added new messages

This commit is contained in:
Robin Müller 2020-10-14 00:50:24 +02:00
parent 9917f7126d
commit 72ca2bfa43
7 changed files with 224 additions and 60 deletions

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#include "locPoolDefinitions.h"
#include "../datapool/PoolEntryIF.h"
#include "../ipc/MessageQueueSenderIF.h"
#include "../housekeeping/HousekeepingMessage.h"
@ -10,10 +12,6 @@
class LocalDataPoolManager;
class LocalPoolDataSetBase;
* @brief Type definition for local pool entries.
using lp_id_t = uint32_t;
using LocalDataPool = std::map<lp_id_t, PoolEntryIF*>;
using LocalDataPoolMapIter = LocalDataPool::iterator;
@ -78,6 +76,28 @@ public:
virtual LocalPoolDataSetBase* getDataSetHandle(sid_t sid) = 0;
* @brief This function will be called by the manager if an update
* notification is received.
* @details
* Can be overriden by the child class to handle changed datasets.
* @param sid
virtual void handleChangedDatasetOrVariable(sid_t sid) {
* @brief This function will be called by the manager if an update
* notification is received.
* @details
* Can be overriden by the child class to handle changed pool IDs.
* @param sid
virtual void handleChangedPoolVariable(lp_id_t poolId) {
/* These function can be implemented by pool owner, as they are required
* by the housekeeping message interface */
virtual ReturnValue_t addDataSet(sid_t sid) {

@ -91,7 +91,8 @@ public:
ReturnValue_t initializeAfterTaskCreation(uint8_t nonDiagInvlFactor = 5);
* This should be called in the periodic handler of the owner.
* @brief This should be called in the periodic handler of the owner.
* @details
* It performs all the periodic functionalities of the data pool manager,
* for example generating periodic HK packets.
* @return
@ -99,12 +100,47 @@ public:
ReturnValue_t performHkOperation();
* @brief Subscribe for the generation of periodic packets.
* @details
* This will most commonly be used to generate housekeeping packets
* which are downlinked directly.
* @return
ReturnValue_t subscribeForPeriodicPacket(sid_t sid, bool enableReporting,
float collectionInterval, bool isDiagnostics,
object_id_t packetDestination = defaultHkDestination);
* @brief Subscribe for the generation of packets if the dataset
* is marked as changed.
* @param sid
* @param isDiagnostics
* @param packetDestination
* @return
ReturnValue_t subscribeForUpdatePackets(sid_t sid, bool isDiagnostics,
object_id_t packetDestination = defaultHkDestination);
* @brief Subscribe for a notification message which will be sent
* if a dataset has changed.
* @param sid
* @param targetQueueId
* @return
ReturnValue_t subscribeForUpdateMessages(sid_t sid,
MessageQueueId_t targetQueueId);
* @brief Subscribe for an notification message which will be sent if a
* pool variable has changed.
* @param sid
* @param targetQueueId
* @return
ReturnValue_t subscribeForUpdateMessages(lp_id_t localPoolId,
MessageQueueId_t targetQueueId);
* Non-Diagnostics packets usually have a lower minimum sampling frequency
* than diagnostic packets.
@ -116,6 +152,19 @@ public:
void setNonDiagnosticIntervalFactor(uint8_t nonDiagInvlFactor);
* @brief The manager is also able to handle housekeeping messages.
* @details
* This most commonly is used to handle messages for the housekeeping
* interface, but the manager is also able to handle update notifications
* and calls a special function which can be overriden by a child class
* to handle data set or pool variable updates. This is relevant
* for classes like controllers which have their own local datapool
* but pull their data from other local datapools.
* @param message
* @return
ReturnValue_t handleHousekeepingMessage(CommandMessage* message);
* Generate a housekeeping packet with a given SID.
@ -126,16 +175,6 @@ public:
LocalPoolDataSetBase* dataSet, bool forDownlink,
MessageQueueId_t destination = MessageQueueIF::NO_QUEUE);
ReturnValue_t handleHousekeepingMessage(CommandMessage* message);
* This function is used to fill the local data pool map with pool
* entries. It should only be called once by the pool owner.
* @param localDataPoolMap
* @return
ReturnValue_t initializeHousekeepingPoolEntriesOnce();
HasLocalDataPoolIF* getOwner();
ReturnValue_t printPoolEntry(lp_id_t localPoolId);
@ -255,6 +294,14 @@ private:
template <class T> ReturnValue_t fetchPoolEntry(lp_id_t localPoolId,
PoolEntry<T> **poolEntry);
* This function is used to fill the local data pool map with pool
* entries. It should only be called once by the pool owner.
* @param localDataPoolMap
* @return
ReturnValue_t initializeHousekeepingPoolEntriesOnce();
ReturnValue_t serializeHkPacketIntoStore(
HousekeepingPacketDownlink& hkPacket,
store_address_t& storeId, bool forDownlink, size_t* serializedSize);

