Merge branch 'master' into mueller/master

This commit is contained in:
Robin Müller 2020-11-20 17:26:15 +01:00 committed by Robin Mueller
commit ba0f874a38
5 changed files with 200 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -70,8 +70,20 @@ CLEANBIN2 = $(BUILDPATH)/$(OUTPUT_FOLDER)/devel
# Tool suffix when cross-compiling
CROSS_COMPILE = arm-linux-gnueabihf-
# C Compiler
CC = $(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc.exe
# C++ compiler
# Additional Tools
CP = $(CROSS_COMPILE)objcopy.exe
# C Compiler
@ -82,6 +94,7 @@ CXX = $(CROSS_COMPILE)g++
CP = $(CROSS_COMPILE)objcopy
HEXCOPY = $(CP) -O ihex
BINCOPY = $(CP) -O binary
@ -250,6 +263,7 @@ hardclean:
# Only clean files for current build
@echo $(DEPFILES)
-rm -rf $(CLEANOBJ)
-rm -rf $(CLEANBIN)
-rm -rf $(CLEANDEP)
@ -322,6 +336,7 @@ endif
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.cpp
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.cpp $(DEPENDDIR)/%.d | $(DEPENDDIR)
@echo $(I_INCLUDES)
@echo $(MSG_COMPILING) $<
@mkdir -p $(@D)
@ -343,6 +358,7 @@ else
@$(CC) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
# Dependency Handling
@ -357,8 +373,10 @@ DEPFILES = $(addprefix $(DEPENDDIR)/, $(DEPENDENCY_RELATIVE))
# Create subdirectories for dependencies
@mkdir -p $(@D)
# Include all dependencies
include $(wildcard $(DEPFILES))
include $(wildcard $(DEPFILES))
# .PHONY tells make that these targets aren't files
.PHONY: clean sdramCfg release debug all hardclean
.PHONY: clean sdramCfg release debug all hardclean

