, p2 action: 0 disable / 1 enable
HkSwitchHelper(EventReportingProxyIF *eventProxy);
virtual ~HkSwitchHelper();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
#include "PoolDataSetBase.h"
#include "../serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h"
PoolDataSetBase::PoolDataSetBase(PoolVariableIF** registeredVariablesArray,
const size_t maxFillCount):
maxFillCount(maxFillCount) {
PoolDataSetBase::~PoolDataSetBase() {}
ReturnValue_t PoolDataSetBase::registerVariable(
PoolVariableIF *variable) {
if (state != States::DATA_SET_UNINITIALISED) {
sif::error << "DataSet::registerVariable: "
"Call made in wrong position." << std::endl;
if (variable == nullptr) {
sif::error << "DataSet::registerVariable: "
"Pool variable is nullptr." << std::endl;
return DataSetIF::POOL_VAR_NULL;
if (fillCount >= maxFillCount) {
sif::error << "DataSet::registerVariable: "
"DataSet is full." << std::endl;
return DataSetIF::DATA_SET_FULL;
registeredVariables[fillCount] = variable;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
ReturnValue_t PoolDataSetBase::read(uint32_t lockTimeout) {
ReturnValue_t result = HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
if (state == States::DATA_SET_UNINITIALISED) {
for (uint16_t count = 0; count < fillCount; count++) {
result = readVariable(count);
if(result != RETURN_OK) {
state = States::DATA_SET_WAS_READ;
else {
sif::error << "DataSet::read(): "
"Call made in wrong position. Don't forget to commit"
" member datasets!" << std::endl;
return result;
uint16_t PoolDataSetBase::getFillCount() const {
return fillCount;
ReturnValue_t PoolDataSetBase::readVariable(uint16_t count) {
ReturnValue_t result = HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
// These checks are often performed by the respective
// variable implementation too, but I guess a double check does not hurt.
if (registeredVariables[count]->getReadWriteMode() !=
PoolVariableIF::VAR_WRITE and
!= PoolVariableIF::NO_PARAMETER)
result = registeredVariables[count]->readWithoutLock();
if(result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) {
return result;
ReturnValue_t PoolDataSetBase::commit(uint32_t lockTimeout) {
if (state == States::DATA_SET_WAS_READ) {
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
else {
return handleUnreadDatasetCommit(lockTimeout);
void PoolDataSetBase::handleAlreadyReadDatasetCommit(uint32_t lockTimeout) {
for (uint16_t count = 0; count < fillCount; count++) {
if (registeredVariables[count]->getReadWriteMode()
!= PoolVariableIF::VAR_READ
&& registeredVariables[count]->getDataPoolId()
!= PoolVariableIF::NO_PARAMETER) {
ReturnValue_t PoolDataSetBase::handleUnreadDatasetCommit(uint32_t lockTimeout) {
ReturnValue_t result = HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
for (uint16_t count = 0; count < fillCount; count++) {
if (registeredVariables[count]->getReadWriteMode()
== PoolVariableIF::VAR_WRITE
&& registeredVariables[count]->getDataPoolId()
!= PoolVariableIF::NO_PARAMETER) {
} else if (registeredVariables[count]->getDataPoolId()
!= PoolVariableIF::NO_PARAMETER) {
sif::error << "DataSet::commit(): commit-without-read call made "
"with non write-only variable." << std::endl;
return result;
ReturnValue_t PoolDataSetBase::lockDataPool(uint32_t timeoutMs) {
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
ReturnValue_t PoolDataSetBase::unlockDataPool() {
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
ReturnValue_t PoolDataSetBase::serialize(uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
const size_t maxSize, SerializeIF::Endianness streamEndianness) const {
ReturnValue_t result = HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
for (uint16_t count = 0; count < fillCount; count++) {
result = registeredVariables[count]->serialize(buffer, size, maxSize,
if (result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) {
return result;
return result;
ReturnValue_t PoolDataSetBase::deSerialize(const uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
SerializeIF::Endianness streamEndianness) {
ReturnValue_t result = HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
for (uint16_t count = 0; count < fillCount; count++) {
result = registeredVariables[count]->deSerialize(buffer, size,
if (result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) {
return result;
return result;
size_t PoolDataSetBase::getSerializedSize() const {
uint32_t size = 0;
for (uint16_t count = 0; count < fillCount; count++) {
size += registeredVariables[count]->getSerializedSize();
return size;
void PoolDataSetBase::setContainer(PoolVariableIF **variablesContainer) {
this->registeredVariables = variablesContainer;