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
#include <cstdint>
#include "../objectmanager/SystemObjectIF.h"
#include "../objectmanager/frameworkObjects.h"
* @brief Type definition for local pool entries.
using lp_id_t = uint32_t;
union sid_t {
static constexpr uint64_t INVALID_SID = -1;
static constexpr uint32_t INVALID_SET_ID = -1;
static constexpr uint32_t INVALID_OBJECT_ID = objects::NO_OBJECT;
sid_t(): raw(INVALID_SID) {}
sid_t(object_id_t objectId, uint32_t setId):
ownerSetId(setId) {}
struct {
object_id_t objectId ;
* A generic 32 bit ID to identify unique HK packets for a single
* object. For example, the DeviceCommandId_t is used for
* DeviceHandlers
uint32_t ownerSetId;
* Alternative access to the raw value. This is also the size of the type.
uint64_t raw;
bool notSet() const {
return raw == INVALID_SID;
bool operator==(const sid_t& other) const {
return raw == other.raw;
bool operator!=(const sid_t& other) const {
return not (raw == other.raw);

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#include "../ipc/MessageQueueMessageIF.h"
class AcceptsHkPacketsIF {

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#include <fsfw/objectmanager/ObjectManagerIF.h>
#include "HousekeepingMessage.h"
#include "../objectmanager/ObjectManagerIF.h"
#include <cstring>
HousekeepingMessage::~HousekeepingMessage() {}
@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ void HousekeepingMessage::clear(CommandMessage* message) {
store_address_t storeId;
getHkDataReply(message, &storeId);
StorageManagerIF *ipcStore = objectManager->get<StorageManagerIF>(
@ -160,3 +161,55 @@ void HousekeepingMessage::clear(CommandMessage* message) {
void HousekeepingMessage::setUpdateNotificationSetCommand(
CommandMessage *command, sid_t sid) {
setSid(command, sid);
void HousekeepingMessage::setUpdateNotificationVariableCommand(
CommandMessage *command, lp_id_t localPoolId) {
void HousekeepingMessage::setUpdateSnapshotSetCommand(CommandMessage *command,
sid_t sid, store_address_t storeId) {
setSid(command, sid);
void HousekeepingMessage::setUpdateSnapshotVariableCommand(
CommandMessage *command, lp_id_t localPoolId, store_address_t storeId) {
sid_t HousekeepingMessage::getUpdateNotificationSetCommand(
const CommandMessage *command) {
return getSid(command);
lp_id_t HousekeepingMessage::getUpdateNotificationVariableCommand(
const CommandMessage *command) {
return command->getParameter();
sid_t HousekeepingMessage::getUpdateSnapshotSetCommand(
const CommandMessage *command, store_address_t *storeId) {
if(storeId != nullptr) {
*storeId = command->getParameter3();
return getSid(command);
lp_id_t HousekeepingMessage::getUpdateSnapshotVariableCommand(
const CommandMessage *command, store_address_t *storeId) {
if(storeId != nullptr) {
*storeId = command->getParameter3();
return command->getParameter();

