Update to v1.1.0 #29

muellerr merged 427 commits from develop into master 2021-04-25 12:43:23 +02:00
Showing only changes of commit c4e57ec818 - Show all commits

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@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ The CMake build system can be used to generate build systems as well (see helper
* Install settings. In the Devices selection, it is sufficient to pick SoC &rarr; Zynq-7000: <br>
<img src="./doc/img/xilinx-edition.png" width="40%"> <br>
<img src="./doc/img/vivado-hl-design.png" width="40%"> <br>
<img src="./doc/img/xilinx-install.png" width="40%"> <br>
<img src="./doc/img/vivado-edition.png" width="50%"> <br>
<img src="./doc/img/vivado-hl-design.png" width="50%"> <br>
<img src="./doc/img/xilinx-install.png" width="50%"> <br>
* For supported OS refer to https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx2018_2/ug973-vivado-release-notes-install-license.pdf
* Add path of linux cross-compiler to permanent environment variables (`.profile` file in Linux):