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2020-11-26 10:24:23 +01:00
/* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 GomSpace A/S. All rights reserved. */
Thread/task API based on POSIX standard.
The thread API wraps POSIX \a pthread and FreeRTOS \a task.
#include <gs/util/error.h>
#if __linux__
#include <pthread.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#if __linux__
Thread handle.
typedef pthread_t gs_thread_t;
typedef struct gs_freertos_task_t * gs_thread_t;
Type used to declare thread stack buffer for gs_thread_create_with_stack.
typedef uint32_t gs_stack_type_t;
Thread priorities.
These values are mapped to platform specific values.
typedef enum {
Idle (lowest) priority.
Typical use: Not much - runs when nothing else runs.
FreeRTOS: Idle thread.
Low priority.
Typical use: Service applications, e.g. servicing requests from the outside.
GOMspace: housekeeping, GOSH.
Normal priority.
Typical use: Control - the primary application(s).
High priority.
Typical use: Drivers off loading data from hardware to software buffers.
GOMspace: csp_route_task.
High priority.
Typical use: Very time critical threads. No long, time consuming processing.
FreeRTOS: Timer thread.
} gs_thread_priority_t;
Thread function.
typedef void * (*gs_thread_func_t)(void * parameter);
Create thread as joinable.
@note only supported on linux. The thread must be joined to free all resources.
Create thread (or task on some platforms).
pthread/Posix supports exit value and join, FreeRTOS supports neither (perhaps in the future), so API is designed after Posix.
FreeRTOS: a thread must always terminate with a call to gs_thread_exit().
linux: a thread is by default created detached, unless #GS_THREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE is specified.
@param[in] name name of thread. Ignored on Linux.
@param[in] func function for thread to execute.
@param[in] parameter parameter parsed to the thread function.
@param[in] stack_size number of bytes to allocate for stack - not used/supported on all platforms. Ignored on Linux.
@param[in] priority thread priority. Ignored on Linux.
@param[in] flags flags to control creation, see #GS_THREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE.
@param[out] handle handle to the created thread, use NULL if not wanted.
gs_error_t gs_thread_create(const char * const name,
gs_thread_func_t func,
void * parameter,
size_t stack_size,
gs_thread_priority_t priority,
uint32_t flags,
gs_thread_t * handle);
Create thread (or task on some platforms) with user supplied buffer for stack.
pthread/Posix supports exit value and join, FreeRTOS supports neither (perhaps in the future), so API is designed after Posix.
FreeRTOS: a thread must always terminate with a call to gs_thread_exit().
FreeRTOS v9.0 must be compiled with configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCTION set to 1 - otherwise warning log is printed and user supplied
stack buffer is discarded
linux: a thread is by default created detached, unless #GS_THREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE is specified.
stack_buf is ignored.
@param[in] name name of thread. Ignored on Linux.
@param[in] func function for thread to execute.
@param[in] parameter parameter parsed to the thread function.
@param[in] stack_size size of the user supplied stack buffer - not used/supported on all platforms. Ignored on Linux.
@param[in] stack_buf User supplied stack buffer - not used/supported on all platforms. Ignored on Linux.
@param[in] priority thread priority. Ignored on Linux.
@param[in] flags flags to control creation, see #GS_THREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE.
@param[out] handle handle to the created thread, use NULL if not wanted.
gs_error_t gs_thread_create_with_stack(const char * const name,
gs_thread_func_t func,
void * parameter,
size_t stack_size,
gs_stack_type_t *stack_buf,
gs_thread_priority_t priority,
uint32_t flags,
gs_thread_t * handle);
Exit current thread.
@param[in] exit_value exit value.
void gs_thread_exit(void * exit_value) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
Sleep for X milli-seconds.
@note FreeRTOS: minimum sleep time depends on ticks per milli-second. A thread is suspended minimum 1 tick - unless \a time_ms is 0, in which case yield is called.
@deprecated use gs_time_sleep_ms()
@param[in] time_ms milli-seconds to sleep.
void gs_thread_sleep_ms(uint32_t time_ms);
Join with a terminated thread.
@note Only supported on Linux and primarily used for testing.
@note This is not based on pthread_cancel(), so the user must have signaled the thread to stop - otherwise this will hang forever.
@param[in] thread handle.
@param[out] return_retval return value from thread, use NULL if not wanted.
gs_error_t gs_thread_join(gs_thread_t thread, void ** return_retval);
Block thread forever.
Primarily used in Linux applications main() to block main thread.
void gs_thread_block(void) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
#ifdef __cplusplus