datapool/PoolDataSetBase.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
#include "PoolDataSetIF.h"
#include "PoolVariableIF.h"
#include "../ipc/MutexIF.h"
* @brief The DataSetBase class manages a set of locally checked out variables.
* @details
* This class manages a list, where a set of local variables (or pool variables)
* are registered. They are checked-out (i.e. their values are looked
* up and copied) with the read call. After the user finishes working with the
* pool variables, he can write back all variable values to the pool with
* the commit call. The data set manages locking and freeing the data pool,
* to ensure that all values are read and written back at once.
* An internal state manages usage of this class. Variables may only be
* registered before the read call is made, and the commit call only
* after the read call.
* If pool variables are writable and not committed until destruction
* of the set, the DataSet class automatically sets the valid flag in the
* data pool to invalid (without) changing the variable's value.
* The base class lockDataPool und unlockDataPool implementation are empty
* and should be implemented to protect the underlying pool type.
* @author Bastian Baetz
* @ingroup data_pool
class PoolDataSetBase: public PoolDataSetIF,
public SerializeIF,
public HasReturnvaluesIF {
* @brief Creates an empty dataset. Use registerVariable or
* supply a pointer to this dataset to PoolVariable
* initializations to register pool variables.
PoolDataSetBase(PoolVariableIF** registeredVariablesArray,
const size_t maxFillCount);
virtual~ PoolDataSetBase();
* @brief The read call initializes reading out all registered variables.
* @details
* It iterates through the list of registered variables and calls all read()
* functions of the registered pool variables (which read out their values
* from the data pool) which are not write-only.
* In case of an error (e.g. a wrong data type, or an invalid data pool id),
* the operation is aborted and @c INVALID_PARAMETER_DEFINITION returned.
* The data pool is locked during the whole read operation and
* freed afterwards.The state changes to "was written" after this operation.
* @return
* - @c RETURN_OK if all variables were read successfully.
* - @c INVALID_PARAMETER_DEFINITION if PID, size or type of the
* requested variable is invalid.
* - @c SET_WAS_ALREADY_READ if read() is called twice without calling
* commit() in between
virtual ReturnValue_t read(uint32_t lockTimeout =
MutexIF::BLOCKING) override;
* @brief The commit call initializes writing back the registered variables.
* @details
* It iterates through the list of registered variables and calls the
* commit() method of the remaining registered variables (which write back
* their values to the pool).
* The data pool is locked during the whole commit operation and
* freed afterwards. The state changes to "was committed" after this operation.
* If the set does contain at least one variable which is not write-only
* commit() can only be called after read(). If the set only contains
* variables which are write only, commit() can be called without a
* preceding read() call.
* @return - @c RETURN_OK if all variables were read successfully.
* - @c COMMITING_WITHOUT_READING if set was not read yet and
* contains non write-only variables
virtual ReturnValue_t commit(uint32_t lockTimeout =
MutexIF::BLOCKING) override;
* Register the passed pool variable instance into the data set.
* @param variable
* @return
virtual ReturnValue_t registerVariable( PoolVariableIF* variable) override;
* Provides the means to lock the underlying data structure to ensure
* thread-safety. Default implementation is empty
* @return Always returns -@c RETURN_OK
virtual ReturnValue_t lockDataPool(uint32_t timeoutMs =
MutexIF::BLOCKING) override;
* Provides the means to unlock the underlying data structure to ensure
* thread-safety. Default implementation is empty
* @return Always returns -@c RETURN_OK
virtual ReturnValue_t unlockDataPool() override;
virtual uint16_t getFillCount() const;
/* SerializeIF implementations */
virtual ReturnValue_t serialize(uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
const size_t maxSize,
SerializeIF::Endianness streamEndianness) const override;
virtual size_t getSerializedSize() const override;
virtual ReturnValue_t deSerialize(const uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
SerializeIF::Endianness streamEndianness) override;
* @brief The fill_count attribute ensures that the variables
* register in the correct array position and that the maximum
* number of variables is not exceeded.
uint16_t fillCount = 0;
* States of the seet.
enum class States {
* @brief state manages the internal state of the data set,
* which is important e.g. for the behavior on destruction.
States state = States::DATA_SET_UNINITIALISED;
* @brief This array represents all pool variables registered in this set.
* Child classes can use a static or dynamic container to create
* an array of registered variables and assign the first entry here.
PoolVariableIF** registeredVariables = nullptr;
const size_t maxFillCount = 0;
void setContainer(PoolVariableIF** variablesContainer);
ReturnValue_t readVariable(uint16_t count);
void handleAlreadyReadDatasetCommit(uint32_t lockTimeout);
ReturnValue_t handleUnreadDatasetCommit(uint32_t lockTimeout);

