Update to v1.1.0 #29

muellerr merged 427 commits from develop into master 2021-04-25 12:43:23 +02:00
7 changed files with 3 additions and 320 deletions
Showing only changes of commit fb7abbc82b - Show all commits

View File

@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
#include <linux/csp/CspCookie.h>
#include <linux/csp/CspComIF.h>
#include <linux/i2c/I2cCookie.h>
#include <linux/i2c/I2cComIF.h>
#include <fsfw_hal/linux/i2c/I2cCookie.h>
#include <fsfw_hal/linux/i2c/I2cComIF.h>
#include <fsfw_hal/linux/gpio/LinuxLibgpioIF.h>
#include <fsfw_hal/common/gpio/GpioCookie.h>

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 8f3b0eccdb1cf9ac5863d3d6411e6ef6528b8005
Subproject commit 7a3190e5b6980ad2addc5e8a76d21994b542f0e0

View File

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
target_sources(${TARGET_NAME} PUBLIC

View File

@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
#include "I2cComIF.h"
#include <fsfw/serviceinterface/ServiceInterface.h>
#include <fsfw_hal/linux/utility.h>
#include <fsfw_hal/linux/UnixFileGuard.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <linux/i2c-dev.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <cstring>
I2cComIF::I2cComIF(object_id_t objectId): SystemObject(objectId){
I2cComIF::~I2cComIF() {}
ReturnValue_t I2cComIF::initializeInterface(CookieIF* cookie) {
address_t i2cAddress;
std::string deviceFile;
if(cookie == nullptr) {
sif::error << "I2cComIF::initializeInterface: Invalid cookie!" << std::endl;
I2cCookie* i2cCookie = dynamic_cast<I2cCookie*>(cookie);
if(i2cCookie == nullptr) {
sif::error << "I2cComIF::initializeInterface: Invalid I2C cookie!" << std::endl;
i2cAddress = i2cCookie->getAddress();
i2cDeviceMapIter = i2cDeviceMap.find(i2cAddress);
if(i2cDeviceMapIter == i2cDeviceMap.end()) {
size_t maxReplyLen = i2cCookie->getMaxReplyLen();
I2cInstance_t i2cInstance = {std::vector<uint8_t>(maxReplyLen), 0};
auto statusPair = i2cDeviceMap.emplace(i2cAddress, i2cInstance);
if (not statusPair.second) {
sif::error << "I2cComIF::initializeInterface: Failed to insert device with address " <<
i2cAddress << "to I2C device " << "map" << std::endl;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
sif::error << "I2cComIF::initializeInterface: Device with address " << i2cAddress <<
"already in use" << std::endl;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
ReturnValue_t I2cComIF::sendMessage(CookieIF *cookie,
const uint8_t *sendData, size_t sendLen) {
ReturnValue_t result;
int fd;
std::string deviceFile;
if(sendData == nullptr) {
sif::error << "I2cComIF::sendMessage: Send Data is nullptr"
<< std::endl;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
if(sendLen == 0) {
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
I2cCookie* i2cCookie = dynamic_cast<I2cCookie*>(cookie);
if(i2cCookie == nullptr) {
sif::error << "I2cComIF::sendMessage: Invalid I2C Cookie!" << std::endl;
address_t i2cAddress = i2cCookie->getAddress();
i2cDeviceMapIter = i2cDeviceMap.find(i2cAddress);
if (i2cDeviceMapIter == i2cDeviceMap.end()) {
sif::error << "I2cComIF::sendMessage: i2cAddress of Cookie not "
<< "registered in i2cDeviceMap" << std::endl;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
deviceFile = i2cCookie->getDeviceFile();
UnixFileGuard fileHelper(deviceFile, &fd, O_RDWR, "I2cComIF::sendMessage");
if(fileHelper.getOpenResult() != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) {
return fileHelper.getOpenResult();
result = openDevice(deviceFile, i2cAddress, &fd);
if (result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK){
return result;
if (write(fd, sendData, sendLen) != (int)sendLen) {
sif::error << "I2cComIF::sendMessage: Failed to send data to I2C "
"device with error code " << errno << ". Error description: "
<< strerror(errno) << std::endl;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
ReturnValue_t I2cComIF::getSendSuccess(CookieIF *cookie) {
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
ReturnValue_t I2cComIF::requestReceiveMessage(CookieIF *cookie,
size_t requestLen) {
ReturnValue_t result;
int fd;
std::string deviceFile;
if (requestLen == 0) {
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
I2cCookie* i2cCookie = dynamic_cast<I2cCookie*>(cookie);
if(i2cCookie == nullptr) {
sif::error << "I2cComIF::requestReceiveMessage: Invalid I2C Cookie!" << std::endl;
i2cDeviceMapIter->second.replyLen = 0;
address_t i2cAddress = i2cCookie->getAddress();
i2cDeviceMapIter = i2cDeviceMap.find(i2cAddress);
if (i2cDeviceMapIter == i2cDeviceMap.end()) {
sif::error << "I2cComIF::requestReceiveMessage: i2cAddress of Cookie not "
<< "registered in i2cDeviceMap" << std::endl;
i2cDeviceMapIter->second.replyLen = 0;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
deviceFile = i2cCookie->getDeviceFile();
UnixFileGuard fileHelper(deviceFile, &fd, O_RDWR, "I2cComIF::requestReceiveMessage");
if(fileHelper.getOpenResult() != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) {
return fileHelper.getOpenResult();
result = openDevice(deviceFile, i2cAddress, &fd);
if (result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK){
i2cDeviceMapIter->second.replyLen = 0;
return result;
uint8_t* replyBuffer = i2cDeviceMapIter->second.replyBuffer.data();
if (read(fd, replyBuffer, requestLen) != static_cast<int>(requestLen)) {
sif::error << "I2cComIF::requestReceiveMessage: Reading from I2C "
<< "device failed with error code " << errno <<". Description"
<< " of error: " << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
i2cDeviceMapIter->second.replyLen = 0;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
i2cDeviceMapIter->second.replyLen = requestLen;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
ReturnValue_t I2cComIF::readReceivedMessage(CookieIF *cookie,
uint8_t **buffer, size_t* size) {
I2cCookie* i2cCookie = dynamic_cast<I2cCookie*>(cookie);
if(i2cCookie == nullptr) {
sif::error << "I2cComIF::readReceivedMessage: Invalid I2C Cookie!" << std::endl;
address_t i2cAddress = i2cCookie->getAddress();
i2cDeviceMapIter = i2cDeviceMap.find(i2cAddress);
if (i2cDeviceMapIter == i2cDeviceMap.end()) {
sif::error << "I2cComIF::readReceivedMessage: i2cAddress of Cookie not "
<< "found in i2cDeviceMap" << std::endl;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
*buffer = i2cDeviceMapIter->second.replyBuffer.data();
*size = i2cDeviceMapIter->second.replyLen;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
ReturnValue_t I2cComIF::openDevice(std::string deviceFile,
address_t i2cAddress, int* fileDescriptor) {
if (ioctl(*fileDescriptor, I2C_SLAVE, i2cAddress) < 0) {
sif::warning << "I2cComIF: Specifying target device failed with error code " << errno << "."
<< std::endl;
sif::warning << "Error description " << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
sif::printWarning("I2cComIF: Specifying target device failed with error code %d.\n");
sif::printWarning("Error description: %s\n", strerror(errno));
#endif /* FSFW_CPP_OSTREAM_ENABLED == 1 */
#endif /* FSFW_VERBOSE_LEVEL >= 1 */
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;

