9100;0x238c;TC_DELETION_FAILED;MEDIUM;Deletion of a TC from the map failed. P1: First 32 bit of request ID, P2. Last 32 bit of Request ID;fsfw/src/fsfw/pus/Service11TelecommandScheduling.h
11200;0x2bc0;SAFE_RATE_VIOLATION;MEDIUM;The limits for the rotation in safe mode were violated.;mission/acsDefs.h
11201;0x2bc1;SAFE_RATE_RECOVERY;MEDIUM;The system has recovered from a safe rate rotation violation.;mission/acsDefs.h
11202;0x2bc2;MULTIPLE_RW_INVALID;HIGH;Multiple RWs are invalid, uncommandable and therefore higher ACS modes cannot be maintained.;mission/acsDefs.h
11203;0x2bc3;MEKF_INVALID_INFO;INFO;MEKF was not able to compute a solution. P1: MEKF state on exit;mission/acsDefs.h
11204;0x2bc4;MEKF_AUTOMATIC_RECOVERY;INFO;MEKF performed an automatic recovery after detection of nonfinite values.;mission/acsDefs.h
11205;0x2bc5;MEKF_INVALID_MODE_VIOLATION;HIGH;MEKF was not able to compute a solution during any pointing ACS mode for a prolonged time.;mission/acsDefs.h
11206;0x2bc6;SAFE_MODE_CONTROLLER_FAILURE;HIGH;The ACS safe mode controller was not able to compute a solution and has failed. P1: Missing information about magnetic field, P2: Missing information about rotational rate;mission/acsDefs.h
11300;0x2c24;SWITCH_CMD_SENT;INFO;Indicates that a FSFW object requested setting a switch P1: 1 if on was requested, 0 for off | P2: Switch Index;mission/devices/devicedefinitions/powerDefinitions.h
11301;0x2c25;SWITCH_HAS_CHANGED;INFO;Indicated that a switch state has changed P1: New switch state, 1 for on, 0 for off | P2: Switch Index;mission/devices/devicedefinitions/powerDefinitions.h
11601;0x2d51;MEMORY_READ_RPT_CRC_FAILURE;LOW;PLOC crc failure in telemetry packet;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHandler.h
11602;0x2d52;ACK_FAILURE;LOW;PLOC receive acknowledgment failure report P1: Command Id which leads the acknowledgment failure report P2: The status field inserted by the MPSoC into the data field;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHandler.h
11603;0x2d53;EXE_FAILURE;LOW;PLOC receive execution failure report P1: Command Id which leads the execution failure report P2: The status field inserted by the MPSoC into the data field;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHandler.h
11604;0x2d54;MPSOC_HANDLER_CRC_FAILURE;LOW;PLOC reply has invalid crc;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHandler.h
11605;0x2d55;MPSOC_HANDLER_SEQUENCE_COUNT_MISMATCH;LOW;Packet sequence count in received space packet does not match expected count P1: Expected sequence count P2: Received sequence count;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHandler.h
11606;0x2d56;MPSOC_SHUTDOWN_FAILED;HIGH;Supervisor fails to shutdown MPSoC. Requires to power off the PLOC and thus also to shutdown the supervisor.;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHandler.h
11701;0x2db5;SELF_TEST_I2C_FAILURE;LOW;Get self test result returns I2C failure P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA;mission/devices/ImtqHandler.h
11702;0x2db6;SELF_TEST_SPI_FAILURE;LOW;Get self test result returns SPI failure. This concerns the MTM connectivity. P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA;mission/devices/ImtqHandler.h
11703;0x2db7;SELF_TEST_ADC_FAILURE;LOW;Get self test result returns failure in measurement of current and temperature. P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA;mission/devices/ImtqHandler.h
11704;0x2db8;SELF_TEST_PWM_FAILURE;LOW;Get self test result returns PWM failure which concerns the coil actuation. P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA;mission/devices/ImtqHandler.h
11705;0x2db9;SELF_TEST_TC_FAILURE;LOW;Get self test result returns TC failure (system failure) P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA;mission/devices/ImtqHandler.h
11706;0x2dba;SELF_TEST_MTM_RANGE_FAILURE;LOW;Get self test result returns failure that MTM values were outside of the expected range. P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA;mission/devices/ImtqHandler.h
11707;0x2dbb;SELF_TEST_COIL_CURRENT_FAILURE;LOW;Get self test result returns failure indicating that the coil current was outside of the expected range P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA;mission/devices/ImtqHandler.h
11708;0x2dbc;INVALID_ERROR_BYTE;LOW;Received invalid error byte. This indicates an error of the communication link between IMTQ and OBC.;mission/devices/ImtqHandler.h
12004;0x2ee4;SUPV_ACK_FAILURE;LOW;PLOC supervisor received acknowledgment failure report;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h
12005;0x2ee5;SUPV_EXE_FAILURE;LOW;PLOC received execution failure report P1: ID of command for which the execution failed P2: Status code sent by the supervisor handler;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h
12006;0x2ee6;SUPV_CRC_FAILURE_EVENT;LOW;PLOC supervisor reply has invalid crc;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h
