WIP: PLOC MPSoC read file #624

muellerr wants to merge 58 commits from ploc_mpsoc_read_file into v2.1.0-dev
Showing only changes of commit b10275ca43 - Show all commits

@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ will consitute of a breaking change warranting a new major release:
submode (e.g. mode normal and submode dual side), it will transition back to the current mode,
which miht be `MODE_OFF`. Furthermore, this can lead to invalid internal states, so the subsequent
recovery handling becomes stuck in the custom recovery sequence when swichting power back on.
- The dual lane custom recovery handling was adapted to always perform proper power switch handling
irrespective of current or target modes.
# [v2.0.4] 2023-04-19