View File

@ -1,23 +1,39 @@
# <a id="top"></a> <a name="linux"></a> EIVE On-Board Software
## Linux
These steps were tested for Ubuntu 20.04.
If not done yet, install the full C++ build chain:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
## General information
* Xiphos Q7S
* Based on Zynq-7020 SoC (xc7z020clg484-2)
* Dual-core ARM Cortex-A9
* 766 MHz
* Artix-7 FPGA (85K pogrammable logic cells)
* Datasheet at
* Also a lot of informatin about the Q7S can be found on the xiphos trac platform:
* Linux OS
* Built with Yocto 2.5
* Linux Kernel
Linux has a limit to message queue message. Please see the section
to set up UNIX environment for more information.
Sometimes, special steps are necessary so the real-time functionalities can be used
without root privileges. Instructions are contained in the setup section
for UNIX as well.
## Setting up development environment
* Install Vivado 2018.2 and Xilinx SDK from
* For supported OS refer to
* Add path of linux cross-compiler to environment variables SDK\2018.2\gnu\aarch32\nt\gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi\bin
* Install make (only on windows, SDK on Linux can use the make installed with the SDK)
1. Install NodeJS LTS
2. Install xpm
npm install --global xpm
3. Install Windows build tools (after installation also linux commands like mkdir can be used from windows)
xpm install --global @xpack-dev-tools/windows-build-tools@latest
### Building the software
1. Clone the repository with
git clone
git clone
2. Update all the submodules
@ -27,15 +43,155 @@ git submodule sync
git submodule update
3. After that, the linux binary can be built with:
make -j all
to compile for Linux. All will build the debug version,
which can also be built with the target `debug`. The optimized
release version can be built with the target `release`.
4. Open Xilinx SDK 2018.2
5. Import project
* File &rarr; Import &rarr; C/C++ &rarr; Existing Code as Makefile Project
6. Set build command
* When on Linux right click project &rarr; Properties &rarr; C/C++ Build &rarr; Set build command to make -j
* -j causes the compiler to use all available cores
* On windows create a make target (Windows &rarr; Show View &rarr; Make Target)
* Right click eive_obsw &rarr; New
* Target name: all
* Uncheck "Same as the target name"
* Uncheck "Use builder settings"
* As build command type: <path to make>\make -j all WINDOWS=1
7. Run build command (double click the generated target)
4. Run the binary located inside the `_bin` folder.
### Debugging the software (when workstation is directly conncected to Q7S)
1. Assign static IP address to Q7S
* Open serial console of Q7S (Accessible via the micro-USB of the PIM, see also Q7S user maunal chapter 10.3)
* Baudrate 115200
* Login to Q7S:
* user: root
* pw: root
* Set IP address and netmask with
ifconfig eth0
ifconfig eth0 netmask
2. Connect Q7S to workstation via ethernet
3. Make sure the netmask of the ehternet interface of the workstation matches the netmask of the Q7S
* When IP address is set to and the netmask is, an example IP address for the workstation
4. Run tcf-agent on Q7S
* Tcf-agent is not yet integrated in the rootfs of the Q7S. Therefore build tcf-agent manually
git clone git://
cd org.eclipse.tcf.agent/agent
make CC=arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc LD=arm-linux-gnueabihf-ld MACHINE=arm NO_SSL=1 NO_UUID=1
* Transfer executable agent from org.eclipse.tcf.agent/agent/obj/GNU/Linux/arm/Debug to /tmp of Q7S
cd obj/GNU/Linux/arm/Debug
scp agent root@
* On Q7S
cd /tmp
chmod +x agent
* Run agent
5. In Xilinx SDK 2018.2 right click on project &rarr; Debug As &rarr; Debug Configurations
6. Right click Xilinx C/C++ applicaton (System Debugger) &rarr; New &rarr;
7. Set Debug Type to Linux Application Debug and Connectin to Linux Agent
8. Click New
9. Give connection a name
10. Set Host to static IP address of Q7S. e.g.
11. Test connection (This ensures the TCF Agent is running on the Q7S)
12. Select Application tab
* Project Name: eive_obsw
* Local File Path: Path to eiveobsw-linux.elf (in _bin\linux\devel)
* Remote File Path: /tmp/eive_obsw.elf
### Debugging the software via Flatsat PC
Open SSH connection to flatsat PC:
ssh eive@2001:7c0:2018:1099:babe:0:e1fe:f1a5
To access the console of the Q7S run the following:
sudo picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0
To debug an application, first make sure a static IP address is assigned to the Q7S. Run ifconfig on the Q7S serial console.
Set IP address and netmask with
ifconfig eth0
ifconfig eth0 netmask
To launch application from Xilinx SDK setup port fowarding on the localhost.
ssh -L 1534: eive@2001:7c0:2018:1099:babe:0:e1fe:f1a5
This forwards any requests to localhost:1534 to the port 1534 of the Q7S with the IP address
Note: When now setting up a debug session in the Xilinx SDK, the host must be set to localhost instead of the IP address
of the Q7S.
### Launching an application after boot
Load the root partiton from the flash memory (there are to nor-flash memories and each flash holds two xdi images).
Note: It is not possible to modify the current loaded root partition.
1. Disable write protection of the desired root partition
writeprotect 0 0 0 # unlocks nominal image on nor-flash 0
2. Mount the root partition
xsc_mount_copy 0 0 # Mounts the nominal image from nor-flash 0
3. Copy the executable to /bin/usr
4. Make sure the permissions to execute the application are set
chmod +x application
5. Create systemd service in /lib/systemd/system. The following shows an example service.
cat > example.service
Description=Example Service
6. Enable the service. This is normally done with systemctl enable. However, this is not possible when the service is
created for a mounted root partition. Therefore create a symlink as follows.
ln -s '/tmp/the-mounted-xdi-image/lib/systemd/system/example.service' '/tmp/the-mounted-xdi-image/etc/systemd/system/'
7. The modified root partition is written back when the partion is locked again.
writeprotect 0 0 1
8. Now verify the application start by booting from the modified image
xsc_boot_copy 0 0
9. After booting verify if the service is running
systemctl status example
More detailed information about the used q7s commands can be found in the Q7S user manual.
### Update file in rootfs
writeprotect 0 0 0 # qspi0 nom unlock (see also Q7S user manual)
### Setting up UNIX environment for real-time functionalities
Please note that on most UNIX environments (e.g. Ubuntu), the real time functionalities

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@ -9,8 +9,6 @@
#include <version.h>
#include <unistd.h>
* @brief This is the main program for the hosted build. It can be run for
* Linux and Windows.


@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 7ffce219d5f86df29fe3348cdeb703419ba32acd
Subproject commit ca34250e8d74cec8a75bed284bf0ec9252019b65

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@ -99,19 +99,12 @@ void ObjectFactory::produce(){
/* TMTC Reception via UDP socket */
new TmFunnel(objects::TM_FUNNEL);
#ifdef LINUX
new TmTcUnixUdpBridge(objects::UDP_BRIDGE,
objects::TM_STORE, objects::TC_STORE);
new TcUnixUdpPollingTask(objects::UDP_POLLING_TASK, objects::UDP_BRIDGE);
#elif WIN32
new TmTcWinUdpBridge(objects::UDP_BRIDGE,
new TcWinUdpPollingTask(objects::UDP_POLLING_TASK,
new TcUnixUdpPollingTask(objects::UDP_POLLING_TASK, objects::UDP_BRIDGE);
/* PUS stack */
new Service1TelecommandVerification(objects::PUS_SERVICE_1_VERIFICATION,