12007;0x2ee7;SUPV_HELPER_EXECUTING;LOW;Supervisor helper currently executing a command;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h
12008;0x2ee8;SUPV_MPSOC_SHUTDOWN_BUILD_FAILED;LOW;Failed to build the command to shutdown the MPSoC;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupervisorHandler.h
12300;0x300c;SEND_MRAM_DUMP_FAILED;LOW;Failed to send mram dump command to supervisor handler P1: Return value of commandAction function P2: Start address of MRAM to dump with this command;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMemoryDumper.h
12301;0x300d;MRAM_DUMP_FAILED;LOW;Received completion failure report form PLOC supervisor handler P1: MRAM start address of failing dump command;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMemoryDumper.h
12509;0x30dd;STR_HELPER_READING_REPLY_FAILED;LOW;Failed to read communication interface reply data P1: Return code of failed communication interface read call P1: Upload/download position for which the read call failed;linux/devices/startracker/StrComHandler.h
12510;0x30de;STR_HELPER_COM_ERROR;LOW;Unexpected stop of decoding sequence P1: Return code of failed communication interface read call P1: Upload/download position for which the read call failed;linux/devices/startracker/StrComHandler.h
12511;0x30df;STR_COM_REPLY_TIMEOUT;LOW;Star tracker did not send a valid reply for a certain timeout. P1: Position of upload or download packet for which the packet wa sent. P2: Timeout;linux/devices/startracker/StrComHandler.h
12513;0x30e1;STR_HELPER_DEC_ERROR;LOW;Error during decoding of received reply occurred P1: Return value of decoding function P2: Position of upload/download packet, or address of flash write/read request;linux/devices/startracker/StrComHandler.h
12514;0x30e2;POSITION_MISMATCH;LOW;Position mismatch P1: The expected position and thus the position for which the image upload/download failed;linux/devices/startracker/StrComHandler.h
12515;0x30e3;STR_HELPER_FILE_NOT_EXISTS;LOW;Specified file does not exist P1: Internal state of str helper;linux/devices/startracker/StrComHandler.h
12603;0x313b;MPSOC_HELPER_REQUESTING_REPLY_FAILED;LOW;Request receive message of communication interface failed P1: Return value returned by the communication interface requestReceiveMessage function P2: Internal state of MPSoC helper;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12604;0x313c;MPSOC_HELPER_READING_REPLY_FAILED;LOW;Reading receive message of communication interface failed P1: Return value returned by the communication interface readingReceivedMessage function P2: Internal state of MPSoC helper;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12605;0x313d;MPSOC_MISSING_ACK;LOW;Did not receive acknowledgment report P1: Number of bytes missing P2: Internal state of MPSoC helper;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12606;0x313e;MPSOC_MISSING_EXE;LOW;Did not receive execution report P1: Number of bytes missing P2: Internal state of MPSoC helper;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12607;0x313f;MPSOC_ACK_FAILURE_REPORT;LOW;Received acknowledgment failure report P1: Internal state of MPSoC;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12608;0x3140;MPSOC_EXE_FAILURE_REPORT;LOW;Received execution failure report P1: Internal state of MPSoC;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12609;0x3141;MPSOC_ACK_INVALID_APID;LOW;Expected acknowledgment report but received space packet with other apid P1: Apid of received space packet P2: Internal state of MPSoC;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12610;0x3142;MPSOC_EXE_INVALID_APID;LOW;Expected execution report but received space packet with other apid P1: Apid of received space packet P2: Internal state of MPSoC;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12611;0x3143;MPSOC_HELPER_SEQ_CNT_MISMATCH;LOW;Received sequence count does not match expected sequence count P1: Expected sequence count P2: Received sequence count;linux/devices/ploc/PlocMPSoCHelper.h
12803;0x3203;SIDE_SWITCH_TRANSITION_NOT_ALLOWED;LOW;Not implemented, would increase already high complexity. Operator should instead command the assembly off first and then command the assembly on into the desired mode/submode combination;mission/system/objects/AcsBoardAssembly.h
12903;0x3267;SIDE_SWITCH_TRANSITION_NOT_ALLOWED;LOW;Not implemented, would increase already high complexity. Operator should instead command the assembly off first and then command the assembly on into the desired mode/submode combination;mission/system/objects/SusAssembly.h
13100;0x332c;GPS_FIX_CHANGE;INFO;Fix has changed. P1: Old fix. P2: New fix 0: Not seen, 1: No Fix, 2: 2D-Fix, 3: 3D-Fix;mission/devices/devicedefinitions/GPSDefinitions.h
13101;0x332d;CANT_GET_FIX;LOW;Could not get fix in maximum allowed time. P1: Maximum allowed time to get a fix after the GPS was switched on.;mission/devices/devicedefinitions/GPSDefinitions.h