datapool/PoolDataSetIF.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
#include "DataSetIF.h"
* @brief Extendes the DataSetIF by adding abstract functions to lock
* and unlock a data pool and read/commit semantics.
class PoolDataSetIF: public DataSetIF {
virtual~ PoolDataSetIF() {};
virtual ReturnValue_t read(dur_millis_t lockTimeout) = 0;
virtual ReturnValue_t commit(dur_millis_t lockTimeout) = 0;
* @brief Most underlying data structures will have a pool like structure
* and will require a lock and unlock mechanism to ensure
* thread-safety
* @return Lock operation result
virtual ReturnValue_t lockDataPool(dur_millis_t timeoutMs) = 0;
* @brief Unlock call corresponding to the lock call.
* @return Unlock operation result
virtual ReturnValue_t unlockDataPool() = 0;
virtual bool isValid() const = 0;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#include "PoolEntry.h"
#include "../serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h"
#include "../globalfunctions/arrayprinter.h"
#include <cstring>

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "PoolEntryIF.h"
@ -127,4 +127,4 @@ public:
Type getType();
#endif /* POOLENTRY_H_ */

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "../globalfunctions/Type.h"
#include <cstdint>
@ -60,4 +60,4 @@ public:
virtual Type getType() = 0;
#endif /* POOLENTRYIF_H_ */