@ -1,49 +1,12 @@
#include "../datapoollocal/locPoolDefinitions.h"
#include "../ipc/CommandMessage.h"
#include "../ipc/FwMessageTypes.h"
#include "../objectmanager/frameworkObjects.h"
#include "../objectmanager/SystemObjectIF.h"
#include "../storagemanager/StorageManagerIF.h"
union sid_t {
static constexpr uint64_t INVALID_SID = -1;
static constexpr uint32_t INVALID_SET_ID = -1;
static constexpr uint32_t INVALID_OBJECT_ID = objects::NO_OBJECT;
sid_t(): raw(INVALID_SID) {}
sid_t(object_id_t objectId, uint32_t setId):
ownerSetId(setId) {}
struct {
object_id_t objectId ;
* A generic 32 bit ID to identify unique HK packets for a single
* object. For example, the DeviceCommandId_t is used for
* DeviceHandlers
uint32_t ownerSetId;
* Alternative access to the raw value. This is also the size of the type.
uint64_t raw;
bool notSet() const {
return raw == INVALID_SID;
bool operator==(const sid_t& other) const {
return raw == other.raw;
bool operator!=(const sid_t& other) const {
return not (raw == other.raw);
* @brief Special command message type for housekeeping messages
@ -101,14 +64,20 @@ public:
static constexpr Command_t HK_REQUEST_FAILURE =
static constexpr Command_t UPDATE_NOTIFICATION = MAKE_COMMAND_ID(130);
static constexpr Command_t UPDATE_SNAPSHOT = MAKE_COMMAND_ID(131);
static constexpr Command_t UPDATE_NOTIFICATION_SET =
static constexpr Command_t UPDATE_NOTIFICATION_VARIABLE =
static constexpr Command_t UPDATE_HK_REPORT = MAKE_COMMAND_ID(132);
static constexpr Command_t UPDATE_SNAPSHOT_SET = MAKE_COMMAND_ID(132);
static constexpr Command_t UPDATE_SNAPSHOT_VARIABLE = MAKE_COMMAND_ID(133);
//static constexpr Command_t UPDATE_HK_REPORT = MAKE_COMMAND_ID(134);
static sid_t getSid(const CommandMessage* message);
/** Setter functions */
/* Housekeeping Interface Messages */
static void setToggleReportingCommand(CommandMessage* command, sid_t sid,
bool enableReporting, bool isDiagnostics);
static void setStructureReportingCommand(CommandMessage* command, sid_t sid,
@ -148,6 +117,28 @@ public:
static sid_t getCollectionIntervalModificationCommand(
const CommandMessage* command, float* newCollectionInterval);
/* Update Notification Messages */
static void setUpdateNotificationSetCommand(CommandMessage* command,
sid_t sid);
static void setUpdateNotificationVariableCommand(CommandMessage* command,
lp_id_t localPoolId);
static void setUpdateSnapshotSetCommand(CommandMessage* command, sid_t sid,
store_address_t storeId);
static void setUpdateSnapshotVariableCommand(CommandMessage* command,
lp_id_t localPoolId, store_address_t storeId);
sid_t getUpdateNotificationSetCommand(const CommandMessage* command);
lp_id_t getUpdateNotificationVariableCommand(const CommandMessage* command);
sid_t getUpdateSnapshotSetCommand(const CommandMessage* command,
store_address_t* storeId);
lp_id_t getUpdateSnapshotVariableCommand(const CommandMessage* command,
store_address_t* storeId);
/** Utility */
static void clear(CommandMessage* message);
static void setSid(CommandMessage* message, sid_t sid);

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#include "../datapoollocal/LocalPoolDataSetBase.h"
#include "PeriodicHousekeepingHelper.h"
#include "../datapoollocal/LocalPoolDataSetBase.h"
#include <cmath>