View File

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
#ifndef LINUX_I2C_I2COMIF_H_
#define LINUX_I2C_I2COMIF_H_
#include "I2cCookie.h"
#include <fsfw/objectmanager/SystemObject.h>
#include <fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceCommunicationIF.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
* @brief This is the communication interface for i2c devices connected
* to a system running a linux OS.
* @author J. Meier
class I2cComIF: public DeviceCommunicationIF, public SystemObject {
I2cComIF(object_id_t objectId);
virtual ~I2cComIF();
ReturnValue_t initializeInterface(CookieIF * cookie) override;
ReturnValue_t sendMessage(CookieIF *cookie,const uint8_t *sendData,
size_t sendLen) override;
ReturnValue_t getSendSuccess(CookieIF *cookie) override;
ReturnValue_t requestReceiveMessage(CookieIF *cookie,
size_t requestLen) override;
ReturnValue_t readReceivedMessage(CookieIF *cookie, uint8_t **buffer,
size_t *size) override;
typedef struct I2cInstance {
std::vector<uint8_t> replyBuffer;
size_t replyLen;
} I2cInstance_t;
using I2cDeviceMap = std::unordered_map<address_t, I2cInstance_t>;
using I2cDeviceMapIter = I2cDeviceMap::iterator;
/* In this map all i2c devices will be registered with their address and
* the appropriate file descriptor will be stored */
I2cDeviceMap i2cDeviceMap;
I2cDeviceMapIter i2cDeviceMapIter;
* @brief This function opens an I2C device and binds the opened file
* to a specific I2C address.
* @param deviceFile The name of the device file. E.g. i2c-0
* @param i2cAddress The address of the i2c slave device.
* @param fileDescriptor Pointer to device descriptor.
* @return RETURN_OK if successful, otherwise RETURN_FAILED.
ReturnValue_t openDevice(std::string deviceFile,
address_t i2cAddress, int* fileDescriptor);
#endif /* LINUX_I2C_I2COMIF_H_ */

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
#include "I2cCookie.h"
I2cCookie::I2cCookie(address_t i2cAddress_, size_t maxReplyLen_,
std::string deviceFile_) :
i2cAddress(i2cAddress_), maxReplyLen(maxReplyLen_), deviceFile(deviceFile_) {
address_t I2cCookie::getAddress() const {
return i2cAddress;
size_t I2cCookie::getMaxReplyLen() const {
return maxReplyLen;
std::string I2cCookie::getDeviceFile() const {
return deviceFile;
I2cCookie::~I2cCookie() {}

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
#include <fsfw/devicehandlers/CookieIF.h>
#include <string>
* @brief Cookie for the i2cDeviceComIF.
* @author J. Meier
class I2cCookie: public CookieIF {
* @brief Constructor for the I2C cookie.
* @param i2cAddress_ The i2c address of the target device.
* @param maxReplyLen The maximum expected length of a reply from the
* target device.
I2cCookie(address_t i2cAddress_, size_t maxReplyLen_,
std::string deviceFile_);
virtual ~I2cCookie();
address_t getAddress() const;
size_t getMaxReplyLen() const;
std::string getDeviceFile() const;
address_t i2cAddress = 0;
size_t maxReplyLen = 0;
std::string deviceFile;
#endif /* LINUX_I2C_I2CCOOKIE_H_ */