View File

@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
#include "DataPool.h"
#include "PoolEntryIF.h"
#include "PoolRawAccess.h"
#include "../serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h"
#include "../serialize/EndianConverter.h"
#include <cstring>
PoolRawAccess::PoolRawAccess(uint32_t set_id, uint8_t setArrayEntry,
DataSetIF *data_set, ReadWriteMode_t setReadWriteMode) :
dataPoolId(set_id), arrayEntry(setArrayEntry), valid(false), type(
Type::UNKNOWN_TYPE), typeSize(0), arraySize(0), sizeTillEnd(0), readWriteMode(
setReadWriteMode) {
memset(value, 0, sizeof(value));
if (data_set != NULL) {
PoolRawAccess::~PoolRawAccess() {
ReturnValue_t PoolRawAccess::read() {
PoolEntryIF *read_out = ::dataPool.getRawData(dataPoolId);
if (read_out != NULL) {
valid = read_out->getValid();
if (read_out->getSize() > arrayEntry) {
arraySize = read_out->getSize();
typeSize = read_out->getByteSize() / read_out->getSize();
type = read_out->getType();
if (typeSize <= sizeof(value)) {
uint16_t arrayPosition = arrayEntry * typeSize;
sizeTillEnd = read_out->getByteSize() - arrayPosition;
uint8_t *ptr =
&((uint8_t*) read_out->getRawData())[arrayPosition];
memcpy(value, ptr, typeSize);
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
} else {
//Error value type too large.
} else {
//Error index requested too large
} else {
//Error entry does not exist.
sif::error << "PoolRawAccess: read of DP Variable 0x" << std::hex
<< dataPoolId << std::dec << " failed." << std::endl;
valid = INVALID;
typeSize = 0;
sizeTillEnd = 0;
memset(value, 0, sizeof(value));
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
ReturnValue_t PoolRawAccess::commit() {
PoolEntryIF *write_back = ::dataPool.getRawData(dataPoolId);
if ((write_back != NULL) && (readWriteMode != VAR_READ)) {
uint8_t array_position = arrayEntry * typeSize;
uint8_t *ptr = &((uint8_t*) write_back->getRawData())[array_position];
memcpy(ptr, value, typeSize);
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
} else {
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
uint8_t* PoolRawAccess::getEntry() {
return value;
ReturnValue_t PoolRawAccess::getEntryEndianSafe(uint8_t *buffer,
size_t *writtenBytes, size_t maxSize) {
uint8_t *data_ptr = getEntry();
// debug << "PoolRawAccess::getEntry: Array position: " << index * size_of_type << " Size of T: " << (int)size_of_type << " ByteSize: " << byte_size << " Position: " << *size << std::endl;
if (typeSize == 0) {
if (typeSize > maxSize) {
EndianConverter::convertBigEndian(buffer, data_ptr, typeSize);
*writtenBytes = typeSize;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
Type PoolRawAccess::getType() {
return type;
size_t PoolRawAccess::getSizeOfType() {
return typeSize;
size_t PoolRawAccess::getArraySize() {
return arraySize;
uint32_t PoolRawAccess::getDataPoolId() const {
return dataPoolId;
PoolVariableIF::ReadWriteMode_t PoolRawAccess::getReadWriteMode() const {
return readWriteMode;
ReturnValue_t PoolRawAccess::setEntryFromBigEndian(const uint8_t *buffer,
size_t setSize) {
if (typeSize == setSize) {
EndianConverter::convertBigEndian(value, buffer, typeSize);
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
} else {
<< "PoolRawAccess::setEntryFromBigEndian: Illegal sizes: Internal"
<< (uint32_t) typeSize << ", Requested: " << setSize
<< std::endl;
bool PoolRawAccess::isValid() const {
if (valid != INVALID)
return true;
return false;
void PoolRawAccess::setValid(uint8_t valid) {
this->valid = valid;
size_t PoolRawAccess::getSizeTillEnd() const {
return sizeTillEnd;
ReturnValue_t PoolRawAccess::serialize(uint8_t **buffer, size_t *size,
size_t maxSize, Endianness streamEndianness) const {
if (typeSize + *size <= maxSize) {
switch (streamEndianness) {
case (Endianness::BIG):
EndianConverter::convertBigEndian(*buffer, value, typeSize);
case (Endianness::LITTLE):
EndianConverter::convertLittleEndian(*buffer, value, typeSize);
case (Endianness::MACHINE):
memcpy(*buffer, value, typeSize);
*size += typeSize;
(*buffer) += typeSize;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
} else {
return SerializeIF::BUFFER_TOO_SHORT;
size_t PoolRawAccess::getSerializedSize() const {
return typeSize;
ReturnValue_t PoolRawAccess::deSerialize(const uint8_t **buffer, size_t *size,
Endianness streamEndianness) {
if (*size >= typeSize) {
switch (streamEndianness) {
case (Endianness::BIG):
EndianConverter::convertBigEndian(value, *buffer, typeSize);
case (Endianness::LITTLE):
EndianConverter::convertLittleEndian(value, *buffer, typeSize);
case (Endianness::MACHINE):
memcpy(value, *buffer, typeSize);
*size -= typeSize;
*buffer += typeSize;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
} else {
return SerializeIF::STREAM_TOO_SHORT;

View File

@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
#include "DataSetIF.h"
#include "PoolVariableIF.h"
* This class allows accessing Data Pool variables as raw bytes.
* This is necessary to have an access method for HK data, as the PID's alone do not
* provide a type information.
* \ingroup data_pool
class PoolRawAccess: public PoolVariableIF {
* \brief To access the correct data pool entry on read and commit calls, the data pool id
* is stored.
uint32_t dataPoolId;
* \brief The array entry that is fetched from the data pool.