chonky #670

muellerr merged 278 commits from v3.0.0-dev into main 2023-06-11 14:25:21 +02:00
2 changed files with 9 additions and 3 deletions
Showing only changes of commit d400a71626 - Show all commits

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@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ will consitute of a breaking change warranting a new major release:
- Some smaller logic fixes in the TM store base class
- Fixed usage of C `abs` instead of C++ `std::abs`, which results in MTQ commands not being
scaled correctly between 1Am² and 0.2Am².
- Prevent spam of TCS controller heater unavailability event if all heaters are in external control.
# [v2.0.5] 2023-05-11

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@ -1631,14 +1631,19 @@ bool ThermalController::selectAndReadSensorTemp(HeaterContext& htrCtx) {
bool ThermalController::chooseHeater(heater::Switch& switchNr, heater::Switch redSwitchNr) {
bool heaterAvailable = true;
if (heaterHandler.getHealth(switchNr) != HasHealthIF::HEALTHY) {
if (heaterHandler.getHealth(redSwitchNr) == HasHealthIF::HEALTHY) {
HasHealthIF::HealthState mainHealth = heaterHandler.getHealth(switchNr);
HasHealthIF::HealthState redHealth = heaterHandler.getHealth(redSwitchNr);
if (mainHealth != HasHealthIF::HEALTHY) {
if (redHealth == HasHealthIF::HEALTHY) {
switchNr = redSwitchNr;
redSwitchNrInUse = true;
} else {
heaterAvailable = false;
// Special case: Ground might command/do something with the heaters, so prevent spam.
if (not(mainHealth == EXTERNAL_CONTROL and redHealth == EXTERNAL_CONTROL)) {
triggerEvent(tcsCtrl::NO_HEALTHY_HEATER_AVAILABLE, switchNr, redSwitchNr);
} else {
redSwitchNrInUse = false;