13200;0x3390;P60_BOOT_COUNT;INFO;P60 boot count is broadcasted once at SW startup. P1: Boot count;mission/devices/P60DockHandler.h
13201;0x3391;BATT_MODE;INFO;Battery mode is broadcasted at startup. P1: Mode;mission/devices/P60DockHandler.h
13202;0x3392;BATT_MODE_CHANGED;MEDIUM;Battery mode has changed. P1: Old mode. P2: New mode;mission/devices/P60DockHandler.h
13607;0x3527;SUPV_EVENT_BUFFER_REQUEST_TERMINATED;LOW;Terminated event buffer request by command P1: Number of packets read before process was terminated;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvUartMan.h
13617;0x3531;SUPV_HELPER_REQUESTING_REPLY_FAILED;LOW;Request receive message of communication interface failed P1: Return value returned by the communication interface requestReceiveMessage function P2: Internal state of supervisor helper;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvUartMan.h
13618;0x3532;SUPV_HELPER_READING_REPLY_FAILED;LOW;Reading receive message of communication interface failed P1: Return value returned by the communication interface readingReceivedMessage function P2: Internal state of supervisor helper;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvUartMan.h
13619;0x3533;SUPV_MISSING_ACK;LOW;Did not receive acknowledgement report P1: Number of bytes missing P2: Internal state of MPSoC helper;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvUartMan.h
13620;0x3534;SUPV_MISSING_EXE;LOW;Supervisor did not receive execution report P1: Number of bytes missing P2: Internal state of supervisor helper;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvUartMan.h
13621;0x3535;SUPV_ACK_FAILURE_REPORT;LOW;Supervisor received acknowledgment failure report P1: Internal state of supervisor helper;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvUartMan.h
13623;0x3537;SUPV_ACK_INVALID_APID;LOW;Supervisor expected acknowledgment report but received space packet with other apid P1: Apid of received space packet P2: Internal state of supervisor helper;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvUartMan.h
13624;0x3538;SUPV_EXE_INVALID_APID;LOW;Supervisor helper expected execution report but received space packet with other apid P1: Apid of received space packet P2: Internal state of supervisor helper;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvUartMan.h
13625;0x3539;ACK_RECEPTION_FAILURE;LOW;Failed to receive acknowledgment report P1: Return value P2: Apid of command for which the reception of the acknowledgment report failed;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvUartMan.h
13626;0x353a;EXE_RECEPTION_FAILURE;LOW;Failed to receive execution report P1: Return value P2: Apid of command for which the reception of the execution report failed;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvUartMan.h
13627;0x353b;WRITE_MEMORY_FAILED;LOW;Update procedure failed when sending packet. P1: First byte percent, third and fourth byte Sequence Count, P2: Bytes written;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvUartMan.h
13630;0x353e;SUPV_UPDATE_PROGRESS;INFO;Will be triggered every 5 percent of the update progress. P1: First byte percent, third and fourth byte Sequence Count, P2: Bytes written;linux/devices/ploc/PlocSupvUartMan.h
14002;0x36b2;REBOOT_MECHANISM_TRIGGERED;MEDIUM;The reboot mechanism was triggered. P1: First 16 bits: Last Chip, Last 16 bits: Last Copy, P2: Each byte is the respective reboot count for the slots;bsp_q7s/core/CoreController.h
14004;0x36b4;NO_SD_CARD_ACTIVE;HIGH;No SD card was active. Core controller will attempt to re-initialize a SD card.;bsp_q7s/core/CoreController.h
14005;0x36b5;VERSION_INFO;INFO;P1: Byte 0: Major, Byte 1: Minor, Byte 2: Patch, Byte 3: Has Git Hash P2: First four letters of Git SHA is the last byte of P1 is set.;bsp_q7s/core/CoreController.h
14006;0x36b6;CURRENT_IMAGE_INFO;INFO;P1: Current Chip, P2: Current Copy;bsp_q7s/core/CoreController.h
14007;0x36b7;REBOOT_COUNTER;INFO;Total reboot counter, which is the sum of the boot count of all individual images.;bsp_q7s/core/CoreController.h
14008;0x36b8;INDIVIDUAL_BOOT_COUNTS;INFO;Get the boot count of the individual images. P1: First 16 bits boot count of image 0 0, last 16 bits boot count of image 0 1. P2: First 16 bits boot count of image 1 0, last 16 bits boot count of image 1 1.;bsp_q7s/core/CoreController.h
14201;0x3779;TX_TIMER_EXPIRED;INFO;The transmit timer to protect the Syrlinks expired P1: The current timer value;mission/system/objects/ComSubsystem.h
14202;0x377a;BIT_LOCK_TX_ON;INFO;Transmitter will be turned on due to detection of bitlock;mission/system/objects/ComSubsystem.h
14300;0x37dc;POSSIBLE_FILE_CORRUPTION;LOW;P1: Result code of TM packet parser. P2: Timestamp of possibly corrupt file as a unix timestamp.;mission/persistentTmStoreDefs.h
14301;0x37dd;FILE_TOO_LARGE;LOW;File in store too large. P1: Detected file size P2: Allowed file size;mission/persistentTmStoreDefs.h