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#ifndef GS_PARAM_PP_PP_H
#define GS_PARAM_PP_PP_H
/* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 GomSpace A/S. All rights reserved. */
Param Protocol (PP) API - generic interface for getting/setting parameters over SPI, I2C, etc.
#include <gs/util/error.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
Flags used in gs_pp_xxx() functions.
Use checksum in transfer.
@see gs_pp_checksum8()
#define GS_PP_FLAG_CHECKSUM 0x0001
Handle for a protocol connection.
typedef struct gs_pp gs_pp_t;
Callback for getting a parameter.
typedef gs_error_t (*gs_pp_get_t)(gs_pp_t * pp, uint8_t table_id, uint16_t addr, void * value, size_t value_size, uint32_t flags);
Callback for setting a parameter.
typedef gs_error_t (*gs_pp_set_t)(gs_pp_t * pp, uint8_t table_id, uint16_t addr, const void * value, size_t value_size, uint32_t flags);
Callback for setting table lock.
typedef gs_error_t (*gs_pp_get_table_lock_t)(gs_pp_t * pp, uint8_t table_id, bool * value, uint32_t flags);
Callback for setting table lock.
typedef gs_error_t (*gs_pp_set_table_lock_t)(gs_pp_t * pp, uint8_t table_id, const bool * value, uint32_t flags);
Handle for a protocol connection.
struct gs_pp {
Endian type of slave.
bool big_endian;
Callback function for \a get.
gs_pp_get_t get;
Callback function for \a set.
gs_pp_set_t set;
Callback function for \a get_table_lock.
gs_pp_get_table_lock_t get_table_lock;
Callback function for \a set_table_lock.
gs_pp_set_table_lock_t set_table_lock;
Protocol specifics.
union {
SPI connection.
struct {
SPI slave id.
uint8_t slave;
} spi;
I2C connection.
struct {
I2C bus.
uint8_t bus;
I2C address.
uint8_t addr;
} i2c;
} pp;
Calculate very simple 8 bit checksum.
The checksum is calculated by adding all bytes. If the checksum is 0 (zero), the checksum is set to 1 (one).
@param[in] data data to calculate checksum for.
@param[in] length data length.
@return checksum
uint8_t gs_pp_checksum8(const void * data, size_t length);
Get lock value
@param[in] pp Handle for connection
@param[in] table_id Table ID
@param[out] value Lock state (0 = unlocked, 1 = locked)
@param[in] flags
gs_error_t gs_pp_get_table_lock(gs_pp_t * pp, uint8_t table_id, bool * value, uint32_t flags);
Set lock value
@param[in] pp Handle for connection
@param[in] table_id Table ID
@param[in] value Lock state (0 = unlocked, 1 = locked)
@param[in] flags
gs_error_t gs_pp_set_table_lock(gs_pp_t * pp, uint8_t table_id, const bool * value, uint32_t flags);
Get int8.
gs_error_t gs_pp_get_int8(gs_pp_t * pp, uint8_t table_id, uint8_t addr, int8_t * value, size_t count, uint32_t flags);
Set int8.
gs_error_t gs_pp_set_int8(gs_pp_t * pp, uint8_t table_id, uint8_t addr, const int8_t * value, size_t count, uint32_t flags);
Get uint8.
gs_error_t gs_pp_get_uint8(gs_pp_t * pp, uint8_t table_id, uint8_t addr, uint8_t * value, size_t count, uint32_t flags);
Set uint8.
gs_error_t gs_pp_set_uint8(gs_pp_t * pp, uint8_t table_id, uint8_t addr, const uint8_t * value, size_t count, uint32_t flags);
Get int16.
gs_error_t gs_pp_get_int16(gs_pp_t * pp, uint8_t table_id, uint8_t addr, int16_t * value, size_t count, uint32_t flags);
Set int16.
gs_error_t gs_pp_set_int16(gs_pp_t * pp, uint8_t table_id, uint8_t addr, const int16_t * value, size_t count, uint32_t flags);
Get uint16.
gs_error_t gs_pp_get_uint16(gs_pp_t * pp, uint8_t table_id, uint8_t addr, uint16_t * value, size_t count, uint32_t flags);
Set uint16.
gs_error_t gs_pp_set_uint16(gs_pp_t * pp, uint8_t table_id, uint8_t addr, const uint16_t * value, size_t count, uint32_t flags);
Get int32.
gs_error_t gs_pp_get_int32(gs_pp_t * pp, uint8_t table_id, uint8_t addr, int32_t * value, size_t count, uint32_t flags);
Set int32.
gs_error_t gs_pp_set_int32(gs_pp_t * pp, uint8_t table_id, uint8_t addr, const int32_t * value, size_t count, uint32_t flags);
Get uint32.
gs_error_t gs_pp_get_uint32(gs_pp_t * pp, uint8_t table_id, uint8_t addr, uint32_t * value, size_t count, uint32_t flags);
Set uint32.
gs_error_t gs_pp_set_uint32(gs_pp_t * pp, uint8_t table_id, uint8_t addr, const uint32_t * value, size_t count, uint32_t flags);
Get float.
gs_error_t gs_pp_get_float(gs_pp_t * pp, uint8_t table_id, uint8_t addr, float * value, size_t count, uint32_t flags);
Set float.
gs_error_t gs_pp_set_float(gs_pp_t * pp, uint8_t table_id, uint8_t addr, const float * value, size_t count, uint32_t flags);
Register commands.
gs_error_t gs_pp_register